Update - Diablo 3 Beta Patch 6 is released tonight and as usual, you can check out Diablofans for the coverage. Don't miss the Diablo 3 Beta 6 Official Patch Notes and the Diablo 3 Beta Patch 6 - Unofficial Information/Datamining with new achievements and extra spell changes.

Valor Points Changes to 4.3 PTR
Originally Posted by Bashiok (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
We've made slight adjustments to the Valor Point (VP) drops on the 4.3 PTR which testers can now see. In both 10- and 25-player raids, bosses will now drop 100 VP each (down from 115 and 135 respectively). We’ll also be changing Firelands raid bosses to drop 50 VP per kill upon release of the patch.

This change is being made to further emphasize the desire to kill bosses for the items they drop. In the 4.3 raid, tier sets can only be earned from boss drops, and as Raid Finder will allow for just about anyone to get a chance to kill bosses, we think there will be less need for Valor overall. We want to try to match the lower desire for VP with a slightly slower acquisition rate.

We appreciate your thoughts and constructive discussion on how these changes may affect you and your guild once 4.3 is released.

4.3 Battleground Conquest Rewards
Originally Posted by Bashiok (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
In patch 4.3 we’re changing the daily battleground (BG) to reward 100 conquest for a win (up from 25). In addition, every non-rated BG that you win will also give you 50 conquest. There is no limit to how many BGs you can run this way, up to the normal conquest cap.

Our intent is to start acting even more on our Mists of Pandaria philosophies of encouraging players to approach the content they want to, how they want to, and be able to work toward meaningful player progression. Arenas and rated battlegrounds will still earn Conquest faster, but with this change you can now work your way up by running normal BGs, if you so choose.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Valor Points Changes to 4.3 PTR, 4.3 BG Conquest Rewards started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 272 Comments
  1. Tunch's Avatar
    nice , we will only need to go for pre-mades normal bgs now , instead of rateds and win everything
  1. Appletini's Avatar
    Conquest change is great. There's only a handful of rated BG teams out there, they're all decked out, and Arenas blow. Finally I can get a reliable source of Conquest points without needing to convince nine other people to join me or having to step into *gag* Arena.
  1. Heppu's Avatar
    Why on earth should you be able to get conquest points without doing any arenas or RBG's at all? I tought the whole point of conquest points were to reward you for doing arenas and RBG's. Guess this just means you can use a battleground bot to get full conquest gear now too. Three cheers for more bots in battlegrounds!
  1. rektbrah's Avatar
    Conquest change is the last straw for me.
  1. ttudboz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rektlol View Post
    Conquest change is the last straw for me.
    well, bye

    I love this change. Now I can get Conquest without having to depend on an Arena partner/team or RBG team. yay
  1. casserole's Avatar
    This is the death of 2v2 (there's even an easier way to earn CP + no rewards at high ratings) as well as lower-mid tier RBGs. I know they're trying to help "casuals" but they are destroying a large portion of this exact audience. How is the game going to be fun when you can't find an RBG group that suits your level of skill, or need to be completely dedicated to 3v3 or 5v5 to enjoy competitive PvP?

    100CP per day is fine. Unlimited CP from winning random BGs is not.
  1. ControlBlue's Avatar
    I dig the conquest change, Blizzard is finally starting to understand that this is a game they are running, not an olympic competition.
  1. Ibeblinkin's Avatar
    this is awesome,hate relying on people for my cap
  1. franto's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by casserole View Post
    100CP per day is fine. Unlimited CP from winning random BGs is not.
    It's the same system as with random dungeons, if you want all your weekly cap in one day, you can, but with slower rate. And btw what's the difference when you get your conquest with random or with 2v2 unbalanced arena matches?!?
  1. Lerrielin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rabbimojo View Post
    Easier to schedule, which makes it easier to get more attempts in overall? :P Less stress on the raid leader to coordinate the individuals, making it easier to cope with the demands of repeated wiping on a high-difficulty encounter?

    Just food for thought.
    I know about this already. Just curious if it was the opinion of 10-man guilds that this is the ONLY reason that 25-mans go 10-mans, with nothing else at all. Also, if you want less organization, why are there guilds running 2-3 10-mans instead of 25-mans for H Rag and stuff?
  1. ImEveryCliche's Avatar
    Love the changes personally.Those whinging about the death of 2v2, have you not noticed Blizzard moving focusing away from it for a long time now?
  1. Sarkan-ZdC's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenethon View Post
    Love the changes personally.Those whinging about the death of 2v2, have you not noticed Blizzard moving focusing away from it for a long time now?
    At the beginning I was also pissed at that change. I play R-BG, 2vs2 and 3vs3. But then I thought, having to go through random bgs is a BIG pain.. huge.. ok, I can go if I need some points or nobody has time to play or I don't have time on play day. But is not that bad.. just think about all the pain in random bgs and you are fine
  1. webdonkey's Avatar
    bullshit, first they make us go rbg to get our last points to reach a cap and now every bot in a bg can get a fucking full new pvp tier by just running it on a daily basis. blizzard, you are retarded!
  1. Turulo's Avatar
    Awesome I can get Conquest Points now without RBG or Arenas. I hate elitism.
  1. webdonkey's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Heppu View Post
    Why on earth should you be able to get conquest points without doing any arenas or RBG's at all? I tought the whole point of conquest points were to reward you for doing arenas and RBG's. Guess this just means you can use a battleground bot to get full conquest gear now too. Three cheers for more bots in battlegrounds!

    this... COMPLETELY THIS@!
  1. kendro1200's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by greyghost View Post
    Incomming 25-man raider "I DESERVE MORE THAN 10-MAN RAIDERS" crying.

    But yeah. If they really want to slow down the aquisition rate of items-through-Valor points, they'd reduce the weekly cap. Reducing the amount of points per boss kill just forces raiders to use the random LFG tool.

    It's almost like the Conquest and Valor changes contradict each other. Allowing PvPers more options to get their Conquest, then making PvE raiders have to do LFG dungeons over and over to cap if they aren't able to progress through a raid completely in a single lockout.
    I agree, the general theme though is to force all of the players to utilize the random group tools, be they for pve and pvp. I strongly disagree with this sort of movement. Adding in convenience is fine, forcing people to use that tool is an entirely different matter. The real life equivalent is for the government to add in a network of busses that literally service everywhere in the country, and then ban the usage of cars on freeways and highways. Now individuals have lost the option to travel at their own pace and are forced to share a ride with a bunch of strangers which most of the time they would have rather not of met. Not to mention wait for the service to actually service them and to have to accommodate by the luggage rules of the bus.
  1. cyzzie's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SirTrollingsworth View Post
    So sad how blizz keeps killing 25 man raids. People already run the 10 mans cause they are easier.
    all those who are whining about 25 vs 10 man raids

    you know ... you cannot buy set items with VP anymore

    25 raids still get 3 T-Tokens vs 1 in 10, so its still a bit more
  1. zolphinus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Heppu View Post
    Why on earth should you be able to get conquest points without doing any arenas or RBG's at all? I tought the whole point of conquest points were to reward you for doing arenas and RBG's. Guess this just means you can use a battleground bot to get full conquest gear now too. Three cheers for more bots in battlegrounds!
    People like you make me curious. If you Pvp for reward, shouldnt the motivation be to be competitive?

    Easier gear closes the gear gap. Less gear gap means a more even playing field. The more gear is normalized, the more skill is enforced (within comp).

    If you only Pvp for the shiny gear, you can do that. If you enjoy Pvp to prove you are better than others based on skill, this should be welcome.

    who cares if Pvp gear is easier to obtain, both casuals and hardcore benefit from this directly.
    The only people who this hurts are the wannabes. You know, the people who claim to love pvp for the challenge, but whine when challenge can occur.

    You know, cuz anyone at a respectable level of pvp will have this gear anyways, right?

    It mostly helps alts
  1. Worgoblin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rektlol View Post
    Conquest change is the last straw for me.
    Funny, my account is currently frozen, but I'm thinking of reactivating JUST because of the BG conquest change. I like doing BG's, I hate arena, and it takes too long to get rated-BG teams formed. Awesome change.
  1. mmoc3c1b26396f's Avatar
    Just remove honor ... Rly there is no need anymore for honor.

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