The War Within Hotfixes - January 23, 2025

Enter the Hub of Goblin Ingenuity in Undermine(d) Zone Overview

Patch 11.1.0 PTR - Build 58731

Player Housing Interface API Strings
As initially found by Yuvalal in the Datamining Discord, Blizzard accidentally shipped a file with the 4.4.2 PTR that relates to the upcoming player housing system in Midnight. Note that this does not mean player housing is coming to WoW Classic, Blizzard shares interface files between versions and this file could just as well have accidentally shipped in a future 11.1.5 PTR build.

Also note that even though the file was accidentally added in today's build, its ID is older and implies initial creation during late DF/early TWW development. We don't know how recent its contents are.

The automatically generated Lua file describes various enumerated value types (enums) relating to the player housing system.

  • Editing Modes: Layout and Decoration
  • Layout Mode - Edit rooms, modifying components such as Wall, Floor, Ceiling, Stairs and Pillars.
    • Components can have options such as being able to tag them as a doorway/doorway wall. Doors have 2 sizes, narrow and large.
    • Exterior components are themed, with Human being the only theme mentioned in the file. Exterior components can be filtered by "Any", "Small", "Medium" and "Large".
  • Decor Mode - Place decorations inside and outside of the house, with various models (large and small)
    • There are currently 4 decor themes: "Folk", "Rugged", "Generic" and "Opulent".
    • HousingDecorType mentions being able to decorate floors, walls, ceilings and tabletops

All in all, this file leaves a lot up to interpretation, so feel free to read it for yourself below.

Blizzard announced more details on player housing would be coming early this year, so hopefully we won't have to wait too long to see whether or not these interpretations are correct!

local PlayerHousingConstants =
	Tables =
			Name = "HousingDecorFlags",
			Type = "Enumeration",
			NumValues = 2,
			MinValue = 1,
			MaxValue = 2,
			Fields =
				{ Name = "Exterior", Type = "HousingDecorFlags", EnumValue = 1 },
				{ Name = "Interior", Type = "HousingDecorFlags", EnumValue = 2 },
			Name = "HousingDecorModelType",
			Type = "Enumeration",
			NumValues = 3,
			MinValue = 0,
			MaxValue = 2,
			Fields =
				{ Name = "None", Type = "HousingDecorModelType", EnumValue = 0 },
				{ Name = "M2", Type = "HousingDecorModelType", EnumValue = 1 },
				{ Name = "Wmo", Type = "HousingDecorModelType", EnumValue = 2 },
			Name = "HousingDecorTheme",
			Type = "Enumeration",
			NumValues = 5,
			MinValue = 0,
			MaxValue = 4,
			Fields =
				{ Name = "None", Type = "HousingDecorTheme", EnumValue = 0 },
				{ Name = "Folk", Type = "HousingDecorTheme", EnumValue = 1 },
				{ Name = "Rugged", Type = "HousingDecorTheme", EnumValue = 2 },
				{ Name = "Generic", Type = "HousingDecorTheme", EnumValue = 3 },
				{ Name = "Opulent", Type = "HousingDecorTheme", EnumValue = 4 },
			Name = "HousingDecorType",
			Type = "Enumeration",
			NumValues = 5,
			MinValue = 0,
			MaxValue = 4,
			Fields =
				{ Name = "None", Type = "HousingDecorType", EnumValue = 0 },
				{ Name = "Floor", Type = "HousingDecorType", EnumValue = 1 },
				{ Name = "Wall", Type = "HousingDecorType", EnumValue = 2 },
				{ Name = "Ceiling", Type = "HousingDecorType", EnumValue = 3 },
				{ Name = "Tabletop", Type = "HousingDecorType", EnumValue = 4 },
			Name = "HousingExteriorComponentSize",
			Type = "Enumeration",
			NumValues = 4,
			MinValue = 1,
			MaxValue = 4,
			Fields =
				{ Name = "Any", Type = "HousingExteriorComponentSize", EnumValue = 1 },
				{ Name = "Small", Type = "HousingExteriorComponentSize", EnumValue = 2 },
				{ Name = "Medium", Type = "HousingExteriorComponentSize", EnumValue = 3 },
				{ Name = "Large", Type = "HousingExteriorComponentSize", EnumValue = 4 },
			Name = "HousingExteriorComponentTheme",
			Type = "Enumeration",
			NumValues = 1,
			MinValue = 1,
			MaxValue = 1,
			Fields =
				{ Name = "Human", Type = "HousingExteriorComponentTheme", EnumValue = 1 },
			Name = "HousingPermission",
			Type = "Enumeration",
			NumValues = 8,
			MinValue = 1,
			MaxValue = 128,
			Fields =
				{ Name = "AddDecor", Type = "HousingPermission", EnumValue = 1 },
				{ Name = "ChangeDecorParam", Type = "HousingPermission", EnumValue = 2 },
				{ Name = "EnterDecorEditMode", Type = "HousingPermission", EnumValue = 4 },
				{ Name = "MoveDecor", Type = "HousingPermission", EnumValue = 8 },
				{ Name = "RemoveDecor", Type = "HousingPermission", EnumValue = 16 },
				{ Name = "SaveHouse", Type = "HousingPermission", EnumValue = 32 },
				{ Name = "SelectDecor", Type = "HousingPermission", EnumValue = 64 },
				{ Name = "EditLayout", Type = "HousingPermission", EnumValue = 128 },
			Name = "HousingResult",
			Type = "Enumeration",
			NumValues = 18,
			MinValue = 0,
			MaxValue = 17,
			Fields =
				{ Name = "Success", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 0 },
				{ Name = "DbError", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 1 },
				{ Name = "RpcFailure", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 2 },
				{ Name = "GenericFailure", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 3 },
				{ Name = "LockOperationFailed", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 4 },
				{ Name = "UnlockOperationFailed", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 5 },
				{ Name = "LockedByOtherPlayer", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 6 },
				{ Name = "DecorNotFound", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 7 },
				{ Name = "HouseNotFound", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 8 },
				{ Name = "PermissionDenied", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 9 },
				{ Name = "NotInDecorEditMode", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 10 },
				{ Name = "NotInsideHouse", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 11 },
				{ Name = "ServiceNotAvailable", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 12 },
				{ Name = "RoomNotFound", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 13 },
				{ Name = "RoomUpdateFailed", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 14 },
				{ Name = "NotInLayoutEditMode", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 15 },
				{ Name = "PlotNotFound", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 16 },
				{ Name = "MaxDecorReached", Type = "HousingResult", EnumValue = 17 },
			Name = "HousingRoomComponentDoorType",
			Type = "Enumeration",
			NumValues = 3,
			MinValue = 0,
			MaxValue = 2,
			Fields =
				{ Name = "None", Type = "HousingRoomComponentDoorType", EnumValue = 0 },
				{ Name = "NarrowDoor", Type = "HousingRoomComponentDoorType", EnumValue = 1 },
				{ Name = "LargeDoor", Type = "HousingRoomComponentDoorType", EnumValue = 2 },
			Name = "HousingRoomComponentOptionType",
			Type = "Enumeration",
			NumValues = 3,
			MinValue = 0,
			MaxValue = 2,
			Fields =
				{ Name = "Cosmetic", Type = "HousingRoomComponentOptionType", EnumValue = 0 },
				{ Name = "DoorwayWall", Type = "HousingRoomComponentOptionType", EnumValue = 1 },
				{ Name = "Doorway", Type = "HousingRoomComponentOptionType", EnumValue = 2 },
			Name = "HousingRoomComponentType",
			Type = "Enumeration",
			NumValues = 6,
			MinValue = 0,
			MaxValue = 5,
			Fields =
				{ Name = "None", Type = "HousingRoomComponentType", EnumValue = 0 },
				{ Name = "Wall", Type = "HousingRoomComponentType", EnumValue = 1 },
				{ Name = "Floor", Type = "HousingRoomComponentType", EnumValue = 2 },
				{ Name = "Ceiling", Type = "HousingRoomComponentType", EnumValue = 3 },
				{ Name = "Stairs", Type = "HousingRoomComponentType", EnumValue = 4 },
				{ Name = "Pillar", Type = "HousingRoomComponentType", EnumValue = 5 },
			Name = "HousingRoomFlags",
			Type = "Enumeration",
			NumValues = 2,
			MinValue = 0,
			MaxValue = 1,
			Fields =
				{ Name = "None", Type = "HousingRoomFlags", EnumValue = 0 },
				{ Name = "BaseRoom", Type = "HousingRoomFlags", EnumValue = 1 },

This article was originally published in forum thread: Player Housing Interface API Strings started by chaud View original post
Comments 87 Comments
  1. Altmer's Avatar
    I don't want to sound negative, but I think housing system in WoW is going to suck a lot.
    Nothing beats ESO and FF14 housing system in terms of decoration and tools to do it. Also to keep in mind that ESO use these decoration to make towns, cities and NPC zones. WoW NPC decorations from Vanilla all the way to Dragonflight, sucks.
  1. Capultro's Avatar
    I don't think we'll come to World of Warcraft for housing... so I'm totally against that, there are still major shortcomings that I expect with much more urgency... the remaining hero classes for example, proper class skins, multiclasses or new specs, there are a multitude of much more interesting things that could add great depth to the game but they bring housing, why? Who do they want to attract to the game, bored 50 year old women? Or what? What's wrong with the developers? Having so many millions of euros has softened their brains, right? Or what?
  1. Zardas's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Capultro View Post
    I don't think we'll come to World of Warcraft for housing... so I'm totally against that, there are still major shortcomings that I expect with much more urgency... the remaining hero classes for example, proper class skins, multiclasses or new specs, there are a multitude of much more interesting things that could add great depth to the game but they bring housing, why? Who do they want to attract to the game, bored 50 year old women? Or what? What's wrong with the developers? Having so many millions of euros has softened their brains, right? Or what?
    Wow has a lot of players, some care about the stuff you're bringing up, some care about housing, some about both, some about neither, some about something else entirely. In any case, any addition to the game will attract some players. And, of course, any addition/improvement on a specific part of the game doesn't mean that other areas are abandonned.
  1. Ielenia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Altmer View Post
    I don't want to sound negative, but I think housing system in WoW is going to suck a lot.
    Nothing beats ESO and FF14 housing system in terms of decoration and tools to do it.
    Also to keep in mind that ESO use these decoration to make towns, cities and NPC zones. WoW NPC decorations from Vanilla all the way to Dragonflight, sucks.
    If you approach this with the mentality of "it should/has to be equal or better as these other games that have been doing it for much longer" you're basically setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Don't compare it to other games, judge it for what it is in the game.
  1. Polybius's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Altmer View Post
    I don't want to sound negative, but I think housing system in WoW is going to suck a lot.
    Nothing beats ESO and FF14 housing system in terms of decoration and tools to do it. Also to keep in mind that ESO use these decoration to make towns, cities and NPC zones. WoW NPC decorations from Vanilla all the way to Dragonflight, sucks.
    Having spent so much time with housing in a variety of games it depends on how creative the players can be and what restrictions are in place. Wall/floor components and doodad placement options will make the difference.
  1. Joshuaj's Avatar
    I...I think I'm in love.
  1. khazmodan's Avatar
    Will this save WoW retail.. no, will it improve player retention, probably. Don't count on a mini game to save a grindy mind numbing main game.
  1. WeAreNotSmilesTimes's Avatar
  1. Snes's Avatar
    I dunno how anyone can look at the pathetic drip-feed of character customization options and believe that they will do anything more than the bare minimum for housing.
  1. exochaft's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    If you approach this with the mentality of "it should/has to be equal or better as these other games that have been doing it for much longer" you're basically setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Don't compare it to other games, judge it for what it is in the game.
    It's fair to temper expectations because it's going to be a new feature to WoW, and the engine probably has a lot of limitations when it comes to such things. However, judging it compared to other games with similar features is a legitimate thing to do, and should be encouraged to some degree. Expecting FF14 levels of housing immediately or at all would be silly, but there's probably a bare minimum in FF14 that should also be in WoW in order to give a decent experience. It would be rather disappointing if a housing feature ended up lacking some pretty fundamental aspects that make it fun and engaging even at the start, especially if another game has already 'solved' the issue or provided a solution that was ignored.

    Features don't live in isolation, whether we're talking about within WoW itself or the gaming sphere in general. Access to games is so easy for even the most casual player that if one is looking for a certain gaming experience, there's enough options out there that you don't have to feel stuck playing a certain game. WoW used to be the standard everyone looked up to, but that's not necessarily the case anymore. Furthermore, Blizz has a history of not looking hard enough at other games for inspiration/solutions to issues and features players want (and this is putting it charitably). If Blizz introduces a feature or system that inferior to what other games offer and players' main drive is said feature, people will leave. Even if the feature/system is serviceable but pales in comparison to what other games offer, that can lead people to leave. Goodwill for WoW and Blizz in general hasn't been in the best of places over recent history, so Blizz doesn't necessarily have a buffer to where players will stick around or give the benefit of the doubt if a system either completely fails or is sub-optimal in game or compared to other games.

    Player housing should be a fairly easy win for Blizz, even if it doesn't necessarily measure up to other games... for now. However, if they really drop the ball on launch, that will not send a good signal to players, especially those who are used to Blizz dropping the ball on features.
  1. deenman's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Altmer View Post
    I don't want to sound negative, but I think housing system in WoW is going to suck a lot.
    Nothing beats ESO and FF14 housing system in terms of decoration and tools to do it. Also to keep in mind that ESO use these decoration to make towns, cities and NPC zones. WoW NPC decorations from Vanilla all the way to Dragonflight, sucks.
    the towns in hallowfall have some crazy good decoration stuff,wile in a way launching an mmo with housing is usualy better,launching it later can also be good as they have a long history of stuff to take from and add drops like with transmog,ofc it all depends on how they implement it,untill we see more we cant know if it will suck or not
  1. Stickiler's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by exochaft View Post
    Expecting FF14 levels of housing immediately or at all would be silly, but there's probably a bare minimum in FF14 that should also be in WoW in order to give a decent experience.
    Honestly, as long as my house doesn't vanish in to nothingness just because I took an extended break, anything else is a bloody bonus.
  1. BraveNewWorld's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Altmer View Post
    I don't want to sound negative, but I think housing system in WoW is going to suck a lot.
    Nothing beats ESO and FF14 housing system in terms of decoration and tools to do it. Also to keep in mind that ESO use these decoration to make towns, cities and NPC zones. WoW NPC decorations from Vanilla all the way to Dragonflight, sucks.
    Have we played the same FF14? The entire engine behind housing is complete garbage, you need to use glitches to accomplish anything worthwhile. Let's also not talk about the god awful lottery system, right?

    Which is hilarious considering there is zero end-game in FF14, all they got are these "casual systems" and they can't even get those right.
  1. Calfredd's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Capultro View Post
    I don't think we'll come to World of Warcraft for housing... so I'm totally against that, there are still major shortcomings that I expect with much more urgency... the remaining hero classes for example, proper class skins, multiclasses or new specs, there are a multitude of much more interesting things that could add great depth to the game but they bring housing, why? Who do they want to attract to the game, bored 50 year old women? Or what? What's wrong with the developers? Having so many millions of euros has softened their brains, right? Or what?
    This is a lot of words that just boils down to "Blizzard is stupid because they aren't designing the game how I want them to!"
  1. Chickat's Avatar
    Sounds like Swtor housing to me. A house has say 200 hooks. Each table has 1-4 hooks that can hold an object. Objects can scale from like 25% to 300% normal size and be rotated, but has to go on a hook. Its a decent system but no where near as in depth as some other mmo player housing systems.
  1. Rageonit's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Altmer View Post
    I don't want to sound negative, but I think housing system in WoW is going to suck a lot.
    You sound kinda negative.
  1. Reive's Avatar
    i hope it's not really like swtor. being able to place items only in certain spots sucks
  1. JSoup's Avatar
    Anytime WoW does something new, it's worth keeping your expectations in check. Normally we get something that's enjoyable enough, but in need of improvements. We're not getting FF14 levels of décor or Wildstar levels of extra fiddly customization options, likely not for several, several iterations. How about FF11 Moghouses 1.0? That feels like a good place to assume for a start. Enough customization to make something sorta unique, enough left to be desired for future improvements.
  1. woofpup's Avatar
    Geez, if I wanted to play "The Sims", I'd play that.
  1. Ielenia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by exochaft View Post
    I understand the sentiment and I largely agree to a point.

    However, the posted I responded to was actually setting themselves up for disappointment right off the gate by holding ESO's and FF14's housing system on a pedestal, as some kind of bar that has to be met or surpassed to be considered adequate.

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