Upcoming Shards of Domination Set Bonus Buffs
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Hotfixes - July 30, 2021

Items and Rewards

  • Shards of Domination
    • [With weekly maintenance in each region] Blood Link – The damage and healing amount has been increased at all ranks by 20%.
    • [With weekly maintenance in each region] Winds of Winter – The amount of damage and healing stored by the Winds has been increased at all ranks by ~45%.
      • Developers’ note: The difference between the three Rune Words for the Shards of Domination system is bigger than we want it to be. We have identified and fixed a bug in Winds of Winter which was preventing some damaging and healing abilities from counting towards its total, and we have retuned Winds of Winter and Blood Link so that the relative power between Rune Word bonuses is more balanced.
  • Jotungeirr, Destiny’s Call will now reset its cooldown at the end of boss encounters.
  • Fixed an issue where Ticking Sack of Terror could trigger more than intended in the presence of multiple trinkets.

Spit Emote Removed on TBC Classic PTR
The /spit emote has been removed on the Burning Crusade Classic PTR. Players can no longer target others with the emote, however they can still spit on the ground.

It is speculated that this change is a result of people spamming /spit on players riding the Reawakened Phase-Hunter mount, the reward for purchasing the Burning Crusade Deluxe Edition.

Lead Game Designer Jeremy Feasel tweeted that he's having a look at cleaning up toxicity in the game, so this could be one of many changes to come.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Upcoming Shards of Domination Set Bonus Buffs, Spit Emote Removed on TBC Classic PTR started by Lumy View original post
Comments 563 Comments
  1. Nightelfpriest's Avatar
    I post meters, this is a group game, if your dps or healing is low, compared to your peers, then you need to improve, which leads to progression and ultimately why mmos are enjoyable. You can ignore the reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring that reality, you play bad and are letting the group down, improve and reap the rewards.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    No. A whale is a person that spends a significant amount of money. It is not a person that spends any amount of money. A CE is not a significant level of money spent. Using tokens to buy the AH mount would be indicative of a whale.
    That's absolutely not the only definition of a whale. A whale is literally anyone who spends a good chunk of change of expensive collector's editions or people who buy all the shop mounts when they release.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightelfpriest View Post
    I post meters, this is a group game, if your dps or healing is low, compared to your peers, then you need to improve, which leads to progression and ultimately why mmos are enjoyable. You can ignore the reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring that reality, you play bad and are letting the group down, improve and reap the rewards.
    If nobody asked for it, you're just being a jerk by posting meters. And unless you are talking about a raid group where everyone knows each other, posting meters in matchmade activity is just you being an elitist.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    That's absolutely not the only definition of a whale. A whale is literally anyone who spends a good chunk of change of expensive collector's editions or people who buy all the shop mounts when they release.
    A CE is not a good chunk. You are not a whale and I bet you've bought a CE. A whale has always been a person that spends a lot of money on a game. It has never been a person that buys a collectors edition.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    A CE is not a good chunk. You are not a whale and I bet you've bought a CE. A whale has always been a person that spends a lot of money on a game. It has never been a person that buys a collectors edition.
    Ok well since you're clearly not willing to see any point other than your own(As usual), I'm not going to bother continuing this debate. It's blatantly clear the real reason Blizzard disabled the emote but if you want to die on your hill then so be it.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    Ok well since you're clearly not willing to see any point other than your own(As usual), I'm not going to bother continuing this debate. It's blatantly clear the real reason Blizzard disabled the emote but if you want to die on your hill then so be it.
    So because I won't agree with you I don't see other points? Isn't that equally true for you since you won't agree with me? You've bought CE's before yet you don't consider yourself a whale that needs to be harassed because you did so.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    So because I won't agree with you I don't see other points? Isn't that equally true for you since you won't agree with me? You've bought CE's before yet you don't consider yourself a whale that needs to be harassed because you did so.
    How the actual fuck do you know what I've bought? Do you have a record of my transaction history? And you don't see other people's points because even when you're blatantly wrong, you refuse to see it.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    How the actual fuck do you know what I've bought? Do you have a record of my transaction history? And you don't see other people's points because even when you're blatantly wrong, you refuse to see it.
    It was a guess that looks to be true. So are you a whale? I am not blatantly wrong in this case though.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    It was a guess that looks to be true. So are you a whale? I am not blatantly wrong in this case though.
    Lmao except it's not true. So you are blatantly wrong about me and you are blatantly wrong about what a whale is.
  1. arkanon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    Friends will typically ask. Posting meters when absolutely nobody asked is literally just you flexing and being annoying. So posting shit in chat to show off when nobody asked for it is just annoying and does nothing but serve as a way for you to try and shame other people.
    I like to confuse everyone by posting the meter when i come last. What i really LOVE is if we pug one spot, and that dps pug is pretty shite, so we give him the easiest job of "tunnel the boss bro, we will sort everything out" then after we frantically run around doing all the mechanics, they post the meter and beat their chest - always reminds me of the bronze medal meme.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    Lmao except it's not true. So you are blatantly wrong about me and you are blatantly wrong about what a whale is.
    Is your wowhead profile the same name as here? Because it shows you've bought a CE.You don't consider yourself a whale. A whale is not anyone who spends money in a game but only those that spend excessive amounts.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Is your wowhead profile the same name as here? Because it shows you've bought a CE.You don't consider yourself a whale. A whale is not anyone who spends money in a game but only those that spend excessive amounts.
    I've never purchased a CE for myself. I've only received them as gifts because I outright refuse to spend more of my own money on a game just for a mount. Whales are anyone who gleefully spend money on store items. So the people who have every single store mount, pet, and transmog are whales. People who blow their money every single expansion on the CE are also whales. Unless they're buying them with gold. That's a gray area.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    I've never purchased a CE for myself. I've only received them as gifts because I outright refuse to spend more of my own money on a game just for a mount. Whales are anyone who gleefully spend money on store items. So the people who have every single store mount, pet, and transmog are whales. People who blow their money every single expansion on the CE are also whales. Unless they're buying them with gold. That's a gray area.
    So your friends are whales. Do you spit on them every time you play with them? All of the people that have the mount in classic don't fit your definition of a whale. Because they might not all have every single store mount, pet, and transmog. Yet you still said they all should be harassed.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    So your friends are whales. Do you spit on them every time you play with them? All of the people that have the mount in classic don't fit your definition of a whale. Because they might not all have every single store mount, pet, and transmog. Yet you still said they all should be harassed.
    So not only do you twist words but you LOVE putting words in people's mouths. I never once said people deserved to be harassed. I merely said the emote was removed to protect whales. Blizzard doesn't care about harassment. They care about who puts money in their pockets. But I'm not debating this with you anymore. You have proven you can't talk about this in good faith.
  1. Nimin's Avatar
    It is truly a spectacle when two snowflakes collide. It's like watching a dividing by 0.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    So not only do you twist words but you LOVE putting words in people's mouths. I never once said people deserved to be harassed. I merely said the emote was removed to protect whales. Blizzard doesn't care about harassment. They care about who puts money in their pockets. But I'm not debating this with you anymore. You have proven you can't talk about this in good faith.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    They got rid of the spit emote because whales were upset that people were mean to them with an emote. This is about money, not compassion.
    Your dismissive attitude towards harassment there clearly indicates you find it acceptable to "be mean" to whales. The emote was removed because of the harassment. If Blizzard doesn't care about harassment then they wouldn't need to protect whales from it. Lol.
  1. TheRevenantHero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Your dismissive attitude towards harassment there clearly indicates you find it acceptable to "be mean" to whales. The emote was removed because of the harassment. If Blizzard doesn't care about harassment then they wouldn't need to protect whales from it. Lol.
    If Blizzard cared about harassment, they would take action against people that spew racial slurs. They would take action against people body camping other players, preventing them from playing the game. they would take action against griefers IN GENERAL. But they don't. They got rid of the /spit emote because enough whales whined about it.

    And once again, you are putting words in my mouth and prove you can't talk about this subject in good faith.
  1. rhorle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    If Blizzard cared about harassment, they would take action against people that spew racial slurs. They would take action against people body camping other players, preventing them from playing the game. they would take action against griefers IN GENERAL. But they don't. They got rid of the /spit emote because enough whales whined about it.
    So they can only care about harassment if they take action against everything? Why would Blizzard protect them from harassment if they don't actually do anything about harassment? Blizzard does take action against harassment all the time. As much as they need to? Nope. But it does happen.


    There is also https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/bliz...s-and-partners where they claim to have banned over 30,000 accounts for toxicity and hate speech. So yeah about that no action what so ever. You are dismissive of the harassment that took place because you keep labeling them whining whales rather then just players.
  1. Secte's Avatar
    Fixing that /spit harassment a lot quicker than fixing that sexual harassment...

    Don't want to discourage users from buying a boosted mount...
  1. mitre27's Avatar
    kK, i'll just /slap them instead.

    Seriously just such an empty gesture.
  1. Lollis's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mitre27 View Post
    kK, i'll just /slap them instead.

    Seriously just such an empty gesture.
    Exactly, it's absolutely pointless.

    /spit banned? time to spam /slap
    /slap banned? time to spam /stink
    /stink banned? time to spam /smell
    /smell banned? time to spam /rude
    /rude banned? time to spam /rasp
    /rasp banned? time to spam /embarrass

    What are they going to do, block every single emote that has negative connotations?

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