Patch 11.1 PTR - Undermined Development Notes

Patch 11.1 PTR - Protection Warrior Upcoming Changes
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Hello! We’ve continued to monitor feedback and PTR data, and we want to provide an update on Protection Warrior development.

As noted previously, our goal with the Protection Warrior changes is to bring the APM requirement of the spec down to reduce the performance gap the high APM creates.

We initially made significant adjustments to both burst and sustained Rage generation, as well as Shield Slam resets via Devastator and Strategist. We’ve since made adjustments as we fix bugs and evaluate the actual outcome of the changes versus our expectations.

Now that most of the dust has settled, we feel that we overshot the initial nerf to Shield Slam reset chance. In next week’s PTR build, it will be increased to 25%. After playing with this change, we feel that this gets Protection Warrior to where we want it to be-- an active and engaging playstyle without the rotation being dominated by too-frequent Shield Slam resets.

Thank you for your helpful feedback.

We’ll continue make tuning adjustments as needed.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 11.1 PTR - Protection Warrior Upcoming Changes started by Lumy View original post
Comments 14 Comments
  1. Railander's Avatar
    ah yes of course, warrior is the 2nd dumb player class after hunter, gotta keep it simple.
  1. Ereb's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Railander View Post
    ah yes of course, warrior is the 2nd dumb player class after hunter, gotta keep it simple.
    I mean sure, if you ignore entire other classes like paladin LOL
  1. Dreyen's Avatar
    i agree that ignore pain was probably too spammy.. but shield slam was really great, im not a fan of less shield slam.. especially if it leads to more revenge > more no rage situation. Revenge should just cost no rage at this point to keep the class feeling good.
  1. PenguinChan's Avatar
    They should just make it so shield slam resets have a higher chance of happening at lower rage values to encourage dumping it, and to reduce worthless resets when you’re closer to full rage. Such a simple solution to a system that doesn’t need to have an issue with lol.
  1. Lazerbrain's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinChan View Post
    They should just make it so shield slam resets have a higher chance of happening at lower rage values to encourage dumping it, and to reduce worthless resets when you’re closer to full rage. Such a simple solution to a system that doesn’t need to have an issue with lol.
    but. if its to balanced what will they work on next month?
  1. Capultro's Avatar
    Another ridiculous thing, you have to make the adjustments to the paladin who is super overpowered and with many fewer buttons to press than the warrior...and more effective of every sense.
  1. Zodiark's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Capultro View Post
    Another ridiculous thing, you have to make the adjustments to the paladin who is super overpowered and with many fewer buttons to press than the warrior...and more effective of every sense.
    eh yes and no. I play all tank classes. Warrior has a ton of shit to hit when pulling a pack or two. No doubt. But I've noticed that in some of those situations they can be more durable than a prot pally. SURE you could bubble as a Pally but then you drop aggro and risk wiping the group. IT can go either way and I've actually felt more comfortable on speed runs chaining packs with my warrior at times than my pally. Sure going to a Pal from a war at first feels amazing then you start to miss some of the tools you had as a warrior and options. But yes War definitely could use a bit of streamlining with an overhaul/redesign.
  1. Sanguinerd's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Railander View Post
    ah yes of course, warrior is the 2nd dumb player class after hunter, gotta keep it simple.
    Hey now! Before warriors get called dumb you have to mention paladin first. Those are the rules.
  1. Zoura's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zodiark View Post
    eh yes and no. I play all tank classes. Warrior has a ton of shit to hit when pulling a pack or two. No doubt. But I've noticed that in some of those situations they can be more durable than a prot pally. SURE you could bubble as a Pally but then you drop aggro and risk wiping the group. IT can go either way and I've actually felt more comfortable on speed runs chaining packs with my warrior at times than my pally. Sure going to a Pal from a war at first feels amazing then you start to miss some of the tools you had as a warrior and options. But yes War definitely could use a bit of streamlining with an overhaul/redesign.
    They are for sure tankier, it's the damage people are going for with prot paladin tho.
  1. Schintus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Railander View Post
    ah yes of course, warrior is the 2nd dumb player class after hunter, gotta keep it simple.
    Playing both a prot warrior and prot paladin, I can say playing pala is WAY easier than a warrior.
  1. Relapses's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zodiark View Post
    eh yes and no. I play all tank classes. Warrior has a ton of shit to hit when pulling a pack or two. No doubt. But I've noticed that in some of those situations they can be more durable than a prot pally. SURE you could bubble as a Pally but then you drop aggro and risk wiping the group. IT can go either way and I've actually felt more comfortable on speed runs chaining packs with my warrior at times than my pally. Sure going to a Pal from a war at first feels amazing then you start to miss some of the tools you had as a warrior and options. But yes War definitely could use a bit of streamlining with an overhaul/redesign.
    What? Paladins have a talent that prevents you from dropping aggro when you Bubble and 100% of builds take this talent (it's an AE taunt and very OP).
  1. Railander's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Schintus View Post
    Playing both a prot warrior and prot paladin, I can say playing pala is WAY easier than a warrior.
    i was talking about the type of players that play the class, not whether the class itself is easy or not.
    bad players gravitate towards warrior in the expectation that it's going to be simple. same with hunter.
  1. Tech614's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zodiark View Post
    eh yes and no. I play all tank classes. Warrior has a ton of shit to hit when pulling a pack or two. No doubt. But I've noticed that in some of those situations they can be more durable than a prot pally. SURE you could bubble as a Pally but then you drop aggro and risk wiping the group. IT can go either way and I've actually felt more comfortable on speed runs chaining packs with my warrior at times than my pally. Sure going to a Pal from a war at first feels amazing then you start to miss some of the tools you had as a warrior and options. But yes War definitely could use a bit of streamlining with an overhaul/redesign.
    Prot Paladin is not meta because it's the tankiest spec. It's meta because it is tanky enough to survive the highest keys and has the best combination of damage and mob control of the current tank kits. Also bubble taunt is a thing my dude.
  1. Zodiark's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Relapses View Post
    What? Paladins have a talent that prevents you from dropping aggro when you Bubble and 100% of builds take this talent (it's an AE taunt and very OP).
    I haven't played Paladin and looked at the talents like that to be honest. I usually just use whatever cookie cutter build is on WoWhead because I play all the classes to some extent. So I haven't really focused on them like that to know the nuances of each talent. Still I generally use the Delves/Open world builds nowadays because that's most of the content I do. I DO occasionally do an organized group or raid but once again I usually just grab a premade build and keep it moving.

    That being said though I have played a bit of Prot pally and gone back and forth between the War and felt like War CAN be more reliable than pally IF you are on the ball with your rotation and use of CD's etc. From my own anecdotal experiences pallies are a bit more squishy during the initial brunt of damage from pulling a few packs but make up for it with direct heals and superior damage. Still tho Warriors I feel need a more work to function and do less damage overall with a bit more direct mitigation. Which doesn't really change my opinion that they could benefit from a rework to give them a bit more identity and or a more defined niche role to fill. Just my two cp.

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