New Plunderstorm Rewards in Patch 11.0.7
Plunderstorm returns with new rewards in Patch 11.0.7, running for six weeks from January 14 until February 18. The event introduces a brand-new Plunderstore that features the original Keg Leg's Crew Renown Rewards, as well as new mounts, pets, and cosmetic items.

Players who reached Renown 40 during the first Plunderstorm Event will need a total of 35,000 Plunder to purchase all the new items highlighted below.

New Mounts

Plunderlord's Midnight Crocolisk - 5000 Plunder

Hooktalon - 5000 Plunder

New Pets

Sparklesnap - 2000 Plunder

Parley - 2000 Plunder

Plunderlord's Stormridden Finery
Plunderlord's Stormridden Finery transmog set costs a total of 4500 Plunder.

Level Type Slot Name Model Viewer
1CosmeticHead Plunderlord's Stormridden Tricorne
1CosmeticShoulders Plunderlord's Stormridden Spaulders
1CosmeticChest Plunderlord's Stormridden Waistcoat
1CosmeticWaist Plunderlord's Stormridden Cinch
1CosmeticLegs Plunderlord's Stormridden Trousers
1CosmeticFeet Plunderlord's Stormridden Muckscrapers
1CosmeticWrists Plunderlord's Stormridden Cuffs
1CosmeticHands Plunderlord's Stormridden Pilferers
1BackBack Plunderlord's Stormridden Drapery

Cosmetic Helms & Weapons
Cosmetic helms and weapons are priced at either 1000, 1500, or 2000 Plunder.

Level Type Slot Name Model Viewer
1CosmeticHead First Mate's Dashing Headgear
1CosmeticHead First Mate's Dashing Cap
1CosmeticHead Plunderlord's Old Eye Patch
1CosmeticHead Plunderlord's Old Hat
1Two-handed MaceTwo Hand Swabbie's Oar
1PolearmTwo Hand Swabbie's Oar
1StaffTwo Hand Swabbie's Shovel
1One-handed AxeOne Hand Plunderlord's Stormridden Neck-Severer
1GunRanged Plunderlord's Stormridden Hand Cannon
1One-handed SwordOne Hand Plunderlord's Stormridden Rapier
1Two-handed SwordTwo Hand Plunderlord's Stormridden Cutlass
1StaffTwo Hand Plunderlord's Stormridden Sigil

The Plunderstore can be previewed in-game by using the following command:
/run AccountStoreUtil.ToggleAccountStore()
This article was originally published in forum thread: New Plunderstorm Rewards in Patch 11.0.7 started by Lumy View original post
Comments 32 Comments
  1. schwarzkopf's Avatar
    Is it still melee required - or is there a ranged option ?
  1. ThatsOurEric's Avatar
    The good news as well from what I've read from WoWhead is that you keep any plunder you get during matches, so don't
    worry about dying and losing anything.
  1. Ielenia's Avatar
    What do you mean "you don't lose any plunder you get during matches"? Plunder is worth nothing aside from determining how much reputation you gain at the end of a match. It's not a currency to buy things.

    Do you mean the abilities you loot? If so, that kind of defeats a big part of what makes a "battle royale" what it is.
  1. Mysterymask's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    What do you mean "you don't lose any plunder you get during matches"? Plunder is worth nothing aside from determining how much reputation you gain at the end of a match. It's not a currency to buy things.

    Do you mean the abilities you loot? If so, that kind of defeats a big part of what makes a "battle royale" what it is.
    You can actually trade the plunder for trading post tokens now so....its worth SOMETHING
  1. Powerogue's Avatar
    That set does seem like it'd go damn good with the purple version of the dreadblades...

    Even if Parley by all accounts looks to be identical to Quawks from the trading post.
  1. Armael's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lumy View Post
    Players who reached Renown 40 during the first Plunderstorm Event can purchase all the new items for 32,000 Plunder.
    Does this mean the Plunder I had previously earned from when the event 1st existed still exists and I can just spend that?
  1. MrLachyG's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    What do you mean "you don't lose any plunder you get during matches"? Plunder is worth nothing aside from determining how much reputation you gain at the end of a match. It's not a currency to buy things.

    Do you mean the abilities you loot? If so, that kind of defeats a big part of what makes a "battle royale" what it is.
    Pretty sure when you died in the first iteration of the game you lost a bit of plunder. Not anymore!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Armael View Post
    Does this mean the Plunder I had previously earned from when the event 1st existed still exists and I can just spend that?
    Probably not, sadly
  1. Lumy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Armael View Post
    Does this mean the Plunder I had previously earned from when the event 1st existed still exists and I can just spend that?
    That plunder no longer exists. There's a new Plunder currency that will be used for the store along with a new tracker: <DNT> Plunderstorm Plunder Tracker - V1.5 11.0.7 - Mainline Power

    Edit: I have updated the post to make that more clear.
  1. Xath's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterymask View Post
    You can actually trade the plunder for trading post tokens now so....its worth SOMETHING
    Wait does that mean you can bypass token cap or is it only up to cap?
  1. Mysterymask's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    Wait does that mean you can bypass token cap or is it only up to cap?

    I think you do get purchase well above so go nuts
  1. Nerph-'s Avatar
    Aren't these Bag of Tender's 1 time purchases and ONLY if you didn't get the tender from the renown track the first time Plunderstorm was available?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    What do you mean "you don't lose any plunder you get during matches"? Plunder is worth nothing aside from determining how much reputation you gain at the end of a match. It's not a currency to buy things.

    Do you mean the abilities you loot? If so, that kind of defeats a big part of what makes a "battle royale" what it is.
    I'm hella confused by your comment. The news post is literally about how this iteration of plunderstorm has a store for you to use plunder on.
  1. Jaggler's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterymask View Post

    I think you do get purchase well above so go nuts
    The first Plunderstorm renown track had tendies as reards once or twice, so i assume, this is there to "catch up" on that. I don't think Blizz would just let you buy tendies without limitation.
  1. Ielenia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterymask View Post
    You can actually trade the plunder for trading post tokens now so....its worth SOMETHING
    Definitely something, then.
  1. Nymrohd's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nerph- View Post
    Aren't these Bag of Tender's 1 time purchases and ONLY if you didn't get the tender from the renown track the first time Plunderstorm was available?
    They very much seem to be. I put the store up live (/run AccountStoreUtil.ToggleAccountStore()) and it says "Already owned" with a green checkmark for both of them
  1. leothar's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    What do you mean "you don't lose any plunder you get during matches"? Plunder is worth nothing aside from determining how much reputation you gain at the end of a match. It's not a currency to buy things.
    Plunder is absolutely a currency to buy things this time.
  1. Just Passing through's Avatar
    One of the times, where I am happy that an event just offers recolors - relief...I am not going to "force" myself to do it for something "unique" that I think I "need"

    Yes, totally a "me" problem...I know...just like enjoying the original Plunderstorm and quitting it after two matches.

    Mountwise...nothing beats "Bruce" anyhow, haha
  1. Zodiark's Avatar
    I'm actually kind of excited about this. I just wanted to play Plunderstorm again. idk something about it was fun and wholesome and gave me more WoW vibes than I had gotten for a long time in the regular game.
  1. PenguinChan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Just Passing through View Post
    One of the times, where I am happy that an event just offers recolors - relief...I am not going to "force" myself to do it for something "unique" that I think I "need"

    Yes, totally a "me" problem...I know...just like enjoying the original Plunderstorm and quitting it after two matches.

    Mountwise...nothing beats "Bruce" anyhow, haha
    At the very least just like last time the most efficient way to get Plunder is to literally avoid all (early game) players as much as possible and grind mobs and find chests throughout the zone. Until the very end of the match, and only then, is killing / winning really worth doing lol. Would be nice if there was a pure PvE section for those who just wanted to do that and not the PvP though.
  1. vilememory's Avatar
    I am already tired of the pvp'ers bragging about how they are going to farm pve'ers so hard they quit the game. Trade chat is so full of pvp'ers who have convinced themselves if they get rid of pve then Blizz will only focus on pvp stuff.
  1. supermany2's Avatar
    Is there anything new for Classic? And can you get the Pet and Mount again from last Time?

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