Mists of Pandaria Beta - Build 16048
A new beta build will be deployed on beta realms soon. We will be updating these notes frequently, so keep checking back!

Spell Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
  • Terky is now a Battle Pet.

Death Knight (Forums)
  • Death Strike now does 280% weapon damage, up from 230%. Damage increased by 43%.

  • Heart Strike now does 115% weapon damage, down from 170%. Damage reduced by 54%.

Hunter (Forums)

  • Burrow Attack no longer costs 50 focus, instead costs 10 Focus, plus 5 per sec.
  • Fire Breath now increases magic damage taken by 5% for 45 sec, down from 8%.
  • Froststorm Breath no longer costs 50 focus, instead costs 10 Focus, plus 5 per sec.

Monk (Forums)

Shaman (Forums)

Warlock (Forums)

  • Hellfire mana cost is now 2% of Base Mana, plus 2% per sec, down from 4% of Base Mana, plus 4% per sec.

Warrior (Forums)

  • Revenge now generates 15 Rage in Defensive Stance, up from 10.
  • Shield Slam now generates 20 Rage in Defensive Stance, up from 15.
  • Unwavering Sentinel now increases your armor value from items by 25%, up from 10%.

  • Running Wild now can't be cast in Tree of Life Form, Moonkin Form.

Raid & Dungeon Abilities
  • Crush Garalon crushes his foes, inflicting 800,000 Physical damage to enemies within 12 yards and 100,000 75,000 Physical damage to all enemies.
  • Overwhelming Assault Inflicts 150% weapon damage to his current target and increases damage from further Overwhelming Assaults by 100% for 45 sec. 50% for 45 sec.
  • Spiritual Grasp Inflicts 40,500 Inflicts 54,000 Shadow damage to the target.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Mists of Pandaria Beta - Build 16048 started by chaud View original post
Comments 67 Comments
  1. Slavemaker's Avatar
    Interesting changes.
  1. Rorschachs's Avatar
    This pretty much solves blood dks doing more dps than most other dps specs.. Surprised that there is still nothing about warriors tho. So are they okay with warriors being able to crit 100k 3-4 times in a row at 90?

    edit : on people with full resi. Oh and I saw execute crit 300k..
  1. mmoc3af83c8de6's Avatar
    Well, I think the 700k crit executes are far worse, but I read that those are being dealt with ( to what extent I don't know ).
  1. Milkshake86's Avatar
    Blood DK's were doing near 55k+ as of 5.0.4, clearly needed a buff to DS.
  1. hellcat1991's Avatar
    they have said execute is fine stop complaining about it seriously
  1. mmoc6a909ad927's Avatar
    Oh look they fixed every shaman problem we have.
    Well done shaman team give yourself a pat on the back....
  1. Dayon's Avatar
    As a Warrior tank, this makes me happy.
  1. Strafer's Avatar
    Wow, 60 min Sacrifice, they really don't wanna make us use our minions.
  1. Enfilade's Avatar
    The sacrifice changes really want me to play my Warlock again! I am not a huge fan of pet classes, and maybe this is what the class needed in order to get like-minded players to play the class.
  1. brothernads's Avatar
    What is Terky and how do I get one?
  1. Dubbed's Avatar
    Buff Elemental single target damage imo.
  1. Dragon Claws's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dayon View Post
    As a Warrior tank, this makes me happy.
    This this this.
  1. ArithEU's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dubbed View Post
    Buff Elemental single target damage imo.
    This! It's pathetic!
  1. sebun's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by brothernads View Post
    What is Terky and how do I get one?
    I'd assume it is gift from the upcoming Battle.net World Championship games or what evers in China, like the earlier Blizzcon gifts.
  1. Omina's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lazay View Post
    Well, I think the 700k crit executes are far worse, but I read that those are being dealt with ( to what extent I don't know ).
    Execute isn't being changed from what they have said. In fact the last comment a blue made on it was that if your in execute range your only a couple globals from death anyways.
  1. mmoc3af83c8de6's Avatar
    Well, I guess then that http://blue.mmo-champion.com/topic/2...ecute-pve-pov/ doesn't prove execute will be nerfed. /sarcasm
  1. Grakey's Avatar
    What happened to the guardian druid updates?
  1. Bahska's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Rorschachs View Post
    This pretty much solves dks doing more dps than most other dps specs.. Surprised that there is still nothing about warriors tho. So are they okay with warriors being able to crit 100k 3-4 times in a row at 90?

    edit : on people with full resi. Oh and I saw execute crit 300k..
    They moved some of the execute damage away to other abilities 2 (?) builds ago.

  1. mmocf74f506587's Avatar
    FFS can they nerf hunters into the ground anymore.. dumb fucks
  1. Rorschachs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nag View Post
    FFS can they nerf hunters into the ground anymore.. dumb fucks
    They buffed explosive shot at least.. lol

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