Celebrate Two Years of the Trading Post Under the Lunar Light of February
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Join us for the second anniversary celebration of the Trading Post in February and shop new and previously released items at special vendors in Dornogal. This month, bring in the Lunar New Year in style with the Ensemble: Ornate Pink Lunar Festival Attire.

Celebrate the Trading Post’s Second Anniversary in February

We’re celebrating the second anniversary of the Trading Post in February with an extension to the Reward Bar this month, allowing you to earn an additional 500 Trader's Tender through a variety of activities and expand your spending power on a wide variety of selections—including previously released transmogs, mounts, pets, toys, and monthly rewards.

You’ll find these items on new event vendors located in Dornogal during the month: Supplier Toffa , Supplier Offa , Supplier Mizix , and Supplier Felina .

“Welcome to the Trading Post Inventory Clearance Extravaganza!”

Visit T&W** (Tawney and Wilder) just outside the Mage District in Stormwind or the Zen’shiri Trading Post next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar to check out all the latest items*** they have available. Players can also visit the Trading Post in the capital city of Dornogal (The Foregrounds) on the Isle of Dorn, where representatives of both Tawney and Wilder and the Zen’shiri Trading Post are open for business.

Sample What's in Stock for February

Here's a sample of what you can expect to see when you visit the Trading Post in February. Make sure to stop in to see the complete array of items on the vendors.

Mounts and Pets

Silvermoon Sweeper
“The Silvermoon color scheme for the “Motion By Emotion” has been a success all across Azeroth.”

Fullbelly Rollingpaw
“The Fullbelly meeksi will often put their own safety at risk if they smell food. Nothing brings them happiness like a cup of tea and a warm meal.”

Armor Transmog Appearances

Crimson Pack of Lunar Explosives
“For those with an explosive personality.”

Short Crimson War Skirt and Leg Wraps
“Battle-tested to allow for maximum maneuverability and muscle support."

Weapon Transmog Appearances

Crimson Lunar Firewhacker
“Discover what it’s like to be a pyromaniac.”
One-Hand Mace

Crimson Lunar Lantern
“Light your way to a brighter, more festive future.”

This Month's Bonus Reward

Ensemble: Ornate Pink Lunar Festival Attire
“An ornate set of garments traditionally worn to celebrate the Lunar Festival.”
Includes: Head, Shoulder, Chest/Robe, Waist, Feet

Complete activities to fill the bar at the top of the Traveler’s Log found in the Adventure Guide (Shift-J)***, and you'll receive this month's bonus reward — the Ensemble: Ornate Pink Lunar Festival Attire. Bring in the Lunar New Year in style!

How it Works

Get Tender Every Month

At the beginning of each month, players with an active account in good standing will receive 500 Trader’s Tender automatically every month from a chest called the Collector’s Cache. If you don’t have active game time on your account or aren’t a subscriber at the start of a new month, don’t worry. Your Tender will be awarded on the first day of the month when you do have game time or an active subscription. This will be the same amount for everyone, regardless of how you pay for your game time.

The Traveler's Log

Complete monthly activities listed in the new Traveler’s Log. Each month features a rotating, themed set of activities. These activities provide the opportunity to earn up to 500 additional Trader’s Tender. There’s only a set amount of Tender you can earn each month through completing activities, so you won’t need to complete all the ones in the log each month. You’ll be able to pick and choose from a variety of fun in-game activities to easily earn Tender. Players can choose to earn by continuing to play the game as they already do, such as completing quests, competing in battlegrounds, participating in holiday activities, and even running Mythic+ dungeons. But you can also choose to take part in activities uniquely designed for the month.

Freeze an Item

Before the month comes to an end, if you haven’t purchased that one “must-have” item yet, don’t worry. You can “freeze” an item so you can purchase it later. When you freeze an item, it will stay available month over month until it is purchased or replaced.

If this month’s offerings didn’t have the items you wanted, you can hang on to your Trader’s Tender to spend later. It won’t go anywhere, and unspent Tender will continue to accumulate each month.

Learn more about the Trading Post from the news post on the official site.

*The Trading Post feature is not available in WoW Classic titles.
**Requires World of Warcraft Subscription or Game Time
***Requires Level 10 to access the Adventure Guide.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Celebrate Two Years of the Trading Post Under the Lunar Light of February started by Lumy View original post
Comments 10 Comments
  1. Snowfunk's Avatar
    That Ensemble is just depressing, they should've made the mount the monthly reward...
  1. EverDash's Avatar
  1. Candy Cough's Avatar
    Not the best montly reward but it looks like it came straight out of MoP. Could very well have been an unused set
  1. ThatsOurEric's Avatar
    The person who decides the monthly reward needs to be fired.
  1. DarkblazerZ's Avatar
    The game has become an transmo-mount farm or whatever you may call ..

    From 120 guilds~ 22 guilds still raiding in Just 1 expansion (An majority are 4/8 since November )
  1. GMZohar1's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowfunk View Post
    That Ensemble is just depressing, they should've made the mount the monthly reward...
    Agreed. Pretty much everyones gonna buy the mount. But not everyone would have bought the mog set. Maybe they are just attempting a Trader's Tender sink? Don't think it's needed but it is Blizz.. Never know
  1. TheWizardFan88's Avatar
    That's great to see many unique rewards coming from Blizzard specially the Silvermoon boom mount.
  1. Dracullus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ThatsOurEric View Post
    The person who decides the monthly reward needs to be fired.
    In current model it should always be mount, since it's most common thing people collect. Most months for me I just straight up ignored rest, because I never know if next month they put 2 or more mounts that cost 600-900 tenders.

    It would matter less if TP would never retire items. I don't get reason for FOMO in Trading Post when limited currency per month and free item for filling bar (that would cost tenders next month) are enough incentive for people to sub month to month.
  1. Hitei's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    In current model it should always be mount, since it's most common thing people collect. Most months for me I just straight up ignored rest, because I never know if next month they put 2 or more mounts that cost 600-900 tenders.

    It would matter less if TP would never retire items. I don't get reason for FOMO in Trading Post when limited currency per month and free item for filling bar (that would cost tenders next month) are enough incentive for people to sub month to month.
    Hard disagree. Every transmog set is a bunch of different pieces that are potentially useful on a wide variety of characters. Unless a mount is better than the other several hundred mounts I already have, It's never going to ever get used.
  1. Snowfunk's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Hard disagree. Every transmog set is a bunch of different pieces that are potentially useful on a wide variety of characters. Unless a mount is better than the other several hundred mounts I already have, It's never going to ever get used.
    I will concede, a mount will probably make a lot more people happy in general.
    But personally, I totally agree, a transmog set is a great reward.

    However this time around, that set is a total dud, but to be fair, it's not even about the set, it's the color scheme.
    That bleak/bright pink/blue scheme is not gonna see any use on my part.
    If the reward would've been the version available in the TP shop, bright red/black with gold trim, I would've been happy.

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