Updates might get a little crazy over the week-end as I push the final bits of content to get ready for the release of Cataclysm. Hopefully, I won't crash the site or kill a moderator, but if it happen I'm sure the guy who will replace me after I get fired will be as nice as I am.

Cataclysm Dungeons Pages Updated
I finally updated most of the Cataclysm dungeons pages to let you prepare before the release! If everything goes as planned, I'll probably have some extra time for the Deadmines/SFK pages and we might have a couple of strategy guides, maybe. Thanks to Marlamin and Simca for their precious help on these pages.

Leaders of the Alliance and Horde Part 1 - Garrosh
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
King Varian Wrynn, Queen Sylvanas Windrunner, King Genn Greymane, and Trade Prince Gallywix—these are just a few of the leaders who continue to shape Azeroth's destiny. They are the embodiments of their races' strongest traits... and at times their greatest failings. In the coming months, Blizzard Entertainment will be releasing short stories that will peer into the hearts of these legendary heroes and offer insight into what new trials might lie ahead as they lead their people in a world forever changed by the Cataclysm.

The first story of this series, "Heart of War," offers a glimpse into the experiences that have shaped Garrosh into the leader he is today: his heroic exploits in Northrend; his uncertainty as he arrived in the imposing Horde capital of Orgrimmar; and most importantly, his friendship with his mentor, the warchief he would eventually replace, Thrall. This tale was written by Sarah Pine, the winner of Blizzard Entertainment's 2009 Global Writing Contest.

Brady Games Cataclysm Strategy Guide
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
Whether you're a first-time player or a Molten Core veteran, Brady Games' official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm strategy guide has something for everyone. The guide weighs in at nearly 500 pages and dives into the areas you want to know about most. It covers the playable worgen and goblin races and their starting zones, as well as detailed information on Azeroth's shattered landscape and all the new quests. You'll also find a thorough guide to the new level 80-85 content.

The Brady Games World of Warcraft: Cataclysm strategy guide will be available on December 7 at retailers that sell World of Warcraft strategy guides and at the Blizzard Store.

The Daily Blink - Solliden Farmstead
The Solliden Farmstead is hiring apparently! (From The Daily Blink, yeah, turns out I like these guys!)

This article was originally published in forum thread: Cataclysm Dungeons Pages, Blue Posts, The Daily Blink started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 67 Comments
  1. mmoc0e7c7b2dda's Avatar
    That Garrosh background story is really good, top notch and that's coming from an Alliance player
  1. Romulan's Avatar
    Pics are awsome
  1. HoX's Avatar
    Interesting stuff plox
  1. Kobs's Avatar
    I gotta say it's a nice addition to add the daily blink, that's some funny stuff ^^
  1. Otakira's Avatar
    Not to be the smart ass but could the text on the dungeon pages get any bigger? Towards the top it's fine but the farther you scroll down the bigger it gets and some are so ridiculously huge that even de-zooming doesn't help.

    EDIT - Thanks for starting to update the dungeon pages though.
  1. Boubouille's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by HoX View Post
    Interesting stuff plox

    Quote Originally Posted by Otakira View Post
    Not to be the smart ass but could the text on the dungeon pages get any bigger? Towards the top it's fine but the farther you scroll down the bigger it gets and some are so ridicoulously huge that even de-zooming doesn't help.

    EDIT - Thanks for updating the dungeon pages though.
  1. mmocd0ff825da3's Avatar
    same issue as otakira in IE8, although when using compatibility mode the font size doesn't increase as bad as it does without

  1. Otakira's Avatar
    Sorry was being a bad didn't realize was using Internet Explorer instead of Firefox since you guys have already said any problems with Internet Explorer is the users fault for using it. But if you are curious on IE text just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
  1. Boubouille's Avatar
    Holy crap. Huh, will investigate and fix, sorry about that
  1. Strafer's Avatar
    Nice sotry on Garrosh
  1. mmocba4f7a59a4's Avatar
    Luv the daily blink!
  1. spudpuffin's Avatar
    I read the 'Heart of War' story, its nice to see things from Gary Hellscream's perspective, he doesn't seem stupid so much as just wanting to get things over with and serving his people, the horde.
  1. Buckwald's Avatar
    I really should start making my gear check list ...
  1. mmoc21b69494dc's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille View Post
  1. Kalx's Avatar
    Slabhide from Stonecore is missing his mount drop, Vitreous Stone Drake - http://www.wowhead.com/item=63043
  1. Knirps's Avatar
    I lol'd HARD at the Brady Games thing. I remember when I used to play FFXI and we got the guide for that... It's just so...misguided. Pun not intended.
  1. Nyna's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Knirps View Post
    I lol'd HARD at the Brady Games thing. I remember when I used to play FFXI and we got the guide for that... It's just so...misguided. Pun not intended.
    Well, I bought the TBC and WOTLK Brady guides, and they were crap; they were mostly lists, they were out of date by the time they were published and the TBC one even had Shadowmoon Valley missing from it for Pete's sake. I'm not going to repeat those mistakes by buying the Cataclysm one when I can get more accurate and up to date information online.
  1. Capers's Avatar
    After looking at a lot of these fights, are any of these melee friendly? It seems most bosses do damage when you are close to them, which range are immune to, or they have a chain lightning which you need to spread out for, which melee must be in the general vicinity of each other and the tank.
  1. mmocd0ff825da3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille View Post
    Holy crap. Huh, will investigate and fix, sorry about that
    I see it's fixed, awesome!
    Thanks <3
  1. Vasz's Avatar
    I look forward to Tuesday, like everyone, but has anyone seen any fixes for cooking? As it stands now, 250-275 is almost impossible, because of the NPCs' removed in Tanaris (who had 3 fishing recipes) and and NPC in Felwood (that had 2 meat recipes) .

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