Mists of Pandaria Mounts

Red Flying Cloud
This mount is sold by Tan Shin Tiao and requires Exalted with the The Lorewalkers.

Level Type Name Required Faction Required Faction Level Cost
60Mount Disc of the Red Flying CloudThe LorewalkersExalted600

Cloud Serpents
These mounts drop from bosses and can be purchased from vendors, but all of them require you to complete the Order of the Cloud Serpent quest line in Jade Forest.

Level Type Slot Name Required Faction Required Faction Level Cost
90Mount Reins of the Golden Cloud SerpentOrder of the Cloud SerpentExalted3000
90Mount Reins of the Azure Cloud SerpentOrder of the Cloud SerpentExalted3000
90Mount Reins of the Jade Cloud SerpentOrder of the Cloud SerpentExalted3000
90Mount Reins of the Thundering August Cloud SerpentThe August CelestialsExalted10000

Dragon Turtles
These mounts are sold by Turtlemaster Odai (H) and Old Whitenose (A) and require exalted with your faction's Pandaren faction to purchase. You can gain rep with the Huojin Tabard or Tushui Tabard.

Level Type Slot Name Cost Source
20Mount Reins of the Green Dragon Turtle1Vendor
20Mount Reins of the Brown Dragon Turtle1Vendor
20Mount Reins of the Purple Dragon Turtle1Vendor
20Mount Reins of the Red Dragon Turtle1Vendor
20Mount Reins of the Black Dragon Turtle1Vendor
20Mount Reins of the Blue Dragon Turtle1Vendor
40Mount Reins of the Great Red Dragon Turtle10Vendor
40Mount Reins of the Great Black Dragon Turtle10Vendor
40Mount Reins of the Great Green Dragon Turtle10Vendor
40Mount Reins of the Great Blue Dragon Turtle10Vendor
40Mount Reins of the Great Brown Dragon Turtle10Vendor
40Mount Reins of the Great Purple Dragon Turtle10Vendor

Imperial Quilen
The Imperial Quilen comes with the Digital Deluxe and Collector's Edition version of Mists of Pandaria.

Riding Tigers
These are sold by Rushi the Fox and require Exalted with the Shado-Pan.

Level Type Slot Name Required Faction Required Faction Level Cost
90Mount Reins of the Blue Shado-Pan Riding TigerShado-PanExalted500
90Mount Reins of the Red Shado-Pan Riding TigerShado-PanExalted2500
90Mount Reins of the Green Shado-Pan Riding TigerShado-PanExalted1500

Riding Cranes
These are sold by Jaluu the Generous and require Exalted with the Golden Lotus.

Level Type Slot Name Required Faction Required Faction Level Cost
90Mount Reins of the Azure Riding CraneGolden LotusExalted500
90Mount Reins of the Golden Riding CraneGolden LotusExalted2500
90Mount Reins of the Regal Riding CraneGolden LotusExalted1500

Water Striders
These are sold by Nat Pagle and require Exalted with the The Anglers. All but the Azure color were removed from him at some point during beta, but the other colors are still associated with the Anglers. (Crimson, Orange, Jade, and Golden)

Level Type Slot Name Required Faction Required Faction Level Cost
90Mount Reins of the Azure Water StriderThe AnglersExalted5000

Riding Goats
These are sold by Gina Mudclaw and require Exalted with the The Tillers.

Level Type Slot Name Required Faction Required Faction Level Cost
90Mount Reins of the Brown Riding GoatThe TillersExalted500
90Mount Reins of the White Riding GoatThe TillersExalted3250
90Mount Reins of the Black Riding GoatThe TillersExalted1500

These are sold by Uncle Bigpocket. The Reins of the Grand Expedition Yak comes with a vendor that does repairs and a reforging NPC.

Level Type Slot Name Cost
90Mount Reins of the Grey Riding Yak3000
90Mount Reins of the Blonde Riding Yak3000
90Mount Reins of the Grand Expedition Yak120000

This mount is sold by Ambersmith Zikk and requires Exalted with the The Klaxxi.

Level Type Slot Name Required Faction Required Faction Level Cost
70Mount Reins of the Amber ScorpionThe KlaxxiExalted10000

The Geosynchronous World Spinner is crafted by Gnomish Engineers and the Depleted-Kyparium Rocket is crafted by Goblin Engineers.

Name Reagents
Depleted-Kyparium Rocket
Living Steel × 12, Kyparite × 200, Orb of Mystery × 3, High-Explosive Gunpowder × 12, Spirit of Harmony × 12, Ghost Iron Bolts × 20
Geosynchronous World Spinner
Living Steel × 12, Trillium Bar × 12, Spirit of Harmony × 12, Ghost Iron Bolts × 20, Orb of Mystery × 3

These mounts are crafted by Jewelcrafters. The Jeweled Onyx Panther consumes all of the four colors when creating it.

Name Reagents
Jeweled Onyx Panther
Sunstone Panther, Jade Panther, Ruby Panther, Sapphire Panther
Ruby Panther
Orb of Mystery, Primordial Ruby × 20, Living Steel × 4, Serpent's Eye × 2
Sapphire Panther
Orb of Mystery, River's Heart × 20, Living Steel × 4, Serpent's Eye × 2
Sunstone Panther
Orb of Mystery, Sun's Radiance × 20, Living Steel × 4, Serpent's Eye × 2
Jade Panther
Orb of Mystery, Wild Jade × 20, Living Steel × 4, Serpent's Eye × 2

The Pandaren Kite String and Pandaren Kite String are rewards from the Pandaren Ambassador and Pandaren Ambassador achievements. The coloring of the mount is faction specific.

Pandaren Phoenixes
Access to purchase these mounts is rewarded by the Challenge Conqueror: Silver achievement.

Level Type Name Cost
90Mount Reins of the Crimson Pandaren Phoenix Ancestral Phoenix Egg
90Mount Reins of the Ashen Pandaren Phoenix Ancestral Phoenix Egg
90Mount Reins of the Emerald Pandaren Phoenix Ancestral Phoenix Egg
90Mount Reins of the Violet Pandaren Phoenix Ancestral Phoenix Egg

Son of Galleon
The Son of Galleon's Saddle is dropped by Galleon.

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