Patch 9.2.5 PTR - Build 43630
Build 43630 is now live on the PTR!

New Icons

Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Raid & Dungeon Abilities
  • 50,000 Volts Inflicts 14 Inflicts 17 Nature damage and stuns the target for 3 sec. 41 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Acid Spit Inflicts 4 Inflicts 18 Nature damage to enemies within 6 yards. 300 yd range. Instant.
  • Barbed Arrow Barrage Signals Grom'kar Archers to release a barrage of arrows that rain down from above inflicting 10 15 Physical damage. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Berserker Leap Koramar crashes down on enemy targets, inflicting 2 15 Nature damage to enemies within 8 yards of his landing. 10 yd range. Instant.
  • Blackrock Bomb Lobs a bomb towards an enemy that inflicts 23 30 Fire damage to all targets within 4 yards of the impact. 150 yd range. Instant.
  • Bladestorm Attacks in a whirl of steel, causing 5 13 Physical damage to each enemy within 5 yards. Melee range. Instant.
  • Blood Bolt Ahri'ok Dugru conjures a black miasma and releases a bolt of blood, inflicting 8 18 Shadow damage. 45 yd range. 3 sec cast.
  • Burning Arrows Signals Grom'kar Flameslingers to launch a continuous volley of flaming arrows, leaving a burning trail on the ground that inflict 3 12 Fire damage every 1 sec. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Cannon Barrage Barrages enemies with his cannons, inflicting 2 11 Fire damage to enemies within 9 yards of the blast. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Cannon Barrage Barrages enemies with his cannons, inflicting 2 11 Fire damage to enemies within 9 yards of the blast. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Cannon Barrage Barrages enemies with his cannons, inflicting 2 11 Fire damage to enemies within 9 yards of the blast. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Cannon Barrage Barrages enemies with his cannons, inflicting 2 11 Fire damage to enemies within 9 yards of the blast. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Cannon Barrage Barrages enemies with his cannons, inflicting 2 11 Fire damage to enemies within 9 yards of the blast. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Chain Drag Lashes out with a chain that inflicts 4 7 Physical damage and pulls an enemy to the caster. Limited to 1 target. 25 yd range. 1 sec cast.
  • Charging Slash Charges to a nearby enemy slashing them savagely, inflicting 2 6 Physical damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. 25 yd range. Instant.
  • Dash The caster surges forward trampling over anything in his path inflicting 10 14 Physical damage and knocking enemies back. 300 yd range. Instant.
  • Double Slash Brings both axes down in an arc cleaving flesh and bone inflicting Physical damage and causing the target to bleed for 2 6 Physical damage every 2 sec. for 8 sec. 10 yd range. 1 sec cast.
  • Fling Hammer Throws a hammer at a nearby enemy that inflicts 9 15 Physical damage. 25 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Freezing Snare Throws a Frost Trap on the ground, which when tripped, inflicts 6 30 Frost damage and roots all enemies within 6 yards for 6 sec. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Gatecrasher Siegemaster throws Gatecrasher into the ground creating an earthquake that inflicts 7 16 Physical damage every 1 sec. 35 yd range. Instant.
  • Gutshot Fires a slug inflicting 3 10 Physical damage. 50 yd range. 2.5 sec cast.
  • High Explosive Grenade Inflicts 10 Inflicts 12 Fire damage to enemies within 5 yards. 35 yd range. Instant (Channeled).
  • Incendiary Slug Fires an incendiary slug, inflicting 2 4 Fire damage every 2 secs. for 6 sec. 25 yd range. 2.5 sec cast.
  • Iron Shot Fires an iron slug inflicting 4 8 Physical damage. 25 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Lava Blast Ironwing Flamespitter rears back, blasting lava in front of him that inflict 4 20 Fire damage every 1 sec. 45 yd range. Instant.
  • Lava Sweep Makogg slashes his burning blade with ferocity and conjures crashing waves of lava, inflicting 6 11 Fire damage. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • Leg Shot Fires a slug through your knee, inflicting 4 18 Physical damage and reducing your movement speed by 65% for 5 sec. 25 yd range. 2.5 sec cast.
  • Mad Dash Borka the Brute charges forward trampling over anything in his path inflicting 25 150 Physical damage and interrupting spell casts for 3 sec. 500 yd range. Instant.
  • New Plan! Railmaster Rocketspark quickly devises a new plan when Borka the Brute is slain and begins launching missiles that inflict 3 5 Fire damage every 0.5 sec. In addition, Rocketspark starts Locking On!. Instant.
  • New Plan! Fires a volley of missiles inflicting 3 5 Fire damage. 50 yd range. Instant.
  • New Plan! Fires a volley of missiles inflicting 3 5 Fire damage. 50 yd range. Instant.
  • Primal Assault Oshir charges towards his prey, brutally mauling enemies in his path for 14 25 Physical damage. 25 yd range. Instant.
  • Protoform Barrier Empowers the caster, inflicting 1 Cosmic damage to all players every 3 sec. Upon removal this barrier manifests as one attackable enemy, casting a shared 1,400 1,250 absorb shield with all other enemies for 15 sec. A second unit manifests that also can be healed to reduce the shared shield. Upon expiration the barrier explodes, inflicting 50 Cosmic damage and an additional 5 Cosmic damage every 1 sec. to all players for 8 sec. If broken this effect backfires, inflicting all damage done to each enemy during the barrier as Cosmic damage, and additionally grants all players up to 25% increased damage done, 25% healing done, and 25% increased absorbs done for 40 sec. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Rapid Fire Zoggosh focuses on a single enemy, rapidly firing at them and all enemies standing in between for 1 6 Fire damage every half second. 300 yd range. Instant.
  • Reckless Slash Charges a target, inflicting Physical damage to units within 7 yards of the impact location. Unlimited range. 1.5 sec cast. 2 sec cast.
  • Rending Cleave A sweeping attack that cleaves enemies within 7 yards, inflicting 6 30 Physical damage. Melee range. 1 sec cast.
  • Sanguine Sphere Ahri'ok summons an orb of blood to protect her most injured ally, absorbing 47 300 damage. The shield will trigger a groupwide heal if broken by damage. Limited to 1 target. 100 yd range. 2 sec cast.
  • Savage Mauling Dreadfang snarls and leaps towards his prey mauling them savagely, reducing their movement speed by 45% and inflicting 3 11 Physical damage every 1 sec. for 6 sec. Limited to 1 target. 45 yd range. 6 sec cast (Channeled).
  • Serrated Spear Throws a serrated spear at an enemy inflicting 1 4 Physical damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. Limited to 1 target. 25 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Shattering Blade Koramar skims his blade across the ground, causing melee sparks that inflict 4 15 Fire damage to enemies within the area of effect. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Shrapnel Blast Blasts enemies in a 13 yard frontal cone, inflicting 3 8 Fire damage every half-second to enemies. 15 yd range. Instant.
  • Shredded Tendons Ogre traps snap closed around your ankles, slowing your movement by 15% and inflicting 2 8 Physical damage every 1 sec for 7 sec. 50 yd range. Instant.
  • Shredding Swipes Dreadfang lunges forward gnawing everyone caught in his path, inflicting 10 20 Physical damage. 10 yd range. Instant.
  • Slam Inflicts 12 Inflicts 13 Physical damage to all players and interrupts casting for 1.5 sec. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Spinning Spear Throws a spinning spear towards a target, penetrating armor and inflicting 17 45 Physical damage, knocking down the target for 2 sec. Unlimited range. Instant.
  • Storm Shield Shrouds the caster in lightning, absorbing all damage and inflicting Nature damage, that chains, when attacked for 10 sec. 1 1.5 sec cast. 6 sec cooldown.
  • Tactical Kick A well-placed kick catches you off guard, inflicting 6 20 Physical damage. Melee range. Instant.
  • Throw Throws a spear at an enemy, inflicting 4 30 Physical damage. 25 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Thundering Stomp Deals 6 Deals 22 Physical damage to enemies within 50 yards. 0.6 sec cast.
  • Time to Feed Oshir pins his prey to the ground and rends them furiously, inflicting 4 8 Physical damage every 1 sec for 20 sec. 100 yd range. 20 sec cast (Channeled).
  • Trampling Stampede Charge towards an enemy, knocking them back and inflicting 10 17 Physical damage. 25 yd range. Instant.
  • VX18-B Target Eliminator Launches missiles at up to 2 enemy targets. Each missile inflicts 19 35 Fire damage to all targets within 3 yards of the impact. 300 yd range. Instant.
  • VX18-B Target Eliminator Launches missiles at up to 2 enemy targets. Each missile inflicts 19 35 Fire damage to all targets within 3 yards of the impact. 3 sec cast.
  • X21-01A Missile Barrage Fires volleys of missiles inflicting 2 6 Fire damage to two targets every 1 second for 20 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
  • X21-01A Missile Barrage Fires volleys of missiles inflicting 2 6 Fire damage to two targets every 1 second for 20 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.

New Social Contract
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Social Contract

Hail, traveler, and welcome to the World of Warcraft!

Azeroth is a living world full of people like you - other players with different backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and histories who have all come together to play World of Warcraft. Every player deserves to have a world that they feel safe in, so please take a minute to read our Social Contract.

While in Azeroth, do your best to:

  • Connect with other players and make friends! Being courteous in group content can help you and your teammates have the best time possible. Sending a friendly hello message can help set your group up for success.
  • Play as a team with your fellow players - whether in dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, arenas, or out questing in the world. Do your best to support your team through your communication and behaviors so that you can all celebrate your success together.
  • Assist other players that you encounter in the world. Maybe they need some help defeating a tough monster, or maybe they could use a little healing!
  • Help answer questions others have in chat channels like General or Trade. We were all newbies once - one person offering some help can go a long way!

We recognize that the Internet is not always a safe haven. With that in mind, please note that the following behaviors are not accepted in Azeroth:

  • Hate speech, including negative comments that target another player's identity, including aspects like race, gender, or ability
  • Harassment, threats, or abusive / derogatory language and behaviors
  • Spamming, advertising, or other disruptive behaviors

If you harm your fellow adventurers with any of the above behaviors, you are subject to punishment up to and including suspension of your account.

It's a big world out there, with all sorts of people in it. So please try to be respectful of each other, and if you ever feel like somebody is acting against this code, please report those behaviors so that our team can look into it. Together, you can help us make the World of Warcraft a safe home away from home for everyone.

Accept / Exit Game

This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 9.2.5 PTR - Build 43630 started by Lumy View original post
Comments 121 Comments
  1. Vakna's Avatar
    This is largely irrelevant to me, I haven't spoken in an in game chat in years, we all just use Discord.
  1. Hablion's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Utrrabbit View Post
    Umm the TOS are a binding contract in the eyes of the law and a big enough offense can lead to prosecution if needed.

    It's why those people who we found after DDoSing blizzard in 2020 were sent to 5 years jail time.
    Ddosing is a FEDERAL offense not a ToS thing really. In fact in most cases a ToS is not legally binding in the eyes of the law.
  1. Woggmer's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sluvs View Post
    So what you are telling me that someone that was purposefully gaming the system was surprised that the system was gamed?

    If a message get reported by a lot of people at once of course they would receive a instant silence. Asmons gamed the automated system and was angry that it worked as intended. That result was entirely expected and it is follishness to pretend otherwise.

    Now If your argument is that it should be reviewed by a human I 100% agree. But some degree of automation will probably always be necessary.

    Complaining about the social contract is pointless. In one way or another, every game has one of these.

    WoW was the outlier. And this one is kinda soft still. Being sligthly rude in FFXIV will get your ass banned real fast.

    To those that are afraid of being banned, just don't be a dick.
    No. I'm telling you is that you can get suspended for say ANYTHING even if it isn't remotely bad so long as you have enough people to get the AI's attention. It's not the matter of, "Oh it works" It's that the AI can't tell the difference between something harmless or something offensive. Which is why having a human moderator is more beneficial to at least fact check everything BEFORE they make the decision to suspend someone's account.

    Otherwise, people are gonna abuse the system in so many ways, from either reporting a player for being "bad at the game" or just to prank someone. The social contract is just there to let people know to "play nice" but the real fear is the report system and if it can tell the difference between a legitimate report and a fake one. Now that it has more options, means people can report someone for more than just saying a bad word or being rude (even if they never done anything to warrant that)
  1. Sluvs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Woggmer View Post
    No. I'm telling you is that you can get suspended for say ANYTHING even if it isn't remotely bad so long as you have enough people to get the AI's attention. It's not the matter of, "Oh it works" It's that the AI can't tell the difference between something harmless or something offensive. Which is why having a human moderator is more beneficial to at least fact check everything BEFORE they make the decision to suspend someone's account.

    Otherwise, people are gonna abuse the system in so many ways, from either reporting a player for being "bad at the game" or just to prank someone. The social contract is just there to let people know to "play nice" but the real fear is the report system and if it can tell the difference between a legitimate report and a fake one. Now that it has more options, means people can report someone for more than just saying a bad word or being rude (even if they never done anything to warrant that)
    To the best of my knowledge there is literally no game that has an AI that can identify if somethign is offensive or not. In fact, i dont think there is any AI that can do that reliably. You ask for something that cant be done.

    The automated system works well enough to what it was designed to do. Just because some streamer can purposefully break it, it does not mean that it is a bad system. Most of the time, if you are being reported by 30 people you have done something wrong.

    Again, I believe they should have some human oversight (They probably got it tbh). But automated systems will probably always be a part of moderating a game as huge as WoW.
  1. Apexis's Avatar
    I mean, anyone who did not see this Social Contract coming after more than a decade of people bullying the heck out of one another and Blizzard going through the BS they found themselves in over that decade as a company has not been living in the land of reality. I am surprised it had to take Blizzard to go through its internal BS for them to come to some sense of reality. Not only did the company create a toxic environment inside the company. That toxicity spilled over to its games as well. It is sad it had to take a lawsuit to understand all of this. 18 years is a bit late for something like this. The unrepairable damage that was allowed to take place ruined the community. It was not just the content that did so.
  1. ThatsOurEric's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by stoffe View Post
    Do this new New Social Contract mean you cant call people ''Noob'' ''bad'' etc anymore?
    Like someone asked, who or what gives you the right to call others bad or noobs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eazy View Post
    Better and more experienced player.
    Unsurprisingly, only elitists or straight up assholes think that experience or being better somehow gives them the right to be shitty towards others.

    Reality check : it doesn't. Please get off your high horse.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meanshield View Post
    Not allowed to call players bad? Thats so spastic. There are many bad players especially in pugs, should be able to tell them they are.
    There's an infinitely better way to do so without being an asshole about it. If you aren't capable of restraining yourself from doing so, you shouldn't be playing anything multiplayer oriented.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raxacorico View Post
    tl;dr: accept, don't care, grow thicker skin
    Then here's a better tldr; don't tell people to grow thicker skin, just don't act like an asshole. See? Easy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xires View Post
    When did people get so soft and weak? It's called "/ignore
    So just ignore the one person so they can then go and not get punished for being a tool? Fuck that. There's no excuse for people being shitty. The only ones who are soft and weak are the players who act this way to begin with. And you sure as shit know that those players are the ones who cry the loudest when they get banned and then blame shit like "wokeness", "white-knighting", "liberals" and all that other shit when really, it's because they never faced consequences for being a douche before, and now they can't man up and face that them being one got them in trouble for once.

    Quote Originally Posted by Razorice View Post
    I'll accept, but I won't follow.
    Cool, you're one of the people who don't deserve to play. Lookin forward to reading your inevitable rage post about getting banned.

    Quote Originally Posted by Valhalladin View Post
    Some cultures have negative views on women imbedded in their religion and societies. So if someone in games says negative things about women in the trade chat and I defend them will I get banned for harassing someone based on their culture or religion?
    If you're going to defend such shitty people, yes, you 100% deserve the ban (and much worse if we're being honest).
  1. Utrrabbit's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hablion View Post
    Ddosing is a FEDERAL offense not a ToS thing really. In fact in most cases a ToS is not legally binding in the eyes of the law.
    Actually you are very incorrect. TOS are legal binding contracts and always have been.
  1. Eazy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ThatsOurEric View Post
    Unsurprisingly, only elitists or straight up assholes think that experience or being better somehow gives them the right to be shitty towards others.

    Reality check : it doesn't. Please get off your high horse.
    Reality check: calling someone a noob doesn't mean being shitty towards them. It's actually telling them they're too unexperienced to actually do the content that requires skill they lack.
  1. xuros's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Utrrabbit View Post
    I guess they have every right to call someone a Noob if you have the right to call people "straight up assholes" and "Elitists" . Either you can or you can't. You don't get to have it both ways.
  1. Clbull's Avatar
    Blizzard: (Introduces social contract)

    WoW Community: "That sign won't stop me cause I can't read!"

    Rules don't mean shit if they're not enforced. Unless Blizzard get off their lazy butts, de-automate their report systems and finally police a game that players are paying $14.99 a month for the privilege of playing, this social contract won't change a thing.
  1. ThatsOurEric's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eazy View Post
    Reality check: calling someone a noob doesn't mean being shitty towards them. It's actually telling them they're too unexperienced to actually do the content that requires skill they lack.
    I mean, you could also just tell them that without calling them a noob. Like I said, get off the high horse.
  1. Alkizon's Avatar
    To the best of my knowledge there is literally no game that has an AI that can identify if somethign is offensive or not.
    And it's for this reason, that I insist on using not automat system (it's not AI, not even close), but a full-fledged filtering system and chat settings, this is why I insist on using "individual/personal" (= reasonable and moderated) protection, rather than giving everyone right to active and potentially dangerous "actions" , that is why I insist on return of status quo of full-fledged "internal" social regulation, rather than selfish individualization cultivated by "automatic-feeder" (even if only simply because it's deprivation of full will, and hence awareness and responsibility), game's internal problems can and should be solved without going beyond its world.

    "Automat" isn't good in itself, it's good only for and in those hands that are engaged in setting up and managing it, and only personally for them, which means that all that "public machine" have right to do is reading and applying individual settings of users to their "personal" locale and collecting statistics and evidence in case of need for a full-fledged "public" moderation of conflict. Under no circumstances should it make any decisions or allow players to directly abuse system, with good or bad intentions, it doesn't matter.

    In this particular case, social contract itself doesn't (shouldn't) have full-fledged legitimate force (there is no true, complete and recognized by majority definition/meaning of "good" and "bad"), only carry wish/warning to maintain level of morality and self-awareness, since non-compliance with it can ultimately lead to response actions by both players (if we return to the old social regulation) and devs (if you carelessly go beyond allowed rules when cheating and abuse the system), that's all.

    ps. Automatic system has been and will continue to be good only in those places where you need to make "accurate" decisions, but not in those where you need to make "right" ones.
  1. Ihavewaffles's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ThatsOurEric View Post
    Like someone asked, who or what gives you the right to call others bad or noobs?

    Unsurprisingly, only elitists or straight up assholes think that experience or being better somehow gives them the right to be shitty towards others.

    Reality check : it doesn't. Please get off your high horse.

    There's an infinitely better way to do so without being an asshole about it. If you aren't capable of restraining yourself from doing so, you shouldn't be playing anything multiplayer oriented.

    Then here's a better tldr; don't tell people to grow thicker skin, just don't act like an asshole. See? Easy.

    So just ignore the one person so they can then go and not get punished for being a tool? Fuck that. There's no excuse for people being shitty. The only ones who are soft and weak are the players who act this way to begin with. And you sure as shit know that those players are the ones who cry the loudest when they get banned and then blame shit like "wokeness", "white-knighting", "liberals" and all that other shit when really, it's because they never faced consequences for being a douche before, and now they can't man up and face that them being one got them in trouble for once.

    Cool, you're one of the people who don't deserve to play. Lookin forward to reading your inevitable rage post about getting banned.

    If you're going to defend such shitty people, yes, you 100% deserve the ban (and much worse if we're being honest).
    You realize under the new rules, ur post would have broken them, several times over?
  1. Soikona's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ThatsOurEric View Post
    Like someone asked, who or what gives you the right to call others bad or noobs?

    Unsurprisingly, only elitists or straight up assholes think that experience or being better somehow gives them the right to be shitty towards others.

    Reality check : it doesn't. Please get off your high horse.

    There's an infinitely better way to do so without being an asshole about it. If you aren't capable of restraining yourself from doing so, you shouldn't be playing anything multiplayer oriented.

    Then here's a better tldr; don't tell people to grow thicker skin, just don't act like an asshole. See? Easy.

    So just ignore the one person so they can then go and not get punished for being a tool? Fuck that. There's no excuse for people being shitty. The only ones who are soft and weak are the players who act this way to begin with. And you sure as shit know that those players are the ones who cry the loudest when they get banned and then blame shit like "wokeness", "white-knighting", "liberals" and all that other shit when really, it's because they never faced consequences for being a douche before, and now they can't man up and face that them being one got them in trouble for once.

    Cool, you're one of the people who don't deserve to play. Lookin forward to reading your inevitable rage post about getting banned.

    If you're going to defend such shitty people, yes, you 100% deserve the ban (and much worse if we're being honest).
    Your attitude is very entitled, and condescending towards those that think differently. You have broke the contract, as well as your own advice.
  1. Eazy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ThatsOurEric View Post
    I mean, you could also just tell them that without calling them a noob. Like I said, get off the high horse.
    I certainly won't, as long as people who are underskilled and unexperienced are trying to do the content they shouldn't. A few good years ago it was "I check out the guides/videos and then do [something]", right now it's "I am going to try my luck and join that group and learn the [content] from playing". Although it's a good thing, it shouldn't be used on timed content and where people just make the same mistake 5 times in a row...
  1. ElDoorO's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Utrrabbit View Post
    Actually you are very incorrect. TOS are legal binding contracts and always have been.
    I'm only here to say that no, they aren't always legally binding, as AutoDESK has learned. Just because you click "I agree" doesn't mean all terms are legally binding. Some rights cannot give up, full stop. Like carny rides - just because you pinky promise not to sue doesn't mean you can't, no matter what you sign.

    TOS's are a legal grey area that, thus far, have really been restricted to "is it reasonable?" for the most part.

    One of the reasons listed by Judges has been that getting your money back is non-trivial to (practically) impossible if you don't agree with the EULA or TOS. Changing terms, significantly - as is what's going on now, viewed by some, also makes the waters muddier.

    If you don't agree to the "Social Contract" - is Blizzard going to give you a full refund for the game you purchased? No? So they aren't offering anything in exchange for this new contract? Then, likely, it's not going to remain legally binding if push comes to shove as a person will have "no choice" - as in they can either agree or lose their money on a contract they didn't know was coming.

    So now, you're just plain wrong.

    Of course overall most people just take people like Blizzard to small claims, get their few coins when Acti-Blizz doesn't show up when they tell the Judge "I just want my money back if they want to do this" and you'll never heard of it because it's small claims and not a juicy story.

    AutoDesk learned you can't just do certain things. One of which is you can't force someone to do something or they lose it all because fuck'em. That agreement means nothing at that point. For there to be an agreement the company has to offer something in exchange, usually.

    In AutoDesk's case - they tried the "we sold you just a license, not the actual product, and we're revoking that license" and they were told to fuck on outta here because it was bought at a brick and mortar store and presented as a physical product, ergo, you cannot revoke that.

    It also didn't help that they had no solid, and good, process for people who declined the license after they bought the product - which "forced" people to agree anyways and deal with any consequences later.

    EUAL's and TOS's are not the end-all-be-all of law. Contract disputes are EXTREMELY common because of this. You don't get to say "you signed, so whatever" or "you clicked agree, so whatever" because that's just plain not how the real world works.

    In this case, if Blizzard abuses their banning power - it could end up quite spectacularly blowing up in their faces. Usually companies avoid going to court over EULA's and TOS issues specifically because they don't want that gray water to be cleared up - because it may not be in their favor. This is why you see companies handling things quietly, more often than not, if you see or hear about it at all.
  1. Violent's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ThatsOurEric View Post
    Like someone asked, who or what gives you the right to call others bad or noobs?
    Facist says "What"?

    How about the fact that someone else has a Voice? That = You can't silence it. Who or What gives you the right to tell someone else what they can or cannot say?
    See how that works? Simple 6th grade logic, thrown right back at you.. What can you do about it? Let me guess, your appeal to authority?
    Nice, let me pre-empt that with my own, "God gave me a Voice to use, and I used it." God is bigger than your Corporate censorship .
    (I'm 110% Athiest, I just had to point out how dumb your argument is)
  1. panda040's Avatar
    Remember everyone, in the online role playing fantasy world you ARE NOT allowed to hate. lmfao
  1. CaptainV's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by panda040 View Post
    Remember everyone, in the online role playing fantasy world you ARE NOT allowed to hate. lmfao
    Correction, in an MMO fantasy roleplaying game thats entire premise is two factions at WAR with each other.

    Yeah, apparently hate is bad in a world thats setting is full of it lol.
  1. Eapoe's Avatar
    Maybe just not be terrible to each other and things like this wouldn’t need to exist.
    No one’s saying you have to be happy. No one’s saying you have to be nice to people. You can, in fact, ignore them. You don’t have to talk to them. Never play with them again. Move on with your life.
    What they are saying, is that while playing their game you aren’t allowed to be a jerk to someone else, and you will play by their rules.

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