New Legion Timewalking Rewards in Patch 11.0.7
Legion Timewalking is now live in both North America and Europe! New rewards in Patch 11.0.7 include the Ur'zul Fleshripper mount, four new armor ensembles, and cosmetic weapon appearances from iconic Legion dungeons.

New Mount

Ur'zul Fleshripper Bridle - 5000 Timewarped Badges

New Armor Ensembles

Ensemble: Drekirjar Warrior's Battlegear - 2500 Timewarped Badges

Ensemble: Drake Hunter's Kit - 2500 Timewarped Badges

Ensemble: Broken Shore Battlemender's Gear - 4000 Timewarped Badges

Ensemble: Invasion Stalker's Guise - 4000 Timewarped Badges

New Weapon Appearances

Level Type Slot Name Cost Model Viewer
1DaggerOne Hand Key to the Halls1200 Timewarped Badges
1DaggerOne Hand Fenryr's Bloodstained Fang1200 Timewarped Badges
1One-handed MaceOne Hand Corrupted Knot1200 Timewarped Badges
1One-handed SwordOne Hand Edge of the First Blade1200 Timewarped Badges
1WandRanged Rod of Crystalline Energies1200 Timewarped Badges
1Two-handed AxeTwo Hand Hate-Sculpted Magma1800 Timewarped Badges
1Two-handed SwordTwo Hand Ravencrest's Wrath2500 Timewarped Badges
1PolearmTwo Hand Howling Echoes1800 Timewarped Badges
1ShieldOff Hand Skovald's Resolve2000 Timewarped Badges
1ShieldOff Hand Monstrous Gluttony1500 Timewarped Badges
1StaffTwo Hand Crux of Blind Faith1500 Timewarped Badges
This article was originally published in forum thread: New Legion Timewalking Rewards in Patch 11.0.7 started by Lumy View original post
Comments 8 Comments
  1. rogueMatthias's Avatar
    Still sad for Legion timewalking they didn’t give us one of the Eagle mounts.

    Or even the Demonsaber mount that was in alpha.
  1. kranur's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rogueMatthias View Post
    Still sad for Legion timewalking they didn’t give us one of the Eagle mounts.

    Or even the Demonsaber mount that was in alpha.
    Maybe they will if theres gonna be a legion remix
  1. WeAreNotSmilesTimes's Avatar
    Some of these "new" items don't have new looks. The 1200 badge Suramar style staff and sword have 50 badge options that are the same look and can actually be used as weapons as well. Same with some of the WoD themed items.
  1. Speyfer's Avatar
    Unnaceptable. Blizz just keeping giving away exclusive items to attract zoomers =(
  1. KOUNTERPARTS's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Speyfer View Post
    Unnaceptable. Blizz just keeping giving away exclusive items to attract zoomers =(
    Yeah, this game clearly has no place for Gen Z and Gen Alpha. Begone whippersnapper.
  1. Crevox's Avatar
    When you click the model viewer for the mount, you get a completely different floating disc instead.
  1. Vaedan's Avatar
    Why do cloth and leather sets cost 4000 badges while mail and plate 2500? I don't see any reason for that.
  1. WeAreNotSmilesTimes's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    Why do cloth and leather sets cost 4000 badges while mail and plate 2500? I don't see any reason for that.
    There is no logic to it except one is "blue" and the other is "epic". But both sets have the same amount of mogs in them. Like most things TWW it's not tested or looked at it before it's put onto live.

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