WoW Hotfixes - January 13, 2025
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
  • Fixed an issue where Seabed Leviathan's Citrine was triggering infinite times when bouncing off thorns-like effects.
  • Fixed an interaction where Roaring War-Queen's Citrine was being activated by pet deaths, rather than only players, as intended.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in players obtaining unintended cosmetic rewards following a Faction Change. Appearances granted due to the bug will be removed.
  • Vinyl: Triumph of Gnomergan now has a chance to drop from all rares on Mechagon if you have constructed the Gramophone.
  • The drop rate for Azeroth Mini: King Mechagon has been increased from multiple sources around Mechagon.

  • "The Hand of Fate" should now provide players with a boat to reach Azuremyst Isle.
  • Addressed an issue that might have prevented some players from getting the Timewalking quest "The Shrouded Coin" from the last boss in their first dungeon of the week. Players that ran into this issue on a character should see one drop at the end of their next MoP Timewalking run.

Siren Isle
  • Chef Chum Platter and Plank-Master Bluebelly can now be tagged by more players.

Season of Discovery
  • The Protection Paladin T2.5 two-piece bonus is now correctly removed when the set bonus is broken.
  • You can no longer use Fresh Holly, or Preserved Holly while Divine Steed is active.
  • Shadowfiend can no longer be used in Neutral cities to cause the guards to attack the target that was engaged upon.
  • Various Cat Form Druid abilities such as Berserk, Savage Roar, and Wild Strikes will now work properly during the Nefarion Druid Class call.
This article was originally published in forum thread: WoW Hotfixes - January 13, 2025 started by Lumy View original post

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