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Update - Managed to grab a screenshot of the new Feldrake.

Patch 4.3.2 on Test Realms
A new Patch 4.3.2 is being deployed on test realms as we speak, this is a "minor bug fix patch." according to the official notes but we do not have more details for the moment.

World of Warcraft Optimization
The launcher now optimizes your game folder and tries to improve game performance/reduce the size of the install on your hard drive.

64 Bit Game Client
The 64 bit client might appear in this patch, the current test build is tagged as "test x86", which implies that a 64 bit version is available somewhere.

Client Strings Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • ERR_PARENTAL_CONTROLS_DISCONNECT_WARNING = "You will be disconnected due to parental controls in %d |4minute:minutes;.";
  • ERR_PARENTAL_CONTROLS_DISCONNECT_WARNING_SOON = "You will be disconnected due to parental controls in less than 1 minute.";
  • TIME_PLAYED_ALERT = "You have been playing for %s. Excessive gameplay can cause inconvenience in your daily life.";

Achievements Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Dungeons & Raids

Feats of Strength

Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • Feldrake Summons and dismisses a rideable feldrake. This is a flying mount. 1.5 sec cast

Companion Pets

Druid (Forums / Talent Calculator)
Tier 13

Hunter (Forums / Talent Calculator)

  • Bombardment now lasts 5 secs instead of affecting your next multi shot only.

Paladin (Forums / Talent Calculator)
Tier 13
This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 4.3.2 on Test Realms started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 237 Comments
  1. Dantia.'s Avatar
    Not surprised about the HR nerf tbh.
  1. Selxxa's Avatar
    I dig the lock and load change.
  1. Tastic's Avatar
    Nice change to LnL!
  1. mmocf8f843f9e6's Avatar
    A new mount?
  1. Wolfie of Medivh's Avatar
    I'm actually pleased about the Lock-and-Load change - I can't say how many times I wasted a free Explosive Shot and got a crummy Arcane shot instead because I was just going too fast.
  1. celinamuna's Avatar
    Looks meh atm
  1. Tastic's Avatar
    Now give hunters 10% AP!
  1. Siema's Avatar
    No more missclicks for LnL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1. Znuff's Avatar
    woah, fel drake? o.Owhere?
  1. Boltonsquad's Avatar
    WTB Vial of Shadows nerf and a tentacle nerf from the stupid sword!
  1. Isolyphic's Avatar
    That 4set bonus originally made me respec cause Holy Became tolerable..
  1. mmoc2e0c1ec87e's Avatar
    Lock and Load no longer affects Arcane Shots.
  1. Selxxa's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by wolfieone View Post
    I'm actually pleased about the Lock-and-Load change - I can't say how many times I wasted a free Explosive Shot and got a crummy Arcane shot instead because I was just going too fast.
    This. If there is a God he hates me, because it seems like everytime that I decide to cast Arcane Shot it's exactly when my LnL procs.
  1. Falarson's Avatar
  1. Lockula's Avatar
    Huh wonder what the new mount and pet are going to be from. This minor patch will probably fix tooltip errors and other small stuff so no big deal.
  1. Smartie's Avatar
    I might finally get around to upgrading to a 64 bit system ^^
  1. xstaindx's Avatar
    TIME_PLAYED_ALERT = "You have been playing for %s. Excessive gameplay can cause inconvenience in your daily life.";

  1. Kaneiac's Avatar
    Seriously, the Holy Radiance change has been since at least week 1 or 2 of the patch - the tooltip just wasn't updated. Stop freaking out.
  1. Decix's Avatar
    That holy raidance nerf is already live.
  1. Nobar's Avatar
    TCG pet/mount. Mostly certain of that.

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