Storm-Singed Plunder - New Token Reward for Heroic Raid Gear
With a recent hotfix now live, players who have earned 5000 Plunder will receive Storm-Singed Plunder in the mailbox. This cache includes 2 Keg-Leg's Bronze Spoils and 1 Keg-Leg's Silver Spoils.

Players can speak with Da'kash Grimledger in Valdrakken or Dornogal to exchange the item for Pirate's Booty, which contains 1 piece of gear from Heroic Nerub-ar Palace.
/way #2112 46.6 45.1 Da'kash Grimledger (Valdrakken)
/way #2339 57.1 61.5 Da'kash Grimledger (Dornogal)

A new Plunderstorm Reward is now available
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Since the Plunderstorm returned to Azeroth, Cap’n Keg Leg has been holding back a fine reward.

As of about 10:00 a.m. PST today (January 31), this is now fixed. Players who have accumulated 5,000 Plunder, or players who hereafter earn 5,000 Plunder should check their in-game mail for a message from Keg Leg containing loot.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Storm-Singed Plunder - New Token Reward for Heroic Raid Gear started by Lumy View original post
Comments 48 Comments
  1. Glorious Leader's Avatar
    Participation must be low.
  1. stoffe's Avatar
    i dont get any in my mail?
  1. Alph1's Avatar
    I haven't even bothered to check out this version of PStorm but I might for a heroic piece on one of alts. How many games would it take to get 5,000 Plunder. Let's assume I am terrible at PVP (which I am)
  1. ChairmanKaga's Avatar
    What's the purpose of this change?
  1. doodle90's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Alph1 View Post
    I haven't even bothered to check out this version of PStorm but I might for a heroic piece on one of alts. How many games would it take to get 5,000 Plunder. Let's assume I am terrible at PVP (which I am)
    You get on average 1k per game without doing any pvp at all
  1. SL1200's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ChairmanKaga View Post
    What's the purpose of this change?
    Quote Originally Posted by Glorious Leader View Post
    Participation must be low.
    I think that's the answer.
  1. Ereb's Avatar
    Didn't they do this last time?
  1. Mad_Murdock's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Alph1 View Post
    I haven't even bothered to check out this version of PStorm but I might for a heroic piece on one of alts. How many games would it take to get 5,000 Plunder. Let's assume I am terrible at PVP (which I am)
    Unless you and another person just so happen to land on each other, you can do 1 match a day for the double plunder bonus and can normally get 1500 pretty easy if you hussle and kill mobs and collect plunder laying around.

    You should easily be able to get 5000 plunder in probably 30-45 mins even if you "get got" by the PvP tryhards. Last time I found it most effiecient to around 750-850 plunder (1/3 renown) and then just run into the storm and que back up. This time I hustle to get 1000, sometimes I've gotten 1500-1700 before seeing anyone else. Seems like they don't wait for the full 60 players to start the round, which helps the zones have more space.
  1. PenguinChan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Alph1 View Post
    I haven't even bothered to check out this version of PStorm but I might for a heroic piece on one of alts. How many games would it take to get 5,000 Plunder. Let's assume I am terrible at PVP (which I am)
    Blink stealth, and the spirit animal sprint / blink are your best friends. No one will chase you unless they’re super stubborn, especially if you have a barrel. Just run away and keep grinding elsewhere. Good alternatives are the stun jump and backflip traps.

    You may not win the match but you’ll be getting around 1k-1.5k+ depending on if it’s your daily, you do the repeat objective you get every match, and how much you grind in the match. NPCs respawn everytime the storm closes in so you don’t have to worry much about never finding things to kill.

    You could be super efficient and complete your repeat, daily, and throw yourself into the storm in like 5 minutes every day if that’s your kinda groove.
  1. RobertMugabe's Avatar
    I think this is a great change and something they should keep in the future.

    I mean we are after all at the end of the season anyways and S1 heroic raiding gear will probably get replaced in S2 quickly so I am totally fine with this.
  1. Scyth's Avatar
    The only issue I have with this is it's not working lol I've not received anything and I see a lot of comments on the official forums of others having the same issue.

    Would have also been nice if you get it on the last character you logged on or something instead of it being random.
  1. Puri's Avatar
    I am not a big fan of extra gamemodes giving gear to the actual game. I have no issue with cosmetics, but there I draw the line. Sure giving out heroic gear weeks before the next season does not hurt anyone, but I am talking principle.

    And additionally: I don't think that a gamemode that's predominantly PVP should give PVE rewards. Like ever. Why is it heroic raid loot and not some honor/conquest (no idea about PVP itemization) loot?
  1. Nymrohd's Avatar
    Still haven't gotten mine. I tried logging into every character but it doesn't seem to be anywhere
  1. MrLachyG's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Scyth View Post
    The only issue I have with this is it's not working lol I've not received anything and I see a lot of comments on the official forums of others having the same issue.

    Would have also been nice if you get it on the last character you logged on or something instead of it being random.
    I just had a thought and I bet this is what is causing the issue. Last year they had a similar thing, but for Dragonflight. You could buy a BOA piece of normal Amirdrassil gear, it was a once per account purchase. I reckon every single person not getting this new reward is someone who was playing last year and bought that reward back then. I hope I am wrong.
  1. Khaza-R's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    I just had a thought and I bet this is what is causing the issue. Last year they had a similar thing, but for Dragonflight. You could buy a BOA piece of normal Amirdrassil gear, it was a once per account purchase. I reckon every single person not getting this new reward is someone who was playing last year and bought that reward back then. I hope I am wrong.
    I don't remember getting the reward last year and I haven't received it this year. If I did on some random character then I never used it. So idk if that's the case
  1. MrLachyG's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    I don't remember getting the reward last year and I haven't received it this year. If I did on some random character then I never used it. So idk if that's the case
    Ok that rules that out I guess. I read the blue post, it’s very vague. We probably won’t see anything until reset
  1. AlexeiPavlov's Avatar
    It looks like another mmo-champ b.s.
  1. Powerogue's Avatar
    I was wondering what those vendors were for. Been really loving Plunderstorm this time round being able to queue straight into it from in-game when I feel like it. I'll be honest I ignored it the first time thinking "ugh, pvp? and also does this require reinstalling another wow version. Pass." but it's really really accessible. Even when I fell on my face almost instantly I had enough currency to get something interesting. I hope for future bonus stuff like this they have that extra bit of trader tendies you can get, that pushed me over the edge to trying it and actually loving it.
  1. Nerph-'s Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    I just had a thought and I bet this is what is causing the issue. Last year they had a similar thing, but for Dragonflight. You could buy a BOA piece of normal Amirdrassil gear, it was a once per account purchase. I reckon every single person not getting this new reward is someone who was playing last year and bought that reward back then. I hope I am wrong.
    Wait, was that really a thing in the first iteration of Plunderstorm? I played that and grinded the whole renown track but I never remember getting anything making you able to buy Amirdrassil gear. Quite possible I forgot though.
  1. kranur's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexeiPavlov View Post
    It looks like another mmo-champ b.s.
    I did receive the box with the coins in it but was too lazy to check what they're for. Figured it was some extra cosmetic. On EU.

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