XT-002 Deconstructor Tuning Coming Later Today - January 31
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Later today, we intend to reduce the difficulty of XT-002 Deconstructor on Hard Mode via a hotfix.

We’ll let you know the details of the tuning here when it goes live, and you’ll find it in our hotfixes update thereafter.
This article was originally published in forum thread: XT-002 Deconstructor Tuning Coming Later Today - January 31 started by Stoy View original post
Comments 17 Comments
  1. Mendzia's Avatar
    Fucking finally.
    This timer was absolute bullshit.
    I hope it is around 30-40% nerf of his HM hp.
  1. exsanguinate's Avatar
    Was it like this b4 or snowflakes crying again?
  1. Deferionus's Avatar
    Why are they nerfing content I was pugging 15 years ago? On top of that, didn't they buff the tier sets which already was indirectly a nerf to it? Wait til these guys do Alone in the Dark lol.
  1. anveena's Avatar
    Good this boss was thoroughly nerfed back in the day for a reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deferionus View Post
    Why are they nerfing content I was pugging 15 years ago? On top of that, didn't they buff the tier sets which already was indirectly a nerf to it? Wait til these guys do Alone in the Dark lol.
    You were pugging nerfed XT 15 years ago. They've already downed yogg 0. Everything in Ulduar is cleared besides XT HM 25.
  1. Mendzia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Deferionus View Post
    Why are they nerfing content I was pugging 15 years ago? On top of that, didn't they buff the tier sets which already was indirectly a nerf to it? Wait til these guys do Alone in the Dark lol.
    You have literally 0 clue about this issue, do you?
  1. Marvy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Deferionus View Post
    Why are they nerfing content I was pugging 15 years ago? On top of that, didn't they buff the tier sets which already was indirectly a nerf to it? Wait til these guys do Alone in the Dark lol.
    Tell me you know jack all about Classic without telling me you know jack all about Classic.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I really hope this nerf applies to 10 man as well, while XT is not impossible on 10 man, the difficulty is considerably out of tune with the rest of the 10 man raid.
  1. ryjkur's Avatar
    We have come to a point where Classic content is harder than anything on retail mythic so it's obvious this needs a nerf. 0 Kills
  1. Tech614's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ryjkur View Post
    We have come to a point where Classic content is harder than anything on retail mythic so it's obvious this needs a nerf. 0 Kills
    I wouldn't exactly call it harder, just some dev drastically failed with their calculator work when you end up making XT unkillable while Yogg 0 is doable. The mechanics on that fight are brain dead, broken numbers isn't difficulty. Same thing was true when it originally released and history repeats itself I guess.
  1. RoKPaNda's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ryjkur View Post
    We have come to a point where Classic content is harder than anything on retail mythic so it's obvious this needs a nerf. 0 Kills
    lol no. I'm telling you this as someone primarily raiding in Classic right now, if you've done Heroic retail raids you've done harder content than anything on Classic. This isn't un-killed because it's hard, it's because it's very obviously tuned to a level that's impossible with current gear levels or pretty close to it. Yogg-0 is doable, XT isn't.
  1. SinR's Avatar
    You know there's a problem when the final boss on its hardest difficulty has been done, the optional hardmode only boss is done, but the 4th boss in (or second depending on how you wanna look at it) is so tightly tuned that its near impossible to kill without full BIS gear and perfect play.
  1. relaxok's Avatar
    wasn’t XT HM killed pre nerf way back then?
  1. mmocfd1b0ab5a3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by relaxok View Post
    wasn’t XT HM killed pre nerf way back then?
    Hotfix (2009-05-19): "The hit point increasing hard mode ability for XT-002 Deconstructor has been reduced to 50% in the 10 player Normal setting, and 60% in the 25 player Heroic setting. The corresponding damage increase for XT-002 has also been reduced to 15%. Life Sparks also have half of their previous hit point values."

    what happened after the nerfs:

  1. Tech614's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Deferionus View Post
    You know, instead of saying "tElL Me yOu KnOw JaCk aLl AbOuT Classic" you could actually give a legitimate response if they made changes to what was originally in retail Wrath. Something like "They increased hard mode hp by 100% and increased damage by 20%" and it would make sense why they are nerfing it.
    Not only did you not know nothing about classic you know nothing about Ulduar when it went live since the fight got 50% nerf on 10 man and 60% on 25 man back when it was retail and not classic.

    Personally I know jack shit all about classic and don't play it but this headline doesn't surprise me since it had broken numbers upon it's original release and history repeated itself. You would know this if you where actually progressing Ulduar hard modes at release instead of doing them in ICC and trying to come in this thread like an expert.
  1. Ragu4's Avatar
    I'd like to know why Maladath was allowed to transfer off but not in, and is still being treated like a Fresh server when that is all but dead now.
  1. Poppincaps's Avatar
    My group has killed all Hardmodes except XT, Yogg 0, and Algalon. It just doesn't make sense that XT HM is harder than Mimiron HM, Yogg 1, or Vezax HM. Nerf was well deserved honestly.
  1. SinR's Avatar
    so the thread I've read on Reddit says Normal Mode got like 28% nerfed (25m to 18m), Heartbreaker mode got 47% nerfed (47.5m to 25m), and the heart itself got 46% nerfed (10m to 5.4m).

    10 Man appears to have been nerfed as well. No numbers for 10man on the thread I'm reading
  1. Tiwack's Avatar
    "You are bad toys!"

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