Wrath of the Lich King Classic Coming Later This Year
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
The heroes of the Alliance and Horde have fought against the evils in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, against the demons of the Burning Legion in Outland, and against each other—unaware that an imminent threat was looming in the vast and icy continent of Northrend.

The Lich King, Arthas Menethil, sits in the ominous Icecrown Citadel scheming to claim the world as his own—a plan that threatens all life on Azeroth. Heroes of the Alliance and Horde must stand against the malevolent being who dares to declare himself the one true king of Azeroth...and seeks to scour all life from the world.

Later this year, you will again get to explore bone-chilling lands, storm Icecrown Citadel, and halt the Lich King’s baleful efforts. Only the most stalwart can challenge the Lich King and end his reign of terror in this rerelease of the 2008 expansion.

Just like it shook up WoW® during its original release, Wrath of the Lich King Classic™ will thrill both veterans and newcomers with a host of improved features and content to explore:

  • The Grim Frozen North – Heroes will begin their journey in one of two zones in Northrend—Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord—and adventure through some of the most epic vistas and beloved storylines in all of Warcraft before breaching the seat of the Lich King’s power in Icecrown.
  • The Rise of Death Knights – Available to both factions and starting at level 55, Death Knights—World of Warcraft’s first hero class—harness the powers of darkness to help combat the evil that threatens Azeroth. While Death Knights are limited to one per server and require a level 55 character on that server to create, in Wrath Classic, we will be bypassing that requirement for a player’s first Death Knight.
  • New Profession—Inscription – This new profession allows players to scribe mystical glyphs that modify the properties of spells and abilities (cooldowns, damage, etc.), and craft powerful trinkets and off-hand items.
  • Achievements Unlocked – Achievements are coming to WoW Classic, giving players new rewards for their exploits and accomplishments.
  • Dungeons & Raids – Relive seminal 5-player dungeons like Azjol-Nerub and the Culling of Stratholme, and lay siege to Naxxramas as a 25- or 10-player raid—an update of its original iteration as a 40-player raid in pre-expansion World of Warcraft.
  • Included With Existing World of Warcraft Subscriptions – As with previous WoW Classic releases, anyone who subscribes to World of Warcraft can also play Wrath of the Lich King Classic at no additional cost.

Additionally, we want to provide a better experience for our new and existing Classic players with the following changes:

  • Level 70 Boost – The level cap will be increased to 80, and we’re introducing a Level 70 Boost so those who didn’t play Burning Crusade Classic but wish to play Wrath with their friends or explore Northrend can do so right away. This boost will be available one per account and can be used on any class except Death Knights.
  • No Dungeon Finder – Players rediscovering Wrath of the Lich King Classic won’t find the Looking for Dungeon feature originally added in Patch 3.3.5. We’ve heard from our Classic community that the importance of social bonds is a big part of what makes Classic their game of choice, and we agree.
  • Personal Arena Rating– Throughout Burning Crusade Classic, our PvP community has made it clear that they’d prefer the flexibility of rating being personal rather than tied to a fixed team, so we will be removing Arena Teams in Wrath Classic.
  • Barber Shop Improvements – In the years since the Barber Shop was first added in Wrath, World of Warcraft has added additional customization options, including some that originally were only available as paid services. We’re going to incorporate all of those improvements in Wrath Classic rather than reverting to the authentic 2008 behavior.

We’re excited to be able to bring this classic adventure to you, so don’t forget to sign up for the Beta. And, for the latest information and updates, keep checking WorldofWarcraft.com, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

We look forward to seeing you in Northrend!
This article was originally published in forum thread: Wrath of the Lich King Classic Coming Later This Year started by Lumy View original post
Comments 143 Comments
  1. Aly31's Avatar
    Who the f didn't want dungeon finder whats fun about spamming LFG for hours my god this is insane. OK dont put it in in phase 1 but no dungeon finder at all is extremly stupid.
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Aly31 View Post
    Who the f didn't want dungeon finder whats fun about spamming LFG for hours my god this is insane. OK dont put it in in phase 1 but no dungeon finder at all is extremly stupid.
    They said it in the introduction. If you want the LFG, play retail.
  1. Ave07's Avatar
    Hope they at least give us the retail dungeon finder tool at least.
  1. czarek's Avatar
    No dungeon finder whata cringe shit lol
  1. oldgeezer's Avatar
    No dungeon finder. Bold move.
  1. Exkrementor's Avatar
    Cant wait for stupid people to complain about the boost. Have you played Classic? Everybody and their grandma is buying gold and getting boosted anyway. The Blizzard boost is cheaper and less time consuming.
  1. OrangeJuice's Avatar
    what the fuck? literally not a single pvper likes the "cr" system. every single pvper misses teams.
  1. Zka's Avatar
    "No Dungeon Finder"
    Yeah thanks for fucking up classic too. Spamming dungeons to level and start gearing up was a core feature of LK.
  1. DargorDraconis's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    They said it in the introduction. If you want the LFG, play retail.
    this doesn't make the removal of a wotlk feature less retarded.
    Blizzard is just going full retard again with changes no one asked for
  1. Pikka's Avatar
    My last comment on MMOChamp was like 10 years ago.

    I dusted my login and pass just so I can say I hate the no RDF decision. It's the thing I looked forward the most. How dumb are those game directors my lord.

    And like the next Ion's sentence was "yeah in retail if anyone wants RDF gone they can just not use it". And we can't do exactly that in classic because reasons?!

    Mixed feelings what can I say. Exited we'll get WOTLK, hate hate hating the no RDF.
  1. Porkrind's Avatar
    No dungeon finder = no thanks.

    Easily the best part of the Wrath expansion, and why I don't play BC Classic right now. Getting socially shunted from easy dungeons because you're not bleeding edge or able to carry 3 DPS scrubs wasn't fun the first time around. I don't want to do it again.
  1. WowClassic's Avatar
    Casual scum need to jog on. No Dungeon Finder is the best decision Blizzard has ever made
  1. kamuimac's Avatar
    No LFD in wolk means they didnt listen and understand nothing that casuals want in game

    its extremly bad sign for retail too. because this means 10.0 will be next toxic elitest focused expansion.

    for me all potential hype for 10.0 and wolk died the moment Ion hazzi-destroy wow -costas said those word.

    thx god for FF14 where causals are respected and welcome.
  1. Onikaroshi's Avatar
    Guess Wrath will just devolve into what TBC is right now. Unless you're max level doing heroics your dungeon experience goes like this:

    Wait/spam for an hour for a group, finally find one, no tank.
    Wait for an hour to find a tank, no tank still
    people start leaving because they're out of time.
  1. Sting's Avatar
    No dungeon finder - absolutely based
  1. KoolKidKaos's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Aly31 View Post
    Who the f didn't want dungeon finder whats fun about spamming LFG for hours my god this is insane. OK dont put it in in phase 1 but no dungeon finder at all is extremly stupid.
    I know right, this might make me not play the entire expansion, wow, what a stupid oversight. LFR is a problem, Dungeon finder was never a problem smh.
  1. kamuimac's Avatar
    also - its so hipocritical - first he is so proud about players not having to spam trade 24/7 and then he says he is destroying wolk by removal of its most impotant core feature aka lfd .

    crazy how devs can be so beyond contant with their playerbase
  1. schwank05's Avatar
    I am super excited for DK's and Wrath in General, but no Dungeon Finder is Dumb AF... Literally made leveling bearable was being able to dungeon spam in Heirlooms was fantastic I had 5 Raid geared toons in Wrath because of LFD and being able to level fast and gear fast. It was what made the xpac. Guess Ill be sticking with my 2 accounts so I can boost 2 characters... If no LFD then they need to allow unlimited boosts.
  1. Tertullian72's Avatar
    Stupid decision to not have the dungeon finder, as someone who was around back then the "don't wreck the community" arguments were always from a small but loud minority. The rest of us were taking whatever scraps we could get from spamming chat.

    Hopefully they'll reverse that.
  1. alexs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tertullian72 View Post
    Stupid decision to not have the dungeon finder, as someone who was around back then the "don't wreck the community" arguments were always from a small but loud minority. The rest of us were taking whatever scraps we could get from spamming chat.

    Hopefully they'll reverse that.
    +1 I agree

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