Activision Blizzard Q4 2022 Earnings Results
Activision Blizzard announced their Q4 2022 results this afternoon. We now know why there was no article similar to previous expansions about the expansion becoming the fastest selling PC game of all time.

World of Warcraft
  • Early Dragonflight sales have not reached the level of the prior expansion, but community feedback on the title has been positive
  • World of Warcraft delivered significant year-over-year growth in reach, engagement and net bookings in the fourth quarter following the September release of Wrath of the Lich King Classic and the November launch of Dragonflight
  • Post-launch subscriber retention in the West is higher than recent expansions
  • Warcraft: Arclight Rumble continues to progress well through regional testing

Overwatch 2
  • The October launch of Overwatch 2 with a free-to-play model delivered the highest quarterly figures for player numbers and hours played in Overwatch history
  • Player investment is also off to a strong start, with fourth quarter in-game net bookings at the highest level to date for Overwatch

  • Diablo Immortal on mobile and PC also contributed to Blizzard’s fourth quarter year-over-year growth. Engagement and player investment trends for the title were stable at the end of the fourth quarter and into the new year
  • Diablo IV, the next installment in the genre-defining series, is planned for release on PC and console on June 6, 2023

  • Microsoft and Activision Blizzard are continuing to engage with regulators and are working toward closing the transaction in Microsoft’s fiscal year ending June 30 2023

  • Blizzard reported its highest quarterly net bookings to date, driven by strong growth for Warcraft and the reinvigoration of Overwatch and Diablo
  • The first quarter will see significant development and marketing investment in live operations and future releases, including the June launch of Diablo IV
  • Blizzard segment revenue and operating income grew approximately 90% year-over-year in the fourth quarter, as our teams executed against a substantial pipeline to deliver well-received content across key intellectual properties.
  • Warcraft, Overwatch and Diablo grew strongly year-over-year and each delivered over $100M in net bookings
  • Blizzard had 45 million Monthly Active Users, up from 31 million last quarter
  • Game development teams grew over 25% year-over-year in 2022
  • Activision Blizzard increased representation for those who identify as women or non-binary to 26% globally, as of the end of November, versus 24% a year earlier
  • Representation for underrepresented ethnic groups increased to 38% from 36% in the US over the same period
  • Blizzard remains focused on finding alternative ways to serve the community in China
This article was originally published in forum thread: Activision Blizzard Q4 2022 Earnings Results started by chaud View original post
Comments 227 Comments
  1. Osmeric's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by crusadernero View Post
    Look, another post that says "one day wow will die". Well, duh. Thats kind of a given? One day it will happen. But i'd bet that wow will still be around in 10 years, and more.
    I'm saying more than that, but if you want to caricature me to make yourself feel better, go knock yourself out.
  1. Stickiler's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    The game is on a long term downward trend. Why do you imagine this will change? If anything, if declining engagement leads to lower development budgets, the decline could accelerate.
    Did you miss where it said WoW has seen growth in both engagement and net bookings? There is no "declining engagement".
  1. Osmeric's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Stickiler View Post
    Did you miss where it said WoW has seen growth in both engagement and net bookings? There is no "declining engagement".
    I sure hope WoW saw year-on-year growth like that. I mean, there was a new expansion in Q4 2022; there wasn't a new expansion in Q4 2021. If there hadn't been growth of that kind it would have been extremely dire.
  1. HansOlo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    I sure hope WoW saw year-on-year growth like that. I mean, there was a new expansion in Q4 2022; there wasn't a new expansion in Q4 2021. If there hadn't been growth of that kind it would have been extremely dire.

    You are this prime subject rambling about sub and growth. Give us some answers.

    What use is sub and growth for you, unless you are Bobby K?
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    I sure hope WoW saw year-on-year growth like that. I mean, there was a new expansion in Q4 2022; there wasn't a new expansion in Q4 2021. If there hadn't been growth of that kind it would have been extremely dire.
    The point is the same: It's not all bad news and you seem to be in this thread specifically to revel in some weird type of schadenfreude you get from the decline of WoW.
  1. Kralljin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by HansOlo View Post
    People proven wrong = Blizzard proven wrong.
    I get the impression that you are confused.
    Quote Originally Posted by HansOlo View Post
    There is absolutely nothing negative in this report. In fact - as fanbase we should be proud of what we got(maybe even despite).
    I mean, they just had to admit in an earnings call that their flagship product underperformed, but sure.
  1. Mysterymask's Avatar
    Ahh yes that time of day when all the folks seeking validation for nerfing their character years ago can feast
  1. Osmeric's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kralljin View Post
    I get the impression that you are confused.

    I mean, they just had to admit in an earnings call that their flagship product underperformed, but sure.
    Strictly speaking, it was just a quarterly report, not a "call". They aren't doing calls right now because of the MS buyout.
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kralljin View Post
    I mean, they just had to admit in an earnings call that their flagship product underperformed, but sure.
    I'll admit they buried the lede a bit but it didn't come off as patently negative as some of the late-BfA QRs did.
  1. Sensa1's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nereidaa View Post
    The report also says that DF is having better retention rate than the last expansions, which indicates that those who tried it, liked it better in average. A lot of people aren't going to even try it because of Blizzard's past mistakes, and that's fine - but it's a good thing for the game that those who play it like it enough to stay playing. And that's considering the negative trend and social backlash Blizzard received with last year's scandals and when quitting WoW and announcing it was pretty much a cool badge of honor, everyone's favourite bandwagon to jump on, so to me it feels like they are taking steps in the right direction to change that trend.
    Retention being higher than SL, despite lower sales, may or may not be related to the "quality" of the expansion. With the exception of Dragon Riding, the Trading Post and the elimination of borrowed powers the "game" is largely the same.

    A more likely cause of higher retention is that the lower sales were to Blizzard's "base" (to borrow a political term) to begin with - committed customers - who are going to buy and play WoW pretty much come hell or high water.

    The hey day has clearly come and gone and it was obvious, despite a 59 page thread trying to suggest otherwise, that the sales were down...doesn't mean WoW is dead as WoW can survive a long time on this base of customers. It was amusing, however, to watch some of the die hard fanboys try to avoid admitting the obvious - sales were down.
  1. chiddie's Avatar
    I’m kinda surprised about DF retention, honestly.

    I mean, of course it’s better than SL in any possible way but it’s another mots, especially in end game. Imho the game desperately needs a new fourth pillar.
  1. Fitsu's Avatar
    A lot of people saying Blizz is slowly bleeding out, this is the result when you treat your community bad etc. But honestly I think this is just the result of Blizzard showing it's age.

    Blizzard were and still are the kings of game design from a mechanical gameplay point of view and once upon a time that was enough. Classic WoW took off because it took pre-existing ideas and polished them up. Nothing even came close to Diablo 2 from a gameplay loop perspective back in the 2000s. But they were never the innovative company, they've never been the complexity company.

    Gamers have evolved and Blizzard hasn't kept with them. Your average gamer now wants more depth, more complexity, more challenge and these are all things Blizzard simply do not offer. All they offer is a tight gameplay experience and in 2023 that just isn't enough anymore.
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sensa1 View Post
    The hey day has clearly come and gone and it was obvious, despite a 59 page thread trying to suggest otherwise, that the sales were down...doesn't mean WoW is dead as WoW can survive a long time on this base of customers. It was amusing, however, to watch some of the die hard fanboys try to avoid admitting the obvious - sales were down.
    There's a difference between admitting sales are down and insisting that imaginary numbers scraped from Blizzard's API by a balding, European ball shaving connoisseur proved anything meaningful. That's what most of the discussion in that 59-page thread was about.
  1. Osmeric's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by chiddie View Post
    I’m kinda surprised about DF retention, honestly.
    They drove away the "weak sisters", so those remaining will tend to be more attached to the game. Viewed another way, they front loaded the sub losses so that more occurred before the expansion actually started. This is still somewhat bad for them, since they have lost the revenue from those expansion sales. I imagine they're trying to get those people to buy the expansion now to make up for it.
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Fitsu View Post
    Gamers have evolved and Blizzard hasn't kept with them. Your average gamer now wants more depth, more complexity, more challenge and these are all things Blizzard simply do not offer. All they offer is a tight gameplay experience and in 2023 that just isn't enough anymore.
    My outlook is a bit less cynical. Blizzard still offers a unique product in WoW that has a dedicated base. Even though this expansion didn't have blow-out sales numbers like the last, it's still a great game which has a long development cycle ahead of it. All this talk of "gamers evolving" would see Blizzard sooner give up entirely on WoW and focus all of their dev time on something like OW2. I don't think that's the best way forward either. There's room for WoW in the Blizzard vernacular but it doesn't need to always outsell every preceding expansion in order for it to be successful or enjoyable.
  1. Osmeric's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Fitsu View Post
    Your average gamer now wants more depth, more complexity, more challenge
    And this is why mobile games are so popular!

    Wait a sec...
  1. HansOlo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    And this is why mobile games are so popular!

    Wait a sec...
    Comparing WoW vs. the mobile game segment was... Fantastic.

    You are something special.
  1. Utrrabbit's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zyky View Post

    No one expected it to have higher sales than previous xpacs not even blizzard, the one thing thst is important here that people are glossing over is the higher player retention. That is they key figure.

    Their numbers could of been high at launch, but witgout retention it does not matter. Seeing players staying engaged and enjoying the game is far more important to blizzard at this time as it draws in more players to come back seeing numbers go up from launch not down.
  1. qwerty123456's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    I think it's more fair to say that the people who quit in Shadowlands quit because they moved on with their lives and fewer people were enticed by Dragonflight. I know this is surprising, but sometimes people quit playing games for reasons that aren't because they hate them.
    There were tons of reasons why people quit, some didn't like it, some moved on, some did so because they thought Blizzard was letting titty grabbers run rampant, some did because they removed sexy pictures and emotes, some did because thier fav streamer started playing Final Fantasy, etc....

    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    ... Did you even read the whole thing? Literally two lines below it completely disproves you by saying player retention is higher than the previous expansion. How do you read that and think "that means Blizzard is bleeding even more subscribers!!"?
    If Shadowlands starts with 100 subscribers and 30 leave after a month (70 active subs)and Dragonflight starts with 50 subscribers and 2 leave after a month(48 active subs) they have retained more players than the previous expansion percentage wise. That doesn't mean Dragonflight definitely has less subs as it could also mean something like Shadowlands 100-30+70 Dragonflight 80-9=71. Since we don't have actual numbers he could be correct that Blizzard is bleeding more subscribers but it could also mean subscribers have mostly leveled out and fewer people try and leave.
  1. Osmeric's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by HansOlo View Post
    Comparing WoW vs. the mobile game segment was... Fantastic.

    You are something special.
    He was claiming something about "average gamers."

    I'm just pointing out that the average gamer plays mobile games.

    In light of that fact, his claim didn't make much sense.

    Logic, you might want to try it. You know, address the argument, don't jump immediately to a personal attack.

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