Timbered Sky Snake - 2025 Lunar New Year Mount
Blizzard has revealed the Timbered Sky Snake as the 2025 Lunar New Year mount. Players can purchase it for $25 from the Blizzard Shop or obtain it for free with a 6-month or a 12-month subscription.

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Timbered Sky Snake

A living, breathing, flying work of art. The Timbered Sky Snake is simply pine-ing for your attention!

Soar the skies of Azeroth in style with this Skyriding mount!

The Timbered Sky Snake is shared across all present and future WoW® Modern characters, and automatically scales to the fastest riding skill known by each character. If they aren’t high enough level to use a flying mount, the Timbered Sky Snake is also a ground mount.

Players that purchase a 6-month or a 12-month subscription will also receive the Timbered Sky Snakelet pet in Classic Progression. The pet is separately available on Retail for $10 on the Blizzard Shop.

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Special offer with a 6-Month Subscription

When you sign up for a 6-month subscription, you’ll receive special bonuses including the new Timbered Sky Snake mount in World of Warcraft and the new Timbered Air Snakelet pet in Classic Progression. If you’re currently on a 6-month subscription with a future renewal date, you’ll receive the mount and pet as a gift in your Battle.net desktop app at no additional charge no later than January 31, 2025 (must be redeemed by January 31, 2026).

Timbered Sky Snakelet

Wood you believe that this little Snake is actually alive? The Timbered Sky Snakelet is excited to join you on your adventures across Azeroth.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Timbered Sky Snake - 2025 Lunar New Year Mount started by Lumy View original post
Comments 36 Comments
  1. Trumpwonumad's Avatar
    New Patch new cash grab mount big shock
  1. Lolites's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by thesilentmajority View Post
    New Patch new cash grab mount big shock
    you mean another free mount for people actualy playing the game, right?

    your profile pic and your logic seems to be perfect fit
  1. Cheezits's Avatar
    Does it have its own unique animations or is it another cloud serpent mount?
  1. Trumpwonumad's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lolites View Post
    you mean another free mount for people actualy playing the game, right?

    your profile pic and your logic seems to be perfect fit
    Not everyone has a 6-month or a 12-month subscription. The point I was making was every patch that comes out we got something new for the cash Shop
  1. Taen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Does it have its own unique animations or is it another cloud serpent mount?
    It's a shop cash trap, I'm sure it's reusing animations.
  1. Mysterymask's Avatar
    *clutches pearls*

    oh no..Capitalism
  1. Zodiark's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by thesilentmajority View Post
    Not everyone has a 6-month or a 12-month subscription. The point I was making was every patch that comes out we got something new for the cash Shop
    I play WoW as a hobby and have for the majority of the last 20 years. I get the 6 month sub because it saves me money in the long run and I'm pretty much going to log onto WoW for grins a few times a week regardless. This gives me something to make it a little better of a deal. IF your not in my shoes and have to scrounge each month to justify playing and each item/patch/nuance of the game is a make or break for you because you can barely afford to play, then I say you need to get your priorities in order and not worry about the game so much and focus on RL for a while. Maybe then when you come back you'll see things with fresh perspective and not through the lense of doom and gloom.
  1. doledippers's Avatar
    looks cool , like the colors
  1. Zodiark's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Taen View Post
    It's a shop cash trap, I'm sure it's reusing animations.
    bro literally EVERYTHING in the world that you can buy which you don't already own is basically a cash trap. I mean really all we need is a basic roof over our heads and food. Other than that it's just wants not needs. So are you mad at Best buy for TV's that you really don't need but look appealing? Or maybe Footlocker for stocking those shoes that are basically the same as ones you already have/had, but in a different color? Guess that's a cash trap too.
  1. Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Does it have its own unique animations or is it another cloud serpent mount?
    Think every other new year mount has new animations so it’s likely this one does to.
  1. Tziva's Avatar
    I don't do shop mounts but I like this one, so if they're going to give it to me with my sub, I'll happily take it. I think it looks rad.
  1. Shinchi Migi's Avatar
    Fat and ugly is how I would explain this mount...PASS
  1. Crevox's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Does it have its own unique animations or is it another cloud serpent mount?
    It's reusing cloud serpent animations, you can see it on the model viewer on Wowhead.

  1. stoffe's Avatar
    If my next Next Billing Date is april 2026 will i still get this mount or? I'm almost so confused how this works
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Crevox View Post
    It's reusing cloud serpent animations, you can see it on the model viewer on Wowhead.

    Huh. Looks a lot more thicc in this preview screenshot. I figured it used the same cloud serpent rigging we've seen a thousand times but I was hoping this one was a bit wider. Looks like it's just a brown recolor of a dozen or so already existing mounts. Bummer.
  1. stoffe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by stoffe View Post
    If my next Next Billing Date is april 2026 will i still get this mount or? I'm almost so confused how this works
    Ah i logged in and check and i had it! You can even get the pet now on retail as well but it cost €10.00. Ofc i got the pet as well! gotta have a matching pet!
  1. exochaft's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by thesilentmajority View Post
    Not everyone has a 6-month or a 12-month subscription. The point I was making was every patch that comes out we got something new for the cash Shop
    Should be mentioned that unless things have changed, you can't get these 6/12-month sub mounts if you use WoW tokens for time (either the literal 30 day playing time option or adding to your B.net balance). It requires a subscription using a credit card. So technically, even if it's played off as "Well if you're going to be playing 6/12 months, it's free!!", that's not true... could maybe try to rationalize that you'd use those unspent WoW tokens on something else, but the reality is you'd end up paying more real money than you normally would. So yes, it's technically a cash grab no matter how one spins it since it's designed to get people spending more money. If it was really a reward for customer loyalty, they'd just give you a mount for prior purchase or sub time, not future time.
  1. Twdft's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by exochaft View Post
    Should be mentioned that unless things have changed, you can't get these 6/12-month sub mounts if you use WoW tokens for time (either the literal 30 day playing time option or adding to your B.net balance). It requires a subscription using a credit card. So technically, even if it's played off as "Well if you're going to be playing 6/12 months, it's free!!", that's not true... could maybe try to rationalize that you'd use those unspent WoW tokens on something else, but the reality is you'd end up paying more real money than you normally would. So yes, it's technically a cash grab no matter how one spins it since it's designed to get people spending more money. If it was really a reward for customer loyalty, they'd just give you a mount for prior purchase or sub time, not future time.
    You need to pay for a 6 or 12 months sub just once to get it started. After that you can use gametime from token you paid for with gold to keep the sub running and get the mount every time.

    And Blizzard will love you if you do btw, this way they get €20 instead of €11 per month out of your subscription.
  1. Kiivar86's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by thesilentmajority View Post
    New Patch new cash grab mount big shock
    Its almost as if they put out a Chinese Zodiac themed mount around this time of year every year for the past several years. Weird.
  1. Alayea's Avatar
    No, I don't think I will.

    Also, Bilzzard, a reminder that your incompetency screwed over some players last year and deleted the contents of their guild banks. You ghosted for a month afterwards -- despite knowing a couple days after the reports first flooded in what had caused the data loss -- just so you could craft the perfect weasel-worded non-apology that's every lawyer's dream, send only several items at best (which were made soul-bound after looting from the mailbox), and then silently tell those affected to bugger off and expect no compensation for your idiocy, just continue to fork over money as though nothing happened.

    How well do you think that would turn out for your reputation were it a different industry and told your clients/customers "sorry too much trouble to fix but please give money anyway"?

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