New Shop Bundle - Lunar Pack
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Ride off into celestial escapades with The Lunar Pack! Get all six mounts* or fill out your Collection with the ones you have yet to add at an interstellar discount. No matter which you choose to ride astride on your adventures across Azeroth, each is prepared to endow you with good fortune, courage, joy, wit, and a plethora of luck.

The LunarPack is available until February 19, 2024, and Includes:
  • Shu-Zen, the Divine Sentinel
  • Hogrus, Swine of Good Fortune
  • Squeakers, the Trickster
  • Lucky Yun
  • Wen Lo, the River's Edge
  • Jade, Bright Foreseer

* Requires World of Warcraft® Subscription or Game Time. Not available in World of Warcraft® Classic games.
This article was originally published in forum thread: New Shop Bundle - Lunar Pack started by Stoy View original post
Comments 61 Comments
  1. WeAreNotSmilesTimes's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bladesyphon View Post
    I can only imagine the annual Steam Sales must be things of nightmare for these same people as well.
    Naa stuff like this is only bad when Blizzard does it.
  1. doledippers's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by khazmodan View Post
    Blizzard is definitely trying to milk the few diehards left before they turn off the lights.
    totally, they definitely didnt just announce a multi expansion plan for the next 5 years of the game.
  1. unfilteredJW's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bladesyphon View Post
    I can only imagine the annual Steam Sales must be things of nightmare for these same people as well.
    I get multiple quality games in the Steam Sale.

    Your analogy is shit.
  1. Donald Hellscream's Avatar
    Of course there is the age old argument of " they should be optainable through ingame events rather than in a shop " but 49.99 Euro for 6 mounts thats pretty generous taking the original price into consideration.
  1. Polgara's Avatar
    I don't mind in game cash shops SO much, I still dislike them but I can ignore them and carry on, but personally, my complaint I would like addressed is towards IN GAME completion tracks (mount collection specifically), Completely in-game achievements you can "fast-track" with cash, and deals like this can entice people to open up their wallets for their in-game progress, and that really doesn't sit well with me. It's the same with the TCG mounts though I got all of mine from BMAH and in game AH.
  1. LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
    Should include the Dragon too tbh
  1. sensei's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by panda040 View Post
    Their greed knowns no bounds
    Yeah, it's almost like they're a business and not your friend. Funny how that works huh?
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Polgara View Post
    I don't mind in game cash shops SO much, I still dislike them but I can ignore them and carry on, but personally, my complaint I would like addressed is towards IN GAME completion tracks (mount collection specifically), Completely in-game achievements you can "fast-track" with cash, and deals like this can entice people to open up their wallets for their in-game progress, and that really doesn't sit well with me. It's the same with the TCG mounts though I got all of mine from BMAH and in game AH.
    There are plenty of exclusive in-game mounts. In fact, it's one of the things players complain about the most: The fact that people sell boosts to obtain these mounts. If every single item they put on the store was also obtainable in the game, it'd indirectly cause the demand for boosting to skyrocket. So they're damned if they do, damned if they don't.
  1. Ghostile's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    I get multiple quality games in the Steam Sale.

    Your analogy is shit.
    What others consider quality is subjective, hence the analogy works.
    You fear missing out on digital good x because it's on sale for limited time.
  1. Polgara's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    There are plenty of exclusive in-game mounts. In fact, it's one of the things players complain about the most: The fact that people sell boosts to obtain these mounts. If every single item they put on the store was also obtainable in the game, it'd indirectly cause the demand for boosting to skyrocket. So they're damned if they do, damned if they don't.
    To clarify: My complaint is that it is wholly only interactable through a cash shop and paying RL money, but it progresses an in game achievement. This is entirely my own personal "I don't like it being that way", same as mounts that (until the bmah) were also required you to buy a different product. It's not a meta commentary at Blizzard; just a "this peeves me" but otherwise the deal is good if you are after these, or even one mount (the dog and rat are adorable mind!)
  1. Capultro's Avatar
    What shocks me is that they put ugly frames on sale...and taking into account you have to pay for them with money, they should be very good frames, I'm sorry Blizzard, I don't pay for ugly frames, if you give me the mithic frames Maybe I would buy them, but I will never buy those ugly frames, it's stupid, no one else realizes this shit?
  1. Shinchi Migi's Avatar
    Funny how I hear the FOMO word being used only on this site. I hardly hear it anywhere else. Or maybe cause the usual sus say it so much on here.
  1. Beet's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by doledippers View Post
    totally, they definitely didnt just announce a multi expansion plan for the next 5 years of the game.
    That isn’t going to be like regular expansions because regular expansions in WoW aren’t working anymore. You aren’t making the point you thought you would
  1. Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Beet View Post
    That isn’t going to be like regular expansions because regular expansions in WoW aren’t working anymore. You aren’t making the point you thought you would
    They have already said the new expans will work like SL/DF.
  1. doledippers's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Beet View Post
    You aren’t making the point you thought you would
    no i am, lol. The expansions in the world soul saga are faster because theyre cutting out the content drought and filling that stretch from final tier to next expansion with minor patches and a fated season as opposed to nothing
  1. panda040's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sensei View Post
    Yeah, it's almost like they're a business and not your friend. Funny how that works huh?
    Well they aint getting my money!
  1. Nathanyel's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by unfilteredJW View Post
    I get multiple quality games in the Steam Sale.

    Your analogy is shit.
    There's also plenty of shit games on each Steam Sale. You pick the ones you do like, and ignore the ones you don't like.
  1. doledippers's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Luthorite View Post
    This. Let's be real we aren't getting £40 expansions over this "saga"... It'll probably be an expansion worth of content over 3 mini ones.

    Charging more for that is ridiculous.
    i know you wont respond to this but we all know this isnt true, and it has been literally confirmed to be the opposite. 3 expansions worth of content over 3 expansions.

    i love the thought process. "what they said is happening probably isnt happening, so im gonna assume the opposite and then get mad over it"
  1. Shadowferal's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    They have already said the new expans will work like SL/DF.
    How reassuring.
  1. Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    How reassuring.
    Constant Ptr’s and a steady stream of content, tons of story stuff not limited to raid patches or themes, seemingly no content drought.

    Ya it’s incredibly reassuring for any one who’s actually kept track of how expans have been since tbc.

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