Upcoming Shards of Domination Set Bonus Buffs
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Hotfixes - July 30, 2021

Items and Rewards

  • Shards of Domination
    • [With weekly maintenance in each region] Blood Link – The damage and healing amount has been increased at all ranks by 20%.
    • [With weekly maintenance in each region] Winds of Winter – The amount of damage and healing stored by the Winds has been increased at all ranks by ~45%.
      • Developers’ note: The difference between the three Rune Words for the Shards of Domination system is bigger than we want it to be. We have identified and fixed a bug in Winds of Winter which was preventing some damaging and healing abilities from counting towards its total, and we have retuned Winds of Winter and Blood Link so that the relative power between Rune Word bonuses is more balanced.
  • Jotungeirr, Destiny’s Call will now reset its cooldown at the end of boss encounters.
  • Fixed an issue where Ticking Sack of Terror could trigger more than intended in the presence of multiple trinkets.

Spit Emote Removed on TBC Classic PTR
The /spit emote has been removed on the Burning Crusade Classic PTR. Players can no longer target others with the emote, however they can still spit on the ground.

It is speculated that this change is a result of people spamming /spit on players riding the Reawakened Phase-Hunter mount, the reward for purchasing the Burning Crusade Deluxe Edition.

Lead Game Designer Jeremy Feasel tweeted that he's having a look at cleaning up toxicity in the game, so this could be one of many changes to come.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Upcoming Shards of Domination Set Bonus Buffs, Spit Emote Removed on TBC Classic PTR started by Lumy View original post
Comments 563 Comments
  1. Soon-TM's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimin View Post
    And now /spit is equated with death threats and racist slurs.

    You guys know no rock bottom, it's an endless digging down into idiocy.
    It is you who's doing the equivalence, but as usual with right wingers, the limit of your self awareness approaches rapidly to zero. Btw, I love seeing all these big, tough macho men alt righters QQ about harassment. Please go on
  1. Newname1234567890's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by bledgor View Post
    Same thing with people quitting wow for "moral" reasons as they use iphones and buy shit from amazon while playing riot games. A LOT of companies are fucking shit holes. All virtue signaling.
    In a shocking twist of events. Sometimes people can feel strongly about some issues over issues, regardless of harm.

    Jesus Christ, if people don't want to give Blizzard money anymore, it's not virtue signalling. Even if they continue to do business with other conpantthat also do bad stuff.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimin View Post
    The fact you believe this tells how incredibly simple minded you are. Censorship harms everyone, you included. All I can say is: /spit.
    Trying to put a stop to harassment and troublesome behavior is not censorship. Removing a spit emote is a negligible amount of censorship that is dwarfed by the good of stopping toxic behavior.
  1. Newname1234567890's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimin View Post
    The fact you believe this tells how incredibly simple minded you are. Censorship harms everyone, you included.

    All I can say is: /spit.
    .....that's just not what censorship is.
  1. Cosmic Janitor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Cazze View Post
    Interesting that they removed it from tbc but not from retail. Could that mean tbc is more toxic than retail? I cant imagine as retail is already toxic enought.
    It's most likely because of the speculation that it's because Asmon made it a thing to spit on on people with shop stuff. So the issue is most concentrated there. It would make sense to remove it from retail as well though, as this has never once been used in any decent way. It pretty much exists just to insult people by macro-ing it into your every move.
  1. User517849's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    So spitting on players is the solution? Lol. If you are really that betrayed by Blizzard over their decisions stop playing. Being toxic towards other players is just showing that you want to rage at anyone you can rather then do the one thing that will really show Blizzard.
    They didn't change Classic Era, though? They only changed TBCC.
  1. Shoggoth's Avatar
    Pathetic. That's just pathetic.
  1. Aggressive's Avatar
    I will never understand political bastards trying to implement politics and video games and make them one.


    Stop with the whole bullshit of right wingers and lefty shit. No one gives a damn about stupid ass Trump or Biden.

    Neither one is in Azeroth or Eorzea.
  1. bledgor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by WonderZebra View Post
    In a shocking twist of events. Sometimes people can feel strongly about some issues over issues, regardless of harm.

    Jesus Christ, if people don't want to give Blizzard money anymore, it's not virtue signalling. Even if they continue to do business with other conpantthat also do bad stuff.
    Sure, but these twitch idiots that pretend to care while playing riot and amazons games are completely full of shit. Feeling strongly over this issue vs the same horrible shit that those two companies do is not because they care, its because it will make them money.
  1. Demontjuh's Avatar
    make a /emote macro and keep doing it
  1. Voidwielder's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Soon-TM View Post
    Fortunately mods don't agree with you, so you'll have to "man it up", like your kind likes to say. However, if it was a post with death threats, sexual harassment, racist slurs, homophobia, etc. it would be an entirely different story.

    Because ultimately it isn't you who decides what is harassing and what isn't, but the society as a whole. A society in which your kind is fortunately losing ground with each passing day. As you might say, life is tough, isn't it?
    This isn't Twitter where posturing like that matters. And in this case it isn't society that's deciding /spit should be removed. But a company which allows actual harassment to go unpunished (racial slurs, etnic slurs and so on, all of which are present and could be easily solved by Blizzard - they haven't and won't).

    /spit is not harassment. It's annoyance. By the way, why only TBC? And not retail?
    Riiight, they want to protect their milking goats.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Haidaes View Post
    It's most likely because of the speculation that it's because Asmon made it a thing to spit on on people with shop stuff. So the issue is most concentrated there. It would make sense to remove it from retail as well though, as this has never once been used in any decent way. It pretty much exists just to insult people by macro-ing it into your every move.
    Insulting someone is not the same as harassing someone and people do not spam it and it isn't as prevalent as you imagine it to be.
  1. Xires's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Because the parameters are different. You're not ACTUALLY killing anyone - they come back to life immediately, no harm done. But the emotional damage done by toxic behaviors has real and lasting consequences. Characters dying in-game does not.

    This isn't about what's being done to CHARACTERS, it's about what's being done to PLAYERS.
    I mean....wow...just wow. To think that their are actually people out there that can't handle someone doing /spit to them. What kind of people are being churned out in the world today that they are so soft and fragile?
  1. Xires's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by bledgor View Post
    I like how people are complaining about spit being gone, but not the toxic/bullying behavior that people were using it towards. You ever wonder were the negative behavior of blizzard came from? It didn't manifest out of the blue, its endemic of the video game community at large. How many games have "cancerous" communities? A lot, think a lot of us need to look in the mirror and realize there's a lot of work that needs to be done on the home front before we start throwing rocks.
    I love how all of the SS supporters are coming out to police people's behavior so diligently. You are never going to get this "perfect utopia" of everybody being NICE to everybody. Personally. I don't want to be in a world where you have to be nice to people that want to police every aspect of your behavior to fit their feelings. And neither do most sane people. Because we know what overreach that is going to give to corporations and government. Oh, wait....
  1. mst3kfan's Avatar
    Posting anything referring to Asmongold is worse than being /spit on in game. Every video he makes is a giant loogie in every person's face that has is "content" show up as recommended.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Voidwielder View Post
    This isn't Twitter where posturing like that matters. And in this case it isn't society that's deciding /spit should be removed. But a company which allows actual harassment to go unpunished (racial slurs, etnic slurs and so on, all of which are present and could be easily solved by Blizzard - they haven't and won't).

    /spit is not harassment. It's annoyance. By the way, why only TBC? And not retail?
    Riiight, they want to protect their milking goats.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Insulting someone is not the same as harassing someone and people do not spam it and it isn't as prevalent as you imagine it to be.
    Asmongold has definitely encouraged people to /spit on anyone that has the TBCC shop mount. It's not super prevalent but you're probably correct in saying it was done because whales were whining loud enough.
  1. Voidwielder's Avatar
    Read the last few pages and I'm amazed how some people managed to contrive an annoyance in to harassment akin to slurs or violation of personal space/bodily autonomy.

    Clowns and sycophants.
  1. Biomega's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xires View Post
    I mean....wow...just wow. To think that their are actually people out there that can't handle someone doing /spit to them. What kind of people are being churned out in the world today that they are so soft and fragile?
    Imagine for a second there are people who aren't you. Now imagine someone who got a mount they enjoyed out of the shop, riding around on it because they think it looks cool and makes them happy. And now imagine that every time they're in a city or other populated area, people SPAM /spit on them, some even automatically with the aid of a WA. For days on end. All. The. Time.

    This has nothing to do with "omg someone used /spit on me NOW I AM SO TRIGGURRRD AAAAH!" or whatever other scenario people like to conjure up. It's being removed because it's proven itself to have become a problem, being codified as an in-game standard for direct and insistent disrespect. That's how communication works. Words and gestures take on new meanings, and depending on what the underlying social dynamics are, those may or may not become problematic to the point of intervention. Very rarely does this relate to the literal or original meaning - to suggest so is incredibly reductionist and myopic, and ignorant of the way actual social communication works.
  1. Voidwielder's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Imagine for a second there are people who aren't you. Now imagine someone who got a mount they enjoyed out of the shop, riding around on it because they think it looks cool and makes them happy. And now imagine that every time they're in a city or other populated area, people SPAM /spit on them, some even automatically with the aid of a WA. For days on end. All. The. Time.
    Cool story bro.

    Unfortunately, this does not happen.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Imagine for a second there are people who aren't you. Now imagine someone who got a mount they enjoyed out of the shop, riding around on it because they think it looks cool and makes them happy. And now imagine that every time they're in a city or other populated area, people SPAM /spit on them, some even automatically with the aid of a WA. For days on end. All. The. Time.

    This has nothing to do with "omg someone used /spit on me NOW I AM SO TRIGGURRRD AAAAH!" or whatever other scenario people like to conjure up. It's being removed because it's proven itself to have become a problem, being codified as an in-game standard for direct and insistent disrespect. That's how communication works. Words and gestures take on new meanings, and depending on what the underlying social dynamics are, those may or may not become problematic to the point of intervention. Very rarely does this relate to the literal or original meaning - to suggest so is incredibly reductionist and myopic, and ignorant of the way actual social communication works.
    There's a lot of people that think harassment is only physical and don't think that incessant insults and other social commentary can ever be harassment. Because they have the mentality of "just ignore it and stop being a baby".
  1. Biomega's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Voidwielder View Post
    Cool story bro.

    Unfortunately, this does not happen.
    Very cool story bro.

    Unfortunately it does.

    There's a reason they singled out /spit, and things like the WA I mentioned are part of it.

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