Tier 12 Video Preview - Mage and Death Knight
Two more video previews of Tier 12 sets today! Mage and Death Knights!

Patch 4.2 - Crafting Materials Base Price Changes
Patch 4.1 already nerfed the NPC sell price of cut uncommon gems in Cataclysm but it seems that Blizzard is taking things one step further in 4.2. I'm pretty sure some of those changes will have repercussions on all the friendly Auction House farmers out there.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion



The MMO Report
It looks like it's monday, and time for another MMO Report!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Tier 12 Video Preview - Mage and Death Knight, Reagents Price Changes, MMO Report started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 80 Comments
  1. mmocb372ace37b's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Cocainetruck View Post
    Sup I am a mage, got a feather on my head. Watcha gonna do?
    slow fall?
  1. good diu bro's Avatar
    Ounch! This just hit leveling alts/noobs hard, very bold move.

    On second thoughts, leveling engineering might even be cheaper than before.
  1. Alestia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by YankeePhan1234 View Post
    RIP Elementium/Obsidium Shuffle
    You will just sell those gems instead of vendoring them. Or craft/de rings, w/e
  1. ungar's Avatar
    I'm missing the T12 theme. mage T12 looks looks like it belongs in throne of four winds being genie or djinn. for as much hype as firelands is, the tier set bonuses all being fire, I'm not seeing the fire inspired theme except maybe mage shoulders. these sets need a lot of work. obviously 4.2 is not ready, LOL

    DK looks like a butterfly, pretty embarassing helm and the color scheme is the most ugliest thing I've *ever* seen. the worgen looks great, the helm wings don't stick out too far, more pushed back and worgen head hangs forward so the shape contours with the helm. goblin wings look like they could make his body fly, dumbo anyone? worgen with silver metalic looks great, maroon and blue colors make me wanna delete my DK.

    hunter looks like a devil with his horns and pirate with his eyepatch... not sure what we're going for there, but its ok. devils belong in firey places I suppose. I hope they choose the right color scheme, I keep seeing that faded maroon/brown color, its pretty ugly.
  1. Laureen's Avatar
    Blizzard really needs to fire the guy who designs the helms.
  1. Begpo's Avatar
    Mage set could look MUCH MUCH Better if it was like Phoenix Claw from Tempest Keep
  1. lb's Avatar
    Maybe it's a bit to early to ask - but is there an estimated release date for patch 4.2 ...
  1. Vardjavi's Avatar
    The DK helm is mean & supercool, first time in a long time I've really been impressed by armor design.
  1. FearGX's Avatar
    I really like the DK set, looks awesome.
  1. mmoc32fbbf5879's Avatar
    Gosh, Boulby, how come you always remember boring mmo report, but you almost always forget DLC?!?!? >.> So unfair...

  1. Fenixhart's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ungar View Post
    I'm missing the T12 theme. mage T12 looks looks like it belongs in throne of four winds being genie or djinn. for as much hype as firelands is, the tier set bonuses all being fire, I'm not seeing the fire inspired theme except maybe mage shoulders. these sets need a lot of work. obviously 4.2 is not ready, LOL

    DK looks like a butterfly, pretty embarassing helm and the color scheme is the most ugliest thing I've *ever* seen. the worgen looks great, the helm wings don't stick out too far, more pushed back and worgen head hangs forward so the shape contours with the helm. goblin wings look like they could make his body fly, dumbo anyone? worgen with silver metalic looks great, maroon and blue colors make me wanna delete my DK.

    hunter looks like a devil with his horns and pirate with his eyepatch... not sure what we're going for there, but its ok. devils belong in firey places I suppose. I hope they choose the right color scheme, I keep seeing that faded maroon/brown color, its pretty ugly.
    ...Uh, the mage set is moddled after a Firehawk.

    And they're dragon wings, not butterflys.

    And the Hunter set is modled after one of those firenaga things. That heml is the boss's face.
  1. ewhenn's Avatar
    Hopefully all the mages and DKs don't fly away mid RAID while wearing those bird suits.
  1. Izuul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mewtwo View Post

    It seems people are talking about just buying the ore, prospecting it and vendoring the uncommon..which doesn't seem like it would work too well (on my server, anyway)
    Oh it works quite well. Sell pretty much all of your uncommon gems, keep carnelians to transmute on your alchemist and rare gems to cut and sell on the AH. Providing you get the elementium ore at the right price, you can get 50-75% of your cost back just vendoring the uncommon gems for 5g each. Then you have this fat stack of rare gems, most importantly a ton of inferno rubies, and the lion share of the gold you get from selling them on the AH is profit.

    I tried crafting the uncommons and DEing them for awhile and it just added a bunch of time to my process and didn't net me any extra profits.
  1. MasterHamster's Avatar
    The floorprice on Elementium and Obsidium will be so low no one will farm it.

  1. config's Avatar
    No Dwarf mage t12 preview
  1. The Master's Avatar
    Mages go from having their most amazing artwork EVER to .... this? Put a silly feather in your hat and gallivant around. DK looks ok.
  1. valcrist's Avatar
    I think the DKs set looks better when actually shown what it looks like then just a picture but damn I have to say the Mage looks absolutely horrible i think it takes the top spot for worst Tier set of the group, he looks like a bird trainer from the zoo. I thought Locks was pretty bad but just goes to show a inactive screen shot doesnt give enough.[COLOR="red"]
  1. gutnbrg's Avatar
    the blue mage set on a nightelf looks like it should be a druid set

    ---------- Post added 2011-06-07 at 12:02 AM ----------

    worgen/orc dk look insane
  1. Airath's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterHamster View Post
    The floorprice on Elementium and Obsidium will be so low no one will farm it.

    No, it will get farmed, because people with brain know how to make profit from it even it's maximum transformed vendor price is zero.
  1. MasterHamster's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Airath View Post
    No, it will get farmed, because people with brain know how to make profit from it even it's maximum transformed vendor price is zero.
    I'm a maxed enchanter, jewelcrafter and transmute alchemist, I know how to make ores into gold. However, why would anyone SELL the ores if the floorprice is lower than vendor trash?

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