BlizzCon 2010 World of Warcraft & StarCraft II In-Game Items
The Blizzcon 2010 Pet is another Murloc to add to your collection! Will try to get a better picture when the shiny little murloc appears in my game files.
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"Death will rise from the tide!" Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftain once warned -- and at BlizzCon 2010, the band's dire musical prophecy will finally come to pass. Everyone who attends this year's BlizzCon or purchases the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket will receive an exclusive set of murlocalyptic in-game items for World of Warcraft and StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. World of Warcraft players will be joined by Deathy, a murloc companion decked out as Deathwing and doing his best to strike fear into the hearts of Azeroth's crustacean population. You'll also be able to display your tidal pride in StarCraft II with a Murloc Marine character portrait and a pair of deep-sea decals to emblazon on your units, each with a different terran, protoss, and zerg design.

BlizzCon 2010 takes place on October 22 and 23 at the Anaheim Convention Center. For further details or to order the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket, visit
This article was originally published in forum thread: Blizzcon 2010 Murloc Pet started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 161 Comments
  1. .Nensec's Avatar
  1. mmoc4924c6743e's Avatar
    die for dethloc.
  1. Alianthos's Avatar
    Lol that's pretty much win !
  1. Ralth's Avatar
  1. Raiyne's Avatar
    this is kinda interesting I guess.
  1. MusikDisaster's Avatar


    Can I has it if I order the interwebz stream? -_-
  1. Collected's Avatar
    Hmm.. choice between this or paying extra for the CE..
  1. furydeath's Avatar
    Another murloc pet. =\
  1. Gunmist's Avatar
    Brb buying virtual blizzcon ticket.
  1. Fulgurah's Avatar
  1. AoBman05's Avatar
    Talk about disturbing.
  1. Vanyshh's Avatar
    am i the only one thinking, "KILL IT WITH FIRE"?
  1. Thorzon's Avatar

    So cute!
  1. mmoc52843c6d9e's Avatar
    I'm bashing people for being stupid when they buy TRH but I'm so buying a virtual ticket just becasue of that pet.
  1. Sukaduk's Avatar
    Haha that's awesome! Guess I have to buy the virtual ticket!
  1. Notos's Avatar

    Well now I'm definitely getting a virtual ticket.
  1. Synithin's Avatar
    I hope it has a special animation like Grunty the Murloc Marine from last year.
  1. Hoodi's Avatar
    Very cool one of the better pets for sure
  1. Slusket's Avatar
    I hope they implement these as npcs aswell.
  1. sektor's Avatar
    That's it people, we are going to die.

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