The Sky Witch Pack - New Shop Bundle
Blizzard has released The Sky Witch Pack, a new mount and transmog bundle available for $30 in-game and on the Shop until March 31, 2025. The items may arrive in a future rotation of the Trading Post, but no sooner than three months after they leave the Shop.

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
The Sky Witch Pack

Embrace the chill of winter with The Sky Witch Pack! Cloak yourself in the Sky Witch’s garb and race through the icy night on the Soaring Sky Fox skyriding mount, capturing the essence of the season’s magic.

The Sky Witch Pack includes the following items:

Offer valid for a limited time*.

*Offer valid through March 31, 2025.
Requires World of Warcraft® Subscription or Game Time
Not available in World of Warcraft® Classic games
This article was originally published in forum thread: The Sky Witch Pack - New Shop Bundle started by Lumy View original post
Comments 25 Comments
  1. Scuzzle-'s Avatar
    yeah, sure
  1. melzas's Avatar
    Can't believe people are still buying these.
  1. tromage2's Avatar
    Wonder what is going on with WoW.

    Normally we had like a store item every 2 months.
    Now its starts to be every week, we thought Bobby was bad but the guy now running this game needs not a boot but a spaceship.
  1. Toadyus's Avatar
    save your tendies, this will be on the tradershop....soon.
  1. Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tromage2 View Post
    Wonder what is going on with WoW.

    Normally we had like a store item every 2 months.
    Now its starts to be every week, we thought Bobby was bad but the guy now running this game needs not a boot but a spaceship.
    Microsoft got there financial records and went “you made how much off the star horse” and told them to do it more most likely.
  1. Zardi's Avatar
    Ummm... $30 for a recolor of already released stuff, and it doesn't even include the weapons nor a handful of Tender as "compensation". Not hard to pass on this one!
  1. Just Passing through's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tromage2 View Post
    Wonder what is going on with WoW.

    Normally we had like a store item every 2 months.
    Now its starts to be every week, we thought Bobby was bad but the guy now running this game needs not a boot but a spaceship.
    Well...this shit only works, if people buy it Kotik in charge or whoever is now.
  1. |Dexter|'s Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zardi View Post
    Ummm... $30 for a recolor of already released stuff, and it doesn't even include the weapons nor a handful of Tender as "compensation". Not hard to pass on this one!
    I think they are testing how far they can go again with this... like let's see if people will buy recolors as well so we can dial in Shop items as well....
  1. EverDash's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zardi View Post
    Ummm... $30 for a recolor of already released stuff, and it doesn't even include the weapons nor a handful of Tender as "compensation". Not hard to pass on this one!
    Yeaaaaaah. This is my limit. That's insane.
  1. Alayea's Avatar
    Microsoft has to recoup the nearly $70 billion spent acquiring ABK somehow, better become used to this sort of thing.
  1. Hellfury's Avatar
    enshitification of wow continues to create a quick buck
  1. Sargasm's Avatar
    Badass! Instant cop.
  1. Algorath's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tromage2 View Post
    Wonder what is going on with WoW.

    Normally we had like a store item every 2 months.
    Now its starts to be every week, we thought Bobby was bad but the guy now running this game needs not a boot but a spaceship.
    Yeah I was thinking the same thing. This reeks of desperation and shamelessness! I started getting Warcraft Rumble adverts as well, that are just as legit looking as the "Mafia City" or "Run your guy through the gates and get guns" games...

    Feels like the Anduin cinematic.. Watching the last slither of Blizzards soul disappearing.
  1. Lahis's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tromage2 View Post
    Wonder what is going on with WoW.

    Normally we had like a store item every 2 months.
    Now its starts to be every week, we thought Bobby was bad but the guy now running this game needs not a boot but a spaceship.
    People bought the Sparkle Pony. That's what happened.

    It was already over once it sold out the pre-generated codes in few hours.
  1. Ealyssa's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tromage2 View Post
    Wonder what is going on with WoW.
    Microsoft bought it for 69 billions USD. They are trying to squeeze money out of it.
  1. ryan1mcq's Avatar
    Its absolutely criminal how many times they have used and abused these models. Understandable being a small indy company and all.....
  1. Shadowferal's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ryan1mcq View Post
    Its absolutely criminal how many times they have used and abused these models. Understandable being a small indy company and all.....
    A "small indy company?"
  1. Aggressive's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melzas View Post
    Can't believe people are still buying these.

    Still can't believe people are buying nothing but reskins in this game. Fools are buying every polygons that Blizzard throws out. No matter the price. Like watching crackheads fighting over the last piece of meth just to get it.
  1. doledippers's Avatar
    eh, says it will be on the trading post later
  1. VMSmith's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Aggressive View Post
    Still can't believe people are buying nothing but reskins in this game. Fools are buying every polygons that Blizzard throws out. No matter the price. Like watching crackheads fighting over the last piece of meth just to get it.
    Eh, people like spending money on their hobbies. And it doesn't seem to matter if that money is spent on tangible, physical hobbies or purely digital, vaporous hobbies. It's not like WoW and Blizzard are some outlier in the gaming industry, nearly every game squeezes pennies from its players in some way and the ones that don't stop receiving support.

    I mean, that's just capitalism and consumerism for you. If anything, Blizzard doesn't monetize WoW enough compared to the rest of the industry.

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