It appears an update is going out for the PTR as well, to Patch 5.0.3!
Mists of Pandaria Beta - Build 15851
A new beta build will be deployed on beta realms soon. We will be updating these notes frequently, so keep checking back! You will need to redownload the entire client (~20GB) as the beta patches so far have been merged back into the base install. The game is now at Patch 5.0.3, up from 5.0.1.
Wrathion Legendary Quest
The first part of the Wrathion Legendary Questline is open now. Part 2 requires items that drop in the raids.
Beta Patch Size
New Pet Battle Site is Live
New Models
The Mage PvP set below is missing gloves, we will update with a nicer preview at some point!
New Loading Screen
Achievement Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
BattlePet Battles
- Local Pet Mauler now just requires winning a pet battle, rather than capturing a pet.
- Take Em' All On! (New) Win a pet battle aginst a pet of every family.
- Traveling Pet Mauler now requires capturing a pet rather than winning a battle.
- World Pet Mauler now requires capturing a pet rather than winning a battle.
Pet Battles
- Eastern Kingdoms Tamer now requires capturing a pet rather than winning a battle.
- Going to Need More Leashes (New) Collect 300 unique pets.
- Kalimdor Tamer now requires capturing a pet rather than winning a battle.
- Northrend Pet Tamer now requires capturing a pet rather than winning a battle.
- Outland Pet Tamer now requires capturing a pet rather than winning a battle.
- Pandaria Pet Tamer now requires capturing a pet rather than winning a battle.
- That's a Lot of Pet Food (New) Collect 400 unique pets.
- World Safari now rewards the Zookeeper title.
- Zen Pet Hunter now requires capturing 200 pets, up from 150.
- Now I Am the Master now rewards 10 Achievement Points.
Eastern Kingdoms
- Loch Modan and Wetlands Quests: Complete 85 total quests in Loch Modan and Wetlands.
- Westfall and Duskwood Quests: Complete 80 total quests in Westfall and Duskwood.
Feats of Strength
- Cutting Edge: Grand Empress Shek'zeer (New) Defeat Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty, with Klaxxi Resonance inactive or disabled.
- Cutting Edge: Sha of Fear (New) Defeat the Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty, with the Ritual of Purification inactive or disabled.
- Cutting Edge: Will of the Emperor (New) Defeat the Will of the Emperor in Mogu'shan Vaults on Heroic difficulty, with the Dampening Field either inactive or disabled.
- Pandaren Cuisine now rewards 10 Achievement Points, down from 20.
- Pandaren Delicacies now rewards 10 Achievement Points, down from 20.
Pet Battles
- Pro Pet Crew now rewards a Pristine Pet Trap.
- Finders Keepers now has Account Wide Progress.
- Is Another Man's Treasure now has Account Wide Progress.
- Lost and Found now has Account Wide Progress.
- One Man's Trash... now has Account Wide Progress.
- Every Day I'm Pand-a-ren Complete 25 daily quests in Pandaria in a single daily reset period, changed from in a single day.
- The Shado-Master (New) Prove your worth to the Shado-Pan elite by completing all of the achievements listed below. Rewards the Shado-Master title.
Pandaria Dungeon
Dungeons & Raids
- School's Out Forever Defeat 50 (was 60) Expired Test Subjects within 20 seconds in Scholomance on Heroic Difficulty.
Pet Battles
- Battle Master (New) Earn 200 pet battle achievement points.
- Taming Eastern Kingdoms: Defeat Eastern Kingdom' Grand Master Pet Tamer. Quest Reward: Eastern Kingdoms Pet Battle Daily Quests..
- Taming Kalimdor: Defeat Kalimdor's Grand Master Pet Tamer. Quest Reward: Kalimdor Pet Battle Daily Quests..
- Taming Northrend: Defeat Northrend's Grand Master Pet Tamer. Quest Reward: Northrend Pet Battle Daily Quests..
- Taming Outland: Defeat Outland's Grand Master Pet Tamer. Quest Reward: Outland Pet Battle Daily Quests..
- Taming Pandaria: Defeat Pandaria's Grand Master Pet Tamer. Quest Reward: PandariaPet Battle Daily Quests..
- Taming the Great Outdoors (New) Defeat 15 wild pet tamers.
- Taming the World (New) Defeat 45 wild pet tamers.
- Time To Open a Pet Store Earn 300 pet battle achievement points. Reward: Jade Tentacle.
- Trainer Extrodanaire (New) Earn 100 pet battle achievement points.
Player vs. Player
- For The Alliance! no longer has Account Wide Progress.
- For The Horde! no longer has Account Wide Progress.
- Pandaren Angler now requires you to catch fish from Pandaria fishing pools and not just any pools.
- Pandarian Mix Master Create 1,000 Mists of Pandaria flasks, down from 2,000.
Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Tier 14 Bonuses
- Item - Hunter T14 2P Bonus: Your Kill Command deals 20% additional damage, your Chimera Shot deals 15% additional damage, and your Explosive Shot deals 5% additional damage.

- Item - Monk T14 Mistweaver 4P Bonus: Increases the healing done by Enveloping Mist by 25%.

- Item - Rogue T14 4P Bonus: Increases the duration of your Shadow Blades ability by 12 sec.
- Red Flying Cloud (New) Summons and dismisses a Red Flying Cloud. This mount changes depending on your Riding skill and location. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast.
- Black Riding Goat (New) Summons and dismisses a rideable Black Riding Goat. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast.
- Brown Riding Goat (New) Summons and dismisses a rideable Brown Riding Goat. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast.
- Kafa-Crazed Goat (New) Summons an ridable but kafa-crazed goat. This is a very VERY fast mount. Only works outdoors in Kun-Lai Summit. Account wide. Instant.
- Unruly Behemoth (New) Summons an ridable but unruly Sungraze Behemoth. This is a very VERY fast mount. Only works outdoors in Valley of the Four Winds. Account wide. Instant.
- White Riding Goat (New) Summons and dismisses a rideable White Riding Goat. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast.
- Chi-ji Kite is now a Battle Pet.
- Darkmoon Rabbit is now a Battle Pet.
- Fishy is now a Battle Pet.
- Jade Owl is now a Battle Pet.
- Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling is now a Battle Pet.
- Sapphire Cub is now a Battle Pet.
- Yu'lon Kite is now a Battle Pet.

- Blood Boil base damage has been increased by 80% and AP Scaling increased to 19.2% from 9.6%.
- Death Strike weapon damage increased by 33% and additional damage increased by 79%.
- Raise Ally now grants the risen player 20% mana, down from 60%.
- Heart Strike weapon damage decreased by 29% and additional damage decreased by 49%.
- Soul Reaper is now a Blood Specialization spell, costs 1 Blood.
- Soul Reaper (New) Strikes an enemy for 100% weapon damage and afflicts the target with Soul Reaper. After 5 sec, if the target is below 35% health, this effect will deal 49,852 additional Shadow damage. If the enemy dies before this effect triggers, the Death Knight gains 50% haste for 10 sec. Death Knight - Frost Spec. 1 Frost. Melee range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.
- Soul Reaper (New) Strikes an enemy for 100% weapon damage and afflicts the target with Soul Reaper. After 5 sec, if the target is below 35% health, this effect will deal 49,852 additional Shadow damage. If the enemy dies before this effect triggers, the Death Knight gains 50% haste for 10 sec. Death Knight - Unholy Spec. 1 Unholy. Melee range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.

- Faerie Fire now has 30.2% AP Scaling, down from 37.8%.
- Faerie Swarm now has 30.2% AP Scaling, down from 37.8%.
- Lacerate was reworked: Lacerates the enemy target, dealing (1 + 61.6% of AP) bleed damage and an additional (5 * (1 + 51.2% of AP)) over 15 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. Each time Lacerate hits, it has a 25% chance to reset the cooldown on Mangle.
- Mangle (Feral, Guardian) now also reduces the target's movement speed by 50% for 12 sec.
- Swipe damage reduced by 89% and AP Scaling reduced to 35.7%, down from 43.1%.
- Thrash no longer has a Rage cost. Damage reworked: Strikes all enemy targets within 8 yards, dealing (16.2% of AP + 1) bleed damage and an additional (8 * (74.9% of AP + 1)) damage over 16 sec, and also causing the Weakened Blows effect.
- Wild Mushroom: Bloom was reworked: Causes all of your Wild Mushrooms to bloom, healing all allies within 8 yards for (6,710 + 62.0% of SP).
- Wild Mushroom: Detonate was reworked: Detonates all of your Wild Mushrooms, dealing (323 + 34.9% of SP) Nature damage to all nearby targets within 8 yards, and creating a Fungal Growth in each mushroom's wake covering an area within 8 yards, slowing all enemy targets by 50%, and lasting 20 sec.
- Fae Empowerment now also grants Astral Empowerment. Astral Empowerment: Increases the Lunar or Solar energy generation of your next 3 energy generating spells within 12 sec by 35%. Duration increased to 20 sec, up from 18.
- Shooting Stars now has a 40% chance to proc, down from 50%.
- Predatory Swiftness Now allows your next Cyclone, Entangling Roots, Healing Touch, Hibernate, or Rebirth to be castable in all forms.
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Blooming duration reduced to 5 sec, down from 5000.
- Glyph of Lifebloom: This effect will not occur while in Tree of Life Form, or when Lifebloom has less than 2 sec remaining.

- Aspect of the Beast now has a 1 sec cooldown.
- Aspect of the Cheetah now has a 1 sec cooldown.
- Aspect of the Fox now has a 1 sec cooldown.
- Aspect of the Hawk now has a 1 sec cooldown.
- Aspect of the Pack now has a 1 sec cooldown.
- Readiness now has a 5 min cooldown, up from 3. Now only finishes the cooldown on all Hunter abilities with a base cooldown less than 5 minutes, down from 6 min.
- Stampede now has a 5 min cooldown, down from 10. Now instant cast, down from 3 sec. Duration increased to 20 sec, up from 10 sec. Your pets deal 175% of their normal damage while summoned this way.
- Binding Shot now has a 45 sec cooldown, down from 60 sec.
- Blink Strike (New) Causes your pet to instantly teleport behind an enemy target and inflict 200% normal damage. Requires Level 75. 30 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown.
- Dire Beast is now learned at level 60, down from 75.
- Thrill of the Hunt now causes your next Arcane Shot or Multi-Shot to be free.
- Wyvern Sting no longer causes damage when the target wakes up.
- Roar of Courage The beast lets out a roar of courage, increasing the mastery of all party and raid members by 3,000 within 100 yards, down from 3,500.
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of No Escape Increases the ranged critical strike chance of all of your attacks on targets affected by your Freezing Trap by 20%, up from 6%.

- Conjure Familiar no longer has a range.
- Mage Armor Increases your Mastery by 3,000, down from 3,500.
- Shatter no longer increases the damage done by Frostbolt against frozen targets. Now doubles the critical strike chance of all your spells against frozen targets plus an additional 50%, up from 40%.
- Incanter's Ward passive now increases spell power by 6% (was 8%) and increases mana regeneration by 65%.
- Rune of Power now has a 6 sec cooldown, down from 10 sec. Now increases spell damage by 15%, up from 12%.
- Slow no longer increases the time between ranged attacks.
- Inferno Blast base damage increased by 65% and SP damage increased by 19%.
- Pyroblast damage increased by 15%.

- Chi Burst now does 11,768 healing rather than healing based on AP.
- Chi Torpedo no longer scales with AP.
- Stance of the Sturdy Ox now increases Stamina by 20% rather than health.
- Life Cocoon now absorbs (550% of Spell Power + 39,958) damage, up from 374% of Spell Power + 39,958.
- Mastery: Gift of the Serpent: Allies who walk through the sphere will be healed for 9,986.
- Renewing Mist mana cost increased to 6.55% of Base Mana, up from 4.2%. Cooldown increased to 15 sec, up from 8 sec. Healing reduced to 3,806 + 22.0% of SP, down from 3,806 + 31.5% of SP.
- Soothing Mist healing reduced to 22,208 + 17.9% of SP, down from 22,208 + 25.6% of SP.
- Surging Mist now costs 8% of Base Mana, up from 5.5%.
- Teachings of the Monastery: Spinning Crane Kick healing no longer scales with AP. Healing yourself does not count for Chi generation.
- Thunder Focus Tea now causes Uplift to refresh the duration of your Renewing Mists on all targets, rather than heal for double.
- Uplift now heals all targets with your Renewing Mist active for (4,872 + 42.5% of SP).
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Fists of Fury now increases parry chance by 100%.
- Glyph of Uplift was reworked: Your Uplift no longer costs Chi, but instead costs 6% Mana instead.

- Beacon of Light now also works with Light of Dawn.
- Blessing of Might Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing mastery by 3,000, down from 3,500.
- Censure damage reduced by 20%.
- Flash of Light now costs 37.8% of Base Mana, down from 42%.
- Hand of Freedom now has a 40 yd range, up from 30. Now has a 25 sec cooldown.
- Hand of Protection now has a 40 yd range, up from 30. Now has a 5 min cooldown.
- Hand of Sacrifice now has a 2 min cooldown.
- Hand of Salvation now has a 2 min cooldown.
- Holy Shock healing decreased by 10%.
- Holy Shock healing decreased by 10%.
- Sanctity of Battle (Holy): Spell Haste effects lower the cooldown and global cooldown of your Judgment, Crusader Strike, and Hammer of Wrath.
- Sanctity of Battle (Protection): Spell Haste effects lower the cooldown and global cooldown of your Judgment, Crusader Strike, Hammer of the Righteous, Consecration, Holy Wrath, and Hammer of Wrath.
- Sanctity of Battle (Retribution): Spell Haste effects lower the cooldown and global cooldown of your Judgment, Crusader Strike, Hammer of the Righteous, Exorcism, and Hammer of Wrath.
- Seal of Insight now also increases your casting speed by 10.
- Stay of Execution damage reduced by 13%.
- Word of Glory healing reduced by 10%.
- Divine Purpose now has a 20% chance to proc, down from 15%.
- Eternal Flame was reworked: Consumes up to 3 Holy Power to place a protective Holy flame on a friendly target, which heals them for (4,260 + 37.7% of SP) and an additional (1,393 + 16.0% of SP) every 3 sec for 30 sec. Healing increased per charge Holy Power. Replaces Word of Glory.
- Execution Sentence healing reduced by 10%.
- Hand of Purity now has a 40 yd range, up from 30.
- Holy Prism now costs 5.4% of Base Mana, down from 6%. Healing and damage reduced by 10%.
- Sacred Shield no longer has a mana cost. Now has a 6 sec cooldown.
- Beacon of Light now also works with Light of Dawn.
- Divine Favor (New) Increases your spell casting haste by 20% and spell critical chance by 20% for 20 sec. Paladin - Holy Spec. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
- Divine Light healing reduced by 10%.
- Holy Radiance now costs 12.6% of Base Mana, down from 14%.
- Holy Shock healing reduced by 10%.
- Light of Dawn healing reduced by 10%.
- Sword of Light Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 20%, down from 25%.
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Avenging Wrath While Avenging Wrath is active, you are healed for 1% (was 2%) of your maximum health every 2 sec, down from 4 sec.
- Glyph of Blessed Life no longer procs off of direct damage.
- Glyph of Immediate Truth now increases the instant damage done by Seal of Truth by 30%, up from 20%.
- Glyph of the Ascetic Crusader reworked: Your Word of Glory can now also be used on enemy targets, causing Holy damage approximately equal to the amount it would have healed. Does not work with Eternal Flame.
- Glyph of the Battle Healer now heals for 30% of damage dealt, up from 10%.
- Glyph of Word of Glory now also works with Eternal Flame.

- Levitate now has a 10 min duration.
- Shadow Word: Insanity now costs 2.5% of Base Mana, down from 7%.
Discipline & Holy
- Divine Fury now also works with Power Word: Solace.
- Chakra: Serenity healing increased by 70%.
- Rapid Renewal (New) Your Renew heals for an additional 15%, instantly heals the target for 15% of the total periodic effect, and has a 0 sec reduced global cooldown. Priest - Holy Spec.

- Nightstalker now increases the damage your abilities deal while stealthed by 25%.
- Restless Blades now also works with Shadow Blades.
- Sanguinary Vein now also increases the damage of your Rupture ability by 50%.

- Grace of Air Empowering winds swirl around the Shaman, granting all nearby party and raid members 3,000 Mastery, down from 3,500.
- Call of the Elements now has a 3 min cooldown, down from 8 min. Now finishes the cooldown on all totems with a base cooldown shorter than 3 minutes, down from 5.
- Elemental Blast Harness and direct the raw power of the elements towards an enemy target, dealing (4,036 + 181.1% of SP) Elemental damage and increasing the caster's Critical Strike, Haste, or Mastery by 3,000 for 8 sec, down from 3,500.
- Unleashed Fury now increases the enemy target's damage taken from your Lightning Bolt by 30% for 10 sec, up from 25%.
Elemental & Restoration
- Lava Burst damage decreased by 20%.
- Flurry now lasts until 5 melee attacks have occurred, up from 3.
- Spiritual Insight now also increases chance to hit with Hex.
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Riptide has been reworked: Removes the cooldown of Riptide, but reduces the initial direct healing by 90%.
Minor Glyphs
- Glyph of the Lakestrider You automatically gain Water Walking while you are in Ghost Wolf form.

- Grimoire of Sacrifice: You sacrifice your demon to increase the power of your direct damage spells by 30%, up from 15%.
- Harvest Life (Affliction) now costs 1% of Base Mana, plus 1% per sec, down from 2% of Base Mana, plus 2% per sec. Damage reduced by 25%. Soulburn: Healing increased by 133%.
- Soul Link: When active, all damage and healing you and your demon take is share, but your demon's health is reduced by 50%.
- Seed of Corruption (Affliction): Soulburn: Your Seed of Corruption detonation effect will afflict Corruption on all enemy targets.
- Unstable Affliction damage multiplier reduced to 5, down from 9.
- Dark Soul: Knowledge mastery granted reduced by 14%.
- Hellfire damage to self increased by 20%.
- Metamorphosis: Chaos Wave damage slightly increased.
- Metamorphosis: Void Ray SP component of damage reduced by 60%.
- Nether Plating no longer reduces the chance you'll be critically hit by melee attacks.
- Torment no longer causes a high amount of threat.
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion now reduces the targets movement speed by 70%, up from 50%.
- Glyph of Demon Hunting now reduces physical damage taken by 13.80%, reduces magic damage taken by 15%.
- Glyph of Demon Training: Your Imp's Firebolt cast time is reduced by 50% and fires in bursts of three. Increases your Voidwalker's total armor by 10%.

- Charge now has a 20 sec cooldown.
- Defensive Stance no longer reduces the chance you will be critically hit by melee attacks.
- Raging Blow weapon damage increased by 67%.
- Raging Blow Off-Hand weapon damage increased by 67%.
- Double Time: Charge can only grant Rage once every 12 sec.
- Vigilance: During the duration of Vigilance, your Taunt has no cooldown and attacks against the target cause you to become Enraged for 6 sec.
- Taste for Blood proc now increases the damage of your next Heroic Strike or Cleave within 9 sec by 100%, up from 50%. This effect stacks up to 5 times, down from 10 times.
- Bloodthirst damage increased by 20%.
- Raging Blow weapon damage increased by 67%.
- Wild Strike damage increased by 18%.
- Revenge now has a 9 sec cooldown. A successful dodge or parry will reset the cooldown on Revenge.
- Unwavering Sentinel: Increases your total Stamina by 15%.
Reduces the chance you will be critically hit by melee attacks by 6%. Increases your armor value from items by 10%. Reduces the Rage cost of Thunder Clap by 100%.
Night Elf
- Elusiveness no longer increases your speed while stealthed by 5%.
- Master Healing Potion When making this potion, you have a chance to learn other Pandaria alchemy recipes. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Crystal Vial, Green Tea Leaf.
- Riddle of Steel (New) Using Spirits of Harmony to create Living Steel does not tax the alchemist, allowing them to ignore the normal one day of rest. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Trillium Bar (3), Spirit of Harmony (3).
- Transmute: Living Steel Transmutations of this magnitude can only be done once each day. 1.5 sec cast. 1 sec cooldown. Reagents: Trillium Bar (6).
- Worn Monument Ledger
"Even with powerful magic at their disposal, the Mogu often preferred to use slaves to build their massive monuments. This ledger documents the cost, in slaves, during the construction of one such monument." 2 sec cast.Even with powerful magic at their disposal, the Mogu often preferred to use slaves to build their massive monuments. This ledger documents the cost, in slaves, during the construction of one such monument. 2 sec cast.
- Commissioned Painting Reagents: Jade Serpent Commission, Light Parchment (10), Spirit of Harmony (5), Starlight Ink (
10).5). - Engraved Jade Disk Reagents: Jade Disk, Spirit of Harmony (
54), Starlight Ink.10). - Glyph of Hindering Strikes
Increases the number of targets your Cleave hits by 1, or 3 when Enraged.Your Heroic Strike and Cleave now also reduce the target's movement speed by 50% for 8 sec. - Inscribed Monument Reagents: Uninscribed Monument, Spirit of Harmony (
56), Starlight Ink. - Portrait of Madam Goya Reagents: Fine Canvas, Spirit of Harmony (5), Starlight Ink.6).
- Sha Leather
Combine 5 sha leather scraps to create a piece of sha leather.Cleanse five pieces of sha-touched leather to create one exotic leather. Reagents: ShaLeather Scraps(4).Touched Leather[/url] (4).
- Cloud Serpent Riding (New) Allows you to ride Cloud Serpents. Passive.
- Imperial Silk This delicate cloth can only be created once a day. 2 sec cast. 1 sec cooldown. Reagents: (Unknown Item) (8).
- Song of Harmony (New) This special method of creating imperial silk can be performed as often as the tailor likes, as long as they can supply the necessary materials. 2 sec cast. Reagents: (Unknown Item) (5), Spirit of Harmony (3).
Raid & Dungeon Abilities
- Aerialist's Kick Whirls towards an enemy, dealing
80,000 Physical damage.115,000 Physical damage. - Agony
Inflicts 70,000 Shadow damage.Inflicts 100,000 Shadow damage. - Amassing Darkness
Deals 28,000Deals 40,000 Shadow damage to the current target. - Amber Volley Launch a bolt of burning amber at the ground beneath a target, dealing
35,750100,000 Fire damage to enemies within 5 yards of the impact point. - Ball of Fire
Inflicts 135,000Inflicts 202,500 Fire damage to the target. - Ball of Fire
Inflicts 135,000Inflicts 202,500 Fire damage to the target. - Breath of Fear Afflicted enemies are
feared for the duration.also feared for 5 sec. - Brew Bolt Brew Bolt inflicts
120,000 Frost damage.150,000 Frost damage. - Brew Bolt Brew Bolt inflicts
30,000 Frost damage.45,000 Frost damage. - Brew Bolt Brew Bolt inflicts
75,000 Frost damage.100,000 Frost damage. - Bubble Burst Bursts the protective bubble, inflicting Frost damage and knocking back all enemies within
10 yards.40 yards. - Bubble Shield Summons forth a shield of frothy bubbles, reducing damage taken by
15%.20%. - Bubble Spray
Deals 70,000Deals 120,000 Frost damage to an enemy target. - Carbonation
Inflicts 20,000Inflicts 35,000 Frost damage every 1 sec. - Carrot Breath Carrot Breath inflicts
140,000200,000 Physical damage and knocks targets back in a cone in front of the caster. - Caustic Pitch Throws a glob of pitch at
an random location.a random location. - Consuming Terror
Inflicts 325,000Inflicts 130,000 Shadow damage and fears enemies in a 0 yard cone in front of the caster. - Convert Charmed targets inflict
200% more damage and can break free of the charm whenever spell damage is received.150% more damage and have their maximum health increased 150%.If a charmed target ever reaches 30% health they break free automatically.Reducing a charmed target to 50% health frees them from the charm. 5 sec cooldown. - Corrosive Resin Covers an enemy in Corrosive Resin, inflicting
10,00030,000 Nature damage every second for 30 sec. - Corrosive Resin Pool A pool of Corrosive Resign inflicts
10,00070,000 Nature damage to all players within it. - Create Bonus Noise Cancelling Area Trigger [DNT] (New) Creates a Noise Cancelling area near the caster. Unlimited range. Instant.
- Cry Havoc Lets loose a shrill cry, inflicts
90,00058,000 Physical damage to random enemies, and increases ability cooldowns by 15 sec. - Cry of Terror
Inflicts 150,000Inflicts 30,000 Shadow damage to all allies every 2 second. - Dashing Strike Charges a target, knocking back and inflicting
0 Physical damage.200,000 Physical damage. - Dispatch
Inflicts 84,000Inflicts 54,600 Physical damage to an enemy. - Dispatch
Inflicts 100,000Inflicts 65,000 Physical damage to an enemy. - Dread Screech
Inflicts 150,000Inflicts 30,000 Sonic damage to an enemy and their nearby allies within 5 yards. - Dread Screech Waves
Inflicts 150,000Inflicts 30,000 Sonic damage to nearby allies within 5 yards. - Dread Shadows
Inflicts 5,000Inflicts 10,000 Shadow damage and increases Dread Shadows damage taken by 10%. - Dread Spray Unleashes a spray of Dread Bolts in a cone in front of the caster, inflicting
35%75% of weapon damage as Shadow and afflicting the target for 8 sec. - Evict Soul Inflicts 60,000 Shadow damage every
3 sec for 6 sec.1 sec for 6 sec. - Expelled Corruption A mass of corruption inflicts
100,00085,000 Shadow damage to all players within 30 yards every 3 sec. - Ferment
Restores 2%Restores 5% of health and mana every 1 sec. - Fire Breath Potion
Deals 40,000Deals 60,000 Fire damage to enemies in front of the caster. - Fire Flower
Inflicts 27,000Inflicts 67,500 Fire Damage to all enemies within 3 yards. - Flaming Spear A fiery spear sears the flesh of an enemy target, inflicting
13,00020,000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 20 sec. - Force and Verve
Inflicts 41,625Inflicts 115,625 physical damage to all players within 500 yards of the caster. - Get Away! Lei channels, pushing
her enemies away and inflicting 26,000 periodic Frost damage.players away and inflicting 60,000 periodic Frost damage.Lasts 30 sec or until Lei takes 4% of her max health in damage.Players who fight the current take half damage. Lasts 30 sec or until Lei takes 5% of her max health in damage. - Get Away! Lei channels, pushing
her enemies away and inflicting 26,000 periodic Frost damage.players away and inflicting 60,000 periodic Frost damage.Lasts 30 sec or until Lei takes 4% of her max health in damage.Players who fight the current take half damage. Lasts 30 sec or until Lei takes 5% of her max health in damage. - Haze of Hate Although your Physical damage is increased by 20%, your chance to hit is reduced by
90%100% and your healing done is reduced by25%.75%. - Ice Arrow
Inflicts 50,000Inflicts 80,000 Frost damage and immobilizes enemies within 8 yards of the impact point. - Instability (New) Inflicts 0 Shadow damage to Nalomoni. Unlimited range. Instant.
- Instability
Inflicts 2,500,000 Shadow damage to Nalomoni.Inflicts 0 Shadow damage to Nalomoni. - Jade Serpent Wave
Inflicts 200,000 Fire damage.Inflicts 275,000 Fire damage. - Jasper Chains (New) Chains two enemy targets together. While the targets are over 8 yds apart the chains inflict 30,000 Fire damage every 1 sec. This damage increases by 20% each second they remain apart. The chains will break if the targets remain apart for 15 total seconds. Unlimited range. Instant.
- Jasper Chains (New) Chains two enemy targets together. While the targets are over 8 yds apart the chains inflict 30,000 Fire damage every 1 sec. This damage increases by 20% each second they remain apart. The chains will break if the targets remain apart for 15 total seconds. 1 sec cast.
- Kor'thik Strike Charges to an enemy, inflicting
150,000 Physical damage.160,000 Physical damage. - Lightning Bolt Hurls a bolt of lightning at an enemy, inflicting
100,000 Nature damage.200,000 Nature damage. - Lightning Bolt Blasts an enemy with lightning, inflicting
148,000 Nature Damage.277,500 Nature Damage. - Lightning Prison Stuns a target in a field of lightning, causing them to inflict
75,00035,000 Nature damage to all nearby players. - Lightning Storm A Lightning Storm forms around the caster, inflicting
400,000100,000 Nature damage to all players caught in the lightning strikes. - Lightning Storm A Lightning Storm forms around the caster, inflicting
400,000100,000 Nature damage to all players caught in the lightning strikes. - Lightning Storm A Lightning Storm forms around the caster, inflicting
400,000100,000 Nature damage to all players caught in the lightning strikes. - Lightning Storm A Lightning Storm forms around the caster, inflicting
400,000100,000 Nature damage to all players caught in the lightning strikes. - Lightning Storm A Lightning Storm forms around the caster, inflicting
400,000100,000 Nature damage to all players caught in the lightning strikes. - Mantid Munition Explosion
Inflicts 147,250Inflicts 228,000 Fire Damage to the target. - Meteor
Inflicts 600,000Inflicts 800,000 Fire damage divided evenly amongst all targets within 10 yards. - Nothingness A profound sense of nothingness seeps into the minds of the target and its nearby allies, dealing
50,00080,000 Shadow damage every 2 seconds. - Overwhelming Corruption The Sha's corruption overwhelms the Protector, inflicting
30,0006,500 Shadow damage to all players every 3 sec. and increases damage taken from Overwhelming Corruption by5%.10%. - Pool of Shadows A pool of shadows surrounds the caster, inflicting
45,00050,000 Shadow damage every 1 sec. - Prey Time
Grabs a nearby enemy and squeezes the life out ofCharges a nearby enemy and devours them, inflicting 50,000 Physical damage every second. - Quickening Quickens all of Mel'jarak's swarm, increasing their damage done and attack speed by
25% for 15 sec.35% for 15 sec. - Reckless Inspiration Renders a target ally immune to many crowd-control effects and increases haste by
25%40%, but increases damage taken by 25%. - Rising Hate Projects Sha energy at several targets, inflicting
26,25050,000 Shadow damage and increasing their hatred. - Rusting Rattlegore's dull blades rust with each successful melee attack, increasing damage by
10%25% but lowering attack speed by 5% and movement speed by 5%. - Sabotage
Inflicts 45,000Inflicts 148,500 Fire Damage to the victim and all players within 2 yards, then creates four directional explosions that travel in the cardinal directions. - Sabotage The bomb explodes, inflicting
100,000270,000 Fire Damage to all players within 5 yards. - Savage Cleave Deals 50% weapon damage and causes all enemies hit to suffer an
additionadditional 20,000 damage every sec for 5 sec. - Serpent Wave
Inflicts 200,000 Fire damage.Inflicts 400,000 Fire damage. - Sha Blast
Inflicts 60,000Inflicts 100,000 Shadow Damage to the target. - Sha Energy
Deals 80,000Deals 40,000 Shadow damage to random players. - Sha Globe If not consumed within 8 sec the globe will return to the bowman, healing him for
5% of his maximum health.8% of his maximum health. - Sha Globe If not consumed within 8 sec the globe will return to the bowman, healing him for
5% of his maximum health.8% of his maximum health. - Sha Nova Dark magic is unleashed, linflicting
50,000400,000 Shadow Damage and knocking back all enemies within10 yds.40 yds. - Sha Spike Summons a spike to erupt at the target location, dealing
135,000175,000 Shadow damage and knocking targets back. - Sonic Discharge
Deals 220,000Deals 143,000 damage to all enemies, deals more damage to those standing within the dissonance field at the time of detonation. - Sonic Ring
Inflicts 74,000Inflicts 323,750 physical damage to all enemies within 3 yards. - Spray Water bursts from the ground at an enemy's feet, inflicting
65,000-136,500104,000-218,400 Frost damage to all enemies within 2.5 yds and increasing their Frost damage taken by 10% for10 sec.15 sec. - Stomp
22.5 sec cooldown. - Storm Unleashed
Inflicts 8,500 Nature damage.Inflicts 16,000 Nature damage. - Suds A pool of suds inflicts
30,000 Frost damage.95,000 Frost damage. - Terrorize Terrorize inflicts 10% of a player's current health and 1% of Tsulong's maximum health as Shadow damage every
2 sec for 10 sec.1 sec for 10 sec. - Throw Torch
Deals 65,000Deals 90,000 Fire damage to an enemy target. - Tornado Kick
Inflicts 95,000Inflicts 152,000 physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards of the caster and knocks them back. - Touch of Sha Fills an enemy with the Sha's corruption, inflicting
30,00035,000 Shadow damage every 3 seconds. - Toxic Hivebomb Hurls a toxic hivebomb at a randomy enemy, inflicting
80,00052,000 damage to them and their nearby allies within 4 yards. - Toxic Potion
4055 yd range. - Toxic Spew Periodically spewing a toxic substance that inflicts
45,00030,000 damage to all enemies in a 12 yard cone. - Unseen Strike
Inflicts 4,000,000Inflicts 6,000,000 Physical damage split amongst all enemies near his target. - Visions of Demise After 4 sec they will be feared, and inflict
40,00022,750 Shadow damage to all players within 8 yards. - Water Bolt Hurls a bolt of water at an enemy, inflicting
95,00050,000 Nature damage to them and all enemies within 3 yards. - Whirling Blade Hurls a blade at a player's location, inflicting
80,000100,000 Physical damage to all enemies in its path. After the blade reaches its destination it will return to Mel'jarak, inflicting80,000100,000 Physical damage to all players in its return path. - Wildfire Infusion
Deals 15,000 Fire damage.Deals 20,000 Fire damage. - Wither Will
Inflicts 70,000Inflicts 100,000 Shadow damage to 2 random enemy targets.
New Items
For the full list of items, check out WoWDB! Some items appear to have no stats, these are items with random stats.
Level | Type | Slot | Name | |
1 | Junk | Crate of Dust | ||
1 | Junk | Crate of Leather | ||
1 | Junk | Crate of Ore | ||
1 | Junk | Ancient Mogu Treasure | ||
1 | Junk | Ancient Mogu Treasure | ||
1 | Junk | Desecrated Herb | ||
1 | Junk | Crate of Herbs | ||
1 | Pet | Chi-ji Kite | ||
1 | Pet | Yu'lon Kite | ||
20 | Pet | Jade Tentacle | ||
20 | Pet | Porcupette | ||
1 | Other | Bag of Kafa Beans | ||
1 | Other | Feverbite Egg Sack | ||
1 | Other | Oddly-Shaped Horn | ||
90 | Other | Scotty's Lucky Coin | ||
90 | Mount | Reins of the White Riding Goat | ||
60 | Mount | Disc of the Red Flying Cloud | ||
90 | Mount | Reins of the Black Riding Goat | ||
90 | Mount | Reins of the Brown Riding Goat | ||
384 | Miscellaneous | Trinket | Quilen Statuette | |
1 | Miscellaneous | Tabard | Anglers Tabard | |
450 | Miscellaneous | Tank | Neck | Gorget of Usurped Kings |
450 | Miscellaneous | Tank | Finger | Thunderstone Ring |
450 | Miscellaneous | Melee | Neck | Triumphant Conqueror's Chain |
450 | Miscellaneous | Melee | Finger | Signet of the Slumbering Emperor |
450 | Miscellaneous | Spell Spirit | Neck | Pendant of Endless Inquisition |
450 | Miscellaneous | Spell Spirit | Finger | Sorcerer-King's Seal |
509 | Miscellaneous | Spell Spirit | Held In Off-hand | Fan of Fiery Winds |
483 | Miscellaneous | Spell Spirit | Held In Off-hand | Fan of Fiery Winds |
496 | Miscellaneous | Spell Spirit | Held In Off-hand | Fan of Fiery Winds |
450 | Miscellaneous | Physical DPS | Neck | Amulet of Swirling Mists |
450 | Miscellaneous | Physical DPS | Finger | Mark of the Dancing Crane |
450 | Miscellaneous | Spell DPS | Neck | Necklace of Jade Pearls |
450 | Miscellaneous | Spell DPS | Finger | Etched Golden Loop |
463 | Miscellaneous | Spell DPS | Held In Off-hand | Umbrella of Chi-Ji |
450 | Cloth | Tank | Back | Cloak of the Silent Mountain |
450 | Cloth | Melee | Back | Ribcracker's Cloak |
489 | Cloth | Spell Spirit | Chest | Robe of the Five Sisters |
450 | Cloth | Spell Spirit | Legs | Subversive Leggings |
450 | Cloth | Spell Spirit | Wrists | Bracers of Eternal Resolve |
450 | Cloth | Spell Spirit | Hands | Emperor's Riding Gloves |
450 | Cloth | Spell Spirit | Back | Pressed Flower Cloak |
450 | Cloth | Physical DPS | Back | Bladesong Cloak |
489 | Cloth | Spell DPS | Chest | Vestments of Thundering Skies |
450 | Cloth | Spell DPS | Chest | Robe of Eternal Dynasty |
450 | Cloth | Spell DPS | Chest | Robe of Quiet Meditation |
450 | Cloth | Spell DPS | Legs | Leggings of Unfinished Conquest |
450 | Cloth | Spell DPS | Wrists | Tranquility Bindings |
450 | Cloth | Spell DPS | Hands | Krompf's Fine-Tuning Gloves |
450 | Cloth | Spell DPS | Back | Cloak of Ancient Curses |
50 | Leather | Tank | Head | Headband of the Stampeding Ox |
50 | Leather | Spell Spirit | Head | Headband of the Coiled Serpent |
450 | Leather | Spell Spirit | Chest | Vestment of the Ascendant Tribe |
450 | Leather | Spell Spirit | Hands | Wandering Friar's Gloves |
50 | Leather | Physical DPS | Head | Headband of the Pouncing Tiger |
450 | Leather | Physical DPS | Chest | Refurbished Zandalari Vestment |
489 | Leather | Physical DPS | Chest | Softfoot Silentwrap |
450 | Leather | Physical DPS | Legs | Tough Mushanhide Leggings |
450 | Leather | Physical DPS | Wrists | Cruel Mercy Bracers |
450 | Leather | Physical DPS | Hands | Surehand Grips |
489 | Leather | Spell DPS | Chest | Mistfall Robes |
450 | Leather | Spell DPS | Legs | Brambleguard Leggings |
450 | Leather | Spell DPS | Wrists | Sudden Insight Bracers |
450 | Spell Spirit | Chest | Mountain Stream Ringmail | |
450 | Spell Spirit | Wrists | Runoff Wristguards | |
450 | Physical DPS | Chest | Undergrowth Stalker Chestpiece | |
489 | Physical DPS | Chest | Breastplate of the Golden Pagoda | |
450 | Physical DPS | Legs | Leggings of Twisted Vines | |
450 | Physical DPS | Wrists | Entombed Traitor's Wristguards | |
450 | Physical DPS | Hands | Brushcutter's Gloves | |
489 | Spell DPS | Chest | Robes of the Setting Sun | |
450 | Spell DPS | Legs | Snowpack Waders | |
450 | Spell DPS | Hands | Gloves of Forgotten Wisdom | |
489 | Plate | Tank | Chest | Cuirass of the Twin Monoliths |
489 | Plate | Melee | Chest | Dawnblade's Chestguard |
450 | Plate | Melee | Chest | Chestplate of the Stone Lion |
450 | Plate | Melee | Legs | Leggings of Ponderous Advance |
450 | Plate | Melee | Wrists | Serrated Forearm Guards |
450 | Plate | Melee | Hands | Wall Breaker Gauntlets |
489 | Plate | Spell Spirit | Chest | Battleguard of Guo-Lai |
450 | Plate | Spell Spirit | Legs | Valiant's Shinguards |
450 | Plate | Spell Spirit | Hands | Gauntlets of Restraint |
450 | Plate | Spell DPS | Chest | Inner Serenity Chestplate |
450 | Plate | Spell DPS | Wrists | Bracers of Inner Light |
87 | Purple Gem | Tense Roguestone | ||
88 | Purple Gem | Perfect Tense Roguestone | ||
87 | Purple Gem | Assassin's Roguestone | ||
87 | Purple Gem | Perfect Assassin's Roguestone | ||
90 | Purple Gem | Assassin's Zyanite | ||
90 | Purple Gem | Tense Zyanite | ||
463 | Gun | Physical DPS | Ranged | Amber Sprayer of Klaxxi'vess |
463 | One-handed Mace | Physical DPS | One Hand | Amber Sledge of Klaxxi'vess |
463 | Polearm | Physical DPS | Two Hand | Amber Spear of Klaxxi'vess |
463 | One-handed Sword | Melee | One Hand | Amber Espada of Klaxxi'vess |
463 | One-handed Sword | Spell DPS | One Hand | Amber Saber of Klaxxi'vess |
463 | Two-handed Sword | Melee | Two Hand | Amber Flammard of Klaxxi'vess |
55 | Staff | Spell Spirit | Two Hand | Staff of Pilgrimage |
289 | Staff | Spell Spirit | Two Hand | Staff of Serenity |
45 | Staff | Spell Spirit | Two Hand | Sparring Staff |
142 | Staff | Spell Spirit | Two Hand | Staff of Fallen Blossoms |
35 | Staff | Spell Spirit | Two Hand | Initiate's Staff |
25 | Staff | Spell Spirit | Two Hand | Novice's Staff |
20 | Staff | Spell Spirit | Two Hand | Aspirant's Staff of Harmony |
93 | Staff | Spell Spirit | Two Hand | Staff of Meditation |
282 | Staff | Spell Spirit | Two Hand | Staff of the Summit's Breeze |
20 | Staff | Physical DPS | Two Hand | Aspirant's Staff of Grace |
282 | Staff | Physical DPS | Two Hand | Staff of the Echoing Gong |
282 | Staff | Physical DPS | Two Hand | Staff of the Frozen Mountain |
463 | Staff | Spell DPS | Two Hand | Amber Scythe of Klaxxi'vess |
20 | Fist Weapon | Physical DPS | One Hand | Handwrap Test |
282 | Fist Weapon | Physical DPS | One Hand | Tiger Lord's Razor Claws |
93 | Fist Weapon | Physical DPS | One Hand | Handwraps of Meditation |
282 | Fist Weapon | Physical DPS | One Hand | Tiger Lord's Bladed Claws |
55 | Fist Weapon | Physical DPS | One Hand | Handwraps of Pilgrimage |
142 | Fist Weapon | Physical DPS | One Hand | Handwraps of Fallen Blossoms |
45 | Fist Weapon | Physical DPS | One Hand | Grappling Handwraps |
25 | Fist Weapon | Physical DPS | One Hand | Novice's Handwraps |
289 | Fist Weapon | Physical DPS | One Hand | Handwraps of Serenity |
35 | Fist Weapon | Physical DPS | One Hand | Initiate's Handwraps |
463 | Dagger | Spell Spirit | One Hand | Amber Spine of Klaxxi'vess |
463 | Dagger | Physical DPS | One Hand | Amber Slicer of Klaxxi'vess |
87 | Item Enhancement | Enchant Bracer - Exceptional Strength (Scaling) | ||
1 | Other | Anatomical Dummy | ||
90 | Other | Water Spirit | ||
90 | Other | Life Spirit |
New Icons
Some (or many) may be missing.
New Client Strings
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- BATTLETAG - BattleTag
- BATTLE_PET_CANNOT_BATTLE - This creature\ncannot battle.
- BATTLE_PET_COMBAT_LOG_CAPTURE_LOST - Your trapped pet was lost. You must win the battle to claim your trapped pet.
- BATTLE_PET_FIND_BATTLE_DISABLED - Unlock all three battle slots to queue for a pet battle.
- BATTLE_PET_FIND_BATTLE_READONLY - Find Battle is locked because this account is logged in multiple times.
- BATTLE_PET_NOT_TRADABLE - This pet is not tradeable.
- CONFIRM_LAUNCH_URL - Clicking \"Okay\" will open a window in your web browser.
- DUNGEON_FLOOR_BADLANDS18 - Uldaman Entrance
- DUNGEON_FLOOR_BARRENS20 - Wailing Cavern Entrance
- DUNGEON_FLOOR_DESOLACE21 - The Wicked Grotto
- DUNGEON_FLOOR_DESOLACE22 - Foulspore Cavern
- DUNGEON_FLOOR_WESTFALL17 - The Deadmines Entrance
- ENTER_NAME_OR_BATTLETAG - Enter: BattleTag, Character Name
- ENTER_NAME_OR_BATTLETAG_OR_EMAIL - Enter: Email, BattleTag, Character Name
- ENTER_NAME_OR_EMAIL - Enter: Email, Character Name
- ERR_PETBATTLE_QUEUE_SLOT_NO_PET - Pet battle slot %d has no pet.
- ERR_PETBATTLE_WILD_PET_TAPPED - Pet is being battled by another player.
- ERR_VOID_TRANSFER_ITEM_INVALID - One or more of your items are ineligible to be deposited into void storage.
- OPTION_TOOLTIP_AUTO_QUEST_WATCH - Automatically track quests with objectives as soon as you obtain them and for 5 minutes after achieving an objective.
- OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_ENERGIZE - Shows all instant gains of mana, rage, energy, and chi.
- OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_ACCOUNT_ACHIEVEMENTS - Turning this option on will only display your character achievements when people inspect you or use the Armory web site.
- OPTION_TOOLTIP_SSAO - Controls the rendering quality of the advanced lighting effects. Decreasing this may greatly improve performance.
- PET_BATTLE_FORFEIT_CONFIRMATION - Are you sure you want to forfeit the match? Your opponent will be deemed the winner.
- PET_BATTLE_TRAP_ERR_7 - Can't trap an NPC's pets
- PET_BATTLE_TRAP_ERR_8 - Can't trap twice in same battle
- PET_JOURNAL_HEAL_SPELL_LOCKED - This spell is locked because this account is logged in multiple times.
- PET_JOURNAL_HELP_5 - The pet card displays information about a pet's abilities and stats.\n\n\n\nHover over the Info button to see how to obtain a pet.
- PET_JOURNAL_HELP_6 - Use this ability to revive and heal your pets.\n\n\n\nYou can also visit a stable master in any town if this is on cooldown.
- PET_JOURNAL_READONLY_TEXT - Your battle slots are locked because this account is logged in multiple times.
- REALID_BATTLETAG_FRIEND_LABEL - Enter email address\n(or BattleTag)
- REALID_FRIEND_LABEL - Enter email address
- SHOW_ACCOUNT_ACHIEVEMENTS - Display Only Character Achievements to Others
- SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_168 - You can't do that during a Challenge Mode
- STAGE_COMPLETE - Stage Complete
- STAT_HASTE_MELEE_MONK_TOOLTIP - Increases attack speed and energy regeneration.
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