Upcoming Shards of Domination Set Bonus Buffs
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Hotfixes - July 30, 2021

Items and Rewards

  • Shards of Domination
    • [With weekly maintenance in each region] Blood Link – The damage and healing amount has been increased at all ranks by 20%.
    • [With weekly maintenance in each region] Winds of Winter – The amount of damage and healing stored by the Winds has been increased at all ranks by ~45%.
      • Developers’ note: The difference between the three Rune Words for the Shards of Domination system is bigger than we want it to be. We have identified and fixed a bug in Winds of Winter which was preventing some damaging and healing abilities from counting towards its total, and we have retuned Winds of Winter and Blood Link so that the relative power between Rune Word bonuses is more balanced.
  • Jotungeirr, Destiny’s Call will now reset its cooldown at the end of boss encounters.
  • Fixed an issue where Ticking Sack of Terror could trigger more than intended in the presence of multiple trinkets.

Spit Emote Removed on TBC Classic PTR
The /spit emote has been removed on the Burning Crusade Classic PTR. Players can no longer target others with the emote, however they can still spit on the ground.

It is speculated that this change is a result of people spamming /spit on players riding the Reawakened Phase-Hunter mount, the reward for purchasing the Burning Crusade Deluxe Edition.

Lead Game Designer Jeremy Feasel tweeted that he's having a look at cleaning up toxicity in the game, so this could be one of many changes to come.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Upcoming Shards of Domination Set Bonus Buffs, Spit Emote Removed on TBC Classic PTR started by Lumy View original post
Comments 563 Comments
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Niwes View Post
    but besides that…. nothing. toxcity is simply a result of wows game design.
    No it is not. You can do everything in game and not be toxic at all. Toxicity is the result of players being toxic. Stop shifting blaming and put the responabilty where it should be put. You can do timed runs with out being toxic. You can have ratings with out being toxic. You can have addons and api with out being toxic. Tokens can exist with out being toxic. Pug tools can exist with out being toxic. Everything you list is an BS excuse.

    You just don't want to admit that it is the players, and only the players, that make the community toxic. No one is forced to be toxic they choose to be toxic.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by agentsi View Post
    Verbally abusing someone via chat, is FAR more toxic than an emote.
    Which is what the emote was being used for in TBC-C. It was being used to harass people on a specific mount even with addons and weak auras to automate the harassment.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by tromage2 View Post
    Some of us see censorship and removing the ability the way people want to express themselfs and being able to show their emotions no matter what as toxic.
    So why do you still play Blizzard games? Because they have censored things since the start. Toxicity doesn't have a place. Just because you want to rage and be a toxic doesn't mean you should be given your safe space to do so.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by agentsi View Post
    But that isn't what I happening here, which is the problem. They're trying to do correct political correctness measures, and its a shit show.
    So if players can censor themselves why can't Blizzard take steps towards combating harassment? Same thing in the end right? It gets censored. The problem to is that ignoring a player doesn't stop them from harassing the next person. There is nothing wrong with combating toxicity. Usually the ones that scream the loudest are the ones afraid they won't be able to be toxic anymore.
  1. tromage2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    So why do you still play Blizzard games? Because they have censored things since the start. Toxicity doesn't have a place. Just because you want to rage and be a toxic doesn't mean you should be given your safe space to do so.
    Its funny that you are the one of the toxic people supporting cancel culture and don’t even realise it. I pitty people like you that think they can tell people what to do and try to set the standards what they can or can’t do and then tell them that they are doing toxic behavior.

    And I don’t play blizzard games or games overall that mutch anymore anyways since the cancel culture is starting to get everywhere in entertainment it’s just sad that sickos think they can set the rules what is allowed and what’s not.
  1. Gratlim's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendraeg View Post
    Not necessarily. Other MMO communities don't have the same level of problems as WoW does. FFXIV as an example.
    I think this has a lot to do with the fact that addons are forbidden and recount like things that increases the competitive aspects of games online enhance toxicity. Trashtalkers / trolls also get bans there (in FF). In WoW the norm is mostly being toxic and competitive.

    In short, WoW is a e-sport wannabe for content that matters (m+, arena, raids) while FF is a classical MMORPG. So having completely different communities is expected. WoW nowadays is closer to LoL than Vanilla WoW.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tromage2 View Post
    Its funny that you are the one of the toxic people supporting cancel culture and don’t even realise it. I pitty people like you that think they can tell people what to do and try to set the standards what they can or can’t do and then tell them that they are doing toxic behavior. And I don’t play blizzard games or games overall that mutch anymore anyways since the cancel culture is starting to get everywhere in entertainment it’s just sad that sickos think they can set the rules what is allowed and what’s not.
    It is supporting cancel culture to remove something of little value that was being used for harassment? That isn't what cancel culture is. Blizzard has always told you how you can play the game. It is why you can't cheat. I am not setting the standards, Blizzard is. And you deem that cancel culture because you can't do whatever you want when ever you want.

    So you don't play Blizzard games but are active on a fan site just to trash games and hate on them? Sounds like it isn't cancel culture that is the problem but your need to hate on everything when you don't even have a reason to. The hilarious part is that you are one of those "sickos think they can set the rules what is allowed and what's not" because you want everything to be according to your rules of what is acceptable.

    According to you cheating in games is acceptable because no one can set rules to limit you.
  1. Locruid's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by agentsi View Post
    My take is if you think the /spit emote, was a toxic element of the game. You don't live in the same reality as everyone else.

    By your standards, when a new Death Knight character makes his way to Orgrimmar, the NPC's in the game get pretty mean... They throw trash, spit on him, tell him to leave, curse him for all the bad things he has done. Should all of that be removed too? The NPC's are now bullying that player, and being toxic towards them. The game itself is now being toxic to the players. That's not acceptable is it? A player, in a fantasy MMO game, is being bullied, by the NPC's in the game, because he killed other NPC's in the game.

    Do you see how fucking stupid that sounds?

    Verbally abusing someone via chat, is FAR more toxic than an emote.
    This person needs the Trophy for best response

    Keep creating this Eutopia Bubble and then wonder why in 20 yrs this country is taken over by China or Russia.
  1. Tonkaden's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eggroll View Post
    Yeah, Muffinus. Don't talk about the condescending, toxic behavior the devs have towards the community.
    The players are the problem. It's all the players fault. Got it.
    The toxicity in-game IS on the players. 100000%
  1. agentsi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    No it is not. You can do everything in game and not be toxic at all. Toxicity is the result of players being toxic. Stop shifting blaming and put the responabilty where it should be put. You can do timed runs with out being toxic. You can have ratings with out being toxic. You can have addons and api with out being toxic. Tokens can exist with out being toxic. Pug tools can exist with out being toxic. Everything you list is an BS excuse.

    You just don't want to admit that it is the players, and only the players, that make the community toxic. No one is forced to be toxic they choose to be toxic.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Which is what the emote was being used for in TBC-C. It was being used to harass people on a specific mount even with addons and weak auras to automate the harassment.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So why do you still play Blizzard games? Because they have censored things since the start. Toxicity doesn't have a place. Just because you want to rage and be a toxic doesn't mean you should be given your safe space to do so.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So if players can censor themselves why can't Blizzard take steps towards combating harassment? Same thing in the end right? It gets censored. The problem to is that ignoring a player doesn't stop them from harassing the next person. There is nothing wrong with combating toxicity. Usually the ones that scream the loudest are the ones afraid they won't be able to be toxic anymore.
    By your logic, any emote can be taken as harassment.

    Next, the /love, or /kiss or /hug emote can be put in place instead of the /spit emote, and generate just as much bullying as before. " I don't want a stranger to have the ability to sexually harass me with those types of emotes."

    IT DOESN'T FIX THE ISSUE. Not even remotely.

    God damn... How are you so blind to this? Is it willful ignorance?
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by agentsi View Post
    By your logic, any emote can be taken as harassment.
    Yes. That is correct. Anything can be used for harassment. How is it that you don't even understand that yet try and call others blind or willfully ignorant? The value of everything should be weighed versus the harassment it is used for. All emotes have little value to the game play though some have more because they have sounds or animations attached to them.

    It of course temporarily fixes the issue. Just because it doesn't end harassment for all time doesn't mean it can't be done as a step. Even if it wasn't removed for harassment there is little reason to not make emotes fit better with the times. It happens with everything that lasts a while. Even watching old shows that were perfectly acceptable in the past have cringe worthy moments now that should have been done differently.
  1. Delever's Avatar
    I love how people who still financially support a company that has:

    -Shielded and fostered sexual abuse
    -Turned blind eyes and even silenced people protesting human rights in order to keep their chinese market
    -Laid off hundreads of employees in the face of financial success
    -Provided half finished products like WC3 reforged and the last 2 WoW expansions

    Are now here to lecture you on what a bad boy you were for using the /spit emote on people who scream at the sight of a buterfly.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Delever View Post
    I love how people who still financially support a company that has: -Shielded and fostered sexual abuse -Turned blind eyes and even silenced people protesting human rights in order to keep their chinese market -Laid off hundreads of employees in the face of financial success -Provided half finished products like WC3 reforged and the last 2 WoW expansions Are now here to lecture you on what a bad boy you were for using the /spit emote on people who scream at the sight of a buterfly.
    So bad things have to be allowed because other bad things happen? I can steal all your money because the bank stole another persons? Lmao. Pretty sure to that you haven't cut everything that falls into your list out of your life. Because when you look into it most things would have to be cut out and it would leave you with relatively little. And you certainly wouldn't be able to use the internet.
  1. Cavox's Avatar
    Spiting on paypigs? Oh no, no, no we can't have that, they might re-think buying future cash shop items!
    Ganking lowbies for hours on end? Sure, that's socializing!
  1. Delever's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    So bad things have to be allowed because other bad things happen? I can steal all your money because the bank stole another persons? Lmao. Pretty sure to that you haven't cut everything that falls into your list out of your life. Because when you look into it most things would have to be cut out and it would leave you with relatively little. And you certainly wouldn't be able to use the internet.
    Again appealing to extremes. Equating basic modern time needs to stopping suppot of a shitty gaming company. Kk
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Delever View Post
    Again appealing to extremes. Equating basic modern time needs to stopping suppot of a shitty gaming company. Kk
    Gotcha. Your list isn't all that important when you can ignore it at will depending on what you like or do not like. Not everything is a basic "modern" need. We all make use of a ton of luxury things which is why we can discuss stuff on a fan site for a video game in the first place. But it isn't about doing what is right or wrong. It is about justifying and continuing hate for no reason.

    Playing Blizzard games doesn't mean you support sexual harassment. Which is hilarious for you to even say given how you support the harassment of players with an emote. Do you see how that contradicts things?
  1. Delever's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Gotcha. Your list isn't all that important when you can ignore it at will depending on what you like or do not like. Not everything is a basic "modern" need. We all make use of a ton of luxury things which is why we can discuss stuff on a fan site for a video game in the first place. But it isn't about doing what is right or wrong. It is about justifying and continuing hate for no reason.

    Playing Blizzard games doesn't mean you support sexual harassment. Which is hilarious for you to even say given how you support the harassment of players with an emote. Do you see how that contradicts things?
    Whatever helps you sleep at night.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Delever View Post
    Whatever helps you sleep at night.
    So harassment you agree with is okay to be continued and should be supported. Harassment you don't agree with should stop and shouldn't be supported. Why not just be against all harassment?
  1. Demeia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Somarlane View Post
    I am genuinely curious if you have the same opinion about the /rude emote. /spit is certainly more visceral of the two, but if the game is losing the rude aspect of /spit... does it not follow that one should remove the actual /rude? We all know that "rude gesture" is the middle-finger. The you're-number-one. The flipping of birdies.
    Emotes were always playful things to me. The "/rude" emote is usually a response to teasing. If the emote were "/rude gesture" then I certainly would.

    I don't want to spend a lot of time in this thread but if you wouldn't use an emote on your friend maybe it shouldn't be in the game?

    I've never used /rude because I forget it exists but when I suggested my guildmaster has rather strange tastes in mounts and pets (she freakin' does!), she's done that to me.

    She's never /spit at me. /Spit is an insult emote. We don't need it. The game won't miss it.
  1. Rumred's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by xblubbx View Post
    Because they removed an emote that wasn't of any practical use in your logic the next steps lead to the removal of "open" chat in general? Sounds like a really smart assessment of the situation from your side. Really.
    They will do whatever it takes to cover their own ass right now.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MrPaladinGuy View Post
    You can link it to show your dps without shaming others.
    Nobody links dps meters in chat without being asked unless they're using it as a way to shame other players in the party.
  1. Nimin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    Nobody links dps meters in chat without being asked unless they're using it as a way to shame other players in the party.
    Nice projection.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Aliven View Post
    I used it to brag when was 1st. But then, i dont look at other players and their performance.
    There really is no reason to post meters in chat if nobody asked for it other than to basically shame other people. It's fine to be proud of your own numbers but nobody else cares unless they asked.

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