Update - For the record, the international codes 009 and 041 only seems to appear on Blizzard's online games trademarks. This isn't a book or anything like that. It appears incredibly likely based on previous trademarks obtained by Blizzard that this is the next expansion.

Mists of Pandaria
Blizzard just trademarked a very interesting "Mists of Pandaria".

This article was originally published in forum thread: Mists of Pandaria started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 1275 Comments
  1. Vallius's Avatar
    Awesome! The Alliance welcomes it's new brothers in arms!
  1. kage's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ZombyChan View Post
    Because adding a new race means it has to be playable.
    Like the walrus-men and vrykl that were center peices of Wrath? What about the Etherals or those crazy bird-dudes from BC? There's a scraped dragon-man race who's model was used as a boss in Blackwing's Descent?
  1. Tang's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by toychristopher View Post
    Nope none of that sounded ridiculous.

    Not as ridiculous as an expansion about Asian pandas.
    Pandaria is a PLACE. Pandarens are a race that exists there. To decide that the expansion is ABOUT Pandaren is, well, ignorant. Was Cataclysm ABOUT Worgen and Goblins? Not really. They were a side note to the greater story.

    This is an opportunity to introduce an Asian motif and theme to the game, which frankly could be quite interesting. I thought Blizzard did a pretty superb job with the Norse feel of Northrend.

    It has to be an august fools or a TBC trading card deck, or a book or something.
    It's only ridiculous because your limited mind imagines it to be ridiculous. You think it's going to be an expansion about pandas running around and being cutesy, even though that obviously doesn't make much sense. Then you conclude that Blizzard is some how not making sense. Maybe they're making perfect sense, but since you have no information, you're making a lot of poor assumptions. By the way, we already KNOW it's a video game, because it's a patent for a video game.
  1. Ascius's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Rakeer View Post
    not sure if this has been posted before, not gunna look. But this may be independent from WoW. No where does it say 'world of warcraft' , only blizzard.
    it certainly is related to Warcraft... by the word: Pandaria... Warcraft IV is no go and well what else can come in disk and not be World of Warcraft related.
  1. Antius's Avatar
    This is the link to the source of the wow xpac list.


    The OP admitted on same forum some time after that post that he had completely fabricated the xpac list.
  1. Daverid's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Docter Feel Good View Post
    Emerald Dream
    The Emerald Dream is one big giant Mind-Feck.

    That would make for a 100000000x better expansion then Pandaria
  1. Taen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kuja View Post

    It said Draenor Set will be exp1

    It said Northrend Set will be exp2

    It said Maelstrom Set will be exp3

    It says Plane Set will be exp4. It includes Pandaria as city/starting zone and Wolfenhold for the other new race. Wolvar perhaps :P

    It says Legion Set will be exp5

    Is it just luck or how an old list can predict all that? :P

    Here's the link: http://wow.incgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=417724
    "Maelstrom set" was completely wrong. It got the names of a few zones right but missed completely on where they fit in. Grim Batol is a 78-81 leveling zone? Wow, I've been treating it like a five-man this whole time.

    Wolfenhold and Xorothian Planes are pretty obviously supposed to be Worgen starting zones. If they introduce Worgen as a new race in the 4th expansion they'll have some explaining to do, seeing as they introduced Worgen as a new race in the 3rd expansion. Half the zones in the "plane set" came out in Cataclysm as instance/raid zones or regular zones. The other half are Emerald Dream, which has been solved in a book.

    PS if Pandaria was to be a starting zone for a playable race of Pandaren, they sure as shit wouldn't be calling the expansion "Mists of Pandaria".

    Sorry if I'm coming across as hostile. I'm just sick of this BS list that someone made after Wrath was announced popping its head up.
  1. kassy's Avatar
    premium content, for only 50euros you can play as a pandaren, riding on your baby panda mount in pandaria, brewing whatever brews brewmasters are brewing these days!
  1. Tang's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Rakeer View Post
    not sure if this has been posted before, not gunna look. But this may be independent from WoW. No where does it say 'world of warcraft' , only blizzard.
    So your theory is what, that "Mists of Panderia" is the new Starcraft 2 expansion? Why would a location from the Warcraft Universe be NOT related to WoW, and why would they patent it now when we know that Blizzcon is right about the time that they'll want to announce the next expansion for WoW?
  1. Malthurius's Avatar
    Blizzard has been known to try new things every now and then when they believe they can pull it off effectively.

    To be honest, it'd be nice to see a story originate, play out, and end in WoW and only WoW instead of being based on the usual books and pre-established lore.
  1. theKarn's Avatar
    Not sure if want... but i'm gonna buy it, anyway. I don't see it bieng an all out war stry this time around but here's to hoping for a brewmaster class!
  1. venus's Avatar
    Sounds like a smart phone game.
  1. Xythez's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Daverid View Post
    It's not about the "Ridiculous Types of animals and races that Blizz puts in the game" ... It's about the LORE.

    I thought the Kal'uak were completely retarted as well. But at least WOTLK wasn't called "The mists of Kal'uak Shores".

    You know why it wasn't named that? BECAUSE THE KAL'UAK WERE NOT THE STORIES MAIN ANTAGONIST/PROTAGONIST/GROUP. They were a MINOR faction involved for the sake of Blizz being able to flesh out more Northrend zones so people actually had places to get to 80 in >.>
    The name is Tuskarr not Kal'uak lol , that was simply a village or something and faction in borean. We are talking about races.
  1. KrazyK923's Avatar
    Pandaria is the area around where they live. It's not just dealing with the Pandaren race. If anything, it's probably has barely anything to do with them, and more about the South Seas area and Azshara.
  1. Prag's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by venus View Post
    Sounds like a smart phone game.
    This ^

    Of course, we'll all be playing SWTOR, GW2 or D3 by the time this comes out, so it's sort of a moot point anyway.
  1. twelvedogs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tang View Post
    Pandaria is a PLACE. Pandarens are a race that exists there. To decide that the expansion is ABOUT Pandaren is, well, ignorant. Was Cataclysm ABOUT Worgen and Goblins? Not really. They were a side note to the greater story.
    Cataclysm wasn't called worgaclysm, nor was it called goblaria. Needless to say killing Pandaren NPCs or players is not gonna fly in china and blizz have enough problems with skeletons already.
  1. kage's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Alarsen View Post
    Damn, as if waiting for this years BlizzCon (the one that "should" be about the next expansion) wasn't hard enough...
    Try to think of it like a childhood christmas. It's the wonder! We know NOTHING about Pandaria as a whole! "It's asiany?" they could go anywhere with that! Let your imagination run wild.
  1. jinreeko's Avatar
    you can complain, you can bitch about lore, you can muse about china, but you're going to buy it and then find something new to complain about
  1. Silverware's Avatar
    It's not about the "Ridiculous Types of animals and races that Blizz puts in the game" ... It's about the LORE.

    Regardless of whether or not you think WoW has followed a proper or cohesive Lore storyline over the last 6-7 years ... At least every X-pack has followed on from the last with some kind of decent Jump.

    I thought the Kal'uak were completely retarted as well. But at least WOTLK wasn't called "The mists of Kal'uak Shores".

    You know why it wasn't named that? BECAUSE THE KAL'UAK WERE NOT THE STORIES MAIN ANTAGONIST/PROTAGONIST/GROUP. They were a MINOR faction involved for the sake of Blizz being able to flesh out more Northrend zones so people actually had places to get to 80 in >.>

    I caps to make a point here, honestly... Whatever the expansion is named, That will be the direct link to the main Theme or Group involved in the Expansion. If it was truely to be called "The mists of Panderia" then the Panderians would HAVE to be the main Group involved in the expansion... And that, my friends, is why this is completely ridiculous.

    You might have a point of it was called 'Mists of the Pandaren'. Apparently they're a very gassy race.

    'PANDARIA' is a continent. If the expansion is set on Pandaria, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the name and nowhere does it imply that it MUST be solely focused around the Pandaren.

    ---------- Post added 2011-08-03 at 02:45 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by twelvedogs View Post
    Needless to say killing Pandaren NPCs or players is not gonna fly in china and blizz have enough problems with skeletons already.
    This is WRONG. It has ALWAYS been wrong and WILL always be wrong. Please stop spreading this lie.
  1. Taen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by twelvedogs View Post
    Cataclysm wasn't called worgaclysm, nor was it called goblaria. Needless to say killing Pandaren NPCs or players is not gonna fly in china and blizz have enough problems with skeletons already.
    Luls, ignorance

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