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Update Patch 4.0.6 Hotfixes - February 19
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
February 19

Hunter (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • The changes to Aimed Shot and Aspect of the Hawk announced yesterday have not yet been applied to live realms and should not go into effect until after the holiday weekend.

Patch 4.0.6 Hotfixes - February 18
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.0.6. Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below will go live the moment they are implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. We will continue to update this thread in the days ahead as additional hotfixes are applied. Visit our Bug Report forum for a list of 4.0.6 known issues.

February 18
  • Demolishers were respawning too quickly in Strand of the Ancients. They are now on a 20-second spawn timer.

Death Knight (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Death knight Ghouls under the effects of Dark Transformation can no longer cast Gnaw while it's on cooldown.

Hunter (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Aimed Shot damage has been decreased to approximately 160% weapon damage (at level 80+), down from 200%.
  • Aspect of the Hawk now provides around an additional 2000 attack power at level 85.

Paladin (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Light of Dawn no longer heals targets outside the paladin's party or raid. It correctly heals up to 5 targets in the paladin's raid.

Priest (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Body and Soul no longer reduces the mana cost of Power Word: Shield (the hotfix made on February 16 to provide this additional benefit has been reverted).
  • Rapture now returns 2/5/7% of maximum mana when Power Word: Shield is consumed, up from 2/4/6%.

Warlock (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Instant-cast Shadowbolts from Shadow Trance (both the talent and Glyph of Corruption versions) should no longer consume charges of Backdraft if both procs are available. Shadow Trance will always take priority and be consumed first when Backdraft is active. Subsequent Shadowbolts will consume Backdraft stacks.

Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Arms passive) now gives 20% bonus damage with two-handed weapons, up from 10%.

Dungeon Finder
  • If a party member remains outside of a dungeon for more than 3 minutes, they become eligible for removal, regardless of other Vote Kick restrictions.
  • When players queue as a group with a tank or a healer, and the tank or healer drops group (or is kicked) within the first 5 minutes, all of the other players who queued with them are removed from the group as well.
  • If there is a group of 3 or more friends and someone in that group initiates a Vote Kick of a random party member, it now requires 4 votes to kick the player, instead of the standard 3 votes.
  • The penalty for using the Vote Kick feature too often is not issued to a player who kicks someone with whom they queued for a dungeon (i.e. the party member being selected for removal is not a player randomly selected via the Dungeon Finder).
  • The penalty for using the Vote Kick feature too often will be issued much more quickly to players who join as a party of 4 and kick the randomly selected 5th player.
  • The penalty for using the Vote Kick feature too often will now not allow the player to initiate a Vote Kick for 2 hours, up from 45 minutes.
  • These changes will require realm restarts to take effect. More information can be found here.

Dungeons & Raids
  • When switching a normal raid dungeon over to Heroic difficulty, players were instantly becoming saved without warning. There is now a warning dialog box which will appear before the difficulty is changed.

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Today's Hotfixes
We actually spent a bit of time talking to the designers about this very topic, and it's something they're well aware of and realize isn't always ideal.

A few really great points came out of that meeting, though:

  • Some changes in 4.0.6 and/or 4.0.6a were just wrong. For a myriad of reasons the changes made in 4.0.6/4.0.6a either did not pan out as expected, or were simply mis-calculations/interpretations. Which is the reason for a number of the quick reversions and changes in hotfixes shortly after the patch.

  • While there was feedback from the PTR on what is broken, overpowered, underpowered, etc. there simply wasn't enough data and real world proof for us to make changes. Forum posts always make a lot of noise. It's difficult to separate the seed from the chaff. Yes, it turned out a number of reports proved to be accurate once the 4.0.6's hit the masses and we were able to get a sample size that showed us what needed adjusting.

  • The third point discussed was that we have an obligation to deploy hotfixes when we feel we're making quality of life-improvements, fixing errors, or simply making good balance changes. Good balance is very much debatable among who you ask, of course. ;)

  • Fourth point really struck home with all of the designers, and that's that they also have an obligation to not use the live realms as a balancing laboratory. That while the changes being made have seemed very quick and sporadic at times, that there is thought and planning going in to them, and they are consciously avoiding throwing out changes and seeing what happens. While some changes have been implemented and then reverted, it's not because a lot of thought and effort didn't go into them, but that simply they didn't work as intended.

I know a lot of us remember the old days where classes would sit without changes for months, in some cases years for specific mechanics. A class would dominate for 6 months, and that's just how the game was. While we think good, measured changes in patches is far more visible and understandable, that hotfixes allow so much more to offering immediate relief that we'd be remiss in not using them to offer a better game experience to you, the players. There's an agreement that 4.0.6 and 4.0.6a have been pretty chaotic with hotfixes, and that's due to a number of issues that we don't consider to be 'usual'. We fully expect them to slow down substantially from this point, and we really appreciate everyone who stays on top of the hotfix blog, and relates the changes as they're made to their guildies and friends. (Source)
This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 4.0.6 February 18 Hotfixes, Blue Posts started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 118 Comments
  1. Caldrumr's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by myne View Post
    Hotfixes are fine and dandy, except they might be quite confusing when they affect your whole playstyle. Holy pally ToR nerf and priest pw:s mana cost come to mind for example.
    Yeah, the hotfix to Body and Soul made me try switching my spec to get it again. Then, the next day, they revert it back. I understand changes and balancing, but it's been pretty crazy lately. They seem a little unsure of themselves and the decisions they are making.
  1. Essenji's Avatar
    Blergh... Those Vote Kick changes are so horrible! If I am in a group with a person who just runs alongside me and doesn't do dps, neither does he listen to tactics I can't kick him anymore, because then I wont ever be able to kick anyone again... Dibs on running heroics with follow on!
  1. Boxxy's Avatar
    Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
    •Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Arms passive) now gives 20% bonus damage with two-handed weapons, up from 10%.

    This doesnt fix anything. The problem with arms was it was doing TO MUCH DAMAGE. they nerf the mobility and when we tell them how hard they managed to fuck up the arms spec they give us more damage...... PLEASE SHOW ME THE LOGIC.
  1. Malleus's Avatar
    "When players queue as a group with a tank or a healer, and the tank or healer drops group (or is kicked) within the first 5 minutes, all of the other players who queued with them are removed from the group as well."

    TRANSLATION: "Now you have to wait five minutes in the dungeon lobby with your fake tank, instead of waiting 15 minutes in the queue praying that nobody took the moment your tank showed up to go to the lavatory or get a drink".

    Boxxy: on anything other than a tank-and-spank fight, mobility is damage.
  1. Boxxy's Avatar
    Malleus: get real, arms is not PvE viable. it was a pvp change, and not a well thought out one at that.
  1. Northy's Avatar
    awesome, ele is finally getting help....took em long enough.
  1. koodledrum's Avatar
    2 hours vote to kick timer, fucking great, just absolutely genius, allow terribads to queue, stick them with decent players & then don't let us boot them when it's realised how bad they are - they wonder why more and more of the good players are starting to jack this game in!
  1. Medivh's Avatar
    # The penalty for using the Vote Kick feature too often will be issued much more quickly to players who join as a party of 4 and kick the randomly selected 5th player.
    # The penalty for using the Vote Kick feature too often will now not allow the player to initiate a Vote Kick for 2 hours, up from 45 minutes.

    Then i'll left the party. Deserter debuff isn't a problem for me because it is better than 2 hour and save my repair golds.
  1. fixit's Avatar
    I guess abusing the bad you can't kick is considered new content:P
  1. Studioburst's Avatar
    If only blizz knew what they were doing with their own game ffs :/
  1. WaitingforSWTOR's Avatar
    As of 19 feb, AotH is still giving 68X AP untalented, not 2000... and i keep shooting 42-50k aimed shots (345 ilvl)

    Fail patch apply much?
  1. Mortilo's Avatar
    Remove stance dance from warriors, buff their damage to compensate for it...
    They're trying to fix priest but it looks like they still destroyed most of the classes :/
  1. VitesseEOD's Avatar
    Body and soul change makes zero sense, they're trying to prefent DISC priests from shield spamming so they make shields more expensive then give disc priests a mana return buff with rapture but remove the mana cost reduction from holy?

    Really, do they have any idea what they're doing?
  1. Alucard666's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Malleus View Post

    Boxxy: on anything other than a tank-and-spank fight, mobility is damage.
    With the pre-nerf Juggernaut,Throwdown and Heroic Leap,arms warriors had an 80% uptime on even the heavy kiters out there ( hunters and frost mages) with only their short to medium cds used,without incoming dispels or a partner help.....and that is something no hard hitting melee,with lots of interrupts should have!! Beside,the warrior class received a lot of improves such as : removed the old stances penalties and buffs to the new,overhauled ones,pummel in battle stance for reliable interrupts and with the new Tactical Mastery talent ( available to all 3 speccs) you can stance-dance all night long( or day) and won't OOR...and probably other stuffs I can't think of right now!

    On the other hand,same issue was with ferals....their old and heavy OP shapeshifting was a compromise they were allowed with because they lacked the damage,interrupts and in wotlk their only chance to kill a geared player was related to a 3 min cd!! Right now they have very high damage(more than half of it is ignoring armor),interrupts and lots of their old talents and some of their current skills had been reworked into a better ones,so was obvious they had to pay the mobility price.
  1. DavidGX's Avatar
    I know that this is an MMO, they never stop updating, are never done, etc but... does it seem to anyone else like they've been working on 4.0.6 forever? What the hell happened with this one?
  1. mmoc40ef98ccdf's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Blizzard View Post
    While there was feedback from the PTR on what is broken, overpowered, underpowered, etc. there simply wasn't enough data and real world proof for us to make changes. Forum posts always make a lot of noise.
    Oh what a "surprise" they don't give a rats ass to the feedback from the PTR testers.

    I still remember good old 4.0.1. were tons of feedback was provided about the bugs, the cogwhell-of-death per example, and surprise surprise the bugs went to the live realms.
  1. mmoc37672be2a3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Northy View Post
    awesome, ele is finally getting help....took em long enough.
    ??? was it sarcasm ? I can't find the part where they help ele
  1. Mardoo's Avatar
    * Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Arms passive) now gives 20% bonus damage with two-handed weapons, up from 10%.


    ---------- Post added 2011-02-19 at 11:55 AM ----------

    I'm glad my account isn't active atm..these changes are fucking ridiculous
  1. rknDA1337's Avatar
    "Arms damage seem a bit low, we don't want Fury to rule in both pvp and pve bla bla" -> Buff Fury with 10% damage, brilliant!
  1. Thes's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Grufindus View Post
    The hunter changes are really bullshit. Why the fuck do they want to nerf aimed shot? It dosnt even hit that hard. Ice lance does more dmg overall. Aimed shot is +2 seconds cast and costs 50 focus. Isnt it right to be the most powerful ability on hunters? Nerfing it back to the fucking noodle soup level is just poor. And Blizzard should really put some more dmg for warlocks. Its rly poor...
    Hunters do damage automatically via autoshot etc..

    Hotfixes are good for the game, whatever playerbase said. I'd be pissed if I had to wait for major content patch every time shit was broken.

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