Patch 4.3 Valor Changes
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
With the 4.3 patch we'll be introducing some changes to the way Valor Points (VP) are obtained, as well as the items that they can purchase.

Changes coming in 4.3:

  • Looking for Dungeon — 150 VP per run, with a cap of seven runs per week. All Cataclysm heroic dungeons introduced in 4.0, 4.1, and 4.3, will provide 150 Valor per run.
  • Looking for Raid — 250 VP per run, with a cap of 500 per week. The 4.3 raid, Dragon Soul, will be split into two separate raids for the Raid Finder. While individual bosses do not drop Valor when using the Raid Finder, you will receive 250 Valor for completing each Dragon Soul raid. Each boss will only drop loot for you once per week, but you will continue to get the 250 Valor for completing each Raid Finder raid, up to the 500 cap.
  • 10 player raid boss — 115 VP. There are nine bosses per week, counting Baradin Hold.
  • 25 player raid boss — 135 VP. There are nine bosses per week, counting Baradin Hold.
  • Valor Points cap at 1000 per week.

As you acquire Valor you'll want to spend it, and vendors will be offering a wide range of items to equip you to take on the Dragon Soul raid encounters, including cloaks, rings, ranged weapons, necklaces, trinkets, chest pieces, helms, gloves, bracers, boots, and belts, all of which are ilvl 397.

Our goal with these changes is to move Valor back to the original intent of currency rewards as a consolation prize, for two main reasons: to make it less frustrating when you keep having bad luck getting an item you want from a particular boss, and to help encourage you to keep fighting bosses (and helping out the rest of your group) even if that particular boss didn’t drop anything for your character in particular. Over time we have also offered Valor as a reward for doing other activities (such as participating in Heroic 5-player dungeons) to provide players something to do on an off night or when they couldn’t raid.

In the past we have offered some tier pieces on the Valor vendor for players that just couldn’t justify the time or logistics necessary to participate in raids, but we’re hoping that the introduction of the Raid Finder tool helps remove that barrier. We think most players would agree that killing a giant monster and looting its corpse is more exciting than slowly farming a currency to purchase a reward. Currencies have their place, but we want them to be a secondary avenue of progression to boss killing.

While the Raid Finder will provide a lower difficulty for the Dragon Soul raids, and thus a lower ilvl of gear, the normal 10 and 25 raids will drop ilvl 397, with the final Deathwing encounters dropping ilvl 403. For the Heroic version, 10 and 25 will drop ilvl 410, and the Heroic Deathwing encounters will drop ilvl 416 loot.

As we near the release of 4.3 we’ll be posting everything you need to know about the Valor to Justice down-conversion process, so stay tuned.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 4.3 Valor Changes started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 194 Comments
  1. Serissa's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by i2ich13 View Post
    so I don't understand why casuals are complaining about not being able to get tier.
    Seems you don't understand indeed Casuals do not complain. They do 2/7HC weekly raiding 3-4 hours/week. And they are happy

    Those who complain... they are BADs. BADs who not even 5/7 in normals (nerfed to the ground btw)
  1. Raxxed's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Serissa View Post
    Seems you don't understand indeed Casuals do not complain. They do 2/7HC weekly raiding 3-4 hours/week. And they are happy

    Those who complain... they are BADs. BADs who not even 5/7 in normals (nerfed to the ground btw)
    About as true as it can get. Kudos sir
  1. Tragan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by huldu View Post
    Nobody cares what you do with your time... You're wasting it on a stupid game, hope it'll make you happy when you're older.
    You're a cute lil troll /hug
  1. Yes that Utakata's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Raxxed View Post
    About as true as it can get. Kudos sir
    Yep, completely agree! Great strawman!
  1. daburton's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuco View Post
    so they upped the cap for 20 points, interesting As far as the entire VP gear goes, giving people tier equivalent (as in ilvl) I'm fine with that, but tier sets should be kept in raids. It's been used a lot but I'll say it too: what use is gear to you if you don't/can't raid.
    Exactly, so bind the gear to be used in raid environments only. Basically, stats revert back to 0 outside of a raid environment. After all, what use is gear to you if you don't/can't raid".
    Personally though, I don't mind the changes. You get a different way to get the same exact ilvl gear as you would from doing normal raids without raiding. I think its a good trade off if you can't or won't raid. No one persons gear is going to be that much more overpowering over another persons gear in or out of that raid environment.
  1. Azgraal's Avatar
    "the final Deathwing encounters dropping ilvl 403."

    So i guess this means Teracgosa's legendary will be par with Deathy's loot (if he drops any weapon, like LK did)... Isn't it too soon to make the present tier's legendary equal to the next tier loot? i'd expect people would only be doing math on wether replacing it or not once they did deathwing heroic....
  1. cnome's Avatar
    I'm very disappointed.I was hoping 4.3 would let my guilds, which raided in TBC & LK but stopped in Cata, to do something.I see a lot of resentment for the LFR being only one chance per boss. (One gear per boss would be fine.) And this and no tier devalues VP. I think I shall just play TOR until 5.0.1 is out. Blizzard is trying to get fewer non-hc raiders to play.
  1. mmoced0e5e7573's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by i2ich13 View Post
    There was a time when you had to raid to get gear.... so I don't understand why casuals are complaining about not being able to get tier. Overall I think its pretty fair, I like the cap as otherwise I would have to farm. The LFR finder gives casuals a friendlier option to see content (and hopefully raises the probability that a pug will know the mechanics XD).

    Just wanted to discuss people saying things like "Just because I can't make times to be in a guild that raids, why should I get punished?". Now how should I start this... perhaps with why should people who CAN make times not get rewarded? But more so, you have to make choices in life. Your time is scarce, and you have to decide how to best use it. If you can't make raids, then you are probably doing something that you would rather do, so it's no way blizzards fault. E.g. I have a test today, so I chose to study instead of raid last night.

    People who CAN make time DO get rewarded.. last time I checked 378 weapons are not bought by VP ???
  1. rebecca191's Avatar
    I'm a raider that has killed heroic Ragnaros and I'm disappointed by this change since there will be more token RNG to deal with. Although I assume this means the heroic piece will no longer require normal to upgrade, but still it was nice not to have to worry about RNG for some of the normal pieces before we had access to heroic ones.
  1. Ragedaug's Avatar
    When these discussions come up I'll always go back to BC where it took me 26 kills to finally get Curator to drop gloves for me. Granted, I never used them because it took so long to get them I already outgeared the raid instance. They ended up just stayed in my bank till I got tired of them being in there at which point I destroyed them. Yeah, RNG is a great system! it works perfectly for all the players who are "goods". Magically, the RNG is designed to work in their favor. Blizzard can determine if you are a good and give you a +30 on the dice. Everyone knows that only bads can't get the dice to work on tier "hardcore" raiders and your excuses about why obtaining tier gear should be luck driven. "Huzzah! I just got 2 dice rolls to go in my favor. that means I deserve tier gear!!" I have yet to be convinced how winning 2 dice rolls is tougher then 15 heroics over the course of 3 weeks.
  1. Sidone's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Migas11 View Post
    So i guess this means Teracgosa's legendary will be par with Deathy's loot (if he drops any weapon, like LK did)... Isn't it too soon to make the present tier's legendary equal to the next tier loot? i'd expect people would only be doing math on wether replacing it or not once they did deathwing heroic....
    I think i read that Dw would only drop the weapons. Dunno if it's true. But tbh it's safe to assume that the legendary would still be as powerfull, if not better.
    Val'anyr says hi tho. It never lasted till hc ICC.
  1. Zephyr Storm's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by VanishO2 View Post
    Because since some classes can fill ALL roles, players could cheat the system to always drop what they need. Period.

    If Blizzard went back to the "bring the spec, not the player" system, that wouldn't be a problem since bringing 3 paladins, 4 druids, etc. would gimp you out of important buffs/debuffs and you would never down a boss.
    That's the POINT. When you kill a boss, it should drop loot that someone in your group can actually USE. Not some damn trinket or such that no one needs and it just gets DE'ed every freaking week, for months on end. Who cares if a group runs with 3 paladins and 4 druids who are all specced differently? They would get loot to drop for them, just like a diverse group would get loot to drop for them as well....just as long as the loot that drops is RELEVANT to the group that is there. Other people have stated their examples of how you can raid for weeks and months on end and NEVER get the tier token or specific loot drop that you need because of the lame-ass RNG that Blizzard seems to think is the best idea ever. We need a loot system that takes into account what the party is made up of, and then drop loot accordingly.

    Will groups get geared faster and burn through content faster that way? Well, yeah...duh. That's the point. Because that is a hell of a lot better than it taking two to three times as long, grinding the same shit over and over again, annoying the hell out of you and making you want to rage quit, because the RNG won't ever drop what you freaking NEED. Might mean a bit less money in Blizzard's pocket in the long haul, but it will make a hell of a lot more customers happy.

    And I would love to see anyone say that they enjoy having to farm content for-freaking-ever just to get 1 or 2 items to finally drop for them (they'd be lying through their teeth if they said they did). No one enjoys that. It's just frustrating and annoying as hell. It's time consuming and in the end, even if you finally get the loot, it's usually soon replaced by gear in the next patch...because it took you so damn long to get it in the first place.

    RNG is a bitch and needs to die a horrible and painful death. Getting rid of it would only improve the game. For everyone.
  1. mmocd0826a5fa6's Avatar
    Our yesterday's raid - 10man FL normal (because we did not had enough heals and decided to go normal to help other guildies to gear up), killing 5/7 (left Majordomo for Sunday hoping that we have enough heals to take on him in HC mode), we only had ONE (!!!) Living Ember drop out of FIVE bosses!
    I am sick of this 0...1 ember drop rate Blizzard loves so much.
    And Shannox as he usually does on every his kill dropped Feeding Frenzy dagger again.
    GZ Mr. Disenchant, i hope you have offspecs for all the gear you have...
  1. mmoc28fbaf5c9a's Avatar
    Same as before. I like the system a lot more now than i did in Wotlk. The cap is great.

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