Make sure you check the dedicated page on Blizzard's website, they're pretty!

Introducing Crabby: The Dungeon Helper
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
The next content update for World of Warcraft introduces a brand-new feature designed to make your experience in Azeroth a whole lot user-friendlier. Meet Crabby: The Dungeon Helper! This adorable and knowledgeable crustacean companion will guide you through the game with useful hints, tips, and tricks for every situation. Read more about this upcoming feature on our new Crabby information page.

Dungeon Preview: Tomb of Immortal Darkness
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
Deep below the damp graveyards of Duskwood, an ancient evil stirs in the darkness....

Featuring new gameplay mechanics, revolutionary Deep Dark® technology, three challenging bosses, and a host of incredible rewards, the Tomb of Immortal Darkness will be the third dungeon to see the light – well, maybe just a dim spark in an ocean of utter blackness – in the next World of Warcraft content update. Click here for a preview of the epic adventures that await!

Experience StarCraft Like Never Before
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
We’re proud to present the next step in the evolution of the StarCraft series... and Blizzard Entertainment's long-awaited return to the console scene. Check out our new game information page for all the details, and get ready to fight for control of the Koprulu Sector like never before!

Hold the Power of the Horadrim in Your Hands
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
After years of fevered development and tireless research into the mysteries of the Horadrim, we’ve finally succeeded in capturing the power of one of Sanctuary's most enigmatic artifacts in a portable, downloadable form…. Behold, the Horadric Cube app for your smartphone or supported mobile device! But beware: great power often comes at a terrible price. Visit our Diablo III Horadric Cube app page to learn more, if you dare.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Crabby: The Dungeon Helper, Tomb of Immortal Darkness, Horadric Cube App started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 233 Comments
  1. TheyCallMeTarzan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SpriggsTheWarrior View Post
    Obviously fake.
    no raider uses the default UI.
    I pretty much do. Except for a threat meter and a boss mod it's just standard UI. No struggle there.
  1. Jawdie's Avatar
    I want Deep Dark technology! D:

    And Blizzard MUST implement crabby, he linked me to
  1. Phaesimvrotos's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Jawdie View Post
    And Blizzard MUST implement crabby, he linked me to
    And that's a good thing? :O
    My ears still hurt... Though I have to say... When I was checking today's news (because ofc blizz is known for its april fools jokes) I left Crabby last... When I read it it didn't impressed me at all but when I clicked home and suddenly Crabby appeared was the best part Really cool indeed good work

    Still remember pre-TBC the joke about wisps being the new race of the alliance (we knew about blood elves but not about which race will be added to the alliance at that time) and the new hero class later; the Bard whom you couldn't play with keyboard but it had a guitar to play ;p
  1. Nero Duskwind's Avatar
    "Duc Ulah, The Winged Keeper"

    Loving the Count Duckula reference... nice April Fools'
  1. anonidea's Avatar
    Blizz should implement Crabby as a non-combat pet that gives advice while fighting here are my examples of the advice it could provide

    Armor helps protect you
    Make sure you hold your weapon the right way
    You are doing that wrong, noob
    Try deleting your cache, WTF, and interface folders
    The GMs are always right
    If you are having a problem try checking one of the conveniently located fansites, or purchase and upgrade to crabby 4.1 for $29.99

    admit it you would love someone to have one of these in a raid
  1. godofslack's Avatar
    Greatest Paladin action bars ever.
  1. Saksy2's Avatar
    Found Temple -> Lost Temple
    Fruit Smuggler -> Fruit Dealer
  1. MrHappy's Avatar
    so far blizz is awesome @ april fools
  1. TheDoomcookie's Avatar
    My Zoology teacher had a classroom pet Horseshoe Crab named Crabby, once! :O
  1. Spotnick's Avatar
    Finally a dungeon where my tabbard of the lightbringer would be useful.
  1. mmoc748ebe364c's Avatar
    Ahahah, The horadric cube app is awesome!

    Visagebook + Angry Imps = Wirt's Leg
    Catch Dotcom + Agro Town = Tome of Town Portal
    Wirt's Leg + Tome of Town Portal = Secret Cow Level

    Simply awesome ^^
  1. gondars's Avatar
    the paladin is lvl 84?
  1. Vargur's Avatar
    Why ISN'T Tomb of Immortal Darkness a dungeon afterall? Seems like a pretty good idea.

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