The Dracthyr Spread their Wings to New Classes
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
The exposure to new races and their abilities in the Dragon Isles has expanded opportunities for growth among the dracthyr. In the 20th Anniversary Celebration content update, players will be able to create new Dracthyr as a Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Mage, Warrior, or Warlock. In addition, Shaman will get a new Ascendance form for each specialization with the release of the update!

Undertaking one of these new classes as a Dracthyr will allow you to choose between fighting as a Dracthyr or fighting in Visage form by activating Visage, which switches you between forms. You can additionally choose to toggle on Chosen Identity, which will automatically shift you into Dracthyr form when entering combat and Visage form when leaving combat.

Dracthyr Evokers will continue to use Dracthyr form during combat, as many of their abilities emphasize their draconic nature. With the addition of new classes to Dracthyr, we are making some further adjustments to their racials.

  • Race - Dracthyr
    • Tail Swipe cooldown has been increased to 3 minutes (was 1.5 minutes).
    • Wing Buffet cooldown has been increased to 3 minutes (was 1.5 minutes). It now displays wing effects around your character if you use it while in Visage form.
    • Tail Swipe and Wing Buffet no longer automatically shift you into Dracthyr form for all classes except Evoker.
  • Class - Evoker
    • Clobbering Sweep reduces Tail Swipe’s cooldown by 2 minutes (was 45 seconds).
    • Heavy Wingbeats reduces Wing cooldown by 2 minutes (was 45 seconds).
    • Permeating Chill is now baseline for Evoker.
    • Heavy Wingbeats and Clobbering Sweep are no longer a choice node, and their position has changed in the class tree.

Dracthyr players will also be able to learn a new Skyriding talent called Squadron in which up to two additional Dracthyr players can join you to fly in formation as you soar through the skies.

New Shaman Ascendance Forms

But wait, there’s more! Shaman can also look forward to new Ascendance forms to express their elemental mastery. Restoration Shaman will get a new Water form, Elemental will get a new Fire form, and Enhancement will get a new Wind form.

Air Ascendance Form

Fire Ascendance Form

Water Ascendance Form

We’ll have additional adjustments you can look forward to for Ascendance, just keep an eye out for the PTR update notes in the days ahead. We can’t wait to see what paths your new Dracthyr take when the update goes live!
This article was originally published in forum thread: The Dracthyr Spread their Wings to New Classes started by Lumy View original post
Comments 45 Comments
  1. Doffen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by voskopoula View Post
    Did they make our ascendance looks as elemental clowns?!!?!? W tf llolll!!!!\
    You should know by now that blizzard sees shamans as a joke race :P
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Wonder if I can kill my teammates with squadron.

    ...asking for a friend, of course.
  1. AxellSlade's Avatar
    What in the actual fark is that ascendance form?
  1. bruxx's Avatar
    Kinda weird thar the asendance forms make me think of Vanshees of all things. Also still disappointed at the no Dracthyr druids, even though it's not news.
    While I don't personnaly understand what's attractive about visage form, glad that those who want to be a visage over a belf/human of those classes having the option to be it full time.
  1. Danuel's Avatar
    Pandaren dragons when!?
  1. Kyphael's Avatar
    Dracthyr Mage? That's a stretch!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mendzia View Post
    My first thought:

    from Home Alone.
    Elemental Shaman, Marv?
  1. Dead Moose Fandango's Avatar
    Oh hey, it's the librarian ghost from Ghost Busters!
  1. Cynical Asshole's Avatar
    Lol. Shamans get Evil Clown form.
  1. Azadina's Avatar
    Thank god I switched away from shaman years back. Ascendance being troll clown form seals the classes fate forever.
  1. Cynical Asshole's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SinR View Post
    But what about different races being Evokers?
    Indeed. I really wanted to go into PVP and lay down destruction from above with my...human breath.
  1. Dacia Ultan's Avatar
    I figured it was going to be absolute baseline only, so I'm not surprised. Now if only they'd give visage forms that aren't that half-elf thing; I might play my evoker more often, and actually bother with visage, if they did.

    Don't like the Ascendance forms. Hopefully, they'll let us glyph that (not that my shaman is main any longer anyway).
  1. tenpercent's Avatar
    Would be strange if the new dracthyr classes got glide. since then i would have to make my hunter, priest, rogue, mage, warrior and warlock a dracthyr if not im missing out on massive mobility.
  1. Usagi Senshi's Avatar
    That new shaman ascendance form looks amazing! Some of you all have no good taste!
  1. Azerox's Avatar
    This stupid race should've been removed after df.
  1. Geckoo's Avatar
    I love how they are fully aware of how most people don't like the dracthyr form, so when they announce new classes they make sure that one of the selling points is that you can fight in visage form at all times, even changing racials so that they are never forced into dracthyr form.

    But then when it comes to evokers they spill some nonsense about draconic nature and even those same racials that they are changing will not work in the same way for evokers. And they aren't making anything about the main issue either (tmog and lizard form), so is just a middle finger for no reason on something that is highly requested and would literally be an easy win for them.
  1. Firebeast's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Azerox View Post
    This stupid race should've been removed after df.
    Couldn't agree with you more. After waiting for a new class/race, we get this crappy,moronic lizard form
  1. FelPlague's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Geckoo View Post
    I love how they are fully aware of how most people don't like the dracthyr form, so when they announce new classes they make sure that one of the selling points is that you can fight in visage form at all times, even changing racials so that they are never forced into dracthyr form.

    But then when it comes to evokers they spill some nonsense about draconic nature and even those same racials that they are changing will not work in the same way for evokers. And they aren't making anything about the main issue either (tmog and lizard form), so is just a middle finger for no reason on something that is highly requested and would literally be an easy win for them.
    It's cause making the evoker class work with the visages form would be a lot of work, a lot of animation work for the various dragon based abilites like flying, breathing, soaring, hovering. etc.
  1. Lolites's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    Monk is already a class for all, I guess they have to work on how the Dracthyr will roll
    do a barel roll!
  1. Powerogue's Avatar
    So the dracthyr alternate races will potentially let you be in combat in either form? Very cool! Huge for people whose main gripe with the race was the lack of transmog on the dragon form.
  1. Geckoo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    It's cause making the evoker class work with the visages form would be a lot of work, a lot of animation work for the various dragon based abilites like flying, breathing, soaring, hovering. etc.
    Not really. Most of the people asking for pemanent visage don't actually want 'permanent' visage, they want that 'chosen identity' works in combat and automatically changes back to visage after using skills that require the dracthyr animation. They could do that with barely any effort on their part and a lot of people would already be happy.

    Now, the issue with that is that devastation does have almost all their rotational abilities forcing the dracthyr form, so they would indeed have to work on some visage animations, but not for the abilities you are thinking about. The true issue with devastation comes from shattering star, eternity surge, firestorm, pyre and azure strike. It sure is animation work, but i wouldn't call it a lot considering that most of them would just be ensuring that the body looks cool while the already existing effect happens.

    Augmentation and preservation would not have this issue because most of their abilities do not force the dracthyr form.

    So to reiterate: flying, breathing, soaring and hovering would still use the dracthyr animation, but with 'chosen identity' toggled, it would automatically go back to visage as soon as the cast, buff or travel time is over.

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