Twilight Pack Transmog and Mount In Shop
A new transmog and mount bundle is available in the store for $30.
Originally Posted by blizzard (Blue Tracker)
Prowl the Night in Style 
Get ready for a romantic getaway by the moonlight as the sun sinks below the horizon with the Twilight Witch's Attire and slink through the gloaming recesses of the waning dark astride the Twilight Sky Prowler in this fantastic bundle.  

The Twilight Pack Includes:
  • Twilight Sky Prowler Flying Mount
  • Twilight Witch's Hat
  • Twilight Witch's Shoulders
  • Twilight Witch's Blouse
  • Twilight Witch's Sash
  • Twilight Witch's Skirt
  • Twilight Witch's Boots
  • Twilight Witch's Gloves

The Twilight Pack will be available in the® Shop for a limited time*. Items in The Twilight Pack may arrive in a future rotation of the Trading Post, but no sooner than three months after the set leaves the Shop. 

*Items in The Twilight Pack leave the® Shop indefinitely on February 29, 2024.

Magical Murkmorpher Toy In Shop
A new toy that transforms you into a Murloc is available in the store for $10.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)

Murkmorpher: Murlocs in Disguise  
Make a mighty morphing moment for yourself or your party members when you deploy the Murkmorpher toy. Temporarily change your appearance into an ever-popular Westfall Story Murloc or other random colorful variant of the amphibious biped variety.

Transformation lasts 20 minutes, and stays active in combat and after death. Player characters can be transformed once every 60 minutes.
This article was originally published in forum thread: New Shop Items - Twilight Pack and Magical Murkmorpher Toy started by Stoy View original post
Comments 54 Comments
  1. Nefastus's Avatar
    sub based games shouldnt have in game stores.
  1. doledippers's Avatar
    my overall take on this is that i would prefer if it were available through the game (and yes im aware that the trading post will have this item up in the future, so thats a decent compromise). I understand that heavy monetization is the norm now in videogames and i don't particularly like it, but i generally find this pretty inoffensive. There isn't any player power and it's just a reskin of an existing set that will be on the trading post later.
  1. Jujudrood's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Delekii View Post
    It's perfectly rational to argue in the interest of consumers against practices that actively make products worse. "Just don't buy it" is not relevant when they only expect a very small percentage of players to spend money on it in the first place.

    Short of regulation, public backlash, or significant competition, products never move toward consumer friendly and always move away from it.
    And the way to inform the market is to not buy it.
    Screaming foul about it as predatory on a message forum that has nothing to do with the creation, implementation, or dispensing of the product is a waste of time.
    That's kind of the point.

    Yes, discourse can happen and we can go into the merits of practices like this, but the constant whining about FOMO and the like, especially when FOMO is applied to damn near every product and/or service on the market today, is just not constructive.
  1. panda040's Avatar
    Enough with the foxes

    i said enough!!!
  1. thunderdragon2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ihavewaffles View Post
    I like mogs, but I don't want that furry creepy mount

    30 is too expensive, i'll wait until the mog becomes available in the trading post
    other way around for me i'm a mount collector but idk for the mog ill wait for mount to come on its own
  1. Mysterymask's Avatar
    I love the folks screaming "subscription games shouldn't have a store' when there is currently TWO subscription games and both have a store
  1. Eapoe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by crusadernero View Post
    - xpac costs higher and higher
    - demands sub + give incentives to tempt people for long subs (6,12 months) like "sub for a year, get this mount ooo!"
    - sells gold in game cause they gave up/never tried to solve botting & RMT
    - Sell mog+mounts on store
    - Sell char boosts in store
    + more

    Theres no need to hide that they are a cash grabbing company, cause they are. But I do understand why, cause theres enough fools out there spending alot of money on stuff besides xpac+sub. Not everything they do is bad, of course not, but that doesnt mean they aint cash grabbing.

    Im sure certain people in Blizzard looks at classic and are mad they cant go wild in that version of wow. boosts, wow token, mounts.. so much money they could have made!
    Nowhere did I deny they do cash grabs. I simply made a sarcastic comment about how some people spout these narratives that everything Blizzard does is some shady issue.
    If people want to criticize what Blizzard does, feel free. Hell, I certainly have my critiques about some things the company does.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by panda040 View Post
    Enough with the foxes

    i said enough!!!
    But foxes are some of the cutest things ever.
  1. Hellfrog's Avatar
    Shiteaters will eat shit
  1. Delekii's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Jujudrood View Post
    And the way to inform the market is to not buy it.
    Screaming foul about it as predatory on a message forum that has nothing to do with the creation, implementation, or dispensing of the product is a waste of time.
    That's kind of the point.

    Yes, discourse can happen and we can go into the merits of practices like this, but the constant whining about FOMO and the like, especially when FOMO is applied to damn near every product and/or service on the market today, is just not constructive.
    The way to convince other people not to buy it is through discourse. It is absolutely constructive, just not by directly affecting the company. The fact that a bad practice is applied ubiquitously is more reason to enter into discourse, not less.

    It is extremely curious to me that you think that "constant whining" (to wit: discourse) is not constructive, when you are essentially entering into the same practice by complaining about the complaining (which is equally as ubiquitous).

    At no point in the future will people not complain about anti-consumer business practices as they occur. Your complaint about those complaints is every bit as "not constructive" as the practice about which you are complaining. If it is your belief that "unconstructive" discussion is a waste of time, you wouldn't be replying to it in the first place. You prove the point you claim to decry in the first place.
  1. RobertMugabe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucetia View Post
    I mean are we going to ignore the fact it even says it will be on the Trading Post in 3+ months? Where you can earn it by doing stuff in game? Though technically you can do that now by making gold and buying a token and purchasing
    I am not as much complaining about it being purchaseable, but rather that it would've been nicer if you could earn stuff like through some new content, possibly a void related quest chain rather than just being something you can buy (be it real money or ingame currency). The fact that it will be available on the trading post a few months later doesn't really change this.
  1. crusadernero's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eapoe View Post
    Nowhere did I deny they do cash grabs. I simply made a sarcastic comment about how some people spout these narratives that everything Blizzard does is some shady issue.
    If people want to criticize what Blizzard does, feel free. Hell, I certainly have my critiques about some things the company does.

    - - - Updated - - -

    But foxes are some of the cutest things ever.
    Enough foxes. Feels like foxes only needed 1 mount model to cover them.

    And of course not everything Blizzard does is shady. But damn, recent years makes it hard to look at them in any other light.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Luthorite View Post
    The WoW token and boosts are in Wrath mate. Alongside the odd promo bullshit.

    Wrath is basically ruined with GDKP and GBID spam and the token just further exacerbates the problem.
    Yes the token are in wrath+retail. Boosts happen both places. I do wonder how close Blizzard came to add wow token to every version of wow. Theres had(has) to be discussions about this internally.
  1. Sialina's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertMugabe View Post
    I am not as much complaining about it being purchaseable, but rather that it would've been nicer if you could earn stuff like through some new content, possibly a void related quest chain rather than just being something you can buy (be it real money or ingame currency). The fact that it will be available on the trading post a few months later doesn't really change this.
    I think the online store and the trading post are the only 2 places where this type of mog is acceptable, if the love witch attire was a tier set people would be angry. I love it, I'm into girly stuff even though I'm a grown woman, but I see enough people that dislike it to think it's likely not a good ingame reward.

    "The void is attacking! They are channeling their love heart ray!"

    People also seem to forget that you can buy it with ingame gold, sure, the token gives you 13 Euro, so you'll technically need to buy 3 of them and you'll have an annoying 9 left over if you didn't have some in there from buying things before.

    With current EU markets, it takes around 35 hours of ingame "grind" to buy the pack that way, which is perfectly fine for an entire set and a mount in my opinion, and you'll have 9 Euro left over for next time, or if you want the snow bunny pet.
  1. Jujudrood's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Delekii View Post
    The way to convince other people not to buy it is through discourse. It is absolutely constructive, just not by directly affecting the company. The fact that a bad practice is applied ubiquitously is more reason to enter into discourse, not less.

    It is extremely curious to me that you think that "constant whining" (to wit: discourse) is not constructive, when you are essentially entering into the same practice by complaining about the complaining (which is equally as ubiquitous).

    At no point in the future will people not complain about anti-consumer business practices as they occur. Your complaint about those complaints is every bit as "not constructive" as the practice about which you are complaining. If it is your belief that "unconstructive" discussion is a waste of time, you wouldn't be replying to it in the first place. You prove the point you claim to decry in the first place.
    Sure, if you think the constant detractors who cry "FOMO" on everything the company does is constructive, you do you, boo.
    It's a valid complaint, sure, but the fact is, nothing is being achieved by this whining, and no one is being convinced otherwise because someone said "Blizz uses FOMO. Bad Blizz!".

    As for why I reply, pure boredom, because I know the same people that do the above are the same people who won't have their mind changed nor would they ever expound on the basis of their complaints other than "Blizz bad".

    To turn it around, I think it's a great practice.
    They are offering additional product that in no way shape or form affects anyone's ability to access or play the game nor doe sit affect performance in the slightest.
    It's purely optional, and these are the exact kind of things that should be additional purchases, and as long as it sticks with superficial, cosmetic stuff, I'm all for it.
    It gives people who want to purchase it additional fluff while those who don't want to purchase it don't have to and not miss out on anything.
    Given that FOMO is used in literally every industry in the world, it's a reasonable application of it.
  1. kranur's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Asrialol View Post
    Why shouldn't mtx be a thing in a subscription based game? It's quite common to have extra services available in subscription based services.
    Just curious, if someone were to put a bag of shit on your head you'd be ok with it if other persons also had shit thrown at them?

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