Twilight Pack Transmog and Mount In Shop
A new transmog and mount bundle is available in the store for $30.
Originally Posted by blizzard (Blue Tracker)
Prowl the Night in Style 
Get ready for a romantic getaway by the moonlight as the sun sinks below the horizon with the Twilight Witch's Attire and slink through the gloaming recesses of the waning dark astride the Twilight Sky Prowler in this fantastic bundle.  

The Twilight Pack Includes:
  • Twilight Sky Prowler Flying Mount
  • Twilight Witch's Hat
  • Twilight Witch's Shoulders
  • Twilight Witch's Blouse
  • Twilight Witch's Sash
  • Twilight Witch's Skirt
  • Twilight Witch's Boots
  • Twilight Witch's Gloves

The Twilight Pack will be available in the® Shop for a limited time*. Items in The Twilight Pack may arrive in a future rotation of the Trading Post, but no sooner than three months after the set leaves the Shop. 

*Items in The Twilight Pack leave the® Shop indefinitely on February 29, 2024.

Magical Murkmorpher Toy In Shop
A new toy that transforms you into a Murloc is available in the store for $10.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)

Murkmorpher: Murlocs in Disguise  
Make a mighty morphing moment for yourself or your party members when you deploy the Murkmorpher toy. Temporarily change your appearance into an ever-popular Westfall Story Murloc or other random colorful variant of the amphibious biped variety.

Transformation lasts 20 minutes, and stays active in combat and after death. Player characters can be transformed once every 60 minutes.
This article was originally published in forum thread: New Shop Items - Twilight Pack and Magical Murkmorpher Toy started by Stoy View original post
Comments 54 Comments
  1. Lucetia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertMugabe View Post
    It's always sad to see things like this. You can tell that this bundle is foreshadowing for what's to come in the next expansion (or maybe even next patch) and thus it would've been especially cool if they let you get this stuff in game by doing some quest chain or some form of new content; but instead it is just more profitable for them to put it on the store.

    On a sidenote though: WTF's up with Blizzard and Vulpines? It feels like half of the mounts they've released on the store, trading post etc. in the last year or so have been Vulpines.
    I mean are we going to ignore the fact it even says it will be on the Trading Post in 3+ months? Where you can earn it by doing stuff in game? Though technically you can do that now by making gold and buying a token and purchasing

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    I do wonder why blizzard seems to like making toys with long cooldowns.
    If they would’ve made the toy have a shorter CD I coulda seen it getting more sales.
    This is true for pretty much every toy. There's probably enough to count on both hands with reasonable CD's.
  1. doledippers's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucetia View Post
    are we going to ignore the fact it even says it will be on the Trading Post in 3+ months?
    apparently yes, every time this has been pointed out they just ignore it lol
  1. Ereb's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by doledippers View Post
    apparently yes, every time this has been pointed out they just ignore it lol
    If they don't reply then they don't have to acknowledge that they saw it lmao
  1. Daedius's Avatar
    That Murloc Toy spams you to death on every other kill...

  1. lordjust's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Is it really FOMO when they say "you'll be able to get this on the TP later, too", though?

    "Get this now, don't miss out on it! ...because it'll come back eventually!" - doesn't exactly scream FOMO to me, idk.
    It's somewhat fomo. Remember the Medivh set? It also said it'll be available in the trading post and as of now only the staff, shoulders, head and cloak were available and did cost a lot of tendies (something around 600-700 tendies per piece). If they do the same thing for this set, it'll take something like a year or longer until all pieces are available to buy in the trading post and will cost most of your tendies every month. So buy now or save up all your tendies so that if the individual pieces become available, you'll have enough to buy them.
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by lordjust View Post
    It's somewhat fomo. Remember the Medivh set? It also said it'll be available in the trading post and as of now only the staff, shoulders, head and cloak were available and did cost a lot of tendies (something around 600-700 tendies per piece). If they do the same thing for this set, it'll take something like a year or longer until all pieces are available to buy in the trading post and will cost most of your tendies every month. So buy now or save up all your tendies so that if the individual pieces become available, you'll have enough to buy them.
    That is the set. "Only the staff head and cape have appeared" that was the whole set... Also there was no shoulders, just head, cloak, and staff.

    And no it was not 600-700 a piece. It was 650, 225, and 100

    Why do you gotta lie so horribly?
    Like holy moly you made up almost everything you said.
  1. crusadernero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucetia View Post
    I mean are we going to ignore the fact it even says it will be on the Trading Post in 3+ months? Where you can earn it by doing stuff in game? Though technically you can do that now by making gold and buying a token and purchasing
    Saying it will come up on Trading post in 3+ months only mean it might be put in sometime in the future. As with literally any other item the game holds. It can or cannot happen. Maybe, maybe not. Who knows? Nothing is guaranteed, better off buying it now. Right?

    I also find it funny that the other option you brought up literally makes Blizzard money too, via wow token.

    The price is also pure insanity and goes to show that way to many people have money they really hate. wow is at the point were mounts cost the same as xpacs used to.

    I've yet to spend any real money on literally anything except the sub+xpacs in this game. Why people flock to literally flush money down the drain for this is sad.
  1. Delekii's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Jujudrood View Post
    This is an example of a rational response.
    A product was offered, a sticker price was put on it, and they decided it wasn't for them.
    This is how things should be treated, and if others have a difference of opinion, good for them.
    Too bad a few others have the incessant need to cry foul when a company sells a product that, in no way alters the ability to access and play the game, given the fully cosmetic and ultimately irrelevant nature.
    It's perfectly rational to argue in the interest of consumers against practices that actively make products worse. "Just don't buy it" is not relevant when they only expect a very small percentage of players to spend money on it in the first place.

    Short of regulation, public backlash, or significant competition, products never move toward consumer friendly and always move away from it.
  1. crusadernero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eapoe View Post
    Now now, don’t go poking holes in people’s airtight hatred of Blizzard and how everything the company does is shady cash’s grabbing.
    - xpac costs higher and higher
    - demands sub + give incentives to tempt people for long subs (6,12 months) like "sub for a year, get this mount ooo!"
    - sells gold in game cause they gave up/never tried to solve botting & RMT
    - Sell mog+mounts on store
    - Sell char boosts in store
    + more

    Theres no need to hide that they are a cash grabbing company, cause they are. But I do understand why, cause theres enough fools out there spending alot of money on stuff besides xpac+sub. Not everything they do is bad, of course not, but that doesnt mean they aint cash grabbing.

    Im sure certain people in Blizzard looks at classic and are mad they cant go wild in that version of wow. boosts, wow token, mounts.. so much money they could have made!
  1. Capultro's Avatar
    In this, in this they waste time and spend money, creating stupid things instead of creating new specs, new hero classes, new iconic weapons, etc....they waste their money on creating micro-investments that give them even more money, taking advantage of fools who buy it. Please don't buy anything in the store, don't feed this...

    Meanwhile we keep waiting, not for the above, but at least for them to fix the loot, which is sad, no... it's disgusting... it's the worst thing about this game without a doubt, you could get the best item in an alter that you don't play and In your main you get repeated items, that usually happens to me, and the Fyralath thing has no name, I have only seen paladins with the legendary one, and... the protection against bad luck is useless, I don't want to have the ax the winter that It comes, but now....

    Something serious is happening to Blizzard, they just want more and more money investing the minimum, before the claim was an expansion with a hero class, now, the stupidities in the store, and it's your fault that you buy everything in the store, even You pay for things you don't have yet...

    Don't expect new specs, interesting hero classes or good weapons, you won't have it, because blizzard is not going to make an effort to spend resources for that, they will only spend a few resources to earn more money in the store. I finally understood it, because then For so many years we don't even have Maiev's armor and his's for this very reason.gz.
  1. Sialina's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Capultro View Post
    In this, in this they waste time and spend money, creating stupid things instead of creating new specs, new hero classes, new iconic weapons, etc....they waste their money on creating micro-investments that give them even more money, taking advantage of fools who buy it. Please don't buy anything in the store, don't feed this...

    Meanwhile we keep waiting, not for the above, but at least for them to fix the loot, which is sad, no... it's disgusting... it's the worst thing about this game without a doubt, you could get the best item in an alter that you don't play and In your main you get repeated items, that usually happens to me, and the Fyralath thing has no name, I have only seen paladins with the legendary one, and... the protection against bad luck is useless, I don't want to have the ax the winter that It comes, but now....

    Something serious is happening to Blizzard, they just want more and more money investing the minimum, before the claim was an expansion with a hero class, now, the stupidities in the store, and it's your fault that you buy everything in the store, even You pay for things you don't have yet...

    Don't expect new specs, interesting hero classes or good weapons, you won't have it, because blizzard is not going to make an effort to spend resources for that, they will only spend a few resources to earn more money in the store. I finally understood it, because then For so many years we don't even have Maiev's armor and his's for this very reason.gz.
    I disagree with almost everything you said here

    1. I think selling cosmetics is perfectly fine, in fact I think it's good, compare the number of art assets that got added in TBC to the number of art assets getting added in Dragonflight, you'll see that that you are getting a LOT more in Dragonflight, you can also make more niche things.
    If the black love witch outfit was a tier set, there would be outrage in this thread, but if it's something you sell, 500 people liking it will be enough to justify having developers work on it, these developers are here for that one thing, not to tweak hero talents, and if assets weren't bought, there would be no developers, because they are hired with the money they make from selling the assets.

    This is also a very fair method, if they make something ugly, fewer people will buy it, so it encourages quality otherwise only "FOMO" losers will buy it.

    2. Loot should NEVER be a sure thing, that would make the game stale very fast. And the bad luck protection works the way it should, also, I have it on my DK so yeah, there is that. Also, run the raid on HC, not LFR, every difficulty you go up increases the bad luck protection. And legendary items that everyone gets are the worst, they might as well not be in game at all, you'll have it for end of season push, that is already on the generous side.

    3. Fix specs and Hero specs? what? They've been tweaking specs the entire expansion, and we had a huge talent overhaul, most specs are in a great place, and Hero specs aren't out, that's next expansion, it's just a new small talent tree, what is there to fix? nothing is nearly final.

    I dislike most things Blizzard does, I dislike their woke crap, their removal of feminine things, censoring women, I dislike all the handouts and the lack of grinds, the lack of incentive to ever play the game because you'll just be given the rewards down the line so why put in time? but on the things you wrote about I think they did a good job.
  1. Grimbold21's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ihavewaffles View Post
    I like mogs, but I don't want that furry creepy mount

    30 is too expensive, i'll wait until the mog becomes available in the trading post
    Unfounded statistics aside, I think you're overestimating the ability of some - if not a lot - players to not buy this right away.

    This is on part with buying an expansion months later because it may be cheaper. Some people do, most people don't.
  1. Shadowferal's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Capultro View Post
    In this, in this they waste time and spend money, creating stupid things instead of creating new specs, new hero classes, new iconic weapons, etc....
    Hundreds of blizz employees just got the axe. This is stuff that was probably already done. But don't expect much better later.
  1. ArenaDk's Avatar
    People cried that they wanted to have a way to get shop items ingame ( which they always could with the tokens technically), now there is a way with the trading post, so the crying shifted to wanting it INSTANTLY, because waiting for 1-3 months is just to hard OR needing a quest chain attached to it , in case the sailor moon goth set could foreshadow important lore?!

    I think wow is doing really good if this is all the haters have left as a ´´ viable ´´ target.

    It feels like that moving to a easier target of a game like FF14 with really bad ingame shops would be more to the taste of some haters here , since they could maybe even find an actuall argument…… but that game is probably not getting them any attention
  1. mysticx's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Capultro View Post
    In this, in this they waste time and spend money, creating stupid things instead of creating new specs, new hero classes, new iconic weapons, etc....
    Different teams, the people who make/balance classes and talent specs are not the ones who make the 3D models, only the "Iconic weapons" are done by the people who make in-game outfits, and i doubt they spent so much time on this set that they scrapped weapon models entirely.

    Let people spend their money (Or tokens) the way they want to, and stop speaking for other people.
  1. Asrialol's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Luthorite View Post
    Why is the mount and mog a bundle? Just let people buy them separately instead of bundling them into forcing people to buy both rather than choose?

    They're so unbelievably greedy. Then again MTX should never be a thing in a subscription based game but that's another story entirely.
    Why shouldn't mtx be a thing in a subscription based game? It's quite common to have extra services available in subscription based services.
  1. SkyTides's Avatar
    I'm fine to wait until its on the trading post. Seems like its a given now that pretty much everything on the store ends up on here/ or similar ends up in-game eventually. Which is really good.
  1. Soeroah's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Is it really FOMO when they say "you'll be able to get this on the TP later, too", though?

    "Get this now, don't miss out on it! ...because it'll come back eventually!" - doesn't exactly scream FOMO to me, idk.
    It's FOMO in the sense that the trader's tender savings are missable. If you don't get the bundle now, that's potentially 1500 tender you'll never be able to 'get back' if more expensive things you want come to the trading post. If you bought it now for cash, you could afford more stuff you want from the trading post the month these items come to it.

    It's essentially delaying the FOMO til later. Unless they start adding a way to get more tender through gameplay, that's how this goes.
  1. Lolites's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Capultro View Post
    they waste time and spend money, creating stupid things instead of creating new specs, new hero classes
    yeah, people doing armor sets are the same doing class abilities and mechanics, totaly...

    Quote Originally Posted by Capultro View Post
    they waste their money on creating micro-investments that give them even more money you even understand the meaning of word "waste" or reason why businesses like blizzard exist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Capultro View Post
    Don't expect new specs, interesting hero classes or good weapons, you won't have it, because blizzard is not going to make an effort to spend resources for that, they will only spend a few resources to earn more money in the store.
    store exists since wrath, we got multiple new classes since then... history already proven you completely wrong...
  1. danki1337's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Capultro View Post
    In this, in this they waste time and spend money, creating stupid things instead of creating new specs, new hero classes, new iconic weapons, etc....they waste their money on creating micro-investments that give them even more money, taking advantage of fools who buy it. Please don't buy anything in the store, don't feed this...

    Meanwhile we keep waiting, not for the above, but at least for them to fix the loot, which is sad, no... it's disgusting... it's the worst thing about this game without a doubt, you could get the best item in an alter that you don't play and In your main you get repeated items, that usually happens to me, and the Fyralath thing has no name, I have only seen paladins with the legendary one, and... the protection against bad luck is useless, I don't want to have the ax the winter that It comes, but now....

    Something serious is happening to Blizzard, they just want more and more money investing the minimum, before the claim was an expansion with a hero class, now, the stupidities in the store, and it's your fault that you buy everything in the store, even You pay for things you don't have yet...

    Don't expect new specs, interesting hero classes or good weapons, you won't have it, because blizzard is not going to make an effort to spend resources for that, they will only spend a few resources to earn more money in the store. I finally understood it, because then For so many years we don't even have Maiev's armor and his's for this very reason.gz.
    There being a reason to spend money IF YOU want to, its not a requirement, obviously its a huge thing in the community and many are asking and happy about it, its not a requirement or a forced neccesity that you absolutley need. expansion is sure and sub maybe but you can easily earn 2-3months every week on multiple characters if play the game, or if u raid gdkp in classic even if u dont buy anything and just participate for gold cut.

    besides we have had plenty of classes, new talents, new weapons and even sets amazingly added for free with the game that is

    ps they are investing more and more with the playerbase and community so i dont see where your claims of them doing less is even a question?

    what do you even do and are you playing the game? youre so alienated its crazy.

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