Dragonflight Class Tuning Incoming - February 28
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
With scheduled weekly maintenance (early tomorrow, February 28 in this region), we’re making targeted tuning adjustments to several classes.

Dungeons and Raids
  • Death Knight
    • Blood
      • All damaging abilities increased by 3%.
  • Paladin
    • Holy
      • Light of Dawn healing increased by 10%
    • Protection
      • Greater Judgment’s bonus to your next Holy Power ability against the afflicted target increased to 40% (was 20%).
      • Hammer of Wrath damage increased by 30%
      • Hammer of the Righteous damage increased by 20%
  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • Lightning Bolt damage increased by 10% for Elemental only. Does not apply to PvP.
      • Lava Burst damage increased by 6% for Elemental only. Does not apply to PvP.
      • Earth Shock damage increased by 6%. Does not apply to PvP.
      • Elemental Blast damage increased by 6% for Elemental only. Does not apply to PvP.
      • Icefury damage increased by 80%.
      • Icefury causes Frost Shock to generate 14 Maelstrom (up from 8).
      • Frost Shock damage increased by 15% for Elemental only.
      • Developers’ notes: These changes are aimed at improving Elemental single target damage. We also felt that Icefury should deal more damage so that the spell is not solely focused on the follow-up Frost Shocks.

Player Vs. Player
  • Items
    • Gladiator’s Distinction’ Stamina provided by the bonus increased by 40%
    • Developers’ notes: Our goal for PvP pacing is for it to be fast, while leaving time for players to react; we’ve continued to see that overall PvP pacing has been faster than we would like, especially as players have been gaining increased offensive power through tier set acquisition, so we’re adjusting the stamina bonus from Gladiator’s Distinction to help address this.
  • Hunter
    • Improved Kill Shot now increases Kill Shot’s critical strike damage by 15% in PvP Combat (was 25%)
    • Marksmanship
      • Razor Fragments increases Kill Shot’s damage by 40% in PvP Combat (was 50%).
      • Arcane Shot damage increased by 45% in PvP Combat (was 30%).
      • Chimaera Shot damage increased by 45% in PvP Combat (was 30%).
      • Developers’ notes: Kill Shot critical strikes have been particularly deadly for Hunters, so we’re reducing the value of Improved Kill Shot. Marksmanship will be receiving several other adjustments to shift more of their damage profile into their base rotation.
  • Monk
    • Brewmaster
      • Incendiary Breath (PvP Talent) now increases the Radius and Damage of Breath of Fire by 30% (was 100%).
      • Developers’ notes: Incendiary Breath’s radius increase has been difficult to read as a player and Brewmaster damage has been higher than we would like.
    • Windwalker
      • Touch of Karma now redirects 105% of absorbed damage in PvP Combat (was 70%).
      • Developers’ notes: Touch of Karma’s redirect damage should be a strong deterrent to targeting a Monk while it’s active, and we feel that it was too weak previously.
  • Rogue
    • Assassination
      • Hemotoxin (PvP Talent) healing reduction effect reduced to 30% (was 35%).
      • Developers’ notes: We felt that the Healing reduction effect from Hemotoxic was too strong, especially as it is easy to keep applied.
    • Outlaw
      • Dispatch damage increased by 15% in PvP Combat.
      • Developers’ notes: Outlaw has been underperforming, so we’re increasing their finisher damage.
  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • Converging Storms increases Stormstrike damage by 10% per stack in PvP Combat was 25%).
      • Lava Lash damage increased by 15% in PvP Combat.
      • Stormstrike damage increased by 50% in PvP Combat (was increased by 30%).
      • Windstrike damage increased by 50% in PvP Combat (was increased by 30%).
      • Developers’ notes: We’re looking to increase Enhancement’s consistent damage while reducing its high-end burst potential.
  • Warrior
    • Fury
      • Rampage damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
      • Execute damage increased by 10% in PvP combat. Arms and Protection damage unchanged.
      • Developers’ notes: Fury Warriors’ offensive pressure has been notably lower than we would like, so we’re increasing Rampage and Execute damage.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Dragonflight Class Tuning Incoming - February 28 started by Stoy View original post
Comments 35 Comments
  1. panda040's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Vyache View Post
    Nerfed 90%, up 35%, Blizzard style, relative to Enh shamans. Where is the survivability tuning?
    I believe i saw patch notes stating that our defensives are being buffed as well.
  1. Thalrend's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by talmir View Post
    Lol, wtf is with your thing about betting on this. As if me not taking a random bet with some opinionated rando on a game related forum proves anything to you? No, I wont take part in a bet with your weirdo ass.

    Top "5" is way small a section to make any kind of statistical sense. You're cherry picking your data and you are assuming the reasonings behind people playing warriors, or pally's for that matter. You have no clue what happens after .7, neither do I. You are assuming shit because you are emotionally invested in that whatever blizzard are doing is bad. Sure, we dont NEED buffs, but here we are. I'm sure you'll find something else to whine about when guardian druids get buffed. Whatever dude. You are cherry picking data, putting words in my mouth, making assumptions about what hasnt happened yet and use shit like "why are you not taking this bet" as a way to worm yourself to some way to mentally masturbate yourself with some weird tiny victory. I dont much enjoy talking to a brick, and you are a brick. We're done here, and no, you did not "win" this discussion, you weird little internet person.
    Mhm, so if I don't know, why I can simply say that 10.0.7 will be dominated by paladin tanks right now? Oh btw this is not only my opinion just so you know, this is a very common opinion on top players and paladin players included. Only reason I even bringed up that top 5 is that is where the cutting edge is. You don't become the top tank in the world if your spec is not the best spec for the said content.

    This is before the buffs even. What makes that part even more scary is that people who mained warrior and pushed and geared the said warriors relentlessly, and still only after a small tuning pass pala tanks took over them. there is 8 more paladin tanks in top 50 compared to last 2 weeks . That is absolutely bonkers when you stop and think it happened after 1 small damage tuning pass. And after the second one and a huge talent rework, you really think that you will not be the top dog by a large margin?

    And you call me a brick, that is actually ironic.
  1. erifwodahs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Thalrend View Post
    bullshit bullshit bullshit
    Pala is not a #1 fotm spec lol - only has stepped in S tier and for the pull size - fucking lol. Being paladin doesn't suddenly enable impossible pulls.

    This bullshiter talking about next patch like the tuning is final for it. You sound like you really know fuck all about how pala works and what talent changes have been made, yes, overall that will turn out as a buff on current tuning, but not as massive as you pretend it will be.
    I wonder how you didn't also mention Brew, VDH and BDK in your resume, which is completely accurate I am sure. Also druid is in dire need of fixing, no one is arguing that, what else, will you say it's easier to time keys on your shadow priest than on your survival hunter? Some specs being shit doesn't make it right not to fix stronger spec issues.
  1. Subrias's Avatar
    I wishi liked playing prot paladin still. Thematically, it is my favorite tank. To me it isn't smooth, it's got like 15 cool down buttons and it isn't fun any more. I haven't enjoyed prot paladin since wod. Rip.
  1. erifwodahs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by joxur View Post
    "most dominant tanks" doing a lot of heavy lifting here
    yeah, looking at +25 and up: 44% warriors, 26.5% paladins - dude is terrible at numbers, probably has something to do with that aneurysm he is having over ST buff for paladins

    +20 and up bracket still below by over 10% under warriors - overall fairly healthy balance if druids got some love.
  1. Thalrend's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by erifwodahs View Post
    yeah, looking at +25 and up: 44% warriors, 26.5% paladins - dude is terrible at numbers, probably has something to do with that aneurysm he is having over ST buff for paladins

    +20 and up bracket still below by over 10% under warriors - overall fairly healthy balance if druids got some love.
    Yeah I am so terrible at the numbers that the paladin numbers nearly doubled in 2 weeks in+25 keys and considering with this ST buff and the upcoming change which is a net buff all around those numbers are not going to go up.

    People don't stop playing their time invested characters unless there is a very obvious difference in general, at this very moment paladin tanks are better albeit very comparable to warriors, so most warriors did not rerolled. However, the best tanks are the paladin tanks, because the best tank is the paladin at this very moment. You don't become the number 1 tank rio wise if you spec is not capable of doing so, all those players are amazing players and better than you and me, so when there is 3 paladins in top 5, with a paladin tank being the number 1, buffing the spec 3 times in a row makes no sense, 1 buff 2 weeks ago, 1 buff now, 1 big buff in 2 weeks or so.

    So please do tell me, you really think paladins will not be better than warriors in next pacth? I get it, you are a paladin main, you probably need the buffs to be good considering how defensive you are about the buffs, but common sense is important. As soon as 10.0.7 hits, first 100 will be mainly paladins, you might even get nuked because whenever blizzard buffs a class to high heaven with this kind of shit, they also have a tendency to nuke them back to oblivion.

    Where you guys are at is amazing, you are on par if not better than warriors, why would you need any fucking buffs on top of this is beyond me. It makes no sense balancing wise and never will.
  1. erifwodahs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Thalrend View Post
    Where you guys are at is amazing, you are on par if not better than warriors, why would you need any fucking buffs on top of this is beyond me. It makes no sense balancing wise and never will.
    Spec underperforms at something - gets buffed in that particular area. You "why is this happening omg" instead of going to forums and advocating changes to weak specs. Druid tank overall needs an overhaul much more than pala needs because it straight up sucks from gameplay and performance perspective. Prot pala "rework" is a collateral and wouldn't have happened if ret was not being reworked.

    Same as saying that a spec which does amazing in AoE shouldn't have at least decent ST "oh you have it good already" - no it's cringe. There should be options. Fuck all these players who instead of advocating their own class are QQing about something which isn't even out of line but is just good. If for some reason pala tank became unkillable beast doing most dmg out of all tanks - sure, call it out, but this isn't the case - they were having ST dmg issues and are overall just good - not even close to S3 BDK/Surv/Destro memes or DF S1 first few months of a warrior levels of crap - warriors have been nerfed and only now paladins are arguably at a similar to them.
  1. Sufifi's Avatar
    Me getting my moment in the sun does not hurt you nor your class in any way.
    Well it kinda does though, if they buff every tank except Bear I'll be happy for other tank players but it will still hurt my spec since it means we'll be even worse than other tanks and less likely to do harder content / get invited in PUGs.
  1. Thalrend's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by erifwodahs View Post
    Spec underperforms at something - gets buffed in that particular area. You "why is this happening omg" instead of going to forums and advocating changes to weak specs. Druid tank overall needs an overhaul much more than pala needs because it straight up sucks from gameplay and performance perspective. Prot pala "rework" is a collateral and wouldn't have happened if ret was not being reworked.

    Same as saying that a spec which does amazing in AoE shouldn't have at least decent ST "oh you have it good already" - no it's cringe. There should be options. Fuck all these players who instead of advocating their own class are QQing about something which isn't even out of line but is just good. If for some reason pala tank became unkillable beast doing most dmg out of all tanks - sure, call it out, but this isn't the case - they were having ST dmg issues and are overall just good - not even close to S3 BDK/Surv/Destro memes or DF S1 first few months of a warrior levels of crap - warriors have been nerfed and only now paladins are arguably at a similar to them.
    My dude, if everything of your spec is good, there is NO REASON to invite anybody else. If you got the best aoe in the game, you shouldnt have the best single target in the game at the SAME time. you can have okay single and strong aoe, you can have amazing single and DECENT aoe, but you cannot have it all.

    Prot at the moment has amazing utility, yes the interrupts doesnt let you do impossible pulls, but it makes pulls much safer, so right there is a amazing pug tank since pugs are garbage at interrupts at all stages of the game, and in group content it lets you get away with bigger pulls in some situations. This is not arguable, it simply allows some pulls that is not feasible with other tanks, blood dks also lets you do that so I will give you that much.

    You also have very good survival, your aoe damage is not bad by any means, your single target is the only meh thing. Why does it need a buff? You got self healing, your group healing is not bad if you can spare your holy powers to do so, you have bubble taunt, you have freedom, you got amazing interrupts. Literally the only weakness if you can even call it that apart from you have to stay in your consecration, and somehow it warrants a buff?

    Why play other specs then man? When a spec is better than other spec, there is not a single reason to invite the other spec. So yeah you guys being the s tier tank does affects other specs, hence why balance is important. Vice versa applies also, if druid was this bonkers while paladin was garbage tier I would say the same thing. Because I also love playing with my alts, and if my druid is the only tank i get invited I would be annoyed with it also.

    Maybe you only play one class, which might explain why you are so defensive about this, but because you are meh in one area doesnt mean your spec is broken, and it doesnt mean it needs a fixing. world highest rio tank is a paladin, and if you damage was that low that wouldnt be the case, you can say whatever you want, but unless the spec is literally good in every regard, you simply cannot do 26-27 keys.

    And paladins in this position before 2 upcoming buffs, it would only open the gap even further after this. It simply makes no sense and its absurd. If this was another spec that you didn't play you would find this confusing also.
  1. erifwodahs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Thalrend View Post
    My dude, if everything of your spec is good, there is NO REASON to invite anybody else.
    And every spec should be like that. You shouldn't care if you invite a a wl a priest or a mage. Bring the player, not the class.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thalrend View Post
    You also have very good survival, your aoe damage is not bad by any means, your single target is the only meh thing. Why does it need a buff? You got self healing, your group healing is not bad if you can spare your holy powers to do so, you have bubble taunt, you have freedom, you got amazing interrupts. Literally the only weakness if you can even call it that apart from you have to stay in your consecration, and somehow it warrants a buff?
    AoE dmg is probably the best of all tanks. Why it needs ST buff? Because ST is dogshit, that's literally it. Btw, bubble taunt is "bugged" it has like 20% chance to kill your melee because taunt comes after the bubble by a 100ms and if there is auto qued - they are fucked, also it doesn't work with z axis very well so it's not as perfect as it seems and if you have played pala - you 100% know.

    Why play other specs? Because they are also not trash? Only bears are in the shitter now and I am all for the buffs and potential rework so I wouldn't fall asleep every time I log on my bear. It's not like prot paladins are BDKs of S3 in SL where it was probably even more broken than Warriors in first two months of DF.

    I play DPS and several tank specs, pala is my main go-to because I love it thematically, but I was never for other tanks to be nerfed (except DF war S1 because shit was crazy and blanket nerf to all tanks was just a joke) I always advocate other tanks to be brought in line.
  1. ExtremelyCrusty's Avatar
    Thanks for the PvE Fury buffs
  1. Thalrend's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by erifwodahs View Post
    And every spec should be like that. You shouldn't care if you invite a a wl a priest or a mage. Bring the player, not the class.

    AoE dmg is probably the best of all tanks. Why it needs ST buff? Because ST is dogshit, that's literally it. Btw, bubble taunt is "bugged" it has like 20% chance to kill your melee because taunt comes after the bubble by a 100ms and if there is auto qued - they are fucked, also it doesn't work with z axis very well so it's not as perfect as it seems and if you have played pala - you 100% know.

    Why play other specs? Because they are also not trash? Only bears are in the shitter now and I am all for the buffs and potential rework so I wouldn't fall asleep every time I log on my bear. It's not like prot paladins are BDKs of S3 in SL where it was probably even more broken than Warriors in first two months of DF.

    I play DPS and several tank specs, pala is my main go-to because I love it thematically, but I was never for other tanks to be nerfed (except DF war S1 because shit was crazy and blanket nerf to all tanks was just a joke) I always advocate other tanks to be brought in line.
    Then your aoe needs to be toned downed a bit. Like you can't have it all man. No spec/class should have it all, I will say this, and will say it again, an S tier tank is getting 3 buffs in a row, first buff they were not s tier, so that is fine, but this one and the rework is simply to much. Balance wise makes no sense, and we know that blizzard will not bring other tanks to line period. Not in a healthy time frame. Right now this buffs will simply repeat the fact that the paladins becoming the top fucking dog and any other tank other than warrior being dogshit compared to them.

    Why would you ever invite a x tank when you can invite a paladin after the rework. Single target? They will have this now, AOE? they are amazing? Utility? only blood dk compete, and that is a hard maybe. Survival? Healing?

    When you make something that is good even better you simply make other specs worse. Because people compare and look for the amazing specs, leaving the fucking underperforming specs in a even worse position. Notice I didnt ask for nerfs. I simply stated that buffing prot at this time is ABSURD.

    If this pacth notes include other tanks buffs and 10.0.7 include other tank buffs, not fucking %20 more armor kekw buffs but actual buffs, sure man. But right now an S tier tank is just getting buffed again and again and again. You either play a paladin or simply cannot pug keys. We will simply repeat start of DF only warriors apply bullshit but the warrior now be pink instead of brown.
  1. Loveliest's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Thalrend View Post
    Lets goooo, buff the prot pallies more, they are totally not the most dominant tank with warrior at the moment and might even say BETTER than them. Lets go blizzard, buff them to the high seas, because Fuck guardian druids amirite? Because death knights and prot pallies were the struggling tanks, and prot pallies are TOTALLY not also going to get even better with the upcoming paladin change, so they desperately needed this damage buff.

    Holy shit what did I just read man. Who is balancing this game, what is this?
    How about you ask for buffs for your class and stop crying and btchng about a class you don't play. You don't seem to understand the changes either. What good does it do you to complain about one non meta tank? How does it affect your druid and its non meta position.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Thalrend View Post
    And since you assumed what i mained when i typed in my reply what I played, I have a 2950 rio guardian, a 2900 rio paladin tank and a 2800 rio warrior tank. My 2900 rio paladin tank has MUCH MUCH MUUUUUUCH easier time on keys than my druid, even though there is a 7 i lvl difference between them.
    Why is your score so similar then if it's such an OP tank? And si dominant, which means ppl invite them first, right? If you play a pala, how are you complaining about a 20% buff to smthing that does 5% of your dmg?
    Pala is amazing because of utility, if your grp sucks you shine. For example, if you pull 20 mobs and your grp is retarded, they dont interrupt. If you are in guardian, oh well. If you are on pala, you interrupt. It's not pala damage that makes it shine. Do you know why warrs dominate? You say you play one so you should know, right?

    And btw, there are also raids. IKR, hard to think other ppl play other stuff aside from what you play. Single target is low compared to warr for example, needed buffing.
  1. Thalrend's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Loveliest View Post
    How about you ask for buffs for your class and stop crying and btchng about a class you don't play. You don't seem to understand the changes either. What good does it do you to complain about one non meta tank? How does it affect your druid and its non meta position.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Why is your score so similar then if it's such an OP tank? And si dominant, which means ppl invite them first, right? If you play a pala, how are you complaining about a 20% buff to smthing that does 5% of your dmg?
    Pala is amazing because of utility, if your grp sucks you shine. For example, if you pull 20 mobs and your grp is retarded, they dont interrupt. If you are in guardian, oh well. If you are on pala, you interrupt. It's not pala damage that makes it shine. Do you know why warrs dominate? You say you play one so you should know, right?

    And btw, there are also raids. IKR, hard to think other ppl play other stuff aside from what you play. Single target is low compared to warr for example, needed buffing.
    Dude, if there is a dominant tank that has everything covered, people invite the said tank and only look for that tank because people want to most success in their run. So yeah if you continously buff the said op tank, the other tanks becomes less desired and IT DOES affect their chances of getting in to group, because why would you want a pile of shit when you can have a prot pala.

    My score is similar because I dont actually try to push with my other tanks, they don't have good gear AND still i have easier time whenever i try to up my rio score because it is so much better than the said druid, even though i have better gear and probably play better with the said druid.

    You call people clueless but considering how defensive about your "buffs" that your spec dont need one bit, maybe you are the clueless one if you think the prot pala need the said buffs for your ass to perform in a decent level eh?
  1. dfsdf's Avatar
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    近年来,郭文贵的无耻不断的刷新着*众对骗子的*知,挺郭者中*智尚 存的纷纷清醒,而残余蚂蚁帮扭曲的三观让吃瓜群众叹为观止。他们 对漏洞百出的谎言深*不疑,对显而易见的真相置若罔闻,沉浸在郭� �贵的谎言中无法清醒。郭文贵的谎言是*众的笑料,却是他自己和小� ��蚁们赖以生存、为之疯狂的毒品。如果郭文贵的喜*拉*是疯人院,� �么恭喜郭文贵和蚂蚁帮已提前到达*点。
    上层权贵是郭文贵一直求而不得的*份,是爆料革命不可或缺的部分� �也是诱惑小蚂蚁的重要毒品。每当谎言被戳得惨不忍睹时,他就会� �想出一些神秘事件和人士抬高*价。以前的我盟、老领导、*情局、神 秘会议、全球反ccp联盟组织、*军火商、前元首、美国政坛未来的高� �。而小蚂蚁们也尤为喜欢这一套,为郭文贵的“独立顾问”沾沾自� �。至于故事中的商人干预政治、总统跨党派选参谋、未来领袖关键� �刻不操心中期选举却管他国闲事这些与常*相悖的情节,小蚂蚁们一� ��忽略。郭文贵这些只为效果不顾常*的权贵故事,确实能让贪慕虚荣 的无脑蚂蚁们失去*智,但这也是绝路上自欺欺人的海市蜃楼。
    郭文贵眼见权贵故事被砸得粉碎,就立*换药,蹭热点爆假料,曾经� �重庆公交车坠江事故塑造阴谋的面纱。这起事故的起因有黑匣子的� �控视频为*,整个事件过程的回溯详细完整,强*的网友也扒出了女乘 客和司机的*份,这确实是一出悲剧,但显而易见的与阴谋绝对无关� �可郭文贵偏要借题发挥,杜撰出阴谋的味道,而性喜阴谋的小蚂蚁� �果然无中生有的恶意揣测出了各种疑问。这是对*据确凿、事实脉络� ��晰的事件百般质疑,他们已经完全丧失了对真相的追求,只要有阴� ��,真相完全不重要。郭文贵为了阴谋而阴谋,确实能让性喜阴谋的� ��蚂蚁们兴奋异常,却让*众更加看清了这出名为民主实为闹剧的所谓 爆料革命的真面目。
    财产被冻,债台高筑,而股票又连连失利,郭文贵的财产和爆料革命 一样风雨飘摇,但为了残存的蚂蚁帮,郭文贵只能硬着头皮炫耀财富 。“越南制造”的战袍送不起,以次充好的领带被打脸嘲笑,不得已 郭文贵编出个专*摄影师摆阔,还不忘奉上几张照片作为*明。满眼闪� ��金光的小蚂蚁只看得见郭文贵的虚假炫富,却看不见他对全球经济� ��势的一无所知,他的巨额财富来源于罪恶*结于法律,在国外偷生的 逃犯除了做梦,现实中绝不会再次侥幸*为挥斥方遒的金融*鳄。郭文� ��的炫富,只能吸引无脑的小蚂蚁趋之若鹜,却无法掩盖他捉襟见肘� ��财务危机。
    郭文贵的爆料是为了政庇,无料可爆就只能靠谎言维持,政庇遥不可 及,谎言却*了郭文贵苟且度日、笼络蚁群的精神毒品,但谎言*不了� ��实,惩罚*将会来临,郭文贵必将自食恶果。

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