Dev Watercooler - Cataclysm Talent Tree Post-Mortem
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
You may have noticed we changed class talent trees for Cataclysm. We changed not just the trees themselves, as you might expect for an expansion, but the entire structure of the trees and the way you choose talents. Now that the Cataclysm model has been in play for several months, the team has been discussing what we like and don’t like about it, and I thought that might be of interest to some of you. As always with this series, this is design rumination, not a list of upcoming changes.

What Worked Well

  • The talent trees are simpler now, but without losing a lot of depth. Most of what we cut were passive talents that everyone took anyway, or really lame talents that did nothing.
  • Choosing your specialization at level 10 and not having to delay playing your character the way you want feels great. You can play your shaman as Elemental or Enhancement with the tools and bonuses to make either work.
  • Specs within a class feel different. This was a big challenge for the DPS warriors, warlocks, hunters, and rogues in particular. Nowadays those specs have different rotations, different strengths and utility, and a different flavor overall.
  • Mastery integrates into the trees well. We can delay the complexity until higher level, and we’re at the point now where it’s a competitive stat for many specs (though to be fair, not all yet).
  • There are some legitimate hard choices for many of the specs. Usually these come in two varieties: which talent you want before you can advance to the next tier of the tree, or where you want to spend those remaining talents after you’ve hit the bottom of the tree.
  • At the risk of catching flak for this statement, I feel that the game is as balanced as it’s ever been. When you look back at the vanilla or Burning Crusade days there were many specs that were just jokes and the difference between the highest performing and worst performing specs was on the order of 30-50% or more. Nowadays, players worry about 5-10% differences. Those are differences we still want to fix, absolutely, but we’ve come a long way. The talent trees have helped us do that.

What Didn’t Work

  • I’ll admit there are still a few clunker talents -- those that are undertuned or just not interesting enough. There aren’t many though, and they’re relatively easy to replace.
  • On the other hand, the talent trees still have traps for the unwary. For example, a Fury build that skips over Raging Blow is making a serious mistake. That may seem obvious to current players but it’s the kind of thing someone returning to the game after a hiatus might not understand immediately. (After all, you didn’t robotically take Ghostly Strike just because it was a gold medal ability.) While there is something to be said for safe choices, it would also be nice if the talents we expected players to have were talents they always had.
  • Some players miss true hybrid builds. (Hybrid in this context means spending near evenly in two trees -- I’m not talking about the more common use of “hybrid” as a tank or healing class.) To be fair, these builds were either not very competitive or were just cherry picking a few powerful talents in order to create something that was likely overpowered, especially in PvP. In other words, the reality of the hybrid build never lived up to the myth. But it’s fair to say that it’s impossible now to have a hybrid build, and we understand some players want them back.
  • I said above that there are tough choices within the trees of many specs, but there aren’t very many of them within each spec. Often it can come down to where to spend those last 1-3 talent points. While that was our goal, it would be even more exciting if there were more of those hard decisions. Hard decisions can be painful when you’re faced with excluding an ability or mechanic that’s fun to have. But overall we think hard, exclusive decisions are a good thing. They encourage experimentation and discussion and give players a chance to try out different things, all of which can help keep them engaged.
  • Even worse, one potential place to spend those points is in the first two tiers of the other trees of your class, yet those talents are extremely design-constrained. First, they have to be attractive to the main spec using that tree, so chances are you’re not going to find much interest in the healing tree if you’re a damage dealer (unless you want to improve your limited healing). Second, those top-tier talents can’t affect higher level abilities since the talents are available at level 10. Finally, because those talents are available early, they should really be relatively simple to understand for new or returning players. You don’t want to put complex procs with lots of exceptions and internal cooldowns that high in the tree. All of those reasons mean that it’s rare that there’s a true game-changing talent available in those first two tiers. This would be totally broken, but imagine you could spend those last 10 points anywhere in another tree. Much more exciting, huh?
  • This is a personal pet peeve, but I don’t like the talents that have a 33/66/100% chance to do what you want them to do. That’s just an awkward way of making a valuable talent cost more than one point. The new Cataclysm talent tree design didn’t cause this problem, but it didn’t fix it either.

The Future

This is the part where I’d really love to share our ideas for how we could address these problems, but some discussions are still a little too rough even for the dev watercooler. When we’re a little farther along, we’ll be able to share more. In the meantime, this is a great topic for further discussion. Players like to evaluate the talents in their particular class, but it’s also useful to evaluate the talent tree system as a whole. It’s an iconic design for World of Warcraft for sure, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.

Greg “Ghostcrawler” Street is the lead systems designer for World of Warcraft. He once spent a summer capturing live radioactive alligators. True story.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Dev Watercooler - Cataclysm Talent Tree Post-Mortem started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 180 Comments
  1. tusker's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tenzing21 View Post
    Dude, come on, I have a bunch of friends who graduated from UT, and very many times, I have to wonder how Greg made it through. He's such a moron. "Talent trees haven't lost a lot of depth." If GC is srs about this sentence, there is simply NO hope for the future of the game.

    The game has lost all lustre, it's uncomplicated and quaint. There's no way to make the game your own, since people (cough cough) like GC have litterally zero understanding how to sandbox a game. Talent trees are worthless. You just get on EJ, do what they tell you and fire-and-forget.

    There have been some obtuse posts by rather dense devs before. This one falls to new lows, and it frightens me for the short-term viability of the franchise. I've always known Wow had (since Catas' release date) less than 24 months to go, but this new development makes me believe the game won't survive the year.

    Oh, well. Wow had to die sometime. Might as well flush Greg out of the mmo genre quicker, rather than drag it out.
    Yeah, makes sense to blame one guy who you don't even know for the supposed downfall of a game. Oh, and by the way, I know dozens of people who graduated from UT, and believe me, while some were incredibly intelligent, others slacked their way through.

    While I also don't agree talent trees still have depth, basing GC's apparent intelligence off blue posts is an incredibly naive thing to do. He's a designer and is vocal for WoW, he's not going to come out and say everything is broken, even if it actually is. Use your head.
  1. Exorbitant Rage's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Vasz View Post
    "There are some legitimate hard choices for many of the specs."

    Erm, they are actually more linear than they were before Cataclysm.
    But not being able to have hybrid specs and having more unavoidable talents baked into speccing into a tree means you have more choice! /sarcasm.

    Quote Originally Posted by tusker View Post
    Yeah, makes sense to blame one guy who you don't even know for the supposed downfall of a game. Oh, and by the way, I know dozens of people who graduated from UT, and believe me, while some were incredibly intelligent, others slacked their way through. Basing GC's apparent intelligence off blue posts is an incredibly naive thing to do.
    With some of things he says, no it isn't naive. Assuming he chooses his own words and they aren't fed to him while he's just some mouth piece for Blizzard. I've played many online games over the years, I can legitimately say World of Warcraft is the only one where I have literally facepalmed over some of the things that the people speaking to the community have said and it hasn't been just once, but several times.
  1. Morsetlis's Avatar
    The amazing thing about the current talent trees is that they minimize the "increase your critical strike chance by 1/2/3/4/5%" talents. Where these exist, they typically affect either only a subset of spells (Priest Twin Disciplines), or are comparatively powerful (Moonkin Nature's Majesty). If you compare the WoW talent trees now to the Rift talent trees, you immediately see the difference. ( I have to say I hate the Rift ones.

    The problem with the current talent trees is that they lead to cookie-cutter builds. Customization comes from one or two decisions in the tree. Often, the decision is made based on PvE versus PvP. Rarely is it made for personal style. I think Greg has it right that there need to be more meaningful, balanced decisions. For example, a paladin healer can choose to take 2/3 instead of 3/3 Tower of Radiance in order to get shorter cooldowns or longer range judgments. However, the longer range judgment talent is a whole 5 yards longer, and the additional healing it offers is complete garbage and weaker than a Tier 1 talent.

    There are still too many boring, mandatory talents. These should be reworked into 2-pointers at most, and have more dramatic effects. For example, Priest Twin Discipline should change from 2/4/6% more damage/healing to 5/10%. Priest Darkness should change from 1/2/3% haste to something like Druid Nature's Grace, where casting Mind Blast or Holy Fire procs a 5/10/15% haste buff for 10 seconds. Likewise, Druid Moonglow could change from 3/6/9% mana cost reduction to 10/20/30% mana cost reduction while under the effect of Eclipse, Nature's Grace, or Tree of Life. Mage Piercing Ice could change from 1/2/3% to Your Frostbolt increases the critical strike chance of your next spell by 3/6/9%.
  1. shadowkras's Avatar
    The game has lost all lustre, it's uncomplicated and quaint. There's no way to make the game your own, since people (cough cough) like GC have litterally zero understanding how to sandbox a game. Talent trees are worthless. You just get on EJ, do what they tell you and fire-and-forget.
    Yea talent trees were VERY COMPLEX before cata. Grab all +X% dps talents and read what elitistjerk tells you to use as rotation, very...complex.

    As a prot warrior, at least, i have dozens of possible builds, there are literally 10+ different ways to spec the class and still be successful with it. As fury, i have 6 or 7 free points to spend anywhere i want, as arms i have about 10.
    Im sorry for you if all you do is copypaste EJ builds.

    Oh, well. Wow had to die sometime.
    We lost count of how many times we read this in the past 6 years.
  1. mmocf002b94213's Avatar
    Who cares about what he thinks? Blizzard seriously should replace him with someone more competent.
  1. Sobedesce's Avatar
    This is a personal pet peeve, but I don’t like the talents that have a 33/66/100% chance to do what you want them to do. That’s just an awkward way of making a valuable talent cost more than one point. The new Cataclysm talent tree design didn’t cause this problem, but it didn’t fix it either.
    oh god do i hate those
  1. Falcio's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Oldhate View Post
    ok why does the game still have choices in talent trees?

    If you want to be a surv hunter you choose surv tree and the talents are optimally filled
    If you want to be a marks hunter you choose mark tree and your talents are changed to the optimal mark spec
    As far as Hunters are concerned, the "optimal" Marks spec is fairly up in the air. It depends on if you actually want to get Silencing Shot, for one thing. The other thing is to choose between perfect points in Termination and add one point in Rapid Killing, or go 1/2 Term or 1/2 Bombardment and 0/1 Rapid Killing to get Marked for Death. It depends on if it's worth it to get that GCD for HM versus a small amount of focus regen at the end of the fight, more chance to get cheap Multi Shots, or a more powerful opener through trash.
    And Survival, I have actually taken Point of No Escape for my spec before versus the resist/Disengage CD shortener talent Survival Tactics.

    Some Priests get the .5 GCD Renew, some get Lightwell, some get the self heal. Sometimes, the norm is not what you use specifically. If you don't use Lightwell a lot, there's really no point to having it. Same with the self heal.
    Prot Warriors have a choice between a silence with Heroic Throw at a 30 second CD or not, depending on what they thing think it's worth.
    Resto Shaman have a choice to bring them some mana return through Lightning Bolts and a more powerful Shock. To do so, they go into the Elemental Tree to get more hit. Outside of that, they would go to the Enhance tree and get a speed buff.
    Prot Paladins before the WoG change had a few different spec possibilities that utilized WoG as a fairly regular cooldown. Not to mention Consecration mana cost reduction also being a choice.

    My point is, choice still exists. Optimality is a bit up-in-the-air thing nowadays. This may not be the case for a lot of specs, I'm sure (I'd like more choice in the Survival Tree, to be honest. Of the two, Survival is pretty cut and dry still), but I think if anything, Ghostcrawler's figured that out. Kind of the point of these blogs.
  1. tusker's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Exorbitant Rage View Post
    With some of things he says, no it isn't naive. Assuming he chooses his own words and they aren't fed to him while he's just some mouth piece for Blizzard. I've played many online games over the years, I can legitimately say World of Warcraft is the only one where I have literally facepalmed over some of the things that the people speaking to the community have said and it hasn't been just once, but several times.
    There's no point in me defending everything he says, because I agree with you some sound way off base; that wasn't my intention. What other MMO's have you played? I've played many, and if the dev feedback is actually there it's usually not much better than Blizzard's. People really tend to exaggerate Blizzard's apparent awfulness for the sake of bashing them, or they assume Blizzard is near perfect? Not sure.
  1. tenzing21's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tusker View Post
    Yeah, makes sense to blame one guy who you don't even know for the supposed downfall of a game. Oh, and by the way, I know dozens of people who graduated from UT, and believe me, while some were incredibly intelligent, others slacked their way through.

    While I also don't agree talent trees still have depth, basing GC's apparent intelligence off blue posts is an incredibly naive thing to do. He's a designer and spokesperson for WoW, he's not going to come out and say everything is broken, even if it actually is. Use your head.
    Anecdote battle- BEGIN! But seriously, he is terrible. He made 4-5 statements about talent trees and status-of-the-game that are simply so far divorced from reality, that my only conclusion about his apprehension regarding a game he has control over, is that he has no control. He's a friggin' moron.

    Talent trees are worthless, they are not a method by which a player becomes immersed in a class or role, they literally do not provide the player any object understanding of why a class is designed the way it is (all healers heal, all dps dps, etc) and the limited (read non-extant) variegation between specs of the same role is so subtle, that no new player could ever hope to understand how to choose a character based on the initial character creation screen.

    Wow, as a sandbox mmo where you choose your own adventure is a failure. Talents are the reason. You Look like everyone else, you Do what they all do, and you Go where they all go.

    Greg is... well he ain't heavy. And his lack consideration to the finer points of the game is obvious to any non-fan boy.
  1. Grimalkin of Old's Avatar
    I see trolls. Everywhere.
  1. Ryanwalters's Avatar
    What was the point to this post? To tell us information we already know and inform us they have plans for the future.
  1. h3lladvocate's Avatar
    "There are some legitimate hard choices for many of the specs."
    Haha, that's funny, theres one hard choice, which of the three specs do I want to go. The rest is smash your face on the keyboard and free spec that is 100% optimal.
  1. Knuffelbert's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanwalters View Post
    What was the point to this post? To tell us information we already know and inform us they have plans for the future.
    It's not supposed to have "a point" beyond sharing what they are thinking/thought. They don't use the water cooler thing for announcing features/changes.

    Also I agree that it added to the depth, everyone I have seen so far who disagrees has a flaw in their reasoning in where more talents = more choices, that was simply not true. All speccs I ever played where 100% min maxed (as most raiders do), there was almost no variety at all between same speccs, now I have a few points I can put into fun and/or highly situational talents. In BC/Wrath (don't remember much of Vanilla) "hard choices" were at most between a talent that gives 5% dmg versus one that does 4% dmg. It was only "hard", because it hurt not being able to take the 4% one, but there was never a real choice in what to take unless you enjoy doing less DPS.
  1. Zyriak's Avatar
    I really liked the addition of mastery, it gives some interesting choices!
  1. wiIdi's Avatar
    What Worked Well
    •The talent trees are simpler now, but without losing a lot of depth.
    Meanwhile in reality the complete opposite is true. The talent trees are oversimplified to the extreme, no depth and less choices than ever before. Talent trees lost their purpose with this revamp. You may have removed bloat but you removed almost all personal choice by trimming them down so dramatically. The new talent trees did NOT work well.
  1. Rankin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by garion55 View Post
    i dont find it that hard to believe that he had the final say on many of the decisions that led people to leave the game. someone has to step up and accept responsibility for what happened to this game and the first guy that needs to go is him.
    I like how so many people have forgotten about Tom Chilton being one of the other lead developers. GC's not the only person in charge, he's just the only one who still posts on the forums at least once in a blue moon.

    All the "fire Kalgan" threads died off when he stopped posting, and the angry mobs switched to trying to get GC fired. And now GC has reduced his posting a lot and the "fire GC" threads have shrunken proportionately.
  1. Ryme's Avatar
    There almost no difficult decisions to make any more in any spec in the game, mages have a couple and healers sometimes do, but that's it - and they're not very had anyway.

    They seriously failed with their statement before they implemented these that they wanted to offer more utility in the trees, I can't find any that are very useful at all that don't come at the cost of vast amounts of dps.
  1. McRibbisBack's Avatar
    Why do people still come here if they think warcraft is dying? I'm flabbergasted by the idea of the soothsayers that talk about the gloom and doom of the franchise. There are problems with the game, but, i've decided to ignore them, because its just a game that I play with my friends. Stop and think about how upset this is making you, and re-prioritize your emotions. Also, if you think there is no customization to talent trees you clearly don't understand how to spec, the last 4-5 points are usually always optional. As well as a bit of customization before that depending on what your guild needs to clear content, such as Telluric Currents or Blessing of the Eternals (for resto shamans) try actually looking at your spec again, and read the talents.
  1. Arrowstormen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulus View Post
    Who cares about what he thinks? Blizzard seriously should replace him with someone more competent.
    Yeah, who the hell care about the Lead Designer, pfft.
  1. Simca's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by garion55 View Post
    i dont find it that hard to believe that he had the final say on many of the decisions that led people to leave the game. someone has to step up and accept responsibility for what happened to this game and the first guy that needs to go is him.
    The "final say" would certainly not lie with him but the people ranking above him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arrowstorm View Post
    Yeah, who the hell care about the Lead Designer, pfft.
    He isn't the "lead designer". The lead systems designer is the one who controls the systems behind the game such as the concept behind the talent trees, etc. He doesn't actually oversee the balancing of the classes or designing of abilities.

    IIRC, Kalgan is still the class lead, and Daelo is the lead raid designer. He doesn't have control over the game, just the concepts behind it, which is a very large distinction.

    Quote Originally Posted by tenzing21 View Post
    Dude, come on, I have a bunch of friends who graduated from UT, and very many times, I have to wonder how Greg made it through. He's such a moron. "Talent trees haven't lost a lot of depth." If GC is srs about this sentence, there is simply NO hope for the future of the game.

    The game has lost all lustre, it's uncomplicated and quaint. There's no way to make the game your own, since people (cough cough) like GC have litterally zero understanding how to sandbox a game. Talent trees are worthless. You just get on EJ, do what they tell you and fire-and-forget.

    There have been some obtuse posts by rather dense devs before. This one falls to new lows, and it frightens me for the short-term viability of the franchise. I've always known Wow had (since Catas' release date) less than 24 months to go, but this new development makes me believe the game won't survive the year.

    Oh, well. Wow had to die sometime. Might as well flush Greg out of the mmo genre quicker, rather than drag it out.
    Vanilla talent trees were exactly the same FYI and so were TBC ones and so were Wrath ones.

    Just because you didn't know the optimal build doesn't mean there wasn't one. There will always be a "best build" for a class. You could ALWAYS go to EJ and fire and forget, but a lot of people didn't know about the site back then.

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