Diablo 3 - Diablo's Anniversary, South Korea Rating, Lashing Tail Kick Runed

Patch 4.3.2 Items
The most significant item change was Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps having the proc time increased to 12 seconds from 10 seconds. This change was made to all three versions of the item.

Many of the original level 60 ranked PvP gear items have had Replica added to the start of their name, making their name identical to the versions being sold in Area 52, for example the Replica High Warlord's Cleaver. However, they still retain their higher item level and stats.

Three new items were added in Patch 4.3.2, Feldrake, Eye of the Legion, and Demon Hunter's Aspect.

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Darkmoon Faire Hotfix
A hotfix was deployed last night in order to solve the issue and the monthly quests should now be available again. However, if your character had already encountered a bug with some of the monthly quests, then you will need to wait until the next Darkmoon Faire starting on February 5 in order to complete those quests and the related achievements.

Once again we apologise for any inconvenience this issue may have caused. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Vial of Shadows Ranged Attack Power Bug
Just want to confirm: Vial of Shadows working only with melee attack power and not ranged attack power is indeed a bug. Barring unforeseen complications, this will be fixed in an upcoming hotfix.

Lock and Load not being caused by Arcane Shot is an intentional change. As many players have pointed out, there is just no need for it any longer. We also intend to make sure Black Arrow is used over Explosive Trap, probably by buffing Black Arrow slightly.

We are looking a lot at hunter DPS right now. We think it is in a good place when compared to other ranged DPS specs (in equivalent gear), but falls short when compared to ranged DPS with Dragonwrath. The guilds currently posting heroic combat logs have a lot of Dragonwraths, and unfortunately, hunters are the only ranged DPS who don’t have access to a legendary weapon. When more hunters have Deathwing weapons, their DPS will go up compared to the Dragonwrath users who won’t be upgrading their weapons, and we’ll see what hunter performance looks like.

It’s likely that future legendaries won’t be usable by so many classes and specs. For the present situation, one option is to just buff hunters to make up for their inability to have legendary weapons, but when you look at DPS casters who have no legendary, it's a tough option to take. We’re not sure yet of the future of the attack power buff in Mists of Pandaria, but in the short term we want to make sure that there are some situations where melee can do really high DPS rather than routinely coming in below ranged DPS (which is how we felt about the last two raid tiers).

If we buff hunters, it will more likely be through other avenues. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps Balance Issues
Gurthalak should not proc off of Censure. The bug was with Seal of Truth, so Souldrinker will proc less for paladins as well.

The specific bug was that paladins running Seal of Truth had two chances with every swing to trigger the proc with Gurthalak or Souldrinker. They now have one chance.

For other classes, the sword overall does the damage we intend, but it's variable, so a few spectacular numbers are occasionally posted. Those shouldn’t be accepted as typical. Likewise, random burst can sometimes cause high damage in PvP, but we don’t think those situations with Gurthalak are reliable or severe enough to be a balance problem. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Mists of Pandaria Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Mists of Pandaria PvP
There will be PvP additions for Mists of Pandaria. We'll have more information/details at a future point in time.

Just as a quick FYI, here's a link to the BlizzCon article we posted outlining the panel contents that were covered.

We'll be sharing more details before much longer on many aspects of the expansion. Don't worry. Just to add on to this, the Developer Q&A in October also touched on PvP including world PvP.

We're quite aware of the desire for more world PvP. We're also aware that there are those who do not want to be "forced" into it either. We have plans that we think will help assuage that "dilemma". (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Watered Down Lore in Mists of Pandaria
We're always open to constructive feedback as long as it stays constructive. There are a few different types of thoughts from the community on these things that I've heard via podcasts or read on fansites and the forums here.

First, we've gotten lots of feedback through the years that it's difficult to learn the story of World of Warcraft. Many players have expressed that they have concerns over too much story having to be found outside the game and not enough in the game, or even not being led to the story in the game and thus missing it. Obviously, this is something we've been trying to correct where we can and trying to find a balance between the two. We're aware that Azeroth's history and story is pretty vast and with each new expansion, we're given the opportunity to expand on it even more.

Second, we've heard (as you've stated) that once through, it's not as fun the second time. We've obviously experienced this as well in the past via Culling of Stratholme. As you saw there, we did eventually make it possible to skip this portion of the event, but there are risks involved with that too. For newer players or those that aren't on the front edge of progression, this can cause them to miss out on being able to see this story unless they're with people who are willing to let it play out so they can experience it.

That said, I can't say that we'll do the same for the current dungeons (allowing the "skip"), but I can say that we'll continue to take constructive feedback on these aspects of the game as often as we can. We want to make sure we're giving the story that people want, while still making sure it's as fun as possible to be a part of it.

As for Mists of Pandaria and the storyline there, we definitely want to continue down the path of offering up story where we can. We feel that this can only enhance the experience of the game. We're not unaware though of the concerns on both sides of the fence. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Diablo Anniversary Page
The surprise that was hinted at was a nice Retrospective page with lots of screenshots, videos, and interviews involving the Diablo franchise.

The trailer that was on the page had a few parts that were unreleased so far and they were quickly removed. Luckily our friends over on Diablofans have the video of them for you!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 4.3.2 Items, Blue Posts, Diablo Anniversary Page started by chaud View original post
Comments 90 Comments
  1. Shadowfury's Avatar
    I m wondering if they will add t3 sets as they promised.
  1. Renley's Avatar
    Judging by that new item, maybe we are looking at a new archeology dig site, The Legion. :O!
  1. MrExcelion's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Aettis View Post
    Judging by that new item, maybe we are looking at a new archeology dig site, The Legion. :O!

    Hadn't thought about Arching. That's a strong possibility too.
  1. Sidone's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dimension101 View Post
    Yay for more rehashed models.... sigh ... Good thing I quit today
    Stop craving for attention. Cu next week in LFR.

    I welcome additions. "Rehashed" it seems, but i have faith they will be placeholders.
  1. Rehgoth's Avatar
    fuck yeah voice of the deeps buff
  1. Showtek's Avatar
    I'd assume that the feldrake will be from a new TCG "expansion". If you look back to past TCG expansions, they generally have 1 mount (Feldrake), 1 mini-pet(the eye) and 1 visual/aesthetic item (the demon hunter transformation).
  1. Roxx's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Rehgoth View Post
    fuck yeah voice of the deeps buff
    Hope that's sarcasm

    Also - Replica meaning we can use the weapons for transmog?
  1. SinR's Avatar
    I'm calling TCG items for the datamined items
  1. Gio's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Aettis View Post
    Judging by that new item, maybe we are looking at a new archeology dig site, The Legion. :O!
    seems doable
  1. Howard Moon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Simca View Post
    If you know Diablo lore, don't watch that leaked trailer footage on Diablofans - you can put the dots together quickly and it spoils the game's storyline.

    Just a warning for those who like to avoid spoilers.
    Thanks for the warning... was just about to watch it. They should really put a spoiler warning on Diablofans :P
  1. HikariOblivion's Avatar
    Well, guess that mount item cinches it. It's from TCG. It's not soulbound, which is solid proof. Unfortunate really. I'd like it for my fel set, but not enough I'd actually bother with aquiring it from the moneysink known as the TCG.
  1. Clockwork Pinkie's Avatar
    Burning Crusade invading Pandaria in MoP's first major patch pretty pl0x, even though it'll be added sooner and most likely TCG, I'd love for the Burning Legion to make an appearance next expansion.
  1. mmoce6dc82cdfe's Avatar
    TCG sounds likely as for the feldrake, but considering its useable from lvl 20, it could also be a new mount to be bought from the Blizzard Store.
  1. Slavemaker's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Envojus View Post
    I am confident that these items will drop from Well of Eternity. To give some incentive for players to run the fabulous instance more. That, plus it will mimic MGT nicely. MGT had an item which transformed into a Blood elf, a Phoenix pet and a white Hawkstrider mount.
    Hmm.... This actually makes a lot of sense, it better be this and not the TCG...
  1. Shadowswillm's Avatar
    Hmm, Blizzard saying that people complain about the story not being there and they need to go outside the game to look. I find that hard yet easy to believe. I played Warcraft 2 and the Xpac Tides of Darkness aswell as WC3 and WC3:TFT and I knew 90% of the story. Even with out playing those games however I still found out the story due to quests in WoW. People rush through the quests and don't bother looking at the text at all. In SWTOR(direct comparison inc!) you have the option to skip past the text/speech part of the quests and have the ability to skip past cut scenes but that takes the whole story away from the game too. If people just skip past the text/speech of getting a quest and handing it back in all they see is "Go kill 8 'X' and come back to me" or "Go get 'X' item for me and bring it back". That doesn't tell the story at ALL because you miss why you are going to do that in the first place. If people want story they should just read the text or listen to what the quest giver says. If you don't get story from that there are free ways of finding the story or "lore" out for something, its called google.com
  1. Oneirophobia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Rehgoth View Post
    fuck yeah voice of the deeps buff
    Why would they add texture, glowing, etc. effects on an older model if that wasn't going to be the model they're using? That would be a waste of time.
  1. Okacz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Aettis View Post
    Judging by that new item, maybe we are looking at a new archeology dig site, The Legion. :O!

    Damn, you may be totally right. The items are non-essential, funny, all demon-based and dont need much of graphics attention. Seems totally arch
  1. WarTV's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xcuse View Post
    Ret pally fix*

    Wonder if the duration increase means a lower proc chance or not. It's already kind of sad to see an arms warrior with Gurthalak do 3 times more damage with the tentacles than my unholy DK while wielding the same version and having mastery to buff it.
    warriors mastery has a chance to proc the sword.
    unholy mastery buffs the proc by 20-30%

    at least in pvp the sword on an unholy dk is devastating compared to a warrior.
  1. Rehgoth's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Roxx View Post
    Hope that's sarcasm

    Also - Replica meaning we can use the weapons for transmog?
    Nope I'm serious. Who doesn't like buffs for their weapons?
  1. mmoc49efe580e8's Avatar
    can someone tell me what the point of those replica items are?

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