Cataclysm Classic PTR Development Notes - New Auction House & No Raid Finder
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
In this week’s PTR, we’re testing Auction House updates.

We also have our second Dragon Soul raid weekend, which will run from Friday, January 24 at 1:30 p.m. PST until Monday, January 27 at 10:00 a.m. PST.

Auction House

An updated Auction House will make its debut in patch 4.4.2.

In this PTR, we’ll test the transition from the previous Auction House to the updated one.

  • First, the PTR auction house will close.
  • Auctions will expire naturally over the weekend. Player-testers may lose deposits, as no buyers can buy during the closure.
  • On Monday, the new updated auction house will become available.

Following the AH update:

  • Commodities (stackable items) are no longer sold in individual stacks.
    • This allows you to select the number of items you want to buy, and the Auction House will automatically locate the lowest priced auctions to sell to you.
  • You’ll be able to see the unit price and total price before you make your purchase.
    • With the lowest-priced items always sorted to the top, you’ll never have to dig for the best deal again.
  • When selling commodity items, rather than setting a price for stacks of items, you’ll be asked to set a price per unit.
    • This gives buyers the ability to decide how many items they wish to purchase at a much more granular level.
  • Non-stackable items are now grouped together in categories of their own.
    • For example, a piece of gear like Master’s Boots of Stamina will have its own category, in which there may be numerous listings of that piece of gear at various prices.
  • Certain elements of the UI have been reorganized so that browsing, sorting, and purchasing items is more intuitive
  • Items will continue to be realm-specific, including commodities.
  • When listing an item for sale, the auction house will not recommend a default price based on the lowest listing. Players can either click on an existing listing to set their price based on that listing, or enter their price manually.

For Classic, we think it’s appropriate to preserve the experience of actively choosing what price you’d like to set for an item rather than recommending the lowest possible price at all times.

Dragon Soul

  • There are not character templates specifically for Dragon Soul testing, but there are vendors to help with all of your gearing needs. The typical gem, consumables, glyphs, and other vendors will be available in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.
    • A special vendor, Dragon Soultar, will also be available in both cities. He sells Firelands Raid tier gear, as well as Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest.
  • The entrance to the raid is located in the Caverns of Time in Tanaris.
  • Since the last test, bugs have been fixed, such as:
    • Hagara’s adds now spawn in proper waves, and the boss no longer activates early.
    • The extra action button is now available during the Ultraxion and Madness of Deathwing encounters.
    • There is no longer an item work-around for Ultraxion, and Ysera’s “Enter the Dream” ability is now available.
    • The Spine of Deathwing encounter works properly, and no longer teleports players to the beginning of the encounter.

Raid Finder

In last week’s PTR notes, we indicated that Dragon Soul’s Raid Finder mode would be ready for testing soon. Unfortunately, after an evaluation of its current progress, it’s clear to us the implementation we’ve been working towards will be an unsatisfying experience for players.

We’ve made the decision to pause our plans to implement the Dragon Soul Raid Finder.

We recognize that the rewards from Raid Finder, particularly gear at the very start of the raid tier, are highly desired. We’re preparing alternative avenues for players to acquire those rewards, whether or not they participate in the other difficulties of the raid. We will have more to share on this soon.

Thank you for your participation and your feedback!
This article was originally published in forum thread: Cataclysm Classic PTR Development Notes - New Auction House & No Raid Finder started by Lumy View original post
Comments 54 Comments
  1. xenogear3's Avatar
    Does that mean no Dragon Soul Raid Finder?
    If does, I am so smart for not playing the Cataclysm Classic.

    Blizzard doesn't understand the meaning of "re-live the classic".
  1. Mysterymask's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by xenogear3 View Post
    Does that mean no Dragon Soul Raid Finder?
    If does, I am so smart for not playing the Cataclysm Classic.

    Blizzard doesn't understand the meaning of "re-live the classic".
    I mean it kinda makes sense though

    It made sense in retail back in the day because so few people actively raided and LFR was brought in to appease investors and give people who didn't raid an avenue to raid. However this be classic a large majority of people who stuck around for this point and want to raid are actively raiding and would have little want or need for the gear that drops there. Add in a lot of classic players kind of hate the entire idea of LFR to begin with. With this lower demand I would expect queue times for LFR would be pretty atrocious.

    This is all hypothetical obviously and more a jump into what their thought process is of course you wouldn't be satisfied with that answer if I recall you didn't wanna play Wrath classic because they used last patch death knights instead of first
  1. xenogear3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterymask View Post
    if I recall you didn't wanna play Wrath classic because they used last patch death knights instead of first
    That is right.
    The classic shouldn't "fix" things.

    If it is imbalanced, keep it imbalanced.
  1. Jtbrig7390's Avatar
    I think it means no testing of DS-LFR on PTR.

    But if it doesn't release with DS ill be done until it does...
  1. Phagelives's Avatar
    was the lag from Deathwings back fight that bad ? or did they realize how bad pugs would react on the back of death wing?
  1. LordVargK's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterymask View Post
    It made sense in retail back in the day because so few people actively raided and LFR was brought in to appease investors and give people who didn't raid an avenue to raid. However this be classic a large majority of people who stuck around for this point and want to raid are actively raiding and would have little want or need for the gear that drops there. Add in a lot of classic players kind of hate the entire idea of LFR to begin with. With this lower demand I would expect queue times for LFR would be pretty atrocious.
    I think many people would like the experience of old LFR. Cata LFR was entirely different from today's (or even MoP's) LFR. Regular loot drops, no personal loot. Guildmates could therefore help you get your tier set, which means that often skilled players joined LFR, which meant that there did not have to be the egregious nerfs to boss mechanics we have today. It was basically normal but 10% weaker, with all the same mechanics.

    I remember it as fun, very much akin to joining a normal PuG today. LfR today on the contrary is absolutely braindead on a whole another level.
  1. kranur's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by xenogear3 View Post
    Does that mean no Dragon Soul Raid Finder?
    If does, I am so smart for not playing the Cataclysm Classic.

    Blizzard doesn't understand the meaning of "re-live the classic".
    You would play Cataclysm only for DS raid finder? What the actual fuck?
  1. Mysterymask's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by LordVargK View Post
    I think many people would like the experience of old LFR. Cata LFR was entirely different from today's (or even MoP's) LFR. Regular loot drops, no personal loot. Guildmates could therefore help you get your tier set, which means that often skilled players joined LFR, which meant that there did not have to be the egregious nerfs to boss mechanics we have today. It was basically normal but 10% weaker, with all the same mechanics.

    I remember it as fun, very much akin to joining a normal PuG today. LfR today on the contrary is absolutely braindead on a whole another level.

    I think though you found that part fun that's the behavior blizz was trying to avoid that's what got us personal loot in the first place. They ended up doing shit like limiting things to classes making a bonus roll if you were someone who actually COULD roll on it and even then LFR culture turned to roll need if you can which just became a degenerate mess.
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Lol. I think the biggest surprise here is that they were bothering to develop the DS LFR in the first place. I kinda figured they were just gonna spit out the half-aborted fetus that was OG Cata DS LFR and call it a day, even if practically nobody would be using it.
  1. Uvania's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kranur View Post
    You would play Cataclysm only for DS raid finder? What the actual fuck?
    I would actually do that and there is a quiet following behind me that agrees, most of us dont have time to join sweaty GDKP's or "casual" raiding guilds that wants all raiding content done within 2 hours on a wednesday, some of us just wants to queue up and do some chaotic LFR raiding.
  1. kranur's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Uvania View Post
    I would actually do that and there is a quiet following behind me that agrees, most of us dont have time to join sweaty GDKP's or "casual" raiding guilds that wants all raiding content done within 2 hours on a wednesday, some of us just wants to queue up and do some chaotic LFR raiding.
    It's only 1 raid .. and a quite bad one too. Like, it's literally the worst part of Cataclysm.
  1. Mysterymask's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Lol. I think the biggest surprise here is that they were bothering to develop the DS LFR in the first place. I kinda figured they were just gonna spit out the half-aborted fetus that was OG Cata DS LFR and call it a day, even if practically nobody would be using it.
    I mean I see them making MoP and beyond LFR but yeah cata be roouuuuugh

    And this thread has shown me that hilariously it had fans
  1. Uvania's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kranur View Post
    It's only 1 raid .. and a quite bad one too. Like, it's literally the worst part of Cataclysm.
    The worst part of cata for me right now is the raid logging and GDKP mentality, LFR brings in an easy option for non sweaty players to enjoy classic again.
  1. Shigma's Avatar
    Even if LFR, and specially Cata version, sucks, this again proves how many fucks they really give about classic players. Second class customers for sure, but paying the very same sub.

    But hey, if it was a bug or an exploit giving players more gold or whatever, that would be fixed turbo fast.
  1. SinR's Avatar

    Blizzard: "We're not releasing LFR for Dragon Soul at this time"


    - - - Updated - - -

    You know that one meme where its Squidward watching Patrick and Spongebob running around outside?

    Squidward is the LFR Player

    Patrick and Spongebob are the Dragon Soul Enjoyers
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shigma View Post
    Even if LFR, and specially Cata version, sucks, this again proves how many fucks they really give about classic players. Second class customers for sure, but paying the very same sub.

    But hey, if it was a bug or an exploit giving players more gold or whatever, that would be fixed turbo fast.
    Personally, I love that Classic players are essentially paying for the active development of retail. Please keep doing it!
  1. SinR's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Personally, I love that Classic players are essentially paying for the active development of retail. Please keep doing it!
    Even better when they double down on it with "MY SUB GOES TOWARDS CLASSIC, FUCK RETAIL, I HATE RETAIL!"
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SinR View Post
    Even better when they double down on it with "MY SUB GOES TOWARDS CLASSIC, FUCK RETAIL, I HATE RETAIL!"
    These are the people who think Classic+ is perpetually on the verge of being announced.

    It's adorable, if a little sad.
  1. schwank05's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    Personally, I love that Classic players are essentially paying for the active development of retail. Please keep doing it!
    I really wish they would split the sub then they could see where the funds are going towards. I only Play Classic and will continue to do so through MOP.
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by schwank05 View Post
    I really wish they would split the sub then they could see where the funds are going towards. I only Play Classic and will continue to do so through MOP.
    1.) Blizzard already knows that information. They own the servers you log into.

    2.) "Hello Mr. Blizzard, I would like for my subscription to be less valuable because I dislike having to acknowledge that I'm paying $15/mo to play an old version of WoW that will never receive active development," isn't exactly the easy dunk you might think it is. Retail is included with the sub because it's intended to be symbiotic relationship. It's only weirdo Classic players who think the word retail is a slur that make things awkward.

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