Loot Box Removed from the Weekly Timewalking Quest
Blizzard has pushed a hotfix to the live servers, removing Cache of Nerubian Treasures from the weekly Timewalking quest and replacing it with a specific item from Heroic Nerub-ar Palace.

The reward can change based on the loot specialization. For example, Ravaged Lamplighter's Manacles appeared while in tank spec (Blood DK) and Skyterror's Corrosive Organ was shown while in dps spec (Frost/Unholy DK). Relogging was required for the quest reward to update (at least visually).

Update: This hotfix has been reverted.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Loot Box Removed from the Weekly Timewalking Quest started by Lumy View original post
Comments 40 Comments
  1. Rustov's Avatar
    Eh. Knowing exactly what you were getting beforehand, with still no protections to guarantee it's something you'd want, would torpedo Timewalking participation.
  1. Aurrora's Avatar
    Is it just me or are the rewards weighted? I've gotten so many Mad Queen's Mandates it seems to defy probability.
  1. Valysar's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Aurrora View Post
    Is it just me or are the rewards weighted? I've gotten so many Mad Queen's Mandates it seems to defy probability.
    Same here, got at least 4 since the start of turbulences event
  1. Tech614's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Aurrora View Post
    Is it just me or are the rewards weighted? I've gotten so many Mad Queen's Mandates it seems to defy probability.
    There is only a finite amount of items you can get, you see repeats in the vault all the time which is basically the same rng as this loot box.
  1. exochaft's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tech614 View Post
    There is only a finite amount of items you can get, you see repeats in the vault all the time which is basically the same rng as this loot box.
    I'm not sure what Blizz is currently doing, but in the past Blizz has mentioned via blue posts that they weight certain items as drops from bosses and loot boxes (can't remember about the Vault) to give some 'prestige' to certain items. For example, weapons and trinkets are weighted to be less likely to drop than pants or gloves as weapons/trinkets are considered more valuable and impactful. I would not be surprised if there truly is no purely unweighted odds associated with random sources generating equippable loot in the game. Can't prove or disprove for the current stuff unless Blizz explicitly states such things, but they probably won't nowadays unless something really bad gets pointed out... like loot being weighted in such a way that it raises eyebrows.
  1. Doombringer's Avatar
    ... a static reward disincentivizes participation. You see what you're going to get, you don't need it, you don't queue. Why do this? No wonder it was reverted.
  1. Tech614's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by exochaft View Post
    I'm not sure what Blizz is currently doing, but in the past Blizz has mentioned via blue posts that they weight certain items as drops from bosses and loot boxes (can't remember about the Vault) to give some 'prestige' to certain items. For example, weapons and trinkets are weighted to be less likely to drop than pants or gloves as weapons/trinkets are considered more valuable and impactful. I would not be surprised if there truly is no purely unweighted odds associated with random sources generating equippable loot in the game. Can't prove or disprove for the current stuff unless Blizz explicitly states such things, but they probably won't nowadays unless something really bad gets pointed out... like loot being weighted in such a way that it raises eyebrows.
    Link the blue posts or I'ma have to say you just say you made this up. Cause that's really not how it works at all tbh.

    The only things that have less chance to drop than others are the things clearly tagged as very rare in the dungeon journal. That's it, everything else is a equal chance.
  1. Mad_Murdock's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Doombringer View Post
    ... a static reward disincentivizes participation. You see what you're going to get, you don't need it, you don't queue. Why do this? No wonder it was reverted.
    It's a tough one because I got to see that I was going to get a good trinket it, ran my 5 dungeons and then got boots instead. Had I not seen the trinket, I wouldn't have ran at all. The gear will be vendor junk soon, so running alt to maybe get a useful item isn't motivation enough. But I have to assume Blizzard knows the numbers and felt it wasn't going to work out.
  1. PenguinChan's Avatar
    I like loot boxes in a casual sense but why not also add some kind of bad luck protection via the form of currency and restricting repeat rewards on the same character until you’ve gotten everything? Guess this is a better way to keep people playing and getting repeats.
  1. Dreyen's Avatar
    An amazing change.. just reverted. Sad.
  1. chaoticcrono's Avatar
    just make the reward a currency you can spend at a vendor for the item you want....
  1. DarkblazerZ's Avatar
    Just chill out~ wait for season 2 ~ play for 7-10 weeks ...repeat.

    WoW has become a diablo copy .
  1. kranur's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Doombringer View Post
    ... a static reward disincentivizes participation. You see what you're going to get, you don't need it, you don't queue. Why do this? No wonder it was reverted.
    Can also incetivize it, but overall sure. Guess it's much better to run content you don't want to receive loot you don't need. Win/win.. oh wait.
  1. Lolites's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dreyen View Post
    An amazing change.. just reverted. Sad.
    not sure how it was amazing, instead of having chance to get something good you knew you were getting useles vendor trash so might as well not do the q, which would tank the timewalking participation and make queues a lot longer...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkblazerZ View Post
    Just chill out~ wait for season 2 ~ play for 7-10 weeks ...repeat.

    WoW has become a diablo copy .
    ah yes, good old times in vanila, when new raid was released, people raidloged for couple weeks and that was it... so much different...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Murdock View Post
    Had I not seen the trinket, I wouldn't have ran at all.
    and everyone who would have something they dont want/need there wouldnt run, but they would for CHANCE to get something useful...
  1. mulletman's Avatar
    Call me crazy but I feel like a choose your reward system for this might be superior. Like maybe offer 1-3 specific rewards in addition to a random one? Like oh hey you don't want this ring, trinket, or neck piece? Cool he's a box with a random item in it best of luck.
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mulletman View Post
    Call me crazy but I feel like a choose your reward system for this might be superior. Like maybe offer 1-3 specific rewards in addition to a random one? Like oh hey you don't want this ring, trinket, or neck piece? Cool he's a box with a random item in it best of luck.
    ...might as well just add a Dinar-type system and allow players to pick their item.
  1. GUZ's Avatar
    I don’t think any body actually likes loot boxes in any capacity.
  1. Ielenia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GUZ View Post
    I don’t think any body actually likes loot boxes in any capacity.
    I don't mind loot boxes as long as:
    • a) I don't have to pay real cash for them (including using gold to get B.net funds);
    • b) I don't have to do an activity that is too hard or overly repetitive to get it (5 TW dungeons is a good spot for me).

    Also, since you made sure to include "in any capacity", I guess you could technically call raid/dungeon bosses a "loot box", since don't know what you're getting out of it until you open (loot) the box (body).
  1. Asrialol's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkblazerZ View Post
    Just chill out~ wait for season 2 ~ play for 7-10 weeks ...repeat.

    WoW has become a diablo copy .
    I like the fact that I can play for a few weeks each season and be able to get caught up with people towards the end.
    Not many games out there is fun to play hours every single day
  1. Zalraki's Avatar
    Of course they revert the only good change in a while. Ah well, back to ignoring timewalker events since I'm not going to waste my time on dungeons for a high chance of random shit loot

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