Upcoming Shards of Domination Set Bonus Buffs
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Hotfixes - July 30, 2021

Items and Rewards

  • Shards of Domination
    • [With weekly maintenance in each region] Blood Link – The damage and healing amount has been increased at all ranks by 20%.
    • [With weekly maintenance in each region] Winds of Winter – The amount of damage and healing stored by the Winds has been increased at all ranks by ~45%.
      • Developers’ note: The difference between the three Rune Words for the Shards of Domination system is bigger than we want it to be. We have identified and fixed a bug in Winds of Winter which was preventing some damaging and healing abilities from counting towards its total, and we have retuned Winds of Winter and Blood Link so that the relative power between Rune Word bonuses is more balanced.
  • Jotungeirr, Destiny’s Call will now reset its cooldown at the end of boss encounters.
  • Fixed an issue where Ticking Sack of Terror could trigger more than intended in the presence of multiple trinkets.

Spit Emote Removed on TBC Classic PTR
The /spit emote has been removed on the Burning Crusade Classic PTR. Players can no longer target others with the emote, however they can still spit on the ground.

It is speculated that this change is a result of people spamming /spit on players riding the Reawakened Phase-Hunter mount, the reward for purchasing the Burning Crusade Deluxe Edition.

Lead Game Designer Jeremy Feasel tweeted that he's having a look at cleaning up toxicity in the game, so this could be one of many changes to come.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Upcoming Shards of Domination Set Bonus Buffs, Spit Emote Removed on TBC Classic PTR started by Lumy View original post
Comments 563 Comments
  1. Mightytasty's Avatar
    Blizzard is suddenly focused on curbing certain player behaviors, yet completely ignores boosters in LFG rotting away the integrity of the game.
  1. Arrowset's Avatar
    Ok, now let's see Blizzard stop me from physically spitting on my monitor instead. (j/k)
  1. IKT's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    Considering people only post meters in chat without being asked in order to shame the fuck out of people, that'd be a welcome change.
    You really are a snowflake hey?
  1. Cosmic Janitor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Somarlane View Post
    I am genuinely curious if you have the same opinion about the /rude emote. /spit is certainly more visceral of the two, but if the game is losing the rude aspect of /spit... does it not follow that one should remove the actual /rude? We all know that "rude gesture" is the middle-finger. The you're-number-one. The flipping of birdies.
    Spitting on someone usually has the connotation of dehumanizing them. You go to a bar and try giving some people the middle finger and then go to another and try spitting on them. I can promise you your stay in hospital will be considerably longer after your second time.

    The emote was never more than an expression of impotent rage for the most part, as it was pretty much the worst the emote repertoire had to offer. It's infamous for a reason.
  1. Dald's Avatar
    Lol such a slippery slope. But it's already too late. Soon /lol will be gone, soon most emotes will be gone--instead of just turning off emotes per account. Next they'll remove DPS meters so bad dps don't get their fe-fes hurt by reality.
  1. MrPaladinGuy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    Considering people only post meters in chat without being asked in order to shame the fuck out of people, that'd be a welcome change.
    You can link it to show your dps without shaming others.
  1. Icelin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dald View Post
    Lol such a slippery slope. But it's already too late. Soon /lol will be gone, soon most emotes will be gone--instead of just turning off emotes per account. Next they'll remove DPS meters so bad dps don't get their fe-fes hurt by reality.
    The rumor I heard about them getting rid of the spit emote was because it discouraged players from purchasing the store mount in TBCC. (I didn't play TBCC) This makes sense to me. As it is a business and at the core apparently they don't have real morals. Just care about the cash.

    Now what I can't understand for the life of me.. is I been asking for years about dresses, all different types and how they could implement them to boost the economy. (Gold) BOE's in particular. (FF14 exceeds at this. A lot of different options.) So why is the discrimination there? Yet they will remove emotes? I hope they don't tamper with anything else ingame honestly.

    The reality is we need to get normal armors back first and foremost. Class sets/Tier sets. (I told them they had time to implement some of those Maw armors everyone enjoyed into the current raid... it never happened..) Which the company reassured this was going to happen..yet I haven't seen it yet. Acknowledgement of how influential/notable/iconic some Tier armors actually are (design) and still haven't addressed this ..?

    I would just like some more options along with this. More variety of dresses as I have been asking for many years. Which actually use to be a thing in this game too..

    Edit: In fact they can be so impactful not only people duplicate them with statutes, cosplays etc. But you can have people like me.. that purchase clothing of these designs someone created. I am personally not the biggest DK fan, but I couldn't resist how amazing the Tier 21 for DKs was. It hit someone else and they said hey this deserves to be on a shirt. I was like, you bet your booties it does and bought it. I love wearing it. Or the Tier 5 warlock dress. (Even though again, I am not the biggest fan of that particular class) But yet they are in the business of making money..? Add more, remove less. Add more options too, stop discriminating.
  1. lurre's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Because the parameters are different. You're not ACTUALLY killing anyone - they come back to life immediately, no harm done. But the emotional damage done by toxic behaviors has real and lasting consequences. Characters dying in-game does not.

    This isn't about what's being done to CHARACTERS, it's about what's being done to PLAYERS.
    If you get emotional damage by /spit in a game, you sure as hell will be emotional damage by geting killed in this game....
  1. chiddie's Avatar
    Toxicity is game driven. It’s not emotes, it’s gameplay.

    Retail side as long as gear will be locked around timers nothing will change.
  1. Jshadowhunter's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by lurre View Post
    If you get emotional damage by /spit in a game, you sure as hell will be emotional damage by geting killed in this game....
    A bunch of namby pamby wussy squirts whining about everything. These human creatures, including the ones that are now working on Blizzard games are so thin-skinned they could cut themselves on a spoon.
  1. PingPong's Avatar
    is it still wow if the Toxicity is gone?,get rid of all the WTS in lfg also it does the game no good
  1. Kwaizar's Avatar
    pathetic - why do companies feel they need to prop up and help the namby pamby snowflake types ? if they get offended by a /spit or /lol then there is NO help for those type of people,
  1. scubi666stacy's Avatar
    OMG all the poor babies crying about the removal of /spit. Pathetic. If that emote is so important to you, then just quit the game. It will be better without you. Probably, the whole society would be better when people of such ilk are removed from it.

    See, you can play this game both ways.
  1. Lionhearte0's Avatar
    What's stopping people from just /spitting on the ground NEAR a person that's on the mount? I mean, it won't say "spits on X" but the context will still be there. Is Blizzard just going to remove all the meanie poo-poo bad emotes eventually?
  1. Bishee's Avatar
    I don't understand. They remove spitting but there is mostly killing in the game and its ok. what is more...
  1. BrintoSFJ's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by crusadernero View Post
    So players that buy and play games from Blizzard are responsible for the inside culture of said company? By buying wow and subbing, these players are saying its cool whats going on a blizzard? Gimme a break. No one else besides Blizzard can fix the horrendous and total shite company culture they have. No one else but them can fix it. If suddenly everyone stopped using money on Blizzard games, these very same people would just move on to other projects and be complete dickwads. In general, this is not only a Blizzard product. This is something that the gaming world struggle with everywhere.

    Also - gaming culture is often, by large, a toxic shitfest. Especially when you have a broad view on it. Most people play and interact with friends, a guild/clan or the community they are active in. Everything outside of that is considered useless and people change behaviour when outside said friendcircle, guild, clan or close community. By large, gaming is often enough toxic as hell.
    No, paid customers are not the problem, as I have said, the problem is the people like you who constantly support the shitfuckery of game companies and game developers. And you are still doing it.

    And gaming has been "toxic" for a long time. It is the reason why I detested game until I was 17! You don't need to teach about "toxic gamers". But why suddenly now it has become a big issue? Why suddenly everybody's mommy, daddy, nanny, and granny talking about "toxic gamers"? Because the game industry is now large enough to be used for political pandering. There is nothing more to it. Gamers are no more "toxic" than others but somehow the toxic neighbor gets a pass but the "toxic gamer" needs to be purged.

    Fuck off. You can fool others with your bullshit, not me. I am a "victim" of "toxic gaming culture" and what I did is just got a thicker skin and developed my brain. You know, learned to how to act like a human being. Maybe try doing that instead of becoming an npc who parrot whatever the line fed to him by a corporation or news media.
  1. tromage2's Avatar
    Removing the spit emo hahaha.
    Maybe put effort into adding content to save the game blizzard??..?? removing stuff is the last thing this game needs.

    This really is a game for childeren below 12 when people cant handle a fake spit on a fantasy avatar in a fantasy setting where the gamer is behind the screen in their own safe space.
    Not only are the people that cant handle the spit emo childeren, the blizzard staff that makes these choices are also people that never became adults.
    In a few years you will get locked up in jail when you smile to somebody in public when these crazy people ever get more power in real life.
  1. mojusk's Avatar
    idm /spit being removed, i always found it distasteful. however its obvious that they only did it to protect their whales in tbc, since it havnt been removed from retail. considering everything that is going on atm, its baffling that this was their highest priority. who cares about sexual harrasment that leads to suicide? dont mess with the whales / bobbys wallet!
  1. Necromantic's Avatar
    That's fine and all but why did they need to quote Asmongold?
  1. RoKPaNda's Avatar
    Nobody is actually spitting on anyone with the deluxe edition. That is some social media urban legend weird shit. Lol. Someone made a weakaura yeah, and some people frothed about it on Reddit for a week, but in all my playing TBC I've never seen anyone spit on anyone with the mount except for once in a BM normal group when 2 friends were teasing each other. That is 100% not the reason why they removed it, assuming it's actually an intentional change.

    Edit: And for people saying that nobody ever asked for that, there have been threads going as far back as Vanilla on the official forums complaining about the existence of that emote. I personally don't care either way, but pretending that nobody asked for it and that people were going around spitting on people with deluxe mounts are both living in the land of make believe for the sake of getting outraged.

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