Dragonflight Pricing Survey
Blizzard sent out a survey to some players testing different price points for the different versions of the expansion. Keep in mind this is just market research and the final prices may be completely different. The reward tiers seem to be similar to the Shadowlands expansion editions.

  • Base Edition - $29.99, $39.99, or $44.99
    • Includes Game
  • Heroic Edition - $54.99, $59.99, $64.99, or $69.99
    • Includes Game, Character Boost, and Mount
  • Epic Edition - $79.99, $84.99, or $89.99
    • Includes Game, Character Boost, Mount, Pet, Armor Transmog, and 30 Days of Game Time

Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 - New Social Contract
Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 brings a new Social Contract to World of Warcraft. Players must agree with the terms listed below in order to enter the game, otherwise they are prompted to exit the game.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Social Contract

Hail, traveler, and welcome to the World of Warcraft!

Azeroth is a living world full of people like you - other players with different backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and histories who have all come together to play World of Warcraft. Every player deserves to have a world that they feel safe in, so please take a minute to read our Social Contract.

While in Azeroth, do your best to:

  • Connect with other players and make friends! Being courteous in group content can help you and your teammates have the best time possible. Sending a friendly hello message can help set your group up for success.
  • Play as a team with your fellow players - whether in dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, arenas, or out questing in the world. Do your best to support your team through your communication and behaviors so that you can all celebrate your success together.
  • Assist other players that you encounter in the world. Maybe they need some help defeating a tough monster, or maybe they could use a little healing!
  • Help answer questions others have in chat channels like General or Trade. We were all newbies once - one person offering some help can go a long way!

We recognize that the Internet is not always a safe haven. With that in mind, please note that the following behaviors are not accepted in Azeroth:

  • Hate speech, including negative comments that target another player's identity, including aspects like race, gender, or ability
  • Harassment, threats, or abusive / derogatory language and behaviors
  • Spamming, advertising, or other disruptive behaviors

If you harm your fellow adventurers with any of the above behaviors, you are subject to punishment up to and including suspension of your account.

It's a big world out there, with all sorts of people in it. So please try to be respectful of each other, and if you ever feel like somebody is acting against this code, please report those behaviors so that our team can look into it. Together, you can help us make the World of Warcraft a safe home away from home for everyone.

Accept / Exit Game
This article was originally published in forum thread: Dragonflight Pricing Survey, Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 - New Social Contract started by Lumy View original post
Comments 181 Comments
  1. ablib's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Inoculate View Post
    Do all employees have to agree to this before entering the building?

    Yes. Every major company has a code of conduct that you must agree to.
  1. Mic_128's Avatar
    Why would anyone say they'd pay the higher amounts?
  1. davidcryix's Avatar
    How about a bundle without the boost for cheaper rate? I don't need any more boosts as it is and that wouldn't be helpful for rolling an evoker, right?
  1. wowrefugee's Avatar
    Not gonna lie, I'm kinda excited to see what the armor transmog is. I hope its dragon themed... and not a robe! Didn't care for Shadowlands pre-order armor or the recent Celestial one
  1. Eosia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by davidcryix View Post
    How about a bundle without the boost for cheaper rate? I don't need any more boosts as it is and that wouldn't be helpful for rolling an evoker, right?
    Yeah. The boost is more aimed at two types of players - Ones who plan on changing characters at the expansion that is not already at max level or new players allowing them to jump right in.
  1. Dystemper's Avatar
    After last 2 expansions it should be free to appologize to the player base
  1. Binaris's Avatar
    Is this going to be something you need to click yes to every time you log in?
    Bets on how long it takes for an addon to automate and hide that nonsense. Id say less than a day
  1. TheWorkingTitle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dystemper View Post
    After last 2 expansions it should be free to appologize to the player base
    You're not kidding.
  1. Celement's Avatar
    I admit I was mildly expecting the price to lower in an attempt to win back more people.
  1. Xilurm's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mic_128 View Post
    Why would anyone say they'd pay the higher amounts?
    The same reason people buy a new IPhone every year.

    Got more money than sense.

    I can only hope most voted the lowest prices.
  1. SinR's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Binaris View Post
    Is this going to be something you need to click yes to every time you log in?
    Bets on how long it takes for an addon to automate and hide that nonsense. Id say less than a day
    I doubt it.

    Its mostly there for "You read this and agreed to it, otherwise you wouldn't be playing spamming *insert bannable thing here*"

    As for the other news, more than 80 seems stupid for everything
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Binaris View Post
    Is this going to be something you need to click yes to every time you log in?
    Bets on how long it takes for an addon to automate and hide that nonsense. Id say less than a day
    no its only on first login.
  1. Absintheminded's Avatar
    "Negative comments about someone's ability" is hate speech lol
  1. Chilela's Avatar
    The fact that you actually get to agree to the social contract first at least makes it better than a number of social contracts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Absintheminded View Post
    "Negative comments about someone's ability" is hate speech lol
    "Git gud"


    (Yes, I know they mean disability)
  1. HotSauce's Avatar
    Thats rich coming from Blizzard. They wouldent have had to sell their entire $#$%ing company if they listened to their OWN ADVICE.
  1. ablib's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Absintheminded View Post
    "Negative comments about someone's ability" is hate speech lol

    Um....yes. It's toxic.

    If someone berates my lack of skill or knowledge of the game, I will wear that like a badge of honor. While they were wasting their life learning a useless skill like being good in a video game, I went to school, got my Masters, live in a house that is worth (currently) 600k, and is paid off, and make 6 figures.

    Yeah. I suck, but at least I didn't waste years of my life learning a useless skill like trying to understand if Arcane is better than Fire.
  1. Khaza-R's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mic_128 View Post
    Why would anyone say they'd pay the higher amounts?
    Because whales literally don't care. Some of them would select $499.99 if they could.
  1. Kalarm's Avatar
    Are they going to use the lowest price as a way to apologize and say "Look we listened to the totally predictable survey result's!".

    I find it odd there's no boost. I thought they had become kinda standard with new expansions :-/
  1. Ielenia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ablib View Post
    Um....yes. It's toxic.

    If someone berates my lack of skill or knowledge of the game, I will wear that like a badge of honor. While they were wasting their life learning a useless skill like being good in a video game, I went to school, got my Masters, live in a house that is worth (currently) 600k, and is paid off, and make 6 figures.

    Yeah. I suck, but at least I didn't waste years of my life learning a useless skill like trying to understand if Arcane is better than Fire.
    It's funny how you believe both of those two situations (being good at games and having higher education/a well-paying job) are somehow mutually exclusive.
  1. ablib's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mic_128 View Post
    Why would anyone say they'd pay the higher amounts?
    I think it's fully reasonable for the sub cost, in the US, to be 20-25 dollars.

    People don't realize that over the past 20+ years, the price of games (and the WoW sub) has stayed relatively the same, and has never increased relative to inflation.

    How else are companies going to recoup these losses? The gamer crowd is largely too stupid to understand inflation, or any of this really, so instead of just flat increasing the price of the game or subscription, we get pay2win, loot boxes, micro-transactions and other money making schemes that turn games into trash.

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