Patch 11.1 PTR - Build 58626 - New Mounts
Build 58626 brings a variety of new mounts obtainable through mythic+, vendors, reputation rewards, and rare drops. In this post, we're highlighting all the new mount models from the build, excluding the new promotional mounts that were revealed last week.

New Mythic+ Reward
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Enterprising Shreddertank
Optimized shredder designed for maximum shredding efficiency.
Achievement: The War Within Keystone Legend: Season Two
Category: Dungeons

Vendor Rewards
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Asset Advocator
Assuring others that your assets are exactly where they should be.
Vendor: Skedgit Cinderbangs
Zone: Undermine
Cost: 25 Miscellaneous Mechanica

Innovation Investigator
When the best path to a good idea is going really fast.
Vendor: Skedgit Cinderbangs
Zone: Undermine
Cost: 25 Miscellaneous Mechanica

Margin Manipulator
Ensuring there is always some marginal distance between you and rock bottom.
Vendor: Skedgit Cinderbangs
Zone: Undermine
Cost: 25 Miscellaneous Mechanica

Blackwater Shredder Deluxe Mk 2
Best not to ask what happened to Mk 1.
Vendor: Boatswain Hardee
Zone: Undermine
Cost: 8,125 Resonance Crystals

Crimson Armored Growler
Some Goblins affectionately refer to trained hyenas as 'Growlers.' This one is fond of digging.
Vendor: Rocco Razzboom
Zone: Undermine
Cost: 8,125 Resonance Crystals

Darkfuse Demolisher
Excellent at making a mess of things. Not so great at cleaning them up.
Vendor: Sitch Lowdown
Zone: Undermine
Cost: 11,375 Resonance Crystals

Reputation Rewards
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Blackwater Bonecrusher
Best keep those bones to yourself if you don't want them crushed.
Drop: Blackwater Trove
Zone: Undermine

Venture Co-ordinator
Built to manage any Venture-related operation from the front lines.
Drop: Venture Co. Trove
Zone: Undermine

Bilgewater Bombardier
For rapid transport of Cartel trade goods and other highly volatile substances.
Drop: Bilgewater Trove
Zone: Undermine

Steamwheedle Supplier
Supplies you with a quick trip, or your enemies with a large explosion!
Drop: Steamwheedle Trove
Zone: Undermine

Bronze Goblin Waveshredder
Even cartel employees deserve to have some R&R on occassion.
Drop: Darkfuse Trove
Zone: Undermine

Rare Drops
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Personalized Goblin S.C.R.A.Per
Goblin Shredders have proven time and again to be useful in many applications, such as in logging and transportation. This model has been repurposed for use by S.C.R.A.P.
Drop: Gunk-Covered Thingy

Violet Goblin Shredder
"This shredder has been lovingly painted with a non-corrosive paint to ensure a lasting sheen."
Drop: Shipping and Handling

This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 11.1 PTR - Build 58626 - New Mounts started by Lumy View original post
Comments 26 Comments
  1. Daedius's Avatar
    2500 Rating, no biggie.
  1. Lumy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Daedius View Post
    2500 Rating, no biggie.
    The highlighted mount is a new one, obtained by reaching 2850 rating; which is the equivalent of timing all dungeons on +12 keystone level.
  1. RobertMugabe's Avatar
    Damn I sure hope that we'll see big resonance crystal drops in 11.1, seeing those mount prices.
  1. Ruck's Avatar
    Am i the only one annoyed that we're being grounded again? I genuinely enjoy flying and having to stay on the ground is annoying. Am I missing anything about flying not available in this zone?
  1. PenguinChan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ruck View Post
    Am i the only one annoyed that we're being grounded again? I genuinely enjoy flying and having to stay on the ground is annoying. Am I missing anything about flying not available in this zone?
    They routinely do this it seems. Make new patch zone ground only at the start to provide some nuance to each classes (lack of) mobility and utility — then unlock flying later on so you can skip all that and just do ur dailies right quick
  1. Kiivar86's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinChan View Post
    They routinely do this it seems. Make new patch zone ground only at the start to provide some nuance to each classes (lack of) mobility and utility — then unlock flying later on so you can skip all that and just do ur dailies right quick
    Though they've said there won't be flying in Undermine at all.
  1. Palapop's Avatar
    Yay... another recolor of recolor of recolor of recolor of recolor....

    Always considered myself "mount enthusiast"... But nope... Not since couple of years already. Especially since SL and 37492374237792734732 versions of unicorns, "bears", whatever stuff... Then ZM came with 50+ mounts to create (just to mention I cant remember whens the last time I saw someone using 1), to DF 483028403820480328 recolors and now this....

    Just stop it...

    We dont need 4-5 versions of each item/mount/set...
  1. Tech614's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinChan View Post
    They routinely do this it seems. Make new patch zone ground only at the start to provide some nuance to each classes (lack of) mobility and utility — then unlock flying later on so you can skip all that and just do ur dailies right quick
    Incorrect, you will never be able to fly in this zone this xpac anyways. They might revert that in the future but they already made this clear. The zone is a test ground for the new D.R.I.V.E. system which is the skyriding equivalent for ground mounts.
  1. khazmodan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Palapop View Post
    Yay... another recolor of recolor of recolor of recolor of recolor....

    Always considered myself "mount enthusiast"... But nope... Not since couple of years already. Especially since SL and 37492374237792734732 versions of unicorns, "bears", whatever stuff... Then ZM came with 50+ mounts to create (just to mention I cant remember whens the last time I saw someone using 1), to DF 483028403820480328 recolors and now this....

    Just stop it...

    We dont need 4-5 versions of each item/mount/set...

  1. Morgaith's Avatar
    Can we fast forward to the next expansion? All this looks like trash and im guessing the theme of the raid and the gear will follow suit.
  1. Starscream101's Avatar
    Why do they keep moving the goal post all the time. How many people even have that high and how many of them are the same person with a different toon. Blizz keeps drop the ball this X-Pac warbands only thing they did ok at.
  1. RobertMugabe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Palapop View Post
    Yay... another recolor of recolor of recolor of recolor of recolor....

    Always considered myself "mount enthusiast"... But nope... Not since couple of years already. Especially since SL and 37492374237792734732 versions of unicorns, "bears", whatever stuff... Then ZM came with 50+ mounts to create (just to mention I cant remember whens the last time I saw someone using 1), to DF 483028403820480328 recolors and now this....

    Just stop it...

    We dont need 4-5 versions of each item/mount/set...
    wdym, SL was filled af with unique mounts, probably more than any other expansion aside from Legion (because they added those class mounts). The most blatant expansions when it comes to recolours were all the expansions before Legion, like WoD, Mop, Wrath.
  1. tromage2's Avatar
    You miss the mecha T-Rex mount, also hopefully they make a red version of it at some point red color is the best on all Goblin stuff.
  1. Palapop's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RobertMugabe View Post
    wdym, SL was filled af with unique mounts, probably more than any other expansion aside from Legion (because they added those class mounts). The most blatant expansions when it comes to recolours were all the expansions before Legion, like WoD, Mop, Wrath.

    fake news.

    SL had recolors of:
    skeleton/mechanical bears (from Maw/Torghast)
    deers from ardenweald
    bears from revendreth
    "gryphons" from bastion
    bulls from maldraxxus
    couple of extra recolors from korthia
    50+ (mix of 5-6 types and 3247923 recolors) from ZM

    while MOP had what?

    5-6 different serpents? that didnt require 7923492342397 kills to get, instead you'd get them once you earn rep/racing achi, or got from glory runs... etc, etc...

    wrath? Couple of proto drakes that required skill to get? (beside luck for TLPD and blue 1 from UP)

    gtfo with this story lol
  1. PenguinChan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tech614 View Post
    Incorrect, you will never be able to fly in this zone this xpac anyways. They might revert that in the future but they already made this clear. The zone is a test ground for the new D.R.I.V.E. system which is the skyriding equivalent for ground mounts.
    Oh, I stand corrected then. Hopefully the ground mount stuff from this patch will lead to more experiments with mounts in other terrains as well! Like ocean traversing, I’d fucking kill for them to finally connect all expansion zones by an open ocean full of exploration.

    But regardless, I didn’t know that. Been keeping myself (within reason) in the dark about the new patch as always.
  1. Sialina's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Starscream101 View Post
    Why do they keep moving the goal post all the time. How many people even have that high and how many of them are the same person with a different toon. Blizz keeps drop the ball this X-Pac warbands only thing they did ok at.
    I think it's great that they are adding rewards to m+, if you are a fairly ok m+ player, you get all the portals week 2 (week 1 for the easier dungeons) and then there are no more rewards unless you are good enough to get the 0.1% title.

    I think it's great that there is something for everyone, It would be cool if there was a "tier set" recolor as well, maybe you could start obtaining parts at 2200-2750 rating and a fitting weapon mog at 3k.

    That way you have rewards all the way from the start until the endgame.
  1. Capultro's Avatar
    They dont learn...again the same thing: a lot of stupid things that nobody want.
  1. KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Capultro View Post
    They dont learn...again the same thing: a lot of stupid things that I, who I only speak for, do not want.
    Fixed that for you.

    Unsure why all you do is comment the same dumb shit on every news related thread. We get it. World of Warcraft has made you insufferable and you have to post as such on MMO-C.
  1. Capultro's Avatar
    Because I'm not happy with all the superficial and tacky shit they're bringing to the game, I think it's obvious right? I think I'm in my right to express my opinion. I just want them to bring good things, not stupidities, where is Maiev's chakram? To say something... They don't bring anything useful, only abnormalities for mentally retarded people or 5 year old children, someone has to say it. Nobody has asked them for a fast car, nobody, but many have asked them for more hero classes. And nothing, they give us what we didn't ask for, and things for retarded people... It's insulting. I want everyone who reads this to find out what company Blizzard is. I'm not lying, I'm telling what there is, the pure truth.
  1. Ereb's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by khazmodan View Post

    Yes I also just love just having less of cool things LOL. Yall are so silly sometimes

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