Marksmanship Hunters Will Retain Pet Utility in Patch 11.1
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Greetings, hunters.

We appreciate your continued feedback on the Undermine(d) Marksmanship update. We recognize that there is a community of Marksmanship Hunters who wish to retain access to their pets. While Marksmanship’s unique Eagle pet will continue to be the source of their pet utility, such as Master’s Call, Bloodlust, and similar effects, we think it is only right that Marksmanship Hunters be able to continue to traverse Azeroth with their beloved companions.

In our next PTR build, there will be a choice node on Improved Spotter’s Mark called “Unbreakable Bond” that restores Call Pet and associated pet functionalities such as Mend Pet, Dismiss Pet, etc. Additionally, this talent will improve the durability and damage output of your pet to better compensate for the potential throughput loss.

Thank you for your continued feedback and commitment to the Hunter class, and we’ll see you in Undermine(d).
This article was originally published in forum thread: Marksmanship Hunters Will Retain Pet Utility in Patch 11.1 started by Lumy View original post
Comments 90 Comments
  1. ThatsOurEric's Avatar
    Good. Taking away pets would've been such
    a terrible decision.
  1. SpaceMistakes's Avatar
    Nice to see them walk this ridiculously stupid idea back. Good on them for actually listening.
  1. BB8's Avatar
    Make a 4th spec only for range without pet.
  1. deenman's Avatar
    hahaha they caved
  1. JoakimB's Avatar
    I hope I dont NEED to play with a pet. It sucks.
  1. Ereb's Avatar
    I don't understand the backlash mm hunters gave. If you wanted the pet fantasy BM is right there? God forbid you arrow chuckers have some variety lol

    But hey grats on making Blizz cave
  1. Mysterymask's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ereb View Post
    I don't understand the backlash mm hunters gave. If you wanted the pet fantasy BM is right there? God forbid you arrow chuckers have some variety lol

    But hey grats on making Blizz cave
    I kinda get it

    Pet has been a major part of hunters identity and for the most part the pet is like how they are able to solo things BM or not. Like in a dungeon or a raid it's 100% better to not have a pet for MM but for everything else the pet is very very necessary for them.

    Either way giving them a talent choice to at least Keep the pet that they can legit just change when they need it and change back when they don't is a nice easy compromise
  1. schwarzkopf's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ereb View Post
    I don't understand the backlash mm hunters gave.
    For me - it was the minor issue of never being able to play my hunter again. I know being able to play wow is something everyone else doesn't care about - but it was why I contributed to the 'backlash'.
  1. neocount's Avatar
    I personally despise pet classes, so I'm very glad they are providing an option to play a hunter without one. As far as class fantasy goes, that makes MM without a pet feel like "Elven Archer" fantasy instead, which is great.
  1. Doffen's Avatar
    Blizzard listening to community is nice of course. But when Blizzard first change something people didnt ask for in the first place, then them caving for this just strengthened the feeling of Blizzard not knowing what to do with the spec.

    The only really bad things with current MM(on live) is the amount of talent points they need to do EITHER single or multi-target and they pretty much did fix this on the PTR, but also did an entire rework in the middle of an expansion and a so called philosophy change that said no pets, and now they just reverted that philosophy.

    Its just one talent you'll say. No its not just one talent. They went against their own idea massively with this one talent. Now they have to do the tuning with pet vs no pet again, making the Lone Wolf change moot while changing their philosophy again. In just one talent change.

    MM hunters didn't get any love in patch 11.1. They just got many changes that doesnt make sense(One did). They could revert this whole rework, add multi-shot AND trick shot baseline, add Aspect of the Hydra instead of Trick shot as talent, add Bloodlust baseline, add the pet utility where Multi-shot is now in the tree and tune Pets to do same damage as Lone Wolf then call it a day.
  1. Zalraki's Avatar
    Meh, bunch of crybabies who rely on their pets to do the heavy lifting got their free dps back. So much for spec diversity on hunters.
  1. Megarichkid's Avatar
    Great, now give account wide rank 1 titles for my hunter. Tired of having to play the same character forever if I want to use my warmongering gladiator or primal gladiator title
  1. schwarzkopf's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zalraki View Post
    bunch of crybabies who rely on their pets to do the heavy lifting got their free dps back.
    I use my pet as a tank... and I'm sorry my wanting to play WoW upsets you so much.
  1. Twdft's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ereb View Post
    I don't understand the backlash mm hunters gave. If you wanted the pet fantasy BM is right there? God forbid you arrow chuckers have some variety lol

    But hey grats on making Blizz cave
    In any group content I play MM without pet and actually like it that way. But doing solo world content without even the option to get my pet out (which btw is with me for almost 20 years now) was an amazingly stupid idea. Hunters are still a pet class no matter the spec.
  1. SL1200's Avatar
    Our pet is our tank when we solo. Not everyone who plays is a mythic+ player or raider.
  1. Ereb's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by schwarzkopf View Post
    For me - it was the minor issue of never being able to play my hunter again. I know being able to play wow is something everyone else doesn't care about - but it was why I contributed to the 'backlash'.
    Because you couldn't play bm if you want to try and be as extreme as you are trying to here?
    "I'd quit wow before I play a different spec" isn't the sob story you think it is

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    In any group content I play MM without pet and actually like it that way. But doing solo world content without even the option to get my pet out (which btw is with me for almost 20 years now) was an amazingly stupid idea. Hunters are still a pet class no matter the spec.
    Swapping to bm to do world content doesn't seem that bad to me, but I do sympathize with wanting to just play the game with the spec/rotation/abilities you prefer.

    Blizzard changed it cuz of yall complaining so that's an auto kudos from this guy haha
  1. Nyxessio's Avatar
    honestly, idk why they decided to take away the pets from them in the first place, fuck player choice I guess.
  1. Eapoe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyxessio View Post
    honestly, idk why they decided to take away the pets from them in the first place, fuck player choice I guess.
    The same reason they made SV melee and Lone Wolf for MM in the first place: to try and create spec identity.
    The issue is that Hunter is a pet based class. Even with LW existing, MM still had the choice to use a pet for solo/fun gameplay reasons.

    The only reason Blizz thought to completely take away the pet, imo, is that because of LW dominating the playstyle in group content, they thought no one actually cares about the pet for that spec. Meanwhile, the thought didn’t just occur to them that people pick it because it’s ahead in ST, and way ahead in AoE/Cleave.

    As an aside, I can’t stand when people try to tell others “if you want to play with a pet you have SV and BM,” but then can’t comprehend the argument also works against them in that, if they want to play a rdps without a pet they have Mage, Warlock (who has a choice in 2 of its specs and is a full pet class in its 3rd), Evoker, and Boomkin. If their response is “oh, so you can use that argument against me but not me to you,” or “but I don’t like that class,” then the whole point of saying BM and SV exist is moot as they have defeated themselves.
  1. Nyxessio's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Eapoe View Post

    The only reason Blizz thought to completely take away the pet, imo, is that because of LW dominating the playstyle in group content, they thought no one actually cares about the pet for that spec. Meanwhile, the thought didn’t just occur to them that people pick it because it’s ahead in ST, and way ahead in AoE/Cleave.
    checks out, blizzard being helpful in a place where no one needed help. yet they cant fix other issues.
  1. Huntermyth's Avatar
    so ? just a lone wolf v.2 in the end ? hmpf, weird move by blizzard.

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