Patch 11.1 - New Mists of Pandaria Remix Vendor
Patch 11.1 Undermined introduces Nostwin, a new vendor that offers exclusive items from WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria. This little dragon can be found roaming The Celestial Court on the Timeless Isle. Thanks to MrGM for the discovery!
/way #554 44.1 54.2 Nostwin

The items listed below were originally obtained by completing remix achievements. Some of them are already available on live realms from Mistweaver Ai, though they will be moved to Nostwin in Patch 11.1 Undermined.

New to Patch 11.1 is the Ensemble: Cloak of Infinite Potential, which addresses the missing Cloak of Infinite Potential appearances for players who have earned the achievement Infinite Power XII.

Level Type Slot Name Model Viewer
1Other Cherry Blossom Trail
1BackBack Halfhill Farmer's Backpack
1BackBack Chen Stormstout's Keg
1BackBack Chen Stormstout's Bamboo Hat
1CosmeticHead Chen Stormstout's Bamboo Hat
1Companion Pets Muskpaw Calf
1Companion Pets Astral Emperor's Serpentling
1Other Illusion: Sha Corruption
1Other Ensemble: Cloak of Infinite Potential

Nostwin also offers two armor ensembles for 4000 Timewarped Badges each, along with a variety of cosmetics priced at either 700 or 800 Timewarped Badges.

Level Type Slot Name Model Viewer
1Other Ensemble: Timeworn Malevolent Mooncloth Regalia
1Other Ensemble: Timeworn Dreadful Mooncloth Regalia
1ClothHead Hood of the Burning Scroll
1ClothHead Crown of the Burning Scroll
1ClothShoulders Sha-Skin Amice
1ClothShoulders Sha-Skin Mantle
1ClothChest Sha-Skin Shirt
1ClothChest Sha-Skin Vestment
1ClothChest Chronomancer Shirt
1ClothChest Chronomancer Vest
1ClothChest Shirt of the Chronomancer
1ClothChest Shirt of the Horned Nightmare
1ClothLegs Chronomancer Leggings
1ClothLegs Leggings of the Ternion Glory
1ClothLegs Trousers of the Ternion Glory
1ClothLegs Pants of the Ternion Glory
1ClothLegs Chronomancer Trousers
1ClothLegs Chronomancer Pants
1ClothHands Sha-Skin Mitts
1ClothHands Mitts of the Burning Scroll
1LeatherHead Red Crane Cover
1LeatherShoulders Red Crane Spaulders
1LeatherShoulders Eternal Blossom Mantle
1LeatherChest Eternal Blossom Tunic
1LeatherChest Eternal Blossom Tunic
1LeatherChest Eternal Blossom Jerkin
1LeatherChest Vestments of the Shattered Vale
1LeatherChest Tunic of Seven Sacred Seals
1LeatherChest Vest of Seven Sacred Seals
1LeatherChest Jerkin of Seven Sacred Seals
1LeatherLegs Leggings of the Shattered Vale
1LeatherLegs Pants of the Shattered Vale
1LeatherLegs Legguards of the Shattered Vale
1LeatherLegs Red Crane Legguards
1LeatherWrists Eternal Blossom Bindings
1MailShoulders Yaungol Slayer's Spaulders
1MailChest Vestments of the Witch Doctor
1MailChest Robeguard of the Witch Doctor
1MailChest Firebird's Cuirass
1MailChest Firebird's Shirt
1MailChest Firebird's Breastplate
1MailWaist Yaungol Slayer's Belt
1MailLegs Firebird's Legwraps
1MailLegs Firebird's Legguards
1PlateShoulders White Tiger Spaulders
1PlateShoulders White Tiger Shoulderguards
1PlateChest Breastplate of the Lost Catacomb
1PlateChest Chestguard of the Lost Catacomb
1PlateChest Battleplate of Winged Triumph
1PlateChest Breastplate of Winged Triumph
1PlateChest Chestguard of Winged Triumph
1PlateLegs White Tiger Greaves
1PlateLegs White Tiger Legplates
This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 11.1 - New Mists of Pandaria Remix Vendor started by Lumy View original post
Comments 12 Comments
  1. Kel_Sceptic's Avatar
    The lack of comments is so so disturbing.
    Just like the fact that on twitch, 90% of wow players play wow classic :/
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kel_Sceptic View Post
    The lack of comments is so so disturbing.
    Just like the fact that on twitch, 90% of wow players play wow classic :/
    In unrelated news, 100% of statistics posted on the internet are made up on the spot.
  1. meheez's Avatar
    Only played remix for the transmog.
  1. MrLachyG's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    In unrelated news, 100% of statistics posted on the internet are made up on the spot.
    Are you sure? I thought it was 94.78%
  1. Shinchi Migi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by meheez View Post
    Only played remix for the transmog.
    This right here. I did it for the transmogs and the mounts then once I got them all I left that sad story for something else. Plus it sickened me with how Blizzard gave all the frog abusers a slap on the wrist. To hell with Remix once it comes out again.
  1. leothar's Avatar
    Still missing all those weapon models...
  1. Zoura's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kel_Sceptic View Post
    The lack of comments is so so disturbing.
    Just like the fact that on twitch, 90% of wow players play wow classic :/
    Also 90% prefers to just view posts, and not post anything. Thats been me for the most of the time. Dont be disturbed by it, retail still reigns and always will. It was keeps classic alive aswell.
  1. Soeroah's Avatar
    Cool, I can finally get my damn missing cloak mogs. Twice they've had patch notes announcing a fix and twice I've missed out lol.
  1. druvirus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kel_Sceptic View Post
    The lack of comments is so so disturbing.
    Just like the fact that on twitch, 90% of wow players play wow classic :/
    90% of retail players are too busy playing the game to stream it.
  1. Scathan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by druvirus View Post
    90% of retail players are too busy playing the game to stream it.
    The reason people don't stream is because there isn't really a large active audience for it. If there were, people would stream it.
  1. zknm7's Avatar
    Blizz, where are the recolored weapon drops? If you can put this stuff in you can make those available, too. Many of us played and got a lot of the stuff that was grindable, but if you didn't get lucky you didn't get those MoP raid weapon recolors that were never previously released. I have no problem with these items being available to those who didn't play Remix or who didn't get all of this stuff, but if you're going to make all of this available to them then you should make the weapon recolors available to everyone as well.
  1. Paetolus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kel_Sceptic View Post
    The lack of comments is so so disturbing.
    Just like the fact that on twitch, 90% of wow players play wow classic :/
    WoW Classic (especially Hardcore) is a much better stream game than retail, simple as that. Doesn't mean more people actually play classic, I'd wager that way more play retail most of the time. Classic might beat retail when "new" content comes out, but that's about it.

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