06:00PM CET - Blizzard released their very own Priest Tier 13 and Visual Representations, confirming the set datamined earlier.
08:20AM CET - I heard you like videos, so here's a couple!

08:10AM CET - Cleared the post again to make it readable!
08:00AM CET - Added new Professions epic recipes.
06:30AM CET - Added the Dungeon Journal entries for all the 5-man of the patch + the deathwing raid instance!
12:40AM CET - Ghostcrawler posted Explanation of 4.3 Balance Changes, Part One.

Patch 4.3 on PTR
Tonight, we dine in hell.

Dungeon Journal - 5-Man and Raid Strategy

Priest and Hunter Tier 13 Armor Sets
Tier 13 Hunter and Priest Previews available. The Hunter Preview is slightly bugged and will be fixed in a few minutes/hours. You might also want to check me on Twitter for more frequent updates... not really more useful, but more frequent.

Patch 4.3 Items
The first batch of Patch 4.3 Items has been datamined!

Creature Models

Deathwing Maelstrom






Ysera #2

Red Drake Mount #1

Red Drake Mount #2

Red Drake Mount #3

Darkmoon Bear Mount


Ultraxion (Boss)

Deathwing Flying



Deathwing Elemental (Trash)

New Loading Screens

World Maps

Dragon Soul #1

Dragon Soul #2

Dragon Soul #3

Dragon Soul #4

Dragon Soul #5

Dragon Soul #6

Dragon Soul

End Time #1

End Time #2

End Time #3

End Time #4

End Time #5

End Time

Hour of Twilight #1

Hour of Twilight

Well of Eternity

Baradin Hold #1

Darkmoon Faire Island

Patch 4.3 - Professions Epic Items
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Epic gems have been added to the game, check out the item database!





Patch 4.3 Achievements
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Raids & Dungeons
  • Moon Guard Engage the Echo of Tyrande in End Time on Heroic Difficulty after surviving her Shadow Gauntlet without allowing the party's healer to take any damage.
  • That's Not Canon! Defeat Mannoroth in Well of Eternity on Heroic Difficulty after dealing enough damage to Mannoroth while Varo'then is still alive to cause him to sacrifice Varo'then to heal himself.
  • Minutes to Midnight Defeat Ultraxion in Dragon Soul without any raid member being hit by Hour of Twilight more than once.

Feats of Strength

Player vs. Player



World Events
Darkmoon Faire

Lunar Festival


Winter Veil
  • A-Caroling We Will Go Use your Gaudy Winter Veil Sweater to carol in enemy capital cities during the Feast of Winter Veil.
  • A-Caroling We Will Go Use your Gaudy Winter Veil Sweater to carol in enemy capital cities during the Feast of Winter Veil.

Guild - Reputation

Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • Darkmoon Balloon Right click to summon and dismiss your Darkmoon balloon. Instant
  • Darkmoon Cub Right Click to summon and dismiss your Darkmoon Cub. Instant
  • Darkmoon Monkey Right Click to summon and dismiss your Darkmoon Monkey. Instant
  • Darkmoon Tonk Right click to summon and dismiss your Darkmoon tonk. Instant
  • Darkmoon Turtle Right Click to summon and dismiss your Darkmoon Turtle. Instant
  • Darkmoon Zeppelin Right click to summon and dismiss your Darkmoon zeppelin. Instant
  • Festival Lantern Right Click to summon and dismiss your Festival Lantern. Instant
  • Fetish Shaman Right Click to summon and dismiss your Fetish Shaman. Instant
  • Gregarious Grell Right Click to summon and dismiss your grell. Instant
  • Lumpy Right Click to summon and dismiss your coal elemental. Instant
  • Lunar Lantern Right Click to summon and dismiss your Lunar Lantern. Instant
  • Purple Puffer Right Click to summon and dismiss your Purple Puffer. Instant
  • Sand Scarab Right Click to summon and dismiss your Sand Scarab. Instant
  • Sea Pony Right Click to summon and dismiss your sea pony... because "seahorse fry" doesn't sound very cute at all. Instant
  • Father Winter's Helper no longer requires a Snowball. Helpers are very busy year-round, and only have leisure time during the Feast of Winter Veil.
  • Tiny Snowman no longer requires a Snowball. The snowman is larger and lasts longer during Winter Veil.
  • Winter Reindeer no longer requires a Snowball. The Winter Reindeer only dresses up for Winter Veil.
  • Winter's Little Helper no longer requires a Snowball. Helpers are very busy year-round, and only have leisure time during the Feast of Winter Veil.


  • Blood Fury now increases your spell power instead of your spell damage.

Class Skills
Death Knight (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
  • Death Strike now refunds health even if the attack misses or is parried/dodged.
  • Veteran of the Third War now also reduces the cooldown of Outbreak by 30 sec.
  • Abomination's Might now increases melee attack power by 10/20%, up from 5/10%. still increases ranged attack power by 5/10%.
  • Blade Barrier has been revamped and is simpler - You take 2/4/6% less damage from all sources.
  • Bone Shield now has 6 charges.

  • Howling Blast now scales from 44% and 22% of Attack Power, down from 48% and 24% of AP.

Druid (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

Hunter (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
  • Cobra Shot now has a 2 sec cast time, up from 1.5 sec.

  • Aimed Shot now has a 2.9 sec cast time, up from 2.4 sec.
  • Kill Shot now scales from 45% of Ranged Attack Power, up from 30%.
  • Chimera Shot now causes Nature damage. (Tooltip clarification)
  • Trueshot Aura now increases melee attack power by 20% and ranged attack power by 10%.

Paladin (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

  • Divine Plea now grants a charge of Holy Power.
  • Holy Radiance has been revamped - Imbues a friendly target with radiant energy, healing that target and all party or raid members within 10 yards for 50 to 61 and another 683 every 1 sec for 3 sec and grants a charge of Holy Power. 40 yd range, 40% of base mana, 3 sec cast
  • Seal of Insight no longer restores the paladin's mana.
  • Clarity of Purpose now also affects Holy Radiance.
  • Infusion of Light now also affects Holy Radiance.
  • Judgements of the Pure now also increases your mana regeneration from Spirit while in combat by 10/20/30%.
  • Light of Dawn now heals up to 6 targets, up from 5.
  • Paragon of Virtue now reduces the cooldown of Divine Protection by 15/30 sec, up from 10/20 sec.
  • Speed of Light no longer reduces the cooldown of Holy Radiance.
  • Tower of Radiance got an extra effect - In addition, casting Holy Radiance will always generate one charge of Holy Power.

Priest (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
  • Divine Hymn now heals up to 5 targets, up from 3. Maximum of 20 heals, up from 12.
  • State of Mind has been replaced with Heavenly Voice Increases the healing done by your Divine Hymn spell by 50/100%, and reduces the cooldown by 2.5/5 minutes.

  • Atonement now affect a friendly target within 100 yards, up from 15.

Rogue (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
  • Backstab damage has been reduced by 50%. (This change is NOT in the official notes and could be a parsing error)

  • Ambush damage has been reduced by 48%. (This change is NOT in the official notes and could be a parsing error)
  • Mutilate now deals 179% weapon damage, up from 150%. Damage no longer increased against poisoned targets.

Shaman (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
  • Elemental Fury now removes the cooldown from your Chain Lightning spell.
  • Thunderstorm now also reduces the enemies movement speed by 40% for 5 sec.
  • Wind Shear now has a 25 sec cooldown, up from 6 sec.
  • Call of Flame no longer increase the duration of Flame Shock on Fire Nova damage.
  • Lava Flows now increases critical strike damage bonus of Lava Burst by 8/16%, up from 6/12%.
  • Reverberation now reduces the cooldown of Wind Shear by 10/20 sec.

  • Flametongue Weapon now increases magical damage done by 5%, instead of increasing spell damage by 747.
  • Lava Lash now deals 260% weapon damage, up from 200%.
  • Mental Quickness has been slightly revamped - Your spell power is now equal to 55% of your attack power, and you no longer benefit from other sources of spell power. Also, your instant beneficial, damaging, and totem spells cost 75% less mana.
  • Stormstrike no longer increases Nature damage against the target. Now grants you an additional 25% chance to critically strike that enemy with your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lightning Shield, and Earth Shock spells for 15 sec.
  • Improved Lava Lash now increases the damage of Lava Lash by 10% for each application of Searing Flames, now also causes your Lava Lash to spread your Flame Shock from the target to up to four enemies within 12 yards.
  • Unleashed Rage now increases melee attack power by 20% and ranged attack power by 10%.

  • Ancestral Healing got an extra effect - heals you cast increase allies' maximum health by 10% of the amount healed, up to a maximum of 10% of their health.
  • Cleansing Waters - The heal effect can only occur once every 6 seconds.
  • Riptide healing effect has been increased by 50%, from 3725 to 5585.

Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
  • Enrage now gives a physical damage bonus.

  • Shattering Throw no longer scales from Attack Power. (This change is NOT in the official notes and could be a parsing error)

  • Throw now has a 0.5 sec cast time. (This change is NOT in the official notes and could be a parsing error)

Public Test Realm Patch 4.3 Notes
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

  • North American realms (excluding Brazilian, Latin American, and Oceanic realms) no longer permit letters with accents in character or guild names. Existing character and guild names with special characters will be unaffected by this change.

  • This new feature allows players to customize their gear like never before. You'll find Transmogrification, Void Storage, and Reforging vendors in Cathedral Square, Stormwind and The Drag, Orgrimmar. The costs associated with this service are not yet final.

Void Storage
  • In addition to the bank, players will now have access to a new "deep storage" system, allowing characters to free bag space by setting aside coveted gear. You'll find Transmogrification, Void Storage, and Reforging vendors in Cathedral Square, Stormwind and The Drag, Orgrimmar. The costs associated with this service are not yet final.

  • The former Reforging vendors have been... retired. The ethereals have chosen to take over the business and joined their Transmogrification and Void Storage service providers. You'll find them in Cathedral Square, Stormwind and The Drag, Orgrimmar.

Outland & Northrend Quest Flow
  • The amount of experience needed to gain levels 71 through 80 has been reduced by approximately 33%.
  • Many Group quests in Outland and Northrend have been re-tuned to allow players to complete them solo. They are no longer labeled as Group quests.
  • Relevant questgivers have been moved into Outland and Northrend dungeons. The majority of dungeon quests for these zones are now available from within their respective dungeons.

  • The achievement Master of Alterac Valley no longer requires the Alterac Valley Blitz achievement.

Classes: General
    • All raid and party buffs which grant group members 10% increased attack power have been changed slightly. They continue to provide 10% increased ranged attack power, but now provide 20% increased melee attack power.
    • Abomination's Might: The melee attack power bonus from this raid buff has been increased to 10/20%, up from 5/10%. The ranged attack power bonus remains 5/10%.
    • Blessing of Might: The melee attack power bonus from this raid buff has been increased to 20%, up from 10%. The ranged attack power bonus remains 10%.
    • Runescroll of Might: The melee attack power bonus from this consumable has been increased to 16%, up from 8%. The ranged attack power bonus remains 8%.
    • Trueshot Aura: The melee attack power bonus from this raid buff has been increased to 20%, up from 10%. The ranged attack power bonus remains 10%.
    • Unleashed Rage: The melee attack power bonus from this raid buff has been increased to 10/20%, up from 5/10%. The ranged attack power bonus remains 5/10%.
  • Vengeance for Protection warriors, Protection paladins, Blood death knights, and Feral druids has been redesigned slightly. It no longer ramps up slowly at the beginning of a fight. Instead, the first melee attack taken by the tank generates Vengeance equal to 33% of the damage taken by that attack. In addition, as it updates periodically during the fight, it's always set to at least 33% of the damage taken by the tank in the last 2 seconds. It still climbs from that point at the rate it did previously, still decays when damage is not taken, and still cannot exceed a maximum based on the health and Stamina of the tank.
  • Threat generated by classes in active tanking modes has been increased to 500% damage done, up from 300%. This applies to druids in Bear Form, death knights in Blood Presence, warriors in Defensive Stance, and paladins with Righteous Fury active.

Death Knight (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Death Strike now heals the death knight whether or not the attack misses, or is dodged/parried. As a result of this change, Death Strike no longer refunds its rune cost if it fails to hit the target, as the death knight will still receive the healing effect.

  • Blade Barrier has been redesigned. It now passively reduces damage taken.
  • Bone Shield now has 6 charges, up from 4.
  • Veteran of the Third War now reduces the cooldown of Outbreak by 30 seconds.

Druid (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Wrath has a new spell effect.

  • Wild Growth healing has been reduced by 20%.

  • Glyph of Shred has been renamed Glyph of Bloodletting, and now also causes Mangle (Cat) to extend the duration of Rip, in addition to its existing Shred functionality.
  • Glyph of Wild Growth now also increases the cooldown on Wild Growth by 2 seconds.

Hunter (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Coming soon.

Mage (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Coming soon.

Paladin (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Holy Radiance now has a 3.0-second cast time, no cooldown, and requires a player target. That target is imbued with Holy Radiance, which heals them and all group members within 10 yards instantly, and continues to heal them by a smaller amount every 1 second for 3 seconds.
  • Seal of Insight, when Judged, no longer returns 15% base mana to the paladin. Judging Seal of Insight still causes damage, and melee attacks will still restore 4% of base mana.

  • Clarity of Purpose now also reduces the cast time of Holy Radiance.
  • Illuminated Healing (mastery) now also applies to Holy Radiance.
  • Infusion of Light now applies its cast time reduction from Holy Shock critical effects to Holy Radiance, in addition to its current effects.
  • In addition to providing haste, the effect from Judgements of the Pure now increases mana regeneration from Spirit by 10/20/30% for 60 seconds.
  • Light of Dawn now affects 6 targets (base effect), up from 5.
  • Paragon of Virtue now lowers the cooldown of Divine Protection by 15/30 seconds, up from 10/20 seconds.
  • Speed of Light no longer triggers from Holy Radiance and no longer lowers the Holy Radiance cooldown. Speed of Light now only triggers from Divine Protection.
  • Tower of Radiance, in addition to its current effects, now also causes Holy Radiance to always generate 1 charge of Holy Power at all times.

  • Glyph of Light of Dawn now lowers the number of targets to 4, instead of increasing targets to 6, but increases healing by 25%.

Priest (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Divine Hymn now affects 5 targets, up from 3.

  • Atonement will now account for the target enemy's combat reach when calculating proper range, enabling it to be used on large creatures such as Ragnaros and Ala'kir.
  • Divine Aegis has a new spell effect.

  • Spirit of Redemption has been rebuilt to address a few functionality issues and make it more responsive. Spirit of Redemption otherwise remains unchanged.
  • State of Mind has been redesigned and is now called Heavenly Voice. Heavenly Voice increases the healing done by Divine Hymn by 50/100%, and reduces the cooldown of Divine Hymn by 2.5/5 minutes.

  • Glyph of Circle of Healing now also increases the mana cost of Circle of Healing by 20%.

Rogue (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Coming soon.

Shaman (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Flametongue Weapon no longer increases spell damage. It now increases all non-physical damage done by the wielder by 5%.
  • Lightning Bolt has a new spell effect.
  • Wind Shear now has a 25-second base cooldown, up from 6 seconds.

  • Call of Flame no longer causes Fire Nova to extend the duration of Flame Shock.
  • Earthquake damage has been increased by roughly 75%.
  • Elemental Fury now removes the cooldown from Chain Lightning.
  • Reverberation now reduces the cooldown of Wind Shear by 10/20 seconds, up from 0.5/1 second.

  • Improved Lava Lash now causes Lava Lash to spread a Flame Shock debuff from the target to up to 4 nearby targets. This excludes crowd-controlled targets and those who already have a Flame Shock debuff from the shaman.
  • Improved Lava Lash no longer increases base Lava Lash damage by 15/30%. This increase has been rolled into the base Lava Lash skill.
  • Mental Quickness has been redesigned. Instead of granting the shaman spell power, Mental Quickness now causes Enhancement shaman spells to behave as though the shaman has spell power equal to 55% of attack power. Enhancement shaman spells no longer benefit from spell power from other sources.

  • Ancestral Healing now also causes the shaman's heals to increase the target's maximum health by 5/10% of the amount healed, up to a maximum of 10% of the target's maximum health, for 15 seconds. This effect does not stack if multiple Restoration shaman are present, and does not apply to heals from procs.
  • Riptide's periodic healing coefficient has been increased by 50%. The initial direct heal is unchanged.

Warlock (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Shadow Bolt has a new spell effect.

Warrior (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Coming soon.

Dungeons & Raids
  • Dungeon Journal entries have been added for the new dungeons: End Time, Well of Eternity, Hour of Twilight, and Dragon Soul.
  • Bosses in Ruins of Ahn'qiraj now drop a rare-quality Scarab Coffer Key which can be used to open the Scarab Coffers found within. These keys are zone-bound to Ruins of Ahn'qiraj and have a 17-hour expiration. This change also applies to Greater Scarab Coffer Keys used to open Large Scarab Coffers.

  • The orc racial Blood Fury now increases spell power rather than only spell damage.

User Interface
  • Archaeology areas of interest will now show on the mini-map, in addition to the World Map.
  • Guilds with inactive guild leaders can now usurp the leader under specific conditions. More information on this coming soon.
  • The Reforging interface has been updated and improved.
  • Quest Tracking areas or points of interest will now show on the mini-map, in addition to the World Map.
  • The World Map now displays the expected character levels for each zone.

Bag Search
  • A search field has been added to allow players to search bag, bank, guild bank, and Void Storage inventories for specific items.

General Bug Fixes
Coming soon.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 4.3 on PTR started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 459 Comments
  1. Msi's Avatar
    Whoa nice :O
  1. IdTheDemon's Avatar
    yay new stuff!
  1. Matjacav's Avatar
    I'm looking forward to this new tier... it's going to be interesting.
  1. Mystery's Avatar
    Getting in at ASAP
  1. ihatepeople's Avatar
    And it begins....hopefully hunters will get some love and won't be so unbearable to play
  1. Nillah's Avatar
    Can't wait to see some of those mounts.
  1. Epuration's Avatar
    man looks awsome.
  1. Maleagant's Avatar
    Lot of new information.Nice
  1. mmocadda1d7289's Avatar
    Tonight! We dine.... In hell!!!
  1. Facepalmer3's Avatar
    Is the PTR online already ?
  1. flareside's Avatar
    So many new pets and mounts!!!
  1. Arcanephilosophy's Avatar
    err.. no mention of mage changes... ?!?!?
  1. Byrogan's Avatar
  1. TheRez's Avatar
    Spell changes? I see none, at least for shamans.
  1. Serj Tankian's Avatar
    Awesome, cannot wait to see more!
  1. mmoc63f52cb002's Avatar
    "Space Charger"? With Celestial Steed icon? Begin speculating!
  1. Clockwork Pinkie's Avatar
    Pets, mounts, and resto shammy buffs, I can dig it.
  1. mmoc74e2a8ce98's Avatar
    love all the usefull information about druids..
  1. Siorra's Avatar
    OH LAWD! This is where we nerd out!
  1. mmocaf17235243's Avatar
    Some much needed love for Divine Hymn and Atonement there, two under utilised spells in Firelands.

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