Tier 12 Video Preview - Mage and Death Knight
Two more video previews of Tier 12 sets today! Mage and Death Knights!

Patch 4.2 - Crafting Materials Base Price Changes
Patch 4.1 already nerfed the NPC sell price of cut uncommon gems in Cataclysm but it seems that Blizzard is taking things one step further in 4.2. I'm pretty sure some of those changes will have repercussions on all the friendly Auction House farmers out there.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion



The MMO Report
It looks like it's monday, and time for another MMO Report!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Tier 12 Video Preview - Mage and Death Knight, Reagents Price Changes, MMO Report started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 80 Comments
  1. RadGH's Avatar
    QQ Feather plumed helm? I don't understand. Wearing a pheonix feather is pretty fitting for a mage. It doesn't look bad at all.

    It will be nice to have a helm that doesn't look like a warlock should be wearing it.
  1. Ryme's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Calamari View Post
    Lol @ the price change of items that no one in their right mind would vendor to begin with, well except maybe green gems from skill leveling but even then.. duh Jebus.
    You're late to the party, for months and months now JCs have been making thousands of gold by doing this, sucks to see it nerfed, but inflation is all too awful to allow it.
  1. nilnar's Avatar
    I'm honestly surprised that that isn't the new mage PvP set. It is so similar in shape to the current one, it seems like the evolution from it.

    The DK set is one of my favourites. I tend to like sets that look a little alien and weird, which is probably why. Worgens usually look horrible to me, but goddamn it looks amazing on that worgen. Would have liked to see it on a male tauren too.
  1. mmoc5b3bf16116's Avatar
    Boub, you have a great taste of music!
  1. Winterstrife's Avatar
    Well the 'black' DK set actually makes em look badass & like another poster who mentioned earlier they kinda look like the Elites from the Halo Series (I'm thinking the Arbiter?)
    Mage set just looks plain silly, as they should have been all along :x
  1. DruKow's Avatar
    This makes me wanna Level a DK, set looks awsome, after seeing the mage gear i'm glad i got my mage ready for firelands, Gimme the Blue and purple PLZ!!
  1. ashblond's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by toychristopher View Post
    Wow are you serious with that music? A little dramatic for death knight armor set.
    hahaha, hero class, so the music is a bit heroic
  1. mmoc1ed7397d63's Avatar
    they all look stupid imo but thats just my opinion.. the blue dk set is meh at best but probably the most decent out of the lot if i had to pick 1.
  1. kirklandfood's Avatar
    ZOMG they read my email on the MMO report!! XD
  1. Vaelyn's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Baschvaan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Calamari View Post
    Lol @ the price change of items that no one in their right mind would vendor to begin with, well except maybe green gems from skill leveling but even then.. duh Jebus.
    Actually, you can make a ton of gold off of this. You used to be able to buy uncuts for less than the cut vendor price and make 10-20k a week.
    The cost to make an auction for something is based off its base value too, so it means ppl selling them on the AH will be taxed less and make more profit. There were times I just vended them becuz the amount I'd get back after the AH tax was so small, I'd rather just get my 100 gold/stack now :-P

    ---------- Post added 2011-06-06 at 02:00 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by RadGH View Post
    QQ Feather plumed helm? I don't understand. Wearing a pheonix feather is pretty fitting for a mage. It doesn't look bad at all.

    It will be nice to have a helm that doesn't look like a warlock should be wearing it.
    it's a flaming plume... why are ppl hating on it :-)
  1. Nefastus's Avatar
    Again fire left and right to compensate the ugliness of this tier sets. Hopefully they will drop this of theming sets after instances (hopefully before the next expac, if there is one).
  1. Marooned's Avatar
    This is some good music WoW movies need to have!
  1. Rukh's Avatar
    I was thinking the DK set looked like poop but then I realized thats because it was on a human and literally everything looks like poop on a human male. It looks pretty nice on the worgen male. It didn't show it, but I bet it's going to look evil on my draenei female.
  1. Rosary's Avatar
    DK's helm looks like a wannabe cthulhu look XD It looks best on worgen imo.
  1. Mercadi's Avatar
    Orc DK shoulders... just wow.
  1. Mewtwo's Avatar
    So..I am currently buying mass ore, prospecting, making all the uncommon gems into gear and DEing them and cutting and selling the rare ones.

    Will this change harm me?

    It seems people are talking about just buying the ore, prospecting it and vendoring the uncommon..which doesn't seem like it would work too well (on my server, anyway)

    I do however have no need to Zephyrites though (since they are not used to craft any JCing rings/necks) and I have tons. I might vendor them before the patch :x
  1. McFrotton's Avatar
    Ok worgen DK just look totally insane I love it
  1. archzen's Avatar
    DK blue set looks like the hybrid from SC2. badass
  1. Senaelanna's Avatar
    Brutal sets. Makes me so sad .
  1. mmoca172a76622's Avatar
    Dont really like the DK set.. mage set is pretty cool though

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