Update - For the record, the international codes 009 and 041 only seems to appear on Blizzard's online games trademarks. This isn't a book or anything like that. It appears incredibly likely based on previous trademarks obtained by Blizzard that this is the next expansion.

Mists of Pandaria
Blizzard just trademarked a very interesting "Mists of Pandaria".

This article was originally published in forum thread: Mists of Pandaria started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 1275 Comments
  1. Coffer's Avatar
    Not again.
  1. piggy-cupcake's Avatar
    Deathwing succeeds in destroying eastern kingdoms and kalimdor so horde and alliance flee past the veiled and forbidden sea. They then encounter a new continent where they land and set up new capitals. The pandarin are neutral.
  1. Littleshashi's Avatar
    Here's hoping for Runemaster class............it would help make me feel better about the whole panda thing, anyhow.
  1. Dart Matsuraki's Avatar
    Let's all remember how skeptical everyone was when blizzard trademarked "Cataclysm". If they have actually trademarked this, then it's VERY likely to be the next expansion.
  1. Silverware's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Morningsan View Post
    U know they where mentioned i wc3?
    And the RPG, where they were fully assimilated into lore, given a backstory, and given a more serious role.

    But that doesn't matter, because people will blindly hate Pandaren no matter what you say for no reason other than that they were originally an easter egg. You're fighting a losing battle.
  1. Calenel's Avatar
    Im outraged. I wanted south seas piracy, instead i got pandas. Or i got massively trolled by Blizzard. EITHER WAY.
  1. Yöjimbo's Avatar
    Very elaborate April fools joke.
  1. The Distortion's Avatar
    troll - failjoke. not funny.
  1. Reidix's Avatar
    i think making it a new race that is neutral isnt a bad idea i think it would be pretty cool, but i think there will have to be more about this before ppl will want to buy it, just cause it has panda's doesnt make it a exp pack.
  1. TheEaterofSouls's Avatar
    Part of the next expansion! Seems likely. If i am correct about this than the pandaren will play a role in the next expansion. However the name is probubly describing way less than whats going to be in it. Either way im filled with excitement!(Emerald dream/pandaria?) Faction choosing race perhaps? Maybe theirs more this pandaria then we think? Other side of azeroth? so many questions.
  1. tusker's Avatar
    I don't see the problem here really, other than people jumping on the "hate wagon" for some apparent reason. Seriously, take a step back and look at the Warcraft universe and lore. If this was the expansion and Pandaren were actually added, would it really be that weird?
  1. Lawke's Avatar
    And I was really hoping for a new class, not some panda race =/..
    •Maybe both ?
  1. Corgrash's Avatar
    Since when is it April 1st? :/// This does seem like a cruel joke boubie
  1. mmoc40ef98ccdf's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by The Distortion View Post
    troll - failjoke. not funny.
    Indeed, they spent money trademarking this just to troll us..........notsureifserious.jpg
  1. Tribunal's Avatar
    April Fools, New Blizzcon queue game (or game at Blizzcon), various other "fun" games, I see no reason to jump immediately to expansion. However, if it is the expansion, I really hope Pandaren aren't playable. That might be 'quit' territory for me. I realize there are other ridiculous races/characters, but Pandaren are too ridiculous for me.
  1. starkey's Avatar
    Skeeter: Hey Panda Bear! We don't take kindly to your types around here.
    Bartender: Now Skeeter, he ain't hurtin' nobody.
    Skeeter: No! I wanna know something from Mr. Panda Bear here. If you pandas are from mountainous areas of China and Tibet, how come you only eat bamboo which is prone to grow in dryer, more arid regions?
  1. Kashydan's Avatar
    Me gusta!
  1. Melilithia's Avatar
    *fangirl scream* YES, PANDAREN! Seems complicated, but I'm hopeful to see what Blizzard is going to do with this. Anyway, here's some links: http://www.wowpedia.org/Pandaren_ideas http://www.wowpedia.org/Future_race_ideas#Pandaren
  1. Xythez's Avatar
    This will be the new xpack, we are 2months and a few days from blizzcon , it was time to trademark their next wow expansion. Also i dont understand why ppl think that just because you have Pandaria in the name it will all be about a zone called Pandaria. It will prolly contain other zones and raids that have no big relation to pandarens or pandaria. Just like in Wotlk were you had Ulduar that wasnt about the Lich King so will be the case here, prolly we will face an old god and/or Azshara + many other zones to quest that arent Pandaria. Maybe we will even have some south seas.
    You restrict too much about next expansion thinking it will be just about pandares.
  1. mmoc9440e772b1's Avatar
    Burning Crusade: Races
    Wrath of the Lich King: Class
    Cataclysm: Races
    Mists of Pandaria: Class

    Pretty obvious, isn't it?

    Pandaren won't be a playable race and they won't choose a faction. Neutral like Tuskarrs, just more important.
    They'll gonna teach us the new hero class for sure. Monk? Brewmaster? can't imagine anything else... maybe Runemaster.

    Main villian will probably be Azshara, maybe she's invading Pandaria and they call for help, otherwise they would all die. So Naga and "Mists" probably involves Kvaldir (WotLk) - Mist guys - too. Or maybe there lies an old god beneath Pandaria. (Probably not N'zoth, but another)

    And hopefully there will be all the missing isles (Kul'Tiras, Kezan, Zandalar, Tel'abim and much more). Maybe Kul'Tiras as Alliance Base and Kezan as Horde Base, although it could be possible that we're getting a BIG neutral city in Pandaria. Who knows.

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