Raid Finder Loot Exploit Suspensions
Blizzard finally commented on the Raid Finder Loot exploit resultingin multiple accounts suspensions in a lot of guilds.
Originally Posted by Bashiok (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Shortly after patch 4.3 was released, we became aware that some players were abusing an exploit to obtain loot from the same Raid Finder bosses multiple times in a single raid lockout period (one week). The Raid Finder loot mechanic is of course intended to only allow a person to roll on boss loot drops once per raid lockout period. The raid lockout mechanic has been a mainstay of the World of Warcraft rules since Onyxia and Molten Core, ensuring that no one can obtain loot from a boss more than once per lockout. Due to the nature of the exploit and the clear intent of those who abused it, they've been issued notices and given temporary suspensions from the game. We’re also working to remove all Raid Finder items from those who used the exploit.

It's also worth noting that Paragon posted an apology on their website

An LFR Apology
There has been a lot of misinformation going around, so to clear things up, here is a truthful account of what exactly happened with the LFR and what we have to say about it:

The patch hit EU servers on Wednesday. We started off with our 5x Firelands runs to wrap up legendaries and called it a night. For Thursday, we had an elaborate plan to run a personal LFR raid for every main character to get the maximum amount of loot.

As we were doing the first few runs, we noticed an unrealistic amount of tier pieces on some guilds' armory profiles, which we thought was unattainable through normal means. We started looking into it, and found out that you can loot passed gear from bosses, regardless of save status, if you zone out and back into the instance. This did not provide the raid with any extra loot, but it did eliminate a major portion of the RNG that would have been involved in simply doing personal runs for everyone.

We acknowledge that using this unintended behavior, which was quite clearly a bug, to our gain, was wrong. The fact that others were using it as well is no justification for doing it ourselves. We apologize for doing it, and accept whatever consequences follow.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Raid Finder Loot Exploit Suspensions, Paragon Apology started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 480 Comments
  1. Gemini Soul's Avatar
    They got caught and issued a PR statement to save face. They new it was wrong and did it any ways.
  1. Vallius's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lolman View Post
    Is there a difference? Paragon exploited the bug, blizzard should not apologize to them at all, and you mean suspension not ban. (Exploit of a bug does not ends up a perma ban at all, but most likely a few days suspension)

    Paragon's is paying for their "crimes" by having a good few days of suspension, just like in justice.

    You kill a man, you go to <Decided length of the sentence> (lets say 25 years) of the murder, even if the murderer's apologizing. <---just an example.

    Paragon's deserves every minute of their suspension, they WILLINGLY exploited the bug. Yet they are so pathetic for apologizing. If they are sorry, why did they exploited the big in the first place huh?

    What I am saying is, Paragon is not sorry for their actions at all, they are just putting the "sorry" face on.

    Edit: I hope Blizzard will NOT lift their suspension.
    What part of "Sorry" is hard to get here, guys? I geniunely believe they are sorry about having to do this, but the fact remains that they did have to do it. No amount of faux-White Knightery on your end changes that fact.

    It's easy to sit behind your desk and judge these guys because it doesn't effect you in the slightest. Maybe you feel that expressing your disdain for what they did, on an internet forum board, will somehow increase your chances of positive perception from the WoW community? I don't know. What I do know is that these guys had to make a play call that went in their favor anyway.
  1. crious's Avatar
    Anyone sitting here with their hammer of righteousness bashing paragon for exploiting a bug honestly needs to come down off their high horse. The reality of the situation is that humans are fallible, and the vast majority of you would do the exact same thing if put in paragon's place. When something abnormal happens in the game, your first reaction isn't "zomg this might be an exploit, I might be breaking the ToS, I better go write a ticket out and wait for a GM" it's "that was odd." So I imagine this exploit was discovered and the first reaction was "huh, that's odd, I didn't think we were supposed to be able to loot the boss more than once," and later on other people followed the mob mentality of "if other people are doing it, I can too." In the end, no matter what happened, everyone in here condemning paragon and other guilds are truly just self righteous simpletons who feel that they're being cool and following the "in" crowd by bashing a guild that did what everyone else did. That said, I'm in no way shape or form saying that using the exploit is okay, especially if it was known that it is an exploit, I'm just merely pointing out the fallibility and hypocrisy of human beings.
  1. mmoc9a374e54bb's Avatar
    Well, it's not like all of a sudden you guys found out that top guilds cheat and/or exploit and then try to downplay it. Does noone remember Vashj's kill by Ensidia? Exodus and Yogg0? Paragon with Atramedes? It's all part of the human nature to do whatever it takes, that's why you h ave Baseball players with so many steroids their head swollen to twice it's normal size, NFL teams spying on each other comms, Olympic runners caught on steroids and the Cycling committee covering up cases of doping. They also all have in common the fact that they only admit to their fault after they got caught, and the reason that there's more hate towards Paragon in the thread is because they actually tried to cover it up and even made fun of the community for thinking they would cheat.
  1. Vook's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mainman View Post
    its the blizz (i really want to insert lots of swear words here) devs who should be suspended for this slackness but no they take it out on every1 else
    It's Blizzard's fault that the PLAYERS willingly decided to abuse the bug? Nice logic.
  1. mmoca0d6b876f2's Avatar
    For me personally I would rather have nobody was banned and watch a nice race for world first. Did lose a bit of respect for Paragon because of their apology. I can take people that cheat because they will do anything to win but people who do something and later try to get out of concequenses by apologising disgust me.
  1. eschatological's Avatar
    Does anyone seriously believe Blood Legion and vodka didn't know about these bugs? The argument that "if you could have exploited this bug, you would have to remain competitive!!!11one!!" falls flat with me. I'm in a decent guild, part of the 2% that dropped H-Rag and has had him on farm for 2 1/2 months. I and a few other guildies knew about this bug from the PTR runs we did (because what else did we have to do when we could clear 7/7H in 2 hours?), but it didn't even occur to us to try and do it on live. Maybe we're just not as "competitive", but I'd like to think we don't believe in cutting corners to get to the end goal. In the end, Paragon will be ahead of the curve anyways after 8 days off, and we'll maybe finish top 100 in the U.S. Their h-rag kill was 2 weeks before Method's, and if you watched the kill videos of these two guilds, you know Paragon's miles ahead of the game strat-wise. Especially the grouped seed strat and the three corner strat which became staples for H-Rag, as opposed to Method's strats in their world-2nd video.
  1. mmoce85cdeb601's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Vook View Post
    It's Blizzard's fault that the PLAYERS willingly decided to abuse the bug? Nice logic.
    its blizzards fault the bug was thier not paragons or any1 elses
  1. Well's Avatar
    I pity the people in paragon for exploiting the system. This just shows how poor they are and that WoW is not a game for them anymore. They'd better stop playing and let PLAYERS play the game. They just ashame it by doing those things.
  1. Vook's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mainman View Post
    its blizzards fault the bug was thier not paragons or any1 elses
    Yes, it is their fault that the bug exists.

    It is NOT their fault that players decided to abuse it.

    The more you know!
  1. NightHaawk's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mainman View Post
    this was in the beta they did nothing to fix it, only rush out another fail patch in a hope t keep more ppl from leaving this crap game,,,,its the blizz (i really want to insert lots of swear words here) devs who should be suspended for this slackness but no they take it out on every1 else
    If you could even comprehend the amount of work and effort that goes into a patch to make it as complete as possible you wouldn't have such a slanted attitude towards blizzard. Yes it was a bug that could be exploited but THESE GUILDS chose to do it knowing damn well it was a bug.
  1. Moon-Man's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Karazee View Post
    They, like so many others who break the law, are not sorry for what they did. They're only sorry they got caught.
    Indeed. Is paragon really expect any sympathy from us?
  1. mmoc4210ca0bf6's Avatar
    Its not a bug its just blizzard that forgot to turn off some important stuff and to prevent showing people their mistake they ban people and call it abuse.
  1. mmoc9253cef1ab's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mainman View Post
    its blizzards fault the bug was thier not paragons or any1 elses
    If it weren't for the terms of use you'd be right.
  1. v1ze's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mainman View Post
    its blizzards fault the bug was thier not paragons or any1 elses
    What's your point? Of course it's Blizzard's fault the bug was there. It's also Paragon's fault for exploiting the bug. Was that statement supposed to come to Paragon's defense or.....?
  1. mmoce85cdeb601's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by NightHaawk View Post
    If you could even comprehend the amount of work and effort that goes into a patch to make it as complete as possible you wouldn't have such a slanted attitude towards blizzard. Yes it was a bug that could be exploited but THESE GUILDS chose to do it knowing damn well it was a bug.
    but im saying blizz knew about this and still released the patch
  1. HeavensDemise's Avatar
    Of course they wait to put out this weak ass apology until after they saw that all they were getting hit with was a suspension.
  1. Rekk's Avatar
    ban hammered!
  1. Idletime's Avatar
    Remove yourself from this for a minute and quit worrying about Paragon. Worry more about the stability of the policies set in place by this company. Since forever and a day Blizz has said, We will not tolerate hacks or cheats. I am now crying boloney. They now officially do and are deleting all references to this incident on their site - completely covering it up to the public that thinks otherwise. Exploits are a form of cheating, and there's no logic around this. Get some honor and integrity in your tiny little lives and maybe the world would be a better place. Paragon and the others should have been outright banned. Doesn't matter if it was 100 accounts or 1 million or all 10 million. You as a company either have the integrity to enforce the rules or you don't. Sure, SWTOR is coming out, who cares. You've officially now endorsed cheating as "OK" as long as one of the top guilds in the world promoting the game does it. Hypocritical sacks of $%&@.
  1. v1ze's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mainman View Post
    but im saying blizz knew about this and still released the patch
    What does that have to do with Paragon exploiting the bug?

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