Update: Added Enchanting materials changes, thanks to isendims.

Patch 4.3: Heirloom Changes
It appears that you can no longer delete characters that have heirlooms in their bags or mail on the PTR. Thanks to Fluffys for the tip!

Patch 4.3: Jewelcrafting Changes
Jewelcrafting received some pricing adjustments on the PTR, mostly dealing with uncut gems.

  • Uncut Cataclysm uncommon, rare, and meta gems can no longer be sold to the vendor.
  • Cut uncommon gems sell for more to the vendor and cost more to list on the Auction House.
  • Uncut Cataclysm gems cost 1s to list on the Auction House for 48 hours.

Gem Vendor PriceLive 4.3 PTR
Raw Uncommon50sNo sell price
Cut Uncommon75s93s 75c
Raw Rare3g 20sNo sell price
Cut Rare3g 75s3g 75s
Raw Meta50sNo sell price
Cut Meta3g 75s3g 75s

Gem 48 Hour AH FeeLive 4.3 PTR
Raw Uncommon30s1s
Cut Uncommon45s56s 16c
Raw Rare1g 92s1s
Cut Rare2g 25s2g 25s
Raw Meta30s1s
Cut Meta2g 25s2g 25s

Patch 4.3: Enchanting Changes
Enchanting also got an adjustment, as it seems that you can now vendor enchanting materials on the PTR.

Selling to Vendor Prices

48 Hour Auction House Deposit Fee (1s for 48 Hours currently)

Patch 4.3: Dungeons and Raid Boss Transcripts (Spoilers)
Build 14791 also brought us the voice over files for the new raid and dungeons bosses. Do not read anything below if you do not like spoilers. Thanks to Sunshine for the transcripts.

Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Dragon Soul
  • VO_DS_THRALL_DWBATTLE_01 - Aspects! Aid the heroes as best you can.
  • VO_DS_THRALL_DWBATTLE_02 - These champions are our only hope for exposing Deathwing's weakness. Together, we can prevail.
  • VO_DS_THRALL_DWBATTLE_03 - Don't give up! We're counting on you to push Deathwing back.
  • VO_DS_THRALL_IRIS_01 - Heroes! This burden falls to you, once again.
  • VO_DS_THRALL_IRIS_02 - You must protect us from Deathwing's forces while we imbue the Dragon Soul with the power of the aspects.
  • VO_DS_THRALL_IRIS_03 - Speak to me when you are ready to begin.
  • VO_DS_THRALL_MAELSTROMSLAY_01 - It is done. At last, the destroyer has met his end. Now, we can begin to heal our world.
  • VO_DS_THRALL_MAELSTROM_01 - Strike now, heroes! Only you can give us our opening.
  • VO_DS_THRALL_MAELSTROM_02 - Avenge the fallen! Continue the fight!
  • VO_DS_THRALL_PREHAGARA_01 - It's no use. The power of the Dragon Soul is too great. I cannot wield it safely. The raging forces within it may be the doom of us all.
  • VO_DS_THRALL_PREHAGARA_02 - Yes, I see. We can finally turn Deathwing's own power back against him.
  • VO_DS_THRALL_PREHAGARA_04 - We have no choice. We must have faith in our allies.
  • VO_DS_THRALL_ULTRAXION_01 - Strength of the earth, hear my call! Shield them in this dark hour, the last defenders of Azeroth.
  • VO_DS_THRALL_ULTRAXIONVICTORY_01 - Taretha, Cairne, Aggra. I will not fail you. I will not fail this world!

  • VO_DS_HAGARA_ADDS_01 - Heh, even with the aspect of time on your side, you stumble foolishly into a trap.
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_ADDS_02 - Don't preen just yet, little pups. We'll cleanse this world of your kind.
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_ADDS_03 - Heh, you'll not leave this place alive!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_ADDS_04 - Not one of you will live to see the final Cataclysm. Finish them!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_AGGRO_01 - You cross the storm binder. I'll slaughter you all!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_CIRCUIT_01 - What are you doing?!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_CIRCUIT_02 - You're toying with death!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_CIRCUIT_03 - You think you can play with my lightning?
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_CIRCUIT_04 - Impossible! (scream)
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_CIRCUIT_05 - No! More lightning!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_CIRCUIT_06 - Enough of your games! You won't live to do it again.
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_CIRCUIT_07 - I'll finish you now, pups!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_CRYSTALDEAD_01 - The time I spent binding that, wasted!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_CRYSTALDEAD_02 - You'll pay for that!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_CRYSTALDEAD_06 - Impudent pup!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_CRYSTALDEAD_07 - The one remaining is still enough to finish you!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_CRYSTALHIT_01 - Get away from that, mongrel.
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_DEATH_01 - Cowards! You pack of weakling dogs.
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_FROSTRAY_01 - You face more than my axes this close.
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_FROSTRAY_02 - See what becomes of those who stand before me.
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_FROSTRAY_03 - Feel a chill up your spine.
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_GLACIER_01 - You can't outrun the storm.
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_GLACIER_02 - Die beneath the ice.
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_ICETOMB_01 - Stay, pup!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_ICETOMB_02 - Hold still!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_INTRO_01 - Swagger all you like. You pups don't stand a chance. Flee now, while you can.
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_LIGHTNING_01 - Suffer the storm's wrath!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_LIGHTNING_02 - Thunder and lightning dance at my call!
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_SLAY_01 - You should've run, dog.
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_SLAY_02 - (blank)
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_SLAY_03 - Damn pup.
  • VO_DS_HAGARA_SLAY_04 - A waste of my time.

Well of Eternity
HighBorne Mage
  • VO_WOE_HIGHBORNE02_EVENT_01 - I pray that the light of a thousand moons will grant me this honor.
  • VO_WOE_HIGHBORNE02_EVENT_02 - Yes, light of lights! My life is yours.
  • VO_WOE_HIGHBORNE02_EVENT_03 - The flower of life calls upon me! I will not fail you, my queen.
  • VO_WOE_HIGHBORNE03_EVENT_01 - I pray that the light of a thousand moons will grant me this honor.
  • VO_WOE_HIGHBORNE03_EVENT_02 - Yes, light of lights! My life is yours.
  • VO_WOE_HIGHBORNE03_EVENT_03 - The flower of life calls upon me! I will not fail you, my queen.

  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_BOSSCLOAK_01 - Return to the shadows!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_BOSSENTER_01 - Nothing will stop me. Not even you, demon.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_BOSSPRECOMBAT_01 - Another demon ready to be slaughtered.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_BOSSVICTORY_01 - The hunter became the prey.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_BOSSVICTORY_02 - You did well, but for now I must continue alone. Good hunting.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_BREAKOUT_01 - Your magic is pathetic. Let me show you mine.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_CLOAK_01 - We now hide in shadows, hidden from our enemy.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_COMBAT_01 - We're leaving; stay close.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_COMBAT_02 - My blades hunger!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_COMBAT_03 - This won't hurt a bit.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_COMBAT_04 - Death to the legion!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_CONCLUSION_01 - The artifact!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_CONCLUSION_02 - Brother, a timely arrival.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_CONCLUSION_03 - Aye, it's been twisted and turned by too many spells. The fuss we, especially you, made with the portal was too much. The same spell that sent the Burning Legion into their foul realm now works on the well. It's devouring itself and taking its surroundings with it. Fascinating, isn't it?
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_CONCLUSION_04 - If you've a way out of here, we should probably use it. I tried casting myself and Tyrande out of here, but the well is too much in flux.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_DISTRACT_01 - I will hold them back so we can get past. Be ready!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_DISTRACTEND_01 - My magic is fading. I'm going through!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_ESCORT_01 - Come with me if you'd like to live long enough to see me save this world.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_ESCORT_02 - So many demons, not enough time.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_ESCORT_03 - They will get what they deserve in due time.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_ESCORT_04 - I've seen a single guardian demon slaughter a hundred elves. Tread lightly.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_ESCORT_05 - They come endlessly from the palace.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_ESCORT_06 - The stench of sulfur and brimstone. These portals are as foul as the demons themselves.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_ESCORT_07 - Cut this one down from the shadows.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_ESCORT_08 - Let us shut down this final portal and finish this.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_ESCORT_09 - The demons should all be leaving. We will be at the palace in no time.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_ESCORT_10 - The demons are no longer pouring from the palace. We can move ahead.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_ESCORT_11 - Too easy!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_GREETINGIDLE_01 - Explain your presence.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_GREETINGIDLE_02 - Talk with me now.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_GREETINGIDLE_03 - Are you here to help?
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_GREETING_01 - Over here, in the shadows!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_GREETING_02 - I think we stand a better chance fighting alongside one another.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_IDLE_01 - Attack. I don't like to be kept waiting.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_IDLE_02 - I'll let you have the first kill. Don't make me regret that.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_IDLE_03 - Patience is not one of my virtues.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_01 - Can you close the portal, brother?
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_02 - Very well, we shall break it for you.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_03 - Let them come.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_04 - There are so many of them!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_05 - Weak, pitiful creatures. Hardly worth of being called a legion.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_06 - Oh, this will be fun!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_07 - Wait, I have an idea.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_08 - What our people could not
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_09 - Yes, yes! I can feel the raw power of the Well of Eternity! It is time to end this charade!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_10 - They are not what they appear to be! Strike in an area; it is the only way to uncover the real ones!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_11 - Handle Varo'then. Mannoroth is mine!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_14 - The sword has piereced his infernal armor! Strike him down!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_15 - You are not the sole wielder of Sargeras's power, Mannoroth. Behold!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_16 - I will be the savior of our people! I will fulfill my destiny!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_MANNOROTH_18 - He is still connected to the well somehow. Focus your attacks on Mannoroth. We must disrupt his concentration!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_PRECOMBAT_01-01 - They stand unaware that their deaths are moments away.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_PRECOMBAT_01 - Waiting to attack.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_RECOVERY_01 - My strength returns!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_WAITING_01 - Destroy the crystal so we can move on.
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_WAITING_02 - Smash the crystal. We need to move!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_WAITING_03 - Destroy the portal energy focus!
  • VO_WOE_ILLIDAN_WAITING_04 - Shut down the portal, and we will continue.

Hour of Twilight
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ARCURION_01 - Heroes, we have the dragon soul. The Aspects await us within Wyrmrest. Hurry, come with me.
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ARCURION_02 - How did they find us? Ready your weapons! We've got to get out of this canyon.
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ARCURION_03 - What magic is this?
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ARCURION_04 - Look out!
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ARCURION_05 - Hurry! We must keep moving.
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ARCURION_06 - Another ambush. Watch your back!
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ARCURION_07 - Take a moment to catch your breath before we move on.
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ARCURION_08 - Show yourself!
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ARCURION_09 - We're surrounded. Dispatch the ascended while I keep the ambushers at bay.
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ARCURION_10 - Keep fighting!
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ARCURION_11 - More reinforcements. Watch your back!
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ARCURION_12 - You've almost got him! Ag'noka lok'tar. Now we finish this.
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ARCURION_13 - We've been discovered. I know you're tired, but we cannot keep the Aspects waiting.
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ASIRA_01 - Beware, enemies approach!
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ASIRA_02 - Let none stand in our way!
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ASIRA_03 - The Twilight's Hammer returns!
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ASIRA_04 - Let them come!
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ASIRA_05 - Alexstrasza's drakes should meet us here.
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ASIRA_06 - Up there, above us!
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ASIRA_07 - An assassin. Quickly! Ready yourselves for battle!
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ASIRA_08 - I haven't come this far to be stopped by the likes of you.
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ASIRA_09 - Well done. Let's see to our friend.
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_ASIRA_10 - The rest of the drakes should be here shortly. I'll fly on ahead; catch up when you can.
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_BENEDICTUS_01 - I will not, Archbishop. It will never be yours.
  • VO_HOT_THRALL_BENEDICTUS_02 - You were a figurehead of the Light, Benedictus. How could you betray your own people?

Burning Crusade Art Gallery Updated
The Burning Crusade game art gallery has been updated with five new pieces.

The MMO Report has SWTOR this week, which you can talk about in the new SWTOR forum.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Heirloom and Jewelcrafting Changes, Boss Transcripts, Fan Art, MMO Report started by chaud View original post
Comments 111 Comments
  1. good diu bro's Avatar
    The only difference is we will destroy the gem immediately rather then selling it to a vendor.
    IF they want to solve the problem, just give us bigger bags.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palmolive View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 4KhazModan View Post
    Cairne, Taretha, and Aggra? What do they all have in common? Cairne and Taretha are both dead, could that mean that Aggra will be killed in 4.3 as well?
    Or they were all really important to him.
    Lucky Jania.
  1. mmoc01e7985d8f's Avatar
    When I first saw "Heirloom Changes" on the front page, I almost thought it was something about changing their mechanics to work cross-realm... now I am disappoint. Nah just kidding, it's a cool addition, would have surely saved one of my heirlooms I accidentally deleted once. But no more!
  1. Lazertrooper's Avatar
    Sargeras is singular therefore Sargeras's is correct.

    Anybody who says otherwise is just a plain ignorant cretin.

    And there is nothing 'weird' about the pronounciation.
  1. Attackrabbit's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lazertrooper View Post
    Sargeras is singular therefore Sargeras's is correct.

    Anybody who says otherwise is just a plain ignorant cretin.
    Anybody who says otherwise is actually correct.
    And the guy doing a Masters in English Literature who claims it's fine to use Sergaras's (for example) should really question their teacher type person if that's what they told them (admittedly in this day and age of butchering language it wouldn't surprise me if the rules had been changed because it was too hard for people to understand)
  1. Rixis's Avatar
    ends in an s is ends in an apostrophe i was taught


    i belive apostrophe s may be allowed, but it's not how i was taught

    Sargeras's would be bad
    Sargeras' would be good
  1. Richtea's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Rixis View Post
    ends in an s is ends in an apostrophe i was taught


    i belive apostrophe s may be allowed, but it's not how i was taught

    Sargeras's would be bad
    Sargeras' would be good
    It's allowed, just not as correct and makes you look silly.
    To demonstrate just how silly, make the noun plural:

    "The Sargeras of the past had a shorter beard than the Sargeras of present day, both Sargerases's beards are still longer than mine."

    Now try actually saying "Sargerases's"
  1. Rixis's Avatar
    sargeras is is beards :P

    yeah, the reason i wrote bad was it's "bad form", not incorrect perse, but .. bad

    i always was taught and will always continue to use a apostrophe to end the words, even if people do look at me as if i'm an imbecile, because that was one of the things i paid attention to at school :P
  1. Nanela's Avatar
    I wish they could make the heirloom sendable to other realms too ;(
  1. Lazertrooper's Avatar
    I'm happy to have quit wow, once again this thread shows how ignorant wow fanboys are. The most important aspect of an mmo is the community and this community frankly doesn't come anywhere close to what is required to keep a loyal consumer base.
  1. Vengfulr3ap3r's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lazertrooper View Post
    I'm happy to have quit wow, once again this thread shows how ignorant wow fanboys are. The most important aspect of an mmo is the community and this community frankly doesn't come anywhere close to what is required to keep a loyal consumer base.
    I have officially quit for the time being, Personally I cannot wait to see what the numbers are at the end of the 4th quarter :P
  1. Jahovenaught's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tuesday the paladin View Post
    Although disappointing the JC/enchanting changes make sense. players doing the JC shuffle move a lot of gold around and by increasing the ah cut on some of their goods it will help stem inflation.
    Making the price of gems cost more to post won't stem inflation, it will only make JC prices rise to negate the additional AH cut. JC prices are a reflection of mining prices since most people do not have hours on end to farm ore for prospecting. It's true what the Goblins say "Time is money, friend." When a JC gets anywhere from one to eight rare quality gems and random normal gems from a stack of ore, the JC must sell what is demanded on the market at a price that will cover the expense of the ore and make a profit, preferably one that will pay for the current stack or ore and a future stack of ore with a surplus for investing elsewhere for the player. That surplus goes towards paying for world drop patterns such as the three new BOE's etc. It's the same thing since burning crusade so why would trying to alter the production profession have a major impact if nothing is done for its gathering resource counterpart?

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