Storm-Singed Plunder - New Token Reward for Heroic Raid Gear
With a recent hotfix now live, players who have earned 5000 Plunder will receive Storm-Singed Plunder in the mailbox. This cache includes 2 Keg-Leg's Bronze Spoils and 1 Keg-Leg's Silver Spoils.

Players can speak with Da'kash Grimledger in Valdrakken or Dornogal to exchange the item for Pirate's Booty, which contains 1 piece of gear from Heroic Nerub-ar Palace.
/way #2112 46.6 45.1 Da'kash Grimledger (Valdrakken)
/way #2339 57.1 61.5 Da'kash Grimledger (Dornogal)

A new Plunderstorm Reward is now available
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Since the Plunderstorm returned to Azeroth, Cap’n Keg Leg has been holding back a fine reward.

As of about 10:00 a.m. PST today (January 31), this is now fixed. Players who have accumulated 5,000 Plunder, or players who hereafter earn 5,000 Plunder should check their in-game mail for a message from Keg Leg containing loot.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Storm-Singed Plunder - New Token Reward for Heroic Raid Gear started by Lumy View original post
Comments 48 Comments
  1. Kiivar86's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    I just had a thought and I bet this is what is causing the issue. Last year they had a similar thing, but for Dragonflight. You could buy a BOA piece of normal Amirdrassil gear, it was a once per account purchase. I reckon every single person not getting this new reward is someone who was playing last year and bought that reward back then. I hope I am wrong.
    Bet this is it, I got over 5k plunder this afternoon and nothing.
  1. PixelFox's Avatar
    Haven't got anything here. Got like 7k plunder on the first day and just did 1800 today in a match and nothing.
  1. Scyth's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    I just had a thought and I bet this is what is causing the issue. Last year they had a similar thing, but for Dragonflight. You could buy a BOA piece of normal Amirdrassil gear, it was a once per account purchase. I reckon every single person not getting this new reward is someone who was playing last year and bought that reward back then. I hope I am wrong.
    I didn't even know this was a thing last Plunderstorm lol. I didn't get one in DF and still haven't got one now. But I wouldn't be surprised if something in their code is broken and can't tell who got an item in DF and who didn't.

    They will prob fix it next week but I also hope they make it more obvious which character gets the email.
  1. Armael's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nerph- View Post
    Wait, was that really a thing in the first iteration of Plunderstorm? I played that and grinded the whole renown track but I never remember getting anything making you able to buy Amirdrassil gear. Quite possible I forgot though.
    You had to manually purchase it yourself from an NPC in the Valdrakken Inn.
  1. Nerph-'s Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Armael View Post
    You had to manually purchase it yourself from an NPC in the Valdrakken Inn.
    Dang, I honestly can't remember if I did that or not. Not like it matters much though. Thanks for the clarification.
  1. AlexeiPavlov's Avatar
    This is bullshit. Nothing was "sent" to anybody.
  1. MrLachyG's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by AlexeiPavlov View Post
    This is bullshit. Nothing was "sent" to danybody.
    according to people on the forums they have received it, it was just sent to random fucking characters they barely play. and it doesn't show up as unread mail on the character select screen
  1. Nymrohd's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    according to people on the forums they have received it, it was just sent to random fucking characters they barely play. and it doesn't show up as unread mail on the character select screen
    damn, I have over 30 alts
  1. MrLachyG's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    damn, I have over 30 alts
    I think most people do. they should've made it a purchasable thing off the vendor
  1. Lochton's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Glorious Leader View Post
    Participation must be low.
    Dunno. I have full matches. Still not keen on being there, but at least now, I can play and get what I want - except for this Plunder reward, as there seem to be a bug for people who got it last time. Current tier raid is old anyways now, with the new tier opening within a month most likely.
  1. Nymrohd's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lochton View Post
    Dunno. I have full matches. Still not keen on being there, but at least now, I can play and get what I want - except for this Plunder reward, as there seem to be a bug for people who got it last time. Current tier raid is old anyways now, with the new tier opening within a month most likely.
    Yeah I got very fast matches. Already got everything new from this season. Also did not get the plunder rewards and spend a while looking through every one of my alts for it. Still have not won a match (I did get to second place more than once!)
  1. PixelFox's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    according to people on the forums they have received it, it was just sent to random fucking characters they barely play. and it doesn't show up as unread mail on the character select screen
    I just spent an hour logging in all 74 characters. Nothing
  1. MrLachyG's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by PixelFox View Post
    I just spent an hour logging in all 74 characters. Nothing
    We thank you for your service.
  1. Jester Joe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    We thank you for your service.
    On the other side, it showed up on my main first.

    Although judging by the date, it came yesterday when I wasn't home, but I definitely had 5000 earned when the hotfix rolled out so maybe it's also slow to get to people.
  1. Nymrohd's Avatar
    Has it shown on both US and EU? Maybe the issue is regional.

    I have earned far more than 5k Plunder, bought everything already. Still playing for fun, the changes to mob density have improved the map significantly. Still unsure about ability balance though. But imo even if you suck at pvp (and I do) you can easily get everything (FAR easier than last time) and the matches are super fast and fairly fun.
  1. MrLachyG's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Jester Joe View Post
    On the other side, it showed up on my main first.

    Although judging by the date, it came yesterday when I wasn't home, but I definitely had 5000 earned when the hotfix rolled out so maybe it's also slow to get to people.
    I haven't checked all my characters but I am sure I haven't gotten it. I've checked my main ones I have been on. There was a guy who logged in to every one of his 74 characters and nothing was there
  1. Yrelen's Avatar
    After I had wasted 1 hour to log through all of my alts I found it on a lvl2 bank alt.

    Blizzard devs are the true definition of incompetent employees.

    It would have taken 2 minutes to write a script to "send mail to the highest level && most played character".
  1. MrLachyG's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by dhru2 View Post
    After I had wasted 1 hour to log through all of my alts I found it on a lvl2 bank alt.

    Blizzard devs are the true definition of incompetent employees.

    It would have taken 2 minutes to write a script to "send mail to the highest level && most played character".
    now I am wondering whether it's on a deleted character
  1. Novaice's Avatar
    alphabetical or date created maybe?
  1. Ielenia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    I haven't checked all my characters but I am sure I haven't gotten it. I've checked my main ones I have been on. There was a guy who logged in to every one of his 74 characters and nothing was there
    I'm fairly sure the mail is 'sent' to the first character you log in after the hotfix.

    I logged in on my mage on the day the hotfix went live, and there was the mail. And my mage is not my mail, just my potion/flask provider.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    now I am wondering whether it's on a deleted character
    Can't delete characters who have stuff on their mail boxes that was sent by the game itself or Blizzard, IIRC.

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