Upcoming Shards of Domination Set Bonus Buffs
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Hotfixes - July 30, 2021

Items and Rewards

  • Shards of Domination
    • [With weekly maintenance in each region] Blood Link – The damage and healing amount has been increased at all ranks by 20%.
    • [With weekly maintenance in each region] Winds of Winter – The amount of damage and healing stored by the Winds has been increased at all ranks by ~45%.
      • Developers’ note: The difference between the three Rune Words for the Shards of Domination system is bigger than we want it to be. We have identified and fixed a bug in Winds of Winter which was preventing some damaging and healing abilities from counting towards its total, and we have retuned Winds of Winter and Blood Link so that the relative power between Rune Word bonuses is more balanced.
  • Jotungeirr, Destiny’s Call will now reset its cooldown at the end of boss encounters.
  • Fixed an issue where Ticking Sack of Terror could trigger more than intended in the presence of multiple trinkets.

Spit Emote Removed on TBC Classic PTR
The /spit emote has been removed on the Burning Crusade Classic PTR. Players can no longer target others with the emote, however they can still spit on the ground.

It is speculated that this change is a result of people spamming /spit on players riding the Reawakened Phase-Hunter mount, the reward for purchasing the Burning Crusade Deluxe Edition.

Lead Game Designer Jeremy Feasel tweeted that he's having a look at cleaning up toxicity in the game, so this could be one of many changes to come.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Upcoming Shards of Domination Set Bonus Buffs, Spit Emote Removed on TBC Classic PTR started by Lumy View original post
Comments 563 Comments
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Voidwielder View Post
    Cool story bro.

    Unfortunately, this does not happen.

    Never happened huh?
  1. Alteiry's Avatar
    What's spitting on players with warp stalker mounts supposed to achieve? It doesn't hurt Blizzard, and it doesn't stop sales of warp stalker mounts. All it does is to ruin some random person's day.
  1. Soon-TM's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Voidwielder View Post
    And in this case it isn't society that's deciding /spit should be removed.
    Of course (and fortunately) it isn't. And of course Blizzard removing /spit is a 100% hypocritical move, but as someone said "hypocrisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue". It will probably have no effect whatsoever, other than triggering a few alt righters on the interwebz - which I'm all for. Those guys are so entertaining at times
  1. Schmeebs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Alteiry View Post
    What's spitting on players with warp stalker mounts supposed to achieve? It doesn't hurt Blizzard, and it doesn't stop sales of warp stalker mounts. All it does is to ruin some random person's day.
    It doesnt, its just another stick of proof that asmongold is just a toxic shitbag that brings nothing but cancer to any community he is a part of.
  1. Voidwielder's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    The kind of mass /spit that the quoted person described.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Voidwielder View Post
    The kind of mass /spit that the quoted person described.
    Asmongold has literally encouraged people to use /spit on anyone using store mounts. And since his fanbase is as toxic as he is in WoW, they absolutely do without question.
  1. Voidwielder's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Very cool story bro.

    Unfortunately it does.

    There's a reason they singled out /spit, and things like the WA I mentioned are part of it.
    Reason is the whales started complaining and bean counters freaked out. That's the only target audience they care about. I've seen it twice. Two times. While having playing on average 3-4 hours every day, more on off days.

    What I do see is people laughing at obvious boosters in HFR XP run groups. As they should. What are they going to do about that? Remove all chat functionality? Might as well at this point.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    Asmongold has literally encouraged people to use /spit on anyone using store mounts. And since his fanbase is as toxic as he is in WoW, they absolutely do without question.
    He and his fan base are not representative. Once again, you are moving goal posts. I quoted a specific example, very specific and said it does not happen. It does not.
  1. Mrbleedinggums's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    Asmongold has literally encouraged people to use /spit on anyone using store mounts. And since his fanbase is as toxic as he is in WoW, they absolutely do without question.
    careful, you'll incite all his followers to rage on you for telling the truth.
  1. catalystical's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Voidwielder View Post
    Reason is the whales started complaining and bean counters freaked out. That's the only target audience they care about. I've seen it twice. Two times. While having playing on average 3-4 hours every day, more on off days.

    What I do see is people laughing at obvious boosters in HFR XP run groups. As they should. What are they going to do about that? Remove all chat functionality? Might as well at this point.

    - - - Updated - - -

    He and his fan base are not representative. Once again, you are moving goal posts. I quoted a specific example, very specific and said it does not happen. It does not.
    Boosting in trade chat is fine. Not in general nor LFG and there should be policing in those two areas. If you see any one that irritates you or makes you want to laugh at one, then as said, there should be policing, and if any gets through, just /ignore.

    Asmon and his followers are a problem. /spit is also a problem. The only time it's used in a positive sense is when you need lubrication.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Voidwielder View Post
    Reason is the whales started complaining and bean counters freaked out. That's the only target audience they care about. I've seen it twice. Two times. While having playing on average 3-4 hours every day, more on off days.

    What I do see is people laughing at obvious boosters in HFR XP run groups. As they should. What are they going to do about that? Remove all chat functionality? Might as well at this point.

    - - - Updated - - -

    He and his fan base are not representative. Once again, you are moving goal posts. I quoted a specific example, very specific and said it does not happen. It does not.
    Except considering the size of his fanbase, you calling that example false is nothing but you refusing to actually acknowledge that it's happening. I'm not moving the goalposts just because you refuse to accept a point other than your own. The whales got mad that people were shaming them for being Blizzard shills so blizzard bowed to their whims.
  1. Locruid's Avatar
    If you get triggered over an emote from a make believe character in a make believe game then maybe you should go bug a tree
  1. jediknight12's Avatar
    They should remove guns from game because all the gun violence and remove the word dead from nameplates because killing is bad.
  1. craigw's Avatar
    i farted and it produced some extreme heat as it left my ass. had a slight grapefruit aroma.
  1. Nimin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Imagine for a second there are people who aren't you. Now imagine someone who got a mount they enjoyed out of the shop, riding around on it because they think it looks cool and makes them happy. And now imagine that every time they're in a city or other populated area, people SPAM /spit on them, some even automatically with the aid of a WA. For days on end. All. The. Time.
    I'd tell that person to get a fucking grip and ignore them, not mollycoddle his insecurities. It reminds me of Back to the Future when Marty kept reacting to people calling him a coward and then by the end of the trilogy finally wisened up that words are just words and assholes are to be ignored, not validated. A simple, yet great message about growing up.

    If it was for you guys you'd ban the word "coward" from the dictionary. /spit
  1. cateran100's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Imagine for a second there are people who aren't you. Now imagine someone who got a mount they enjoyed out of the shop, riding around on it because they think it looks cool and makes them happy. And now imagine that every time they're in a city or other populated area, people SPAM /spit on them, some even automatically with the aid of a WA. For days on end. All. The. Time.

    This has nothing to do with "omg someone used /spit on me NOW I AM SO TRIGGURRRD AAAAH!" or whatever other scenario people like to conjure up. It's being removed because it's proven itself to have become a problem, being codified as an in-game standard for direct and insistent disrespect. That's how communication works. Words and gestures take on new meanings, and depending on what the underlying social dynamics are, those may or may not become problematic to the point of intervention. Very rarely does this relate to the literal or original meaning - to suggest so is incredibly reductionist and myopic, and ignorant of the way actual social communication works.
    Yes, sounds legit wherever he goes EVERYBODY using wekaura and spitting on him...what-so-ever....and ofc all the time because the whole wow community have weakaura and spit spam in ready and fire mode....
  1. Nimin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by vincink View Post
    The acid of political correctness and the victim mentality continue to erode this game. It's been going on a long time but now it's amplified by the kind of culture we now live in.
    So much for preserving a previous iteration of the game, one that many people cherish.
    Pretty much this. What sad times when the "freedom not to be offended" trumps the freedom to speak.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimin View Post
    Pretty much this. What sad times when the "freedom not to be offended" trumps the freedom to speak.
    Freedom of speech does not grant you freedom from consequences. You wanna say some super toxic crap? Sure. But to expect absolutely no negative kickback is just asinine. Freedom of speech does equate to freedom to be an asshole.
  1. Val the Moofia Boss's Avatar
    Sad. Guess people will have to make do with RP macros that go "/e spits at <target>!"

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Xires View Post
    I mean....wow...just wow. To think that their are actually people out there that can't handle someone doing /spit to them. What kind of people are being churned out in the world today that they are so soft and fragile?
    This phenomena of fragility is truly a sad sight.
  1. Nimin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    Freedom of speech does not grant you freedom from consequences. You wanna say some super toxic crap? Sure. But to expect absolutely no negative kickback is just asinine. Freedom of speech does equate to freedom to be an asshole.
    Aaah yes, the most classic of the pro-censorship rethorics to normalize it.

    Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences(but we're never gonna define exactly what we mean by consequences so when you get ostracized, canceled, banned, doxxed, death threated, fired and all your business leeways destroyed we can just shrug saying you deserved it for saying a mere word or opinion our party didn't like)

    What, you don't want that? Then don't be super toxic(and by that it means never say something we disalign with or defend your position too strongly for our tastes again since this is another term left intentionally vague so it can cover literally anything we don't like).

    This doesn't even deserve a spit, it's less than that.
  1. Biomega's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nimin View Post
    I'd tell that person to get a fucking grip and ignore them, not mollycoddle his insecurities. It reminds me of Back to the Future when Marty kept reacting to people calling him a coward and then by the end of the trilogy finally wisened up that words are just words and assholes are to be ignored, not validated. A simple, yet great message about growing up.

    If it was for you guys you'd ban the word "coward" from the dictionary. /spit
    The problem with this argument is that it would similarly mean that ANY offensive word or slur now becomes okay to say. Yet I doubt that most people who put this argument forward would in fact support people throwing slurs left and right, with no moderation whatsoever. It seems they intuitively understand that there is a line SOMEWHERE, but give little thought to where that line is drawn, or why, or how, exactly.

    Because this is what all this is about: drawing a new line somewhere. Why is it that people would agree it's okay to ban e.g. the n-word, yet somehow they are all about free expression when it comes to /spit or whatever. There are mechanisms at play there that need to be examined, it can't just be hand-waved away with "get over it" because that's not how this works.

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