Upcoming Shards of Domination Set Bonus Buffs
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Hotfixes - July 30, 2021

Items and Rewards

  • Shards of Domination
    • [With weekly maintenance in each region] Blood Link – The damage and healing amount has been increased at all ranks by 20%.
    • [With weekly maintenance in each region] Winds of Winter – The amount of damage and healing stored by the Winds has been increased at all ranks by ~45%.
      • Developers’ note: The difference between the three Rune Words for the Shards of Domination system is bigger than we want it to be. We have identified and fixed a bug in Winds of Winter which was preventing some damaging and healing abilities from counting towards its total, and we have retuned Winds of Winter and Blood Link so that the relative power between Rune Word bonuses is more balanced.
  • Jotungeirr, Destiny’s Call will now reset its cooldown at the end of boss encounters.
  • Fixed an issue where Ticking Sack of Terror could trigger more than intended in the presence of multiple trinkets.

Spit Emote Removed on TBC Classic PTR
The /spit emote has been removed on the Burning Crusade Classic PTR. Players can no longer target others with the emote, however they can still spit on the ground.

It is speculated that this change is a result of people spamming /spit on players riding the Reawakened Phase-Hunter mount, the reward for purchasing the Burning Crusade Deluxe Edition.

Lead Game Designer Jeremy Feasel tweeted that he's having a look at cleaning up toxicity in the game, so this could be one of many changes to come.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Upcoming Shards of Domination Set Bonus Buffs, Spit Emote Removed on TBC Classic PTR started by Lumy View original post
Comments 563 Comments
  1. Biomega's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimin View Post
    There's no F** OFF big enough that would suffice for this sort of mentality. Treating all people as mentally addled they can't even tolerate a virtual spit emote in an old ass game like WoW.
    You guys are sick in the head and are projecting that on all us sane ones.
    So where do you draw the line then?

    What about racial slurs? Should people just "get over it" there, too? What about sexist language, or disparaging sexual orientation, or whatever else.

    There are no hard and fast rules here for what is and isn't okay. It's all a matter of negotiation. And now they want to negotiate a different kind of line.

    It's not a situation of "either everything goes, or everything is censored". Clearly there are distinctions made, and it's just about how and when we make them.
  1. Queen of Hamsters's Avatar
    The "superior Classic community" led to an emote's removal.

    I'm chuckling good over here.
    Good show, and clearly many WoW players seem to need tightening up on how they're allowed to interact with other human beings.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimin View Post
    Seek a psychiatrist. That's what you need, not the world to be covered in bubblewraps because your brain implodes upon being possibly slightly mildly offended by something in a game.
    You didn't answer the question but instead decided to insult. How is it sane to defend harassment of others? Why are you so offended by it being removed if sane people don't get offended over something so small?
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IKT View Post
    So you are upset about the lines because you're wishing they would do something about them. It's ok, I'm sure they will soon enough and everything can become Disneyfied.
    Jesus tap dancing fucking Christ. Don't put words in my mouth. Did you just NOT read my response? I said I personally don't care about the flirt lines. I'm just surprised they got rid of a harmless emote instead of super sexual flirt lines.
  1. ThatsOurEric's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Voidwielder View Post
    I was the black sheep on my realm for weeks because I ninja'd Hourglass in TBC 14 years ago.
    Oh well sounds like you absolutely deserved it considering how shitty ninjaing something is.
  1. Engal's Avatar
    I only use /spit on the Mistcaller boss in Tirna scithe tbh.
  1. Nimin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    You didn't answer the question but instead decided to insult. How is it sane to defend harassment of others? Why are you so offended by it being removed if sane people don't get offended over something so small?
    This post is harassing me.
    Now I want it removed.

    See the problem? I bet not.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimin View Post
    This post is harassing me. Now I want it removed. See the problem? I bet not.
    That isn't close to the same reasoning for why /spit is theorized to be removed. People were encouraged to repeatedly /spit on anyone who has a specific mount by a streamer. Weak auras were created to automatically do it every time a person on the mount was targeted. That is 100% different then saying a post that disagrees with you is harassment simply because it disagrees with you.

    The people that are throwing a fit and can't handle things are those who are making a big deal about it being removed. Its an emote in a video game. Will people still harass others? Sure. Is it a big deal /spit is removed even for those who were not harassing others? Nope. It is a non issue either way. Blizzard taking a step to potentially combat harassment is a good thing. Defending those doing that harassment is a bad thing.
  1. Nimin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    That isn't close to the same reasoning for why /spit is theorized to be removed. People were encouraged to repeatedly /spit on anyone who has a specific mount by a streamer. Weak auras were created to automatically do it every time a person on the mount was targeted. That is 100% different then saying a post that disagrees with you is harassment simply because it disagrees with you.

    The people that are throwing a fit and can't handle things are those who are making a big deal about it being removed. Its an emote in a video game. Will people still harass others? Sure. Is it a big deal /spit is removed even for those who were not harassing others? Nope. It is a non issue either way. Blizzard taking a step to potentially combat harassment is a good thing. Defending those doing that harassment is a bad thing.
    More harassment. Now my mental wellbeing is getting harmed. Please remove, thanks.
    Surely you're not gonna stand for harassment right?
  1. Soon-TM's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimin View Post
    This post is harassing me.
    Now I want it removed.

    See the problem? I bet not.
    Fortunately mods don't agree with you, so you'll have to "man it up", like your kind likes to say. However, if it was a post with death threats, sexual harassment, racist slurs, homophobia, etc. it would be an entirely different story.

    Because ultimately it isn't you who decides what is harassing and what isn't, but the society as a whole. A society in which your kind is fortunately losing ground with each passing day. As you might say, life is tough, isn't it?
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimin View Post
    More harassment. Now my mental wellbeing is getting harmed. Please remove, thanks.
    Surely you're not gonna stand for harassment right?
    But wouldn't you equally be harassing me and you should remove your posts and stop? See. That is the problem. You don't care about sane, fair, or even harassment. You just want to further hate for the sake of it.
  1. Mynarjr's Avatar
    All you have to do is create a custom emote. /em spits on %T and it bypasses it.
  1. Nimin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Soon-TM View Post
    Fortunately mods don't agree with you, so you'll have to "man it up", like your kind likes to say. However, if it was a post with death threats, sexual harassment, racist slurs, homophobia, etc. it would be an entirely different story.

    Because ultimately it isn't you who decides what is harassing and what isn't, but the society as a whole. A society in which your kind is fortunately losing ground with each passing day. As you might say, life is tough, isn't it?
    And now /spit is equated with death threats and racist slurs.

    You guys know no rock bottom, it's an endless digging down into idiocy.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimin View Post
    And now /spit is equated with death threats and racist slurs.
    They were referring to the posts made that you wanted removed and not the spit emote. Lol.
  1. Nimin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    But wouldn't you equally be harassing me and you should remove your posts and stop? See. That is the problem. You don't care about sane, fair, or even harassment. You just want to further hate for the sake of it.
    You're furthering hate. And mental instability. Any expert in the field would tell you that when someone is "mentally harmed" by something abject removal of the threat from their lives only makes them more sensible and exhacerbates the damage if/when exposed to it again. All you're doing is making them more vulnerable.
    Removing /spit for everyone, including those using it correctly and innocently, is indefensible.

    Covering the world in bubblewraps doesn't help anyone, it only makes a suckier world for all.

    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimin View Post
    Covering the world in bubblewraps doesn't help anyone, it only makes a suckier world for all.
    Putting a quick stop to harassment by just removing the emote is not covering the world in bubble wrap. It also allows Blizzard to easily take action based on intent if people continue it with a new emote. The only ones hurt by this change are the ones that are doing the harassment.

    What is funny about using the word they properly?
  1. Nimin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Putting a quick stop to harassment by just removing the emote is not covering the world in bubble wrap. It also allows Blizzard to easily take action based on intent if people continue it with a new emote. The only ones hurt by this change are the ones that are doing the harassment.
    The fact you believe this tells how incredibly simple minded you are. Censorship harms everyone, you included.

    All I can say is: /spit.
  1. Cazze's Avatar
    Interesting that they removed it from tbc but not from retail. Could that mean tbc is more toxic than retail? I cant imagine as retail is already toxic enought.
  1. panda040's Avatar
    Sure why your at it make the world so locked down that we are no longer humans. the ignore feature already exists and is an answer for harassing behaviour
  1. vincink's Avatar
    The acid of political correctness and the victim mentality continue to erode this game. It's been going on a long time but now it's amplified by the kind of culture we now live in.

    So much for preserving a previous iteration of the game, one that many people cherish.

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